#from now on that's what i'm gonna call these 'what if' posts for mbav. lol
mysticmoondancer · 2 years
What if Ethan had developed a really bad fear of Jesse due to being so traumatized after what happened at the dance that he can’t stand to be in the same room as him or starts to freak out at the sight of him? Which isn’t easy considering now Jesse wants to be a good guy (or at least a somewhat better version of himself), so he starts hanging out with the gang (who have all forgiven him for his past evil deeds). You know, as friends. But it’s like...hard on Jesse every time he sees Ethan so terrified of him now, all because of what happened at the dance. And like...he really wants to make amends with Ethan and be friends.
And maybe later on, Ethan eventually is able to get over his trauma of that night and actually start to warm up to Jesse just a bit and the two start to become friends.
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