#from ch17 on i think it's when i started being way more liberal about mentioning dates
weekend-whip · 1 year
Wait okay. So book 2 ends November seventh. Where are we now? September?
*rolls up sleeves* ALL RIGHT, WE’RE DOING THIS EARLY
Book 2/ Season 1 Timeline LETS GOOOOO:
August 29th: Reveal of the Elemental Compass/Green Ninja Prophecy (Chapter 1) (Monday) 
August 30th: School Shopping/Jamanakai Visit 1 (Chapter 2-4) (Tuesday)
August 31st: Dumbasses Get Grounded (Chapter 5) (Wednesday)
September 4th: Last Day of Summer Vacation, Lloyd Meets Mystake, Fuchsia Ninja First Appearance (Chapter 6) (Sunday)
September 5th: First Day of School (Chapter 7+8) (Monday)
September 6th: Lloyd opens Serpentine Tombs (Chapter 9) (Tuesday)
September 7th: Jamanakai Visit 2, (Chapter 10, First Part of 11) (Wednesday)
September 8th: Nya’s First Outburst (Rest of Chapter 11) (Thursday)
September 9th: Cole makes Duck Chowder Glue (Chapter 12) (Friday)
September 10th: Lloyd burns down the Monastery (Chapter 13, Part of 14) (Saturday)
September 11th: Ninja find the Bounty (Chapter 14) (Sunday)
September 12th: Jay’s Parents Visit, Ninja Skip School (Chapter 15) (Monday)
September 13th: Jay’s Parents Get Bit (First Part of 16) (Tuesday) 
September 14th: Rest of Snakebit Episode (Chapter 16) (Wednesday)
September 15th: “Generic” School Day (Chapter 17) (Thursday) 
September 16th: Attack on Darkley’s (Chapter 18) (Friday)
September 17th: Lloyd Switches Sides (Chapter 19+20) (Saturday) 
September 18th: TOMB RAIDING (Chapter 21) (Sunday)
September 19th: Lloyd Pranks Ninja (Chapter 22) (Monday)
September 20th: “Rumor Arc” (Chapter 23+24) (Tuesday)
September 21st-23rd: Samurai X Shenanigans (Chapter 25) (With Lloyd’s 14th Birthday sandwiched in there)
September 24th: New Suits! + Lloyd gets kidnapped (Chapter 26) (Saturday)
September 25th: Nya Revealed as Samurai, Wu leaves (Chapter 27) (Sunday)
October 3rd: Zane Gets Ripped...Apart (Chapter 28) (Monday)
October 4th: Zane’s True Potential (Chapter 29+30) (Tuesday)
October 5th: Zane’s Outburst/ Fuchsia Revealed (Chapter 31) (Wednesday)
October 6th: Jay’s 16th Birthday (Chapter 32) (Thursday)
October 7th: Kai Becomes the Godfather (Chapter 32) (Friday)
October 8th: Jay asks out Nya!! (Chapter 32) (Saturday)
October 9th: Dinner With the Walkers (Chapter 33) (Sunday)
October 10th-12th: Jay Hides His Snakeness (Chapter 33) 
October 13th: Field Trip/Jay’s True Potential (Chapter 34) (Thursday)
October 17th: Jay’s Outburst; Everyone Gets Detention (Chapter 35) (Monday)
October 20th: Jesse Tries to Ask Out Cole (Chapter 37) (Thursday)
October 21st: Cole Makes Bad Trophy Decisions (Chapter 37) (Friday)
October 22nd: Cole Robs His Dad/Cole’s Outburst (Chapter 38) (Saturday)
October 26th: Talent Show!/Cole’s True Potential (Chapter 39) (Wednesday)
October 27th: AFTERSHOCK / Jesse’s Outburst (Chapter 40) (Thursday)
October 29th: Day of the Departed (Chapter 41) (Saturday)
October 30th: Autumn Fest, Wu/Garm Return (Chapter 42) (Sunday) (WE ARE HERE!!!!!!) 
October 31st: Halloween, [REDACTED] (Chapter 43) (Monday) 
. . . 
All of Nothing: November 1st-3rd
Rise of the Great Devourer: November 4th (Friday) (Give or Take)
Day of the Great Devourer: November 5th (Saturday) (Also the day of the Rally Miranda mentioned  <-- very important)
Aftermath: November 6th-7th
Start Season 2: Technically November 11th (Friday) (Because this is basically how S2 followed S1 in the first place snksnk)
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