victeux · 6 months
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"You take card, hm?" She's not convinced, but she'll move past that for now. "I think I will not... My life will not be changing anytime soon. And my friend says to not give card payments to strange stores."
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❝I take card!❞
Weird thing to take slight offense to when being called fake in a way after that, but priorities were never right for Sanguine.
❝I'm not adamant really compared to everyone else, if you don't believe it then you don't believe it. I can't change that unless you want to buy the experience yourself, and even then you can always chalk it up to coincidence. I'm just explaining what I do is all. If you wanna try then let's go for it, if not then oh well yeah?❞
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victeux · 7 months
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"I have a debit card. You... do not seem the type to take card, though." Who knows what she means by that. She glanced at the rock she'd purchased as he mentioned taking his work 'very seriously'. Hm. "I do think you are pulling out of air. Money is money, as they say. I have no issues with it. You are adamant that you are real, though. Why?"
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❝Probably not if you didn't even have five bucks today.❞
Maybe if it was like... a ten minute session he could go with five dollars, but that's pushing it most of the time. Unless it's like some really juicy personal drama discussed, that could be worth only charging five dollars. Though it didn't seem like she would have that kind of stuff to discuss, or at least no interest in discussing it.
❝It's not for everyone, some people want it for spiritual reasons and all that, some just curiosity. Oh, and of course the people who think I'm just pulling it all out of the air based on extremely vague questions. I would never do that, I take my work very seriously.❞
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victeux · 7 months
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"... Hm." He's not saying any price. That means it's expensive, regardless of how much he just tried to insist that it was usually cheap. "Sounds.. Like something I cannot pay for." Not that she would want to. Paying to hear someone guess about her future didn't sound like a good idea. Yet, she did just pay for a rock, so.. Who knows.
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Ohhhh! To tell a fortune not to chat. Duh.
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❝My bad, my bad. It depends on what I'm doing.❞
Different choices, different needs, different lengths of time!
❝You know some people want to be more in-depth about their tellings. I think it depends on the emotional reasonings, cause if it's something really important really emotionally charged then it's natural that it'd take more time and I don't really like charging so much for something like that. Just a regular short telling that's not very charged emotionally then it's on the cheap side of things, no reason to charge out the ass for barely anything.❞
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victeux · 7 months
"... You misunderstand my question." She thought she'd been clear, but oh well. Nothing a re-wording couldn't fix.
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"How much do you charge to tell a... fortune? Not free, no? But still talking for fifteen minutes." Why anyone would even pay to know their fortune was still an enigma to her, but that was more of a question for society than for the provider of the service.
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❝I'd do it for free!❞
Fifteen minutes of him being able to talk about whatever? Why charge for that? Even if the topic was someone else's life he loved being in people's business, free gossip for him.
❝I love talking, someone wanting me to talk for fifteen minutes straight about whatever is an easy request to fill. Your life, my life, business, hobbies, whatever the topic that'd be free of charge.❞
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victeux · 8 months
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"Then what do you charge for fifteen minutes full of you just chatting?" Clearly, she's not blinking from his apparent offense towards her questioning. She was curious, so she was going to ask her questions whether or not they were considered rude. It's not like he had any other customers to attend to anyway.
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❝Wow, way to assume. Judging me based on your own assumptions.❞
Weird and rude. Shaking his head in disappointment, and perhaps a little bit of disgust for the added effect.
❝I don't make people pay a premium. It's more than a rock, but nearly everything is more expensive than rocks. I'm not one of those fortune tellers that's gonna charge you two hundred for fifteen minutes full of me just chatting, that's stupid.❞
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victeux · 8 months
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"..." Right. So, he was scamming people. That probably explained why he was selling rocks for so much money. "And you.. Your service is premium? You charge a lot to tell people something in the future that could change? This sounds... Hm." Hmmm.
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What a weird question. Weird questions from a weird customer to a weird owner, it worked out.
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❝It's in the name. It tells your fortune. I tell your fortune. Love life, work, family, friends, just whatever I see in that future if you have no exact desire to know about. A glimpse into what will be in that moment. It can always change if you drastically change your life, or fight back against whatever it is, it's not like anything is set in stone.❞
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victeux · 9 months
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"..." Alright, she felt like she hit a nerve there for some reason. What was so bad about selling rocks? People loved crystals and stones, as far as she's heard. And she'd never heard of anyone doing 'fortune telling', so how was that better than rocks? "Right... So... People pay more for 'fortune telling' than the rocks? What does it do?"
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❝Absolutely not. That would be a horrible existence, and I doubt I'd make enough to keep the place open.❞
Rock seller. Yeah, he sold some rocks but that wasn't like the main thing he did. People that wandered in off the street without being told by someone else what he did were the worst. He put up fliers for a reason! Not his fault if they got removed or tossed.
❝I sell other shit, not just rocks and a single half pack of gum. There's services too. I do fortune telling, you know, that's something. You want to know your fortune? Future? Whatever.❞
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victeux · 9 months
"I will decorate," Rachel nodded, pocketing the rock and glancing around the store again. Now that she'd made her purchase... Hey, what was she in here for again? Right, she'd only come in because the place had zero signage. But then she saw the pretty necklace, then the money thing, then the rock thing.. She'd gotten distracted from her initial purpose for coming in here. Figuring out what the hell the place was in the first place.
