okmcintyre · 2 years
Tag Reminder Quick!✨
Hey lovelies! Wanted to drop a quick note on tagging, for any new faces around ☺️
The 100: #t100kt & #SaturdayAUs
The Time Traveler's Wife: #timetravelkt
Friends: #friendskt
Others/Misc: #ask away!, #tumblrkt, umbrellakt, #ghostskt, #luciferkt, #trekkiekt
All original posts come with one of the above, along with character names ect. Reblogs right now are tagged only occasionally & to the beat of my heart, ye be warned!
(The one and only notable exception being #SaturdayAUs, all of which are The 100-themed AU reblogs. Spoiler tags are also added as needed, for about a week after airdate ✌️)
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okmcintyre · 3 years
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Did you pick a roommate? You bet. Is it the Italian guy? That's what I want. A roommate I can walk around with and be referred to as "the funny one."
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okmcintyre · 4 years
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make me choose: bellamy & murphy or chandler & joey.
↳ asked by @jellamyjake
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okmcintyre · 4 years
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The One with The Stoned Guy.
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okmcintyre · 4 years
OMG congratulations on 1.5K. I love you and your gifs so much. For your make me choose: Bellamy/Murphy OR Chandler/Joey! (
OUCH @jellamyjake, that was RUDE! 😂 Clearly you've caught on to my deep love of both those bromances, and your ask successfully broke my heart to choose between them LOL. Poor Murphamy is about to get a lot of love on my feed to make up for this. Because I have to give it to joey & the chan-chan man. Those two are the gold standard of TV brotp's.
Seriously though: thank you so much for the lovely comments and the ask you sent in! Happy to have you as part of my celebration! 🙂
(want one?)
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okmcintyre · 5 years
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Joey, do you speak French? Toutes la smore! 
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okmcintyre · 3 years
I was tagged by @togetherkru , thanks so much for thinking of me! I loved reading your answers & these are always a lot of fun to fill out! 😊☀️
1. why did you choose your url?
I actually just updated my URL after nine long years, mostly because I was uber jealous of y’all with t100 specific usernames. 😅 The majority of my content is catered to that fandom, so it made sense to freshen it up. After ruling out my first choice (@madigriffin, I mean how cool would that be!) I decided that since I relate most to Harper’s energy I’d go with her last name.... and added a variation of my own first name that I thought looked cute. 
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2. any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them
Yes! Goodness I have private sideblogs for writing drafts/inspiration, and to organize gif-making tutorials that I like to keep on hand... then there’s my Bellarke Fanfiction sideblog (@twosuns-ofbellarke)... and I help out with a couple The 100 appreciation/edits pages. I have my old URL too, just in case I ever want to start using it again.
... And I do actually have @augustkomtrikru active too, which I’d intended to use as my main URL once the prequel started up that is, before Season 7B broke my damn heart and I vowed off anything Rothenberg related unless he goes back and fixes that mess that ended our beloved show. 🤷‍♀️
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
I joined on January 4, 2012.
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4. do you have a queue tag?
No, but I do tag original posts! 
#t100kt, #friendskt, #luciferkt, #tumblrkt, #liveblogkt, #ask away!
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
I came to tumblr because I was struggling to find my groove on LiveJournal and Blogger (wow just aged myself there, didn’t I?👵). I liked that I could post different kinds of content here... and I was obsessed with Fringe, which was still on air. This quickly became the place I came for spoilers and spaz at all the beautiful gifs from the show.
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6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Because our fearless leaders marching away from the rover together, looking like badass supermodels, is a big mood! 💥
7. why did you choose your header?
It matched the icon & I found it in my old cell phone edits ready to go
8. what post of yours has the most notes?
This Clarke & Bellamy post from Season 6, with 1700+ notes.
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9. how many mutuals do you have?
Is there a way to see that? I have a bunch and they are all lovely people! ☺️
10. how many followers do you have?
Last I checked I was around 1.7k, I’m super grateful for everyone who sticks around for my hodgepodge of posting!
11. how many people do you follow?
4935, we have a lot of great fandom here and I lack chill...
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
1. (noun) any content on the internet whose humor derives from its surreal nature and/or its lack of clear context... a shitpost is funny simply because it isn't a predictable repetition of an existing form. Shitposts can become memes, but memes cannot become shitposts.
So now that Urban Dictionary explained what that means (I told you, I’m not a spring chicken anymore! 😂) I don’t believe so? Unless you include my old liveblogs, they were absolutely without context.
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13. how often do you use tumblr?
I’m always popping in throughout my day. I like to keep up to my notifs & new posts in the tags, and then when I have more time on my hands I’ll look into my mutuals and feed a little more properly.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog? who won?
I can remember a couple years ago butting heads with a couple folks when I first got into fandom: the posting etiquette here was quite different from the message boards I was used to interacting on... and I had a mishap or two as a result. I genuinely believe that no one wins when that happens though, so I really make an effort to keep this a positive space. Learn from the mistakes. 💛
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to compare this’ posts?
Thanks gosh @togetherkru that you didn’t know these either! Like, what is that? Google doesn’t even seem to know. 
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16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
Also love them! The posts are always wildly unpopular but they are a lot of fun
18. which one of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Every one! There’s so much talent here and so many folks have established their blogs as a cornerstone of their respective fandoms. And again, I have no idea where to find a list of all my mutuals to compare... but I always feel like I’m the new kid on the block, I’m pretty sure most of my mutuals have been here years longer than I have.
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19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I have a crush on my mutuals’ beautiful gif-making and writing and artsy abilities, if that counts? 😃
20. tags (if you guys want to)
I’m going to tag some folks from my notifications, feel free though to participate anyone reading this! Or if it isn’t your cuppa tea, don’t feel obligated those I tagged... have a great day everybody! 🙂☕
@bt06, @padfootx, @isweartobreathe, @bravestartingwithyou, @kizo2703, @pendragaryen, @whatabeautifullife13, @immortalpramheda, @1jemmagirl22, @frecklesandfanfics, @little-oxford-st, @infp-with-all-the-feelings, @kris-lulu, @womanwithaplan, @bellamyschin, @peaceloveandbabyducks, @geekyogicheese, @al3xia17 & anybody else who wants to play!.
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okmcintyre · 4 years
Would you be willing to tag your fandom posts please?
Thank you for your ask, anon! Happy New Year!🙂💙
As a rule, I tag all of my gifsets by tv show & I have personal tags for fandoms I post my own content frequently in (t100kt, luciferkt, sense8kt, btvskt, friendskt).
But I also thought you might mean my original posts? So I've added #tumblrkt for any random shouty posts into the fandom. 😉
Unfortunately, tagging my reblogs isn't something I can keep up at this time (I run with 450+ items in my queue on any given day it's an addiction). Tagging reblogs for me is very much a "when I'm in the mood" thing. This is a multi-fandom and multi-ship/brotp blog: though most of the content you can expect to see is The 100 or Friends.
And I'm hopeless for Bellarke, you probably noticed.
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