#french plushies are my secret weapon
littleguymart · 10 months
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steampunkishfoxes · 4 months
Clara Carmine headcanons
Note: I'm new to the fan content scene on Tumblr, still figuring things out! I’m going to be making headcanons based on different fictional characters I adore, from different franchises/fandoms!
Clara Carmine is the daughter of Carmilla Carmine, one of the overlords in the series Hazbin Hotel on Amazon Prime. She’s one of my favourite characters and I wanted to dedicate my first headcanon post to her! Clara only has about 10-15 seconds of screen time, and one spoken line, but I adore her!
NSFW/SFW, Mature themes: discussion of death, discussion of cartels, discussions of weapons and violence, discussion of murder and a planned attack on a family, family themes, sexuality, pronouns, discussions of blood.
The following headcanons discuss what I think she would’ve been like on earth and what she’s like in hell.
-Clara is the younger of the two sisters, about 18 years of age physically, her soul is around 25 years old.
-She identifies as a demigirl, with she/they pronouns.
-She used to struggle a lot with her sexuality, she never really saw the fun in boys, but never paid attention to girls either. With help from her sister she found out she was lesbian around the age of 16 on earth.
-She looks a lot like her father, but her personality is more like her mother.
-Fluent in English, Spanish and French, though she’s attempted to learn Portuguese too.
-She’s fiercely protective over Odette, when the two were in school on earth Clara was always the one who stood up for her older sister when she was bullied.
-She hasn’t lost her confidence after finding herself in hell. She isn’t afraid to fight any demon that hurts her sister or mother, but doesn’t often get the chance to fight because of Carmilla’s protective and motherly nature.
-In the Carmine weapons business she takes the role of delivery girl alongside her sister Odette.
-In her free time she plays music, she has a customised guitar she uses to write and record her own song covers- this girl can SING!
-She’s very active on Sinstagram, posting music covers for any listening ear.
-Clara owns one soul, a lackey from the cartel she worked for on earth, who came to the Carmines for protection.
Because every demon needs a safe place to call home, these are the headcanons I have for Clara’s room in the Carmine Mansion, down in hell!
-Clara’s room has slate blue walls and is covered with posters and pictures, most of them depicting her family. She has a large family picture of her, her mother and sister in front of their business on her ceiling above her bed, so she can look up at it every night.
-She has a queen sized bed with matte royal blue covers and a lot of pillows.
-She has a wolf plushie, affectionately named Wolfie, which she’s had since she was 2 years old. Wolfie has a top hat and bowtie.
!!MATURE THEMES AHEAD!!: discussion of death, discussion of cartels, discussions of weapons and violence, discussion of murder and a planned attack on a family.
The following headcanons discuss the surroundings of Clara’s death.
Family headcanon: Carmilla’s ex husband left her shortly after Clara’s birth, leaving her with two young daughters in a broken city in Mexico. Carmilla entered the weapons business, working for a well known and dangerous cartel. She started out delivering weapons but learned how to make them for a bigger payout. As her daughters grew up, she took bigger, more risky jobs to be able to protect them. One night a rival gang broke into their house and killed the family in cold blood.
-Clara was the first of Carmilla’s daughters to find out about her mother’s secret job, finding her making weapons in the garage when she was about 12 years old. Carmilla asked her to stay silent, but Clara told her older sister immediately.
-She was also the first to enter the family business, stealing a package Carmilla was supposed to deliver to the cartel. Clara delivered it instead and used the money she earned to buy her mother a birthday present. Carmilla told her not to do that, but reluctantly let Clara help with simple, risk free deliveries. Clara was 15.
-Clara befriended one of the cartel members, a bodyguard.
-Clara was the first one to die in the attack. When she was 19, her mother and sister were asleep after watching a movie. Clara was dozing off when she was startled wide awake by pounding on the door.
-Before she could even open it, the door was kicked open, hitting her in the head. She fell, her and her family were quickly grabbed and restrained.
-Clara was dizzy from the hit and confused, she vaguely heard shouting and crying.
-The last thing she saw as a human was her family, her mother’s and sister's faces as she was shot in the chest, the first death in the Carmine home invasion. Clara was 18 when she died.
-Clara’s cause of death was determined to be blunt force trauma to the head, and a fatal shot to the heart.
-She hides the shot mark under her shirt, ashamed of the moment she let her guard down.
Foods, colours, animals, and everything in between!
-Food: Anything spicy is a big hit! She hates bland and boring food and will often add peppers or some kind of hot sauce for that perfect kick with every meal! Except for breakfast, she’ll never try cereal with hot sauce again.
