#friday it'll be back to 9-2 so u can expect me to not be here during those hours next two days
millionsnife · 1 year
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5 years
Pairing: Mark Lee x reader
Genre: fluff I guess?
Warnings: mentions of alcohol and vomit
So this is the first thing I’ve ever written, my first language is mixed with English so sorry if some things don’t make sense. I’m not very good at writing but I thought I’d give it a shot
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"We're having drinks at mine on Friday, you coming?" Chan asked. "Who's all going?" You asked, contemplating on whether you should go or not. You weren't really the kind that's into drinking. Well, you've never actually had drink but just the idea of it puts you off. "Me, Mark, Daisy, Chaeyoung, Minhyuk, and possibly Wooyoung and Yerim." You heard Mark’s name pop up and you instantly perked up. You have feelings for Mark. You’ve had them for 5 years actually. Everyone who saw you together always thought you were in a relationship. You told him about 2 years ago that you had feelings for him but he rejected you in a kind manner. Thankfully, your confession didn't affect your friendship. He and everyone else, minus Chan, thought you had moved on but you hadn't. Since you told Mark about your feelings for him, he's had two girlfriends. One was one of your close friends and the other, who he is currently dating, hates your guts. The reason being was unknown to you. You thought it could be because you’re a girl but she didn’t mind Mark being friends with any other girls so that couldn’t be the reason. All you knew about her was that she had cheated on him twice and he was not happy with her. You always wondered why he didn't break up with her when he told you that he didn't have the heart to. "Don't worry, she won't be there." It was like Chan read your mind. "I'll think about it," you replied whilst scrolling through Instagram.
Friday morning and you still hadn't decided if you were going to go to Chan’s or not. You wanted to go because you thought it would be fun but you didn't want to go because you would most likely have to deal with drunk people. You were sitting on the grass on campus doing some work when someone came and sat beside you. Expecting it to be Chan, you looked up and saw Mark and Chaeyoung. "Are you coming to Chan’s?" "Add songs to the playlist," they said at the same time. You just looked confused when Mark repeated himself, "Are you coming to Chan’s?" You set your pen down, "Oh right, eh, yeah I am," you said. No going back now. "Sweet. We'll see you tonight then," Mark said, patting your shoulder then leaving with Chaeyoung. Great. Just as you put your headphones in, Chan appeared. "So you coming tonight?" You take your headphones back out and set them down. "Yeah, I am." He gave you a thumbs up. "Cool, you can stay over if you want, Chaeyoung, Daisy and Mark are." You looked at him with a confused look, "what about the others?" He shook his head, "Nah, they can't even come so it's just gonna be the five of us. You might have to share a bed, by the way." You didn't think it would be that bad. Sure you weren't that close to Daisy and Chaeyoung but hopefully you'll become closer after tonight. "Alright, I'll come over at 10." You told him. Chan nodded and made his way to a lecture.
It was 9:30pm when you looked at the clock. You decided you would leave in 15 minutes since it takes around about 20 minutes to get to Chan’s. You had been to Chan’s before but that was about a year ago so you were going to have to guess how to get to his. Your phone lit up with a text from Chan that read "Are you coming?" You had just gotten into your car, texting back with "I'm omw". You had been driving for about 15 minutes, turning into the correct roads when you realised you couldn't remember what Chan’s house even looked like. Shit. You were lost. You pulled over into a passing place and got out your phone to text Chan. Your thumbs did a little dance over the keyboard, not wanting to send a message admitting you were lost. Right at that moment you got a text from Chan that read "m8 r u lost or something?" You laughed at the message and replied with "maybe, maybe not" and waited for a response. You looked at the houses around you and thought you recognised a car parked in a drive way. Wait. You physically face palmed when you realised you had been sitting outside Chan’s house for the past 5 minutes thinking you were lost. You pulled your car into the drive way, turned it off and got out.
You walked up to the front door to be greeted by Chan and Chaeyoung and some very loud music. Before you could even take your shoes off, Chaeyoung had handed you a can of something and led you through the house to the source of the loud music. You saw Daisy and said your hellos, wondering where Mark was. As if by magic, Mark appeared from the kitchen with a can like yours. He looked at you and just said "Shut up" which you responded with "You shut up". You and Mark have the kind of friendship where you insult each other for fun and are sarcastic 90% of the time. You went and sat down and everyone came and joined you. You were all just joking around when Mark decided you should all play the card game "kings" which involves a lot of drinking. Half way through the game you had your feet on Mark’s lap, Chan and Daisy kept holding hands and Chaeyoung kept on doing shots. You ended up losing the game which meant you had to drink the alcoholic concoction in the middle but you refused. Mark and Daisy said they would share it for you, both drinking a half. By this point, you had been there for about 2 hours and your head was killing you and you felt really panicky and on edge. Maybe because this was your first party.
