monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Draculaura’s Sweet Screams Diary
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Snow Bite
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Once upon a time there was a ghoul whose beauty fairly reflected her heart.
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Once there was a kingdom where the ghouls were wondrous fair yet none could hold a candle to Snow Bite of the raven hair.
In manner she was proper and graceful, in attitude generous and kind; that she was considered fairest never crossed her mind.
For she shared a gothic cottage deep in primeval wood with seven friends who were zombies and for the eight of them unlife was good.
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But elsewhere in the kingdom lived a princess who was almost as fair, but almost wasn't good enough for this royal dynastic heir.
Each day she would consult a mirror that answered her questions true, yet the answer to her only question was, "Snow Bite is still fairer than you."
So the princess decided to fix it so that she'd be alone at the top and she reached for a beautiful apple from that year's bumper crop.
"I'll use a special amulet to curse this apple to its core, so that when Snow Bite has a taste of it, she'll be the fairest no more!"
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So the princess drank a potion that made her shabby and grey though it really hurt her fashion sense to have to dress that way.
Then she snuck out to the cottage and found a place to lurk while she waited for the zombies to shuffle off to work.
But before she could put her plan in motion with the apple cursed, Snow Bite came out of the cottage and happened to see her first.
"Why hello there won't you come in, I've just put on some tea and I've warm carrot muffins that are totes tasty as can be."
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She had not expected Snow Bite to be so sweet and nice and the thought of giving her the apple actually made the princess think twice.
So the princess asked for a mirror, she wanted to steady her face, but Snow Bite said, "A mirror? I don't have one in this place....
You see my face is not reflected in polished metal, still water or glass and I'd rather not be reminded of that whenever one I pass."
This confused the princess greatly as she decided what to do next; with her hand around the bright green apple that carried Snow Bite's hex.
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Then the princess pulled the apple out as she was headed toward the door, and dropped it in the trash can saying, "This thing's rotten to the core."
And lest you think the princess had totally changed her stripe, she said, "If Snow Bite can't see her reflection then who am I to gripe?"
Once there was a kingdom where the ghouls were wondrous fair, but Snow Bite was still the fairest of all and the princess didn't care.
...and they lived Scarily Ever After
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Draculaura’s Basic Diary - August 17th
Jackson came over tonight to return my pie plate. Father got to the door before I could and totally went all Transylvania on him. "Good evening. Vat can I do for you?"
I was like, "Oh, no!" but then Jackson asked to borrow a hammer 'cause he needed to drive a stake into something. It flustered my dad so much I think he turned a shade whiter. Then Jackson said, "Gotcha!" and my dad regained his composure...barely. "Draculaura, you have a visitor!"
Later on, I heard Father muttering something about Jackson being more than he appears to be. I don't know about that, but he is sweet, funny, cute, and not afraid of my father. Perfect!
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Draculaura’s Art Class Notebook
Class Description: A studio art course with the goal of introducing students to boo techniques and mediums in creative expression, especially emphasizing claws on learning. Students will be required to submit a final project for exhibition at the annual Monster High Art Festival.
This totally bites. I want to do a self-portrait for my project, but how am I going to do that if I can't see my reflection? I suppose I could bring some of my portraits from home, but that feels like I'd just be copying another artist's work. Bats...
I guess I will paint from an existing portrait of myself. I chose one that I sat for in Scaris back in the 18th Century. I remember the artist was a werewolf with red fur and a notched ear who was very intense and liked to paint flowers and starry skies.
I'm finished, and I still don't know if it really looks like me. This is deadfully disappointing...sigh...maybe I should be painting how I feel and not how I look; and since I am totes in touch with my emotions, this could be fangtastic.
This may not be fangtastic. Clawd had to cancel our date tonight because he has to study for his scary aptitude test. Now I'm almost out of Runny Mascara Black. Pffffttttt, I'll just paint my classmates then. That will show him. Okay, it won't, but it might make me feel better.
This is fun! I think I'll try some still life, too. Ooh, Abbey's chainsaw!
Clawd bought me a heart-shaped paint palette so I could create art "straight from the heart." He's so sweet, it makes my fangs hurt. Now I think it's time to work on that self-portrait again.
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Draculaura’s Sweet 1600 Diary - 17 December
My father and I took a midnight walk last night, and it was so nice to fang out with him. We were talking about how fun it would be to fly over to Transylvania for a family reunion or to visit the North Pole during winter since there's no sunlight from October to March. The only thing is, I get cold so easily, I'd have to borrow some super-warm ghoul gear from Abbey for the trip. I love spending time with my father. I'm going to make sure to creep around with him more.
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Draculaura’s School’s Out Diary - 12 October
I know a lot of monsters are not excited about having to write an essay on our monster heritage, but I think it's creeperifically cool! First of all, I'm writing a screenplay about my un-life, and I think this will really help the third act and secondly because it gives me the opportunity to set the record straight about a couple of things. Beginning with the fact that my father is much older than any monster realizes. I mean, he was already a vampire back when togas were first considered fashionable... soooo glad father doesn't wear one anymore. Then there was that whole identity theft calamity that happened when we rented our castle in Transylvania to a total con-monster who went around pretending to be father. Now I have to carry a copy of my death certificate to prove that I really am as old as I say I am, causing some monsters to think I must be related to that loser. Unfortunately for the imposter, his bats came home to roost and not in a good way either. The rest of the story, like how father took in my mother and me when no one else would and why I'm a vegan vampire, I'm going to save for the screenplay, which I would like to film in pink and white. How scary cool would that be?
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Draculaura’s Basic Diary - July 15th
It rained today, which means I didn't have to wear so much sunscreen when I went out for a walk. It's also nice for my garden. Mmmm... fresh tomatoes, carrots, and lettuce. Count Fabulous loves it, too. Not the vegetables, but all the bugs they attract. It's like a bug buffet for a bat.
