#friend reminded me i've historically written kittenfic + roadtrip playlist gave me skyjacks feels
pagesofkenna · 9 months
a short Skyjacks: Courier's Call slice-of-life kittenfic
Everyone has a job aboard the Red Audron, and everyone pitches in.
A breeze blew in the open window, dislodging loose stacks of envelopes and threatening to flip over pages of the logbook. Lizander stopped the pages with a white paw. He slipped the thin envelope from between his teeth into the current page of the book, marking the spot, then heaved the heavy lid of the book shut with a hind leg.
Another soft gust toppled a stack of letters nearby. One or two slid behind a wooden crate, and Lizander jumped down from the desk to go retrieve them. The floor beneath his paws reverberated slightly as footsteps approached, and he had just enough time to duck out of the way before the mailroom door was tossed open with a slam.
“Mail time!!” Cecelia exclaimed. A few more carefully arranged stacks of letters were overturned, but the apprentice didn’t even seem to notice. She stomped into the room, with June, carrying a large box, and Kiran close at her heels.
[read the rest on AO3]
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