-Colours: Black, dark shades of green and blue. She’s not a fan of red, reminding her of the blood she saw on her hands when she died.
-Animals: Wolves, wolves, WOLVES! She loves any canine but mostly wolves! They remind her of how fiercely protective she is over her family! She doesn’t like birds, they creep her out.
-Music: Besides her own music, she loves music from her heritage! Flamenco, salsa, she’ll listen and sing along to it all! Classical music is a BORE though, it always makes her so sleepy.
-Movies: She was never huge on movies, but when she was little, she always watched the movie Balto, dreaming of snow. She hates movies with blood, it reminds her of her own weakness.
-A weird collection she has: Heart shaped stuff! If she’s out in the city and she sees a cool rock shaped vaguely like a heart, she’ll pocket it and show it to her family at home, some of her hearts are questionable, but she loves it all!
-A guilty pleasure: Watching the sunset from her balcony. It’s quiet and simple, she’s loved it since she was a kid.
-Her biggest fear: Being unable to try and protect her family, like when she died. She can’t handle the weak, pathetic feeling, she may have panic attacks when thinking about it.
How does Clara fall into the ensemble of hell? Who would she bond with, and who would she hate?
-Who from the entire cast would she hate the most?
The Vees, mainly Velvette, because of how she treats her mother.
-If she met the Hazbin Hotel staff and inhabitants, who would she bond with?
Vaggie, both are strong souls with a tragic past!
-Who would she most likely have a song with? About what?
With her mother and sister, a song about protecting each other no matter what, almost like an “Out for love” reprise
Thank you for reading all the way through!! I’m planning on making way more headcanons in the future! Feel free to ask for specific characters/headcanons in the comments!
A list of future projects:
-Odette Carmine
-Carmilla Carmine
-Zestial Morde
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morroodle · 1 year
Legoland day 1!
It was supposed to rain today but it was fine in the morning, a lil misty but nothing too bad. Started pouting after lunch though and we ended up leaving early but it was still decently fun. The theme park was smaller than I expected but that's ok, less strain on my legs (fuck you chronic pain). Theres a special ninjago weekend event going on so theres more ninjago than normal and at each activity you get a sticker and once you get 5 you get a prize but I am determined to get them all
Here's what we did:
Went on the lego factory ride. It was alright but I lost my water bottle and we had to stop and turn off halfway through cause of some baby so that probably made things worse (dw I got my water bottle back at the end of the day)
Went on the ninjago rides which were kinda underwhelming but still fun
My family abandoned me in the ninjago gift shop but it was like candyland in there
Got THOROUGHLY distracted by the ninjago playground thing they had. It was like 2 cubes at an angle and the inside was a maze also at the same 45° angle and it was a ton of fun I will be going back in there tomorrow
Split up from my sister and dad cause the show going on outside the ninjago ride was too loud for her (kinda too loud for me too but I needed the sticker)
Helped build a giant serpentine so I could get a sticker
There were these lil scavenger hunt type things, one about which weapon each ninja uses and one about a secret phrase ninja must live by (never put off until tomorrow...) but I already knew the answers so they just gave me the sticker
Took a picture with Lloyd! There was like no line and he was so goofy looking and I high fived him
(Exiting the ninjago area) went on my first real roller coaster (don't make fun of me I know I'm a pussy) and had a ton of fun. It wasn't too intense and it was pretty short but it was a blast and I'm gonna do it again tomorrow
Met back up with the rest of my family for lunch. I had the saddest school-quality sliders and stole some of my mom's actually good french fries. Sister got a MEAT STICK (giant turkey leg) which appearantly had a sauce that was made with coca cola
Went into lego city where my sister played one of their Carnival games and got a lil axolotl plushie as a prize then made me carry it because I'm the only one who thought to bring a decent sized bag
Went to go see the 4d ninjago show but they had absolutely no information about what time it was at so we ended up seeing lego mythica instead which I did not care for
Went to the pirate area and looked around but it was raining heavily so we couldn't really do mucu
Went back to the theater and ACTUALLY saw the 4d ninjago thing. It had similar energy to the wu's teas clips, especially the ones where they drink the teas they shouldnt. The main gimmick of the 4d thing was spraying water in my face which got old really fast
Headed back to the ninjago area to see a show that was canceled due to the rain and learned that another show and the dance party were also canceled. Did still get the stickers for the other 2 though :D
I wanted to play the ninjago carnival games cause there was a prize I really wanted (NINJA ORB) only to discover that it was not what I thought it was. I thought it was a giant fluffy plush sphere with a lil ninja face on it but turns out it was actually a rubber ball with a fluffy skin. I was heartbroken. Tried to win it anyways but it's harder than it looks. I might get it tomorrow then take it home, pop the ball, skin it and stuff it to be what I wanted but idk.