You were left in the room all by yourself when Mark came in and walked over to you. He looked at you with a worried look in his eyes "what's up? Are you okay?" You just shrugged your shoulders and mumbled an "I guess" when he grabbed your hand and started stroking the back of it with his thumb. He pulled you up off the chair and told you to walk around a bit. You walked through to the living room to find a cat which you befriended. You were playing with the cat when a drunk Daisy came into the room and sat on the floor beside you. Chan appeared to see if Daisy was okay, "just wait, leave, we are having a one-on-one conversation, Chan. Come back in 5 minutes," Daisy demanded, slurring some of words. Chan left the two of you when Daisy looked at you, "Do you hate me? Because I feel like you hate me and I don't want you to hate me because you seem like a lovely person and I want to be friends with you but I feel like you hate me." Daisy rambled on. "I don't hate you, Daisy. You seem like a lovely person too." You assured her. "I am, I just don't want you to hate me," she mumbled drunkenly, standing up, stumbling slightly and leaving. You laughed to yourself and carried on playing with the cat. You spent an hour sitting with the cat when Chan’s mom came home from a night shift at work. The five of you and Chan’s mom were all speaking when Chaeyoung quickly stood up covering her mouth. Oh no. You were so thankful that there was a trash can near because all the drink Chaeyoung had consumed had come back up to say hi. You, being the absolute baby that you are, had to leave the room because vomit makes you feel like vomiting. You went and sat back with the cat when Mark appeared with a whole pizza. You were sitting looking at the floor when Mark broke the silence, "you're really pretty." You looked at him, confused, "what?" He looked at you in the eyes and repeated himself "you're really pretty. I felt like I needed to tell you that because you don't get told that enough." You looked back at the ground, trying not to show that you were blushing, "I only ever get told that by my mom and grandma," you said, chuckling to yourself. Before anything else could be said, Chan’s mom came into the room and started a casual conversation with both of you. After having a random conversation about making a cake with mayonnaise, Mark thought it would be best if you went to bed since you felt bad. You walked up the corridor with Mark, "where am I going?" You asked Mark, "well, either you go left into the bedroom or you go right and end up in the bathroom, your choice really." He said chuckling. You went into the guest room which had a double bed in it. You were sitting on the edge of the bed when Chan’s mom asked if you would mind sharing a bed with Chaeyoung, you looked at her and replied with "as long as she doesn't vomit again." Chan’s mom laughed, handed you a pink, spotted bathrobe and walked away. 10 minutes had passed and you were still sitting there when you overheard Mark speaking to Chan’s mom, "So Chaeyoung is passed out on the couch, Daisy is sleeping in Chan’s bed so you'll have to share with Y/N." What? Did you really just hear that? You're going to have to share a bed with Mark, the guy you've liked for 5 years? The guy that is one of your best friends? The guy that's in a relationship with a girl that hates you? Great. That's not going to be awkward.
There was a knock on the door, "yeah?" You replied whilst in a daydream, "what's up roomie?" It was Mark. "Nothin’ I guess," you replied, not making eye contact. Mark took the bathrobe, put it on and then sat on the floor in front of you, stroking your leg. "What's up?" You started shaking, "I just don't feel good, that's all." You said looking at your feet. "Do you feel sick or is it your anxiety?" He questioned, knowing you better than almost anyone. You lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, "both I guess." You sighed. Mark got off the floor to come and sit beside you. "I'll try and take your mind off it. So, what's the gossip?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "There's not much gossip, I live a very boring life you know." You said, laughing slightly. Mark was lying across the end of the bed with his eyes closed when you nudged him, "lie up here, it'll be comfier," you said, patting the other half of the bed beside you. He moved up beside you and got under the covers, looking at you while you were putting your hair up in a high ponytail. "You should feel honoured, I never let anyone see me with my hair up and bare faced," you mentioned, lying down beside him. You were staring at the roof when you heard a quiet "you look pretty with your hair up." You turned to look at Mark to notice he was already staring at you. "Don't look at me so close up!" You mumbled while covering your face, "but why?" He questioned, "just because." You replied.
You noticed your phone light up and saw that Chan had sent you a snapchat. That's weird, he's two doors away. Why can't he just come to your room? You opened it to a black screen with text that read "could you go find Daisy’s hoodie? She won't let me leave" Leave where? Just then you heard someone retching across the hall. Lovely. "Mark, could you help me find Daisy’s hoodie? She needs it and I dunno where it is," you asked looking at him. "Just give her this," he said, taking off the bathrobe and throwing it to you. You quietly opened the bedroom door and lightly knocked on the bathroom door. The door opened a tiny bit and then you saw Chan’s face appear. “I can’t find her hoodie but here’s a bathrobe, is she okay?” You asked as Chan took the robe. “She’s just had too much to drink. I want her to go to bed and try and sleep but she’s refusing to get off the floor, do you think you could help? Since you’re a girl and all.” He said, looking hopeful. “Dunno what being a girl has to do with this but I’ll try.” You crouch down beside Daisy to make sure she’s actually listening. “Come on Daisy, it’ll be much better if you’re cosy in bed instead of on the bathroom floor.” You couldn’t quite make out what she was saying because she was talking in a really whiny, wailing voice. After about 10 minutes of persuading Daisy to get up off the floor and go to bed, you had succeeded.