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Draculaura’s School’s Out Diary - 7 October
Clawd and Spectra had a monster argument today, and it created such a fuss that both of them got called into Headmistress Bloodgood's office. I don't think I've ever seen Clawd so angry or Spectra so self-righteous, but neither of them would talk about it when they came out of HHB's office - not even to me! Clawdeen thinks it has something to do with Cleo and Clawd, but I totally don't understand how she made that connection. Now Clawdeen is mad at Cleo. Again. This is really sad since it seemed like they were starting to actually tolerate each other.
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Draculaura’s School’s Out Diary - 15 September
I "broke up" with Jackson Jekyll today...not that we were ever really dating, I mean officially, which would have been nice, but every time he would ask me out, he would totally pull the invisible boy act on me and not show up. Or call. The next day he was always very sweet and apologetic, but he could never remember why he forgot our date. I guess the final nail in the coffin was when he didn't meet me at this party, and I totally felt like a one tombstone graveyard. I ended up dancing with this scary hot DJ named Holt Hyde, who acted like he knew me, although I'm pretty sure that we hadn't met before. Jackson and I are still friends, but sometimes that's just how the tombstone crumbles.
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Draculaura’s Basic Diary - September 5th
Clawdeen Wolf's family always has an end-of-the-summer boo-b-que, and they always invite me even though in the past, our families haven't always gotten along, but since Clawdeen and I are, like, best monster friends forever, I always get invited. Of course, they are all, like, total carnivores, so I usually bring my own food. At least they don't tease me... too much... about the tofu dogs and veggie burgers I bring. This year I invited Jackson Jekyll to go with me, and I think he had a good time, although Clawdeen has a really big family, and they can be pretty rowdy when they're all together.
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Draculaura’s Basic Diary - August 29th
Jackson Jekyll asked if I wanted to go for a walk with him today, which was totally creeperific until he asked me to bite him! I thought he was just kidding, but he was totally serious. When I asked him why, he said it was because he didn't want to be the only human at Monster High and that if he were a vampire, he would fit in, and we could hang out. He was so sweet about it, but I told him why I became a vegetarian and how that meant I couldn't possibly bite him. I could tell he was disappointed, but I told him just because he was human didn't mean he wouldn't fit in or that we couldn't hang out. That seemed to make him feel a little better, but I don't think he's giving up on the idea of me biting him.
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Draculaura’s Basic Diary - August 24th
Cleo de Nile was unhappy with me because I had to miss fearleading practice this morning. But Count Fabulous got another mothball, and I had to take him to the vet. I scolded him for being such a pig, but he looked so miserable, I couldn't be mad at him for long. If he's not going to be a vegetarian, he should at least stick to eating something smaller, like gnats or mosquitoes.
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Draculaura’s Basic Diary - August 7th
I took a casketberry pie over to the Jekyll's today as a haunted house warming gift, and Jackson answered the door. Wow! He is scary cute, and really sweet. I got bats in my stomach and ghost bumps just standing there talking to him. I don't know what it is, but there's something a little mysterious about him...I like it!
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Draculaura’s Basic Diary - July 26th
We got new human neighbors today, which I thought was a little bit strange 'cause my father is kind of intimidating to humans...and monsters, too, actually, but it doesn't seem to bother Mrs. Jekyll and her son, Jackson Jekyll, who is my age. Well, I mean, technically, he's really not, but we're going to be in the same class. When he gets moved in, I'm going to give him the entire lowdown on Monster High.
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Draculaura’s Basic Diary - July 4th
Another great day to be alive...okay, technically, it's a great day to be undead, but it's still a great day, and I'm going to enjoy it.
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Draculaura's Monster Exchange Diary - 27 June
I was this close to moving my passport from 'misplaced' to 'lost' when I decided it was time to call in some backup. I invited Clawdeen, Frankie, Ghoulia, Abbey, and Cleo for a creepover/passport hunt. I may or may not have mentioned the part about the passport hunt before they showed up, although according to the ghouls, I definitely did not. It is possible I did not mention it since I have been under a lot of stress lately. Frankie came to my rescue when the grumbling started to get out of hand and said we could turn it into a treasure hunt and that it would be fun. The other ghouls were not completely convinced that it would be fun, but Frankie could convince a werewolf to run barefoot through a field of wolfsbane. We turned my room upside down - literally; Abbey is very strong. Cleo wanted to know when the last time I had used it was, which I think was when we all went to Scaris. I didn't really need it for that whole 'Queen of the Vampires' thing when we jetted off to Transylvania. Cleo suggested that maybe I left it in my luggage, so we all headed to my closet. Dad had put in some new track lighting, which makes it totes easier to find things now, and my clothes no longer smell like torch smoke. We went through all of my luggage from the trip; this took some time, but we found nothing except an old croissant. We had to keep Abbey from eating it, which made her crabby. Not that all the other ghouls weren't crabby by this time too, and that's when Ghoulia, who was lying on the floor, pointed up to a shelf that had previously been hidden by the luggage. "Does that box say 'Passports'?" Abbey reached up and took down the box. Frankie opened the lid and pulled out a passport. "Draculaura, this passport expired 60 years ago."
Abbey dumped the box in the middle of the floor, and we all started going through them. Cleo said, "This one expired 30 years ago, and what is up with your hair in this picture?!" It was a phase. Ghoulia flipped through the one she was holding. "Only 15 years out of date." Clawdeen jumped to her feet with the one she was holding. "Found it, and it's only expired by... TWO WEEKS!" I had two thoughts as I watched my ghouls freaking out with concern. Number one was "Misplaced, not lost", and number two, "Good thing I already applied for a replacement."
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