#from ch 370 and 372
songofstrawhats · 10 months
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I am an entire-ass lesbian.
But in this fight, Sanji has never been sexier, actually!!!!
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moustawott · 2 years
One Piece Does Anti-Racism Surprisingly Well: Fishman Island (ft. My Hero Academia and Black Panther 2018)
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So, this is not the usual posts I make, but I really wanted to get these thoughts out of my head. I could write a huge essay about it but I will try to keep it short here. (This is in reaction to chapters 370-372 of MHA.)
TL;DR: The way One Piece deals with anti-racism is surprisingly good (despite the series not being perfectly leftist (indicated by the big presence of fairytale monarchies) when using chapters 370 to 372 of My Hero Academia and Black Panther (2018) as comparison, two other mainstream pieces of media that discuss racism and it consequences within the oppressed group.
The messaging of Fishman Island Arc can be interpreted as: we shouldn't let our intergenerational trauma fester into hate against our oppressors. If we pass this hate to our children, they will grow up hateful and hurt their own people in the end, which makes community healing very difficult (a similar conclusion to Black Panther 2018, which is *the* bar for talking about racism and intergenerational trauma in mainstream media). This is much better than: we shouldn't let our intergenerational trauma turn into hate against our oppressors, because our oppressors will now have legitimate reasons to oppress us.
To elaborate:
• One Piece and Black Panther (2018) frame violence and hate caused by intergenerational trauma as a community problem. The opinions of outsiders are pushed aside, if not entirely absent from the discussion. This is a good way to present anti-racist action, because it puts the spotlight to the marginalized group and avoids the white saviour trope (though the Joyboy thing can be seen as a white saviour trope? Again, Fishman Island is not perfect, it's just surprisingly good compared to the rest of mainstream media. Especially the scene where the Strawhats explicitly say that they will let the fishman decide if these pirates are villains or good guys).
• MHA (chapters 370 to 372) falls flat on its face when it comes to anti-racism. Basically, it tries to say that the oppressed shouldn't express their grievances and frustrations through violence, because their children will suffer the now "justified" anger of the oppressor. This COMPLETLY ignores the fact that the oppressed were still being mistreated when they were peaceful. The messaging is simply maintaining the status quo of violent systemic discrimination. Oppressive peace is not true social justice.
• Furthermore, MHA uses the "one of the good ones" trope heavy-handidly (using the supporting "good guys"), which is an extremely racist concept. You can argue that Fishman Island arc uses that trope (Queen Otohime and Shirahoshi as examples), but it's much less obvious and doesn't have the explicit message of: actually, we shouldn't riot because it'll make us look bad in front of humans. Again, it's a lot more: we shouldn't let hate grow because our fishmen children will become hateful people too, and that doesn't create a healthy community.
• Stopping hate against racist oppressors is not about being liked by the oppressors, it's about putting that energy into loving and healing our own community. Black Panther (2018) tackles that topic through Killmonger: he is a tragic figure so blinded by hate against his oppressors that he forgets to love his own community and black heritage. Hody Jones is also somewhat tragic: his hate against humans is the consequences of anger turned into hate. He has no pride or love for his fellow fishmen. Because of that, Hody Jones divides his own community and endangers them all. This is especially important for anti-racism, since internalized racism is a huge obstacle to anti-racism and community healing.
On the topic of violent reactions to systemic racism and other forms of oppression:
• Violence and riots are a natural reaction to the systemic violence marginalized groups live everyday (yet mainstream media always tries to frame riots as completely unjustifiable and use them to discredit civil rights movements). Marginalized groups (like black children) have been known to show signs of PTSD. There's no denying that systemic oppression is very violent yet we are brainwashed into thinking that it's not true violence.
Conclusions: It's nice to see a hugely popular manga tackle racism in a way that isn't complete liberal/centrist messaging
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katsuizu-stuff · 2 years
at this point I’m slowly starting to believe that izuku won’t show up until like ch. 372 or maybe way passed ch. 372 only because we are already on ch. 363 and izuku hasn’t shown up, yes he was mentioned in this chapter, but if dabi came back into view then we might start seeing what happened / what will end up happening and AFO is now fully recovered then it will probably go back to the endeavor fight and since we haven’t seen toga and uraraka’s fight in a while they might come back too. oh and that includes the fact that we will probably jump back on the whole katsuki is in this white place seeing all might’s vestige
i’m slowly starting to lose faith… like i just want to see izuku and his whole situation, don’t get me wrong i’m really intrigued on what will happen next but… i’m just… i’m just tired…
like after seeing the leaks and me freaking out within an hour or two i got over everything, the more i see the leaks the more they start to get boring even though everything that’s happening isn’t boring at all
am i still going to see the leaks? yes
am i still going to freak out? yes
am i going to get over it within an hour or two? yes
am i still going to get my hopes up that izuku will show up within the next few chapters? no
am i still going to get fully invested on what ends up happening with bakugo’s situation and everyone’s fight/situation? yes
my heart isn’t 100 percent fully invested in these chapters if anything it’s like a solid 80-ish percent, like i’m actually shedding tears while i was writing/typing this, my heart is actually aching from sadness all because i want to see izuku again… LIKE HOW THE HECK IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!!?
i could actually be 100 percent wrong and izuku might show up soon before going into the chapters 370, but i doubt it…
yep, that’s my rant that’s all i got to say at least for now anyway…
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xanketori · 4 years
ToG Edits Masterpost
Yuri says wear a mask (ch 3)
Tower of Beards:
Beard Edit 1: various Koon, Rak, and Baam
Beard Edit 2: Lero Ro
Beard Edit 3: Shibisu and Hansung
Tower of Ponytails:  (with additional ones by @cannottranslate )
Ponytail Edit 1: Headon, Baam, Yuri, and Evan
Ponytail Edit 2: Miscellaneous S1 people (first edit)
Cleaned Panels:
Hansung walking around rak (ch 53)
Rak and Androssi discover Viole is Baam (ch 159)
Hatsu and Rak (ch 280 and 284)
Hwaryun and Baam (ch 295, 296)
Digital Jahad (ch 388)
21F (ch 106)
Hatsu and Rak (ch 280 and 284)
Hatsu in s3 ep 76 (ch 493)
Baam (ch 426)
Koon AA:
Koon edits (ch 147, 240)
Half Koon panel (ch 223)
Koon enna core and others (ch 316, 370)
Other Koon fam:
Ran during hell train and Ran v Anak from workshop battle (ch 216 and 142)
Data Kiseia (ch 372)
Rak, Koon, Baam:
Rak, Koon, Baam sleeping after Workshop battle cleaned (ch 187)
RKB during workshop battle (ch 179)
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