Heading back to the guest room, you opened the door quietly not knowing if Mark was awake or not. You looked at him and noticed he was peacefully sleeping. As gently as possible, you got into the bed and just lay there. You looked at your phone to see what time it was; 02:30am. You didn’t feel as tired anymore so you just lay there for what felt like hours, the only thoughts going through your mind was “MarkMarkMarkMarkMarkMark”. Around 6am you started to feel slightly tired but still not fully able to fall asleep so you turned onto your side so you were facing Mark’s sleeping body. You couldn’t help but notice that even with acne scars and a bit of stubble, he still looked perfect. The way his lips were ever so slightly parted was perfect. How his messy bed hair looked perfect. But you can’t think like this. He has a girlfriend and you’re not the type to ruin relationships. You turn onto your other side to try and stop the thoughts. A couple more hours pass by when you feel movement on the other half of the bed. Your eyes snap shut, pretending you’re asleep when you hear Mark leave the room. You sit up and rub your tired eyes and fix your messy hair before Mark comes back in with two glasses of water, handing one to you. “So how’re you feeling?” Mark asks with a sleepy voice after a few minutes of silence. “Honestly? I’m so fucking tired, my dude.” You say causing him to give a small chuckle while squeezing your hand. Before your conversation could carry on, Chan, Chaeyoung and Daisy all barge into your room and pile on your bed. “Hey Daisy, did you find your hoodie?” “Yeah it was in the freezer.” After a bit more small talk between the 5 of you, you all get up and get dressed for the day.
You’re helping Chan clean up in the living room when he quietly says to you “sorry for the three of us barging in earlier, Chaeyoung said that she doesn’t trust you.” Trust you? “Trust me with what?” You ask, picking up some pillows. “Well you know, she’s best friends with Mark’s girlfriend.” “Gross. Say no more.” You respond, rolling your eyes. “I tried telling her that you’re definitely not the type of person to do anything like that but she wouldn’t listen.” Expressed Chan. “Thanks but it seems like Chaeyoung will believe anything Mark’s girlfriend tells her. For all I know, Mark’s girlfriend could say I’m Satan and that I like to push over elderly people in the street and Chaeyoung would believe it.” Chan stopped what he was doing and looked at you; “you don’t actually do that, do you?” “Are you seriously asking me if I like to push over elderly people in the street?” You asked while Chan burst out laughing. “I’m kidding, I know you wouldn’t do that, you’re too weak to push over elderly people.” He said before running out the room, giggling. After a bit more cleaning and a lot of eating, you decide to head home. That was a pretty decent night.
It had been a couple weeks since that party. Party? Night? Get together? Whatever it was. Everything had been pretty normal, although you noticed that Mark hadn’t been texting you as much. You’re sitting on a bench on campus grounds, proof reading an essay on your laptop before you send it in when you sense someone walking towards you. You look up and see Mark walking over. “Hey Mark.” You say as you finish reading. “Hey.” Not sounding like his usual self, you look at him and raised an eyebrow as to indicate him to explain his tone. “So I broke up with my girlfriend a couple days ago. Well, ex girlfriend now. Just saw her making out with someone so seems like she’s moved on extremely quickly” He said with a sad smile while looking at his shoes. “Oh Mark, I’m sorry.” You said, putting your hand on his shoulder as a form of comfort. He stayed silent. Not knowing whether or not you should say something, you also stayed silent, removing your hand from his shoulder and looking at your keyboard. “I meant what I said that night at Chan’s, by the way.” He randomly said, breaking the silence. “I can’t remember what you said at Chan’s.” You said, cheeks flushing, knowing exactly what he was talking about. “That you’re really pretty. To be honest I’ve thought that since we first met. Actually I’ve had a crush on you since we first met.” He said, not making eye contact, both of your faces bright red. “So I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date and see where things go between us.” He confessed, finally looking at you with hopeful eyes. “That would be nice.” You said with a smile on your face. “I know that night you said I should be honoured because you never let anyone see you with your hair up and no makeup which I totally did feel honoured but right now you should feel pretty honoured; you’re the first and last girl I’ve ever asked out on a date.” He bashfully said. “I’m very honoured.” You said, letting out a small giggle. “Do you wanna go grab something to eat?” Mark asked, standing up. You closed your laptop and nodded. The two of you started walking when you felt his hand grab yours and lace your fingers together. With a small smile, Mark looked and you and quietly said “Your hand fits perfectly in mine.” That was the first of many, many dates.
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