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"What else you do here? Only sell rocks?"
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❝I couldn't have chose better myself.❞
Bold-faced lie. He didn't care for green, would've been close to his last pick. Not that she needed to know that.
❝It's yours then for the three-fifty. Go wild with your new rock. Have fun decorating, or whatever it is you plan to use it for.❞
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victeux · 9 months
Rachel would follow him over to the rock bowl. Wow, small rocks. Was this worth $3.50? Maybe, who knows? She'd just pick one of the prettier rocks of the bowl. Possibly a very rough aventurine. Definitely not expensive.
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"This one is pretty." The snails will match it perfectly, that's all that matters.
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❝Okay, yeaaahh!❞
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Woohoo!! Money back on the table! Time to scimper scamper on over to the bowl with the smaller rocks.
❝It don't matter which one you pick. Pick your favorite color, or if you know about rocks and crystals you can go off that, don't matter to me I'll sell it regardless.❞
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victeux · 9 months
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Oh, actually reasonable offers? The money is placed back onto the counter with his options now seeming to be worth the hassle of paying for.
"A small rock would be nice."
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❝I'm kinda running a business here. I gotta have thing to sell. What kind of shop owner would I be if I turned away customers? I might not be able to sell something like cards or anything fancy for three dollars, but I can't just say I got nothing. What about a gem, one of the small rocks? I could part with one of them for three fifty.❞
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victeux · 9 months
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"... You can just say that you don't have anything," Rachel spoke bluntly, reaching out to take the money she'd placed on the counter and put it back into her purse. She was pretty certain she could just go to the gas station down the way and get two packs of juicy fruit for that money. Not that she even wanted juicy fruit right now, but it was the idea that counted.
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Cue his shuffling papers and items around. What did he have for so cheap. Not like he could do any special things for so low. No blood magic so cheap, no fortune telling, no turning fortune in her favor. Well, like, he could do it that cheap but he didn't want to.
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❝I got...! Half a pack of juicy fruit!❞
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victeux · 9 months
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"... Higher than five bucks ...?" she repeated him, the gears turning in her head as she tried to recall if she even had that much on her person at the moment.
Rachel would have to dig through her purse for a few seconds before retrieving one, two, three dollars. And two quarters. She was pretty sure that wasn't higher than five. "Nope. Not even five," she sighed, and with a huff she'd just shove the money she had procured onto the counter. "Anything for three-fifty?"
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❝Oh, no sorry that's trash. I mean I guess you could buy it if you want, who gives a shit? It'll be goin' in the trash anyway.❞
He can't just give it for free though, that'd be wrong. That's not how business works! Money, money, money! Needed it for more stupid stuff, more fancy goblets to look cool in the shop, and better curtains.
❝Name your price. Ah- higher than five bucks though.❞
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victeux · 10 months
ramone uses noses on her text emojis like :-)
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victeux · 10 months
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despite not posting i do still think abt and redesign my characters. just no time to draw............. ill get around to it eventually. want to get back into rping on here but only like 5 of my following is active lmfao luv u guys. anyway. malus.
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victeux · 11 months
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im still alive i swear
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victeux · 1 year
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friendly reminder to soft-block if you don't want to follow me anymore lmfao
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victeux · 1 year
Malus had found herself rather bored as she watched all the humans wandering off to go to bed for the night. The clubs and bars were closing, leaving her with not much left to play with other than a few stray groups of drunken humans making their ways down the street. She had even bothered to put on her human disguise, and this was the treatment she got? Being ignored? Not fair at all.
Eventually, though, she did find herself a small group to entertain herself with. They provided her with the attention she wanted as she walked alongside them, doing a few tricks to keep them focused. Their favorite seemed to be her juggling of a handful of pocket knives; truly a small task for herself, yet the group couldn't seem to stop making noises of awe at the sight--
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The knives drop to the ground with a few scattered clangs. The group of humans continued onward, hardly noticing the mishap in their drunken states. Malus knew she'd felt something, or someone, a bit off, but she hadn't expected that off feeling to come walking straight for her. "Ah, you..." Her words start off melancholy, perhaps still feeling the sting of rejection from that group of humans, before she realizes this could be her entertainment for the night. What a nice turn of events! Her voice would pick up a little pep as she continued. "Just who might you be?"
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Perfect primordial beings (a category consisting of just him of course) deserved entertainment whenever they wanted it, and he wanted it now. If the lesser primordial wasn't going to do anything except seal him out of his stupid library for touching a "off-limits" book and not even fight him he'd just have to find it elsewhere!
Scaring people when they were acting stupid was always a good go-to. The looks of fear that crossed their faces at the sight of him were funny. Even funnier when the terror caused their hearts to stop entirely, they always keeled over in a way that made him laugh. Doing that all day isn't very fun though, after the fifth time it just gets boring forcing him to wander more- after killing the last one of course, he couldn't just leave them alive after boring him. His next target from afar looked promising!
Until he got closer. The faint smell of something off, not human, way to ruin his fun again. Not even a demon he could mess with, that he could sniff out immediately and assert his rank over.
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@victeux s.
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