Got a super cool sexy limited edition collectors item ninjago legoland ny cup for way too much money
Headed back to the entrance to meet up with the other part of my family in The Big Store and then proceeded to loose them in The Big Store. My dad and sister both got giant really expensive lego sets and my mom got the lego Orchid set. I got a croissant.
Overall the day was ok but could have gone much better. I'm glad I'm headed back tomorrow cause there's alot of stuff I couldn't do due to the rain and also I still need to buy stuff. There's a few thing that really stood out to me but I'm not sure exactly what I'm gonna get. My dad really wanted the giant lego flowers they have around the park but alas they do not sell them. Now we're just chilling in the hotel room letting our clothes dry until dinner. I'll let yall know how tomorrow goes. Gonna put all the pictures from both days in a different post because this one is plenty big enough already.
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blizzardelements · 4 years
I made some headcannons for the Arbalist, my tf2 oc, about a month ago, I might as well put them here. These are just facts to get a gist of what she's like.
Arbalist Headcannons
• Everyone will be very suprised if she acts serious and start thinking she's upset.
• She would be the person to catch a Sidewinder in the desert and bring it to the base and present it to Medic or Sniper like a cat or something.
• She really respects Heavy and Soldier.
• Definitely an Aquarius.
• She tries her best to understand Pyro and will buy them a lot of plushies all the time.
• She enjoys talking to Medic a lot, she even admitted she might have a 'crush' on him. She will mostly be by his side during rounds and take bullets for him.
• The Arbalist will proceed to hide bad injuries from Medic, once, she broke her humerus while getting Scout out of the vents and hid in a closet until Engineer and Medic found her and forced her to go to the Med-Bay to get it patched up.
• She has NEVER cussed, the day she cusses will be a monumental point in time.
• She stubs her toe a LOT, and will silently squeal, Scout thinks it's cute.
• Being part Scottish, her and Demoman have a strong friendship, he shows her Scottish dishes such as Haggis and Kedgeree, and they enjoy making up theories about the many secrets of Scotland.
• Sniper finds her quite annoying, he enjoys her interest in deadly animals but when she's shoving them in his face, it sets him off a bit.
• The Arbalist gets nightmares some times, the worst was when she had a horrible waking nightmare and ran out of her room in terror and sat sobbing in front of her door. Engi found her and searched her room to make her feel better, then let her sleep in his bed for the night while he worked on a project.
• Soldier's raccoons? She LOVES them, even the rabid one in the corner! She will come to his Raccoon Sanctuary every once in a while and help Soldier check for fleas or ticks and teach him ways to get rid of them.
• She learned French in Highschool, and enjoys sparking a conversation with Spy in French every once in a while, most wonder what they're saying the entire time. Except Medic and Heavy.
• She will strike down Scout's innapropriate questions with innocent misunderstanding. But she knows what he's saying, EVERY WORD.
• Engineer helped her build her primary weapon. Based off of a video game. That Warden Crossbow.
• Medic suggested that she tie her hair up more. Of course she did so.
• She sings sometimes, mainly in a bright soprano. But once, Spy caught her singing in a heavy alto.
• The Arbalist reads with Heavy sometimes. Her earlier fear of Heavy the first week of her being a mercenary instantly faded when he asked her about her love of books.
• Goodness, her fear of needles is rather intense, Medic has had a hard time trying to get her to cooperate with him. When she got a sniper shell lodged near her small intestines, it took a few days to finally put her under to remove it.
• Sometimes, she catches Sniper or Spy talking crap about her and will proceed to have a panic attack and isolate herself for a few days. She just wants everyone to like her...
• She brought her Reticulated Python, Ramen, to live with her in the base. As a Herpetologist, she enjoys having reptiles all around her. The Desert is a great place to find venomous snakes such as the Eastern and Western Rattlesnake.
I want to sorta make a little comic about her twisting relationship with Spy-that is, IF I could get it done without backing out.
My actual first tf2 piece is still not done, I only have 1 layer left to go and I decide to read and draw other things instead of just finishing it...
But it's just Medic looking at Archimedes pecking at his cup of tea.
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