#freyatos kids
tired0artist · 2 years
| gersemi & hnoss |
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(or galena & helen)
A World After Ragnarök.
Written by Unknown.
Chapter Five: The New Gods.
Hnoss and Gersemi, daughters of the Goddess Freya, the ruler of Vanaheim. (Also known as Freya’s treasures.). Both were born post Ragnarök, hence proudly proclaimed as the “New Gods”. (Along with the two exceptions, such as the God Loki and the Goddess Thrúd, who were born before Ragnarok.).
Hnoss, Goddess of Love and Desire. The proud ambassador of the Gods, with a surprisingly quick and fiery temper. She’s said to have broken the jaw of Vidar, a surviving Aesir God of Vengeance, all while signing a peace treaty. Those present will confirm that the God deserved it, and well, he is now known as The Silent One. (No one wonders why.). Due to this reputation, many of her affairs since have been resolved peacefully. 
Gersemi, Goddess of Adoration and Beauty. The Commander of the Shieldmaidens, with a mastery over avoiding everyone. From Aesir down to Dwarf, not many can say that they had the pleasure of laying their eyes upon the Goddess. Because of this, many often mistake her for being the one and the same as her older twin Hnoss. Although, once someone manages to meet her, they’re unable to think of them as one and the same. There are whispers that she can set a man on fire, with only a passing glance. (No one yet has proven this rumour to be true, but the Commander is quite intimidating. Although very beautiful.).
The sisters aren’t usually seen together, which is fueling the rumours about Hnoss being the only daughter of Freya, but there are times when the Goddesses meet in Vanaheim’s court. Those trusted enough, will confirm that there’s nothing as bright as Hnoss’ smile and nothing as refreshing as Gersemi’s laughter, once they’re reunited.
Helen and Galena, daughters of the God Kratos, the General of the United Realms. (Also known as the Midgardian Goddesses.). Both were born after Ragnarök and raised in Midgard.
Helen, Goddess of the Hunt and Travel. A great huntress and an eager explorer, many say that she knows all the woodlands in Midgard like no one else, there are whispers that she was greatly involved in the progress of making a fairly detailed map of Midgard. 
Galena, Goddess of Healing and Wisdom. A talented scholar and a gentle healer, people of Midgard see her often around the villages, where she offers remedies and teaches how to heal. She’s said to have written a book on healing, but the Midgardians keep any other detail a secret, so not many can confirm it.
These sisters are known to often travel together, once someone catches a glimpse of Helen or Galena, it is natural that the other sister will appear shortly. (Or so they say in Midgard. No God apart from Loki can confirm that the Goddesses exist. It was advised no to ask their father about them, hence the otherwise lacking knowledge of them.).
All four are known as the “New Gods” who were born post Ragnarok, although if we are to trust the word of Mimir, it could be possible that instead of four Goddesses there are truly only two. 
But that is fairly unlikely, for it is known that Hnoss and Gersemi’s father is Odr the God of Rage. While Helen and Galena’s mother is a Midgardian witch. 
Hence this theory is rather quickly resolved.
Isn’t it?
open for a A/N and close ups of the girls!!
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Okay, so more about the girls from me. To blow away any confusion, yes, Hnoss and Gersemi (or Helen and Galena) are Kratos and Freya’s daughters. They’re based on Freya’s daughters (Hnoss and Gersemi) that she had with her mysterious husband Odr (God of Rage and/or Madness) in Norse Myths. Their other names are Greek, since I do believe that after Atreus’ case, both Freya and Kratos would settle on giving them two names. 
Now, as in the Myths both girls are often mistaken for one another, or it’s said that there was only one of them, so I used that. The in canon explanation, could be that Atreus somehow caused it and thought of it as a prank, which just goes on for a long time, since Gersemi is quite withdrawn from any business between the Gods unlike Hnoss. 
Speaking of, let’s tackle our girl Hnoss (Helen) first! She’s the older twin and she’s quite similar in personality to Atreus. Hnoss is very open and friendly, makes connections rather easily and overall is viewed as rather charming. Although she does have problems with controlling her anger. 
She can use any given weapon, but chooses not to carry one, choosing instead to use her fists if needed (*cough* like Baldur *cough*). But, when she’s hunting, she, much like her beloved older brother, uses a bow. 
She chose to become an ambassador to aid Freya in her ruling and because of her fascination with Mimir. The head took a great part in shaping both girl’s personalities, with his stories and teachings, but it was Hnoss who followed in his footsteps. 
Now, about Gersemi (Galena). The younger twin (obviously) and her personality on the other hand is a very well done mix of Kratos and Freya. She’s quiet but honest to the bone, but she is also kind and gentle. She suffers from a resting bitch face, but otherwise is a sweetheart (honestly she’s just shy). Although her reputation might say otherwise, Gersemi often chooses not to fight, opting to resolve matters peacefully (but if you threaten or harm anyone close to her, no power in the realms can save you). 
She mainly prefers to use the sword which Freya gave her, but she also relies heavily on her Vanir magic. 
Gersemi became a shieldmaiden wanting to prove herself to her parents and brother, but with time she grew over that need and started to aim to uphold peace within the realms. 
Their relationship with their parents is very good and close. Both Freya and Kratos have learned from their past mistakes and aimed to raise their daughters even better. Freya, instead of turning to her magic in search of a way to protect her children, trained them both to protect themselves (also she would destroy anyone who would ever aim to harm them and she rests peacefully knowing that Kratos would do the same). Kratos, instead of distancing himself, allowed himself to stay close and honest (by the time the girls are adults, he has trouble finding purpose without them, but both Atreus and Freya are a great help). 
Atreus played a great part in raising his siblings as well, he was the one to teach them both how to hunt and left an open ear for their troubles when such came. He always aims to come and check in with his sisters, no matter how busy he might be in Jotunheim. 
Overall they’re all just a big happy family, but since they do value their privacy such mishaps as others knowing very little about the girls and creating two different personas for them, often happen. Honestly, Atreus just has fun pranking his sisters and fueling the rumours about there being four goddesses and crafting the Odr persona for his father. 
Becoming an older brother truly made him embrace his trickster persona. 
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