#frostfur patrician au
troutfur · 2 years
Oh my god the festival! Yes they would 100% reenact the festival under the roles of their future clans! That would be a golden opportunity for them to be stolen you are so correct I'll note that down for later.
Yeah Frostflower really wasn't sure about Firepaw and even though she insisted on his place in the clan due to the prophecy she personally kept a distance. Firepaw does earn her respect eventually though, helped by her mate Lionheart having a soft spot for him since he acted as his mentor before Bluestar stepped in. Makes it worse when it all crashes down. They do manage to reconcile after Bluestars breakdown though, largely due to Cinderpaw still being close to Fireheart and partially out of necessity.
About the Dogs: So it was super important to me that I kept the canon injuries for the sisters so Brightpaw still goes with Swiftpaw to hunt down the dogs. However shes not entirely untrained, when Cinderpaw was injured they ended up swapping training for a while and Brightpaw trains under Whitestorm (since 3 apprentices between 2 cats is already a handful). Swiftpaw is fed up of being an apprentice for so long and Brightpaw gets caught up in the thrill of being a warrior - although the change in training was temporary Bluestar isn't in the headspace to make readjustments and isnt listening to Starclan and by extension Frostflower. When Brightpaw ends up wounded the mentorships switch back and once recovered a bit she is back to the herbs.
Related to the above though I will say Brightheart and Cinderstream (am I referencing Silverstream? Perhaps) have an interesting dynamic once Frostflower is gone. They are both Augurs, with Brightheart as the Matriarch, but often switch between themselves what roles they carry out. They manage to balance out so that neither has to entirely give up warrior duties and stay stuck in the Augurs den. When Brightheart is expecting though Cinderstream takes the role full time until Brightheart is ready to come back. I just dont see either being fully content without having some outlet for their warrior side.
Yeah DoveIvy and HollyLionJay are around the same age here! With no Bracken around Thunderclan theres no HoneyCinderPoppy so instead the apprentice gang for Po3 would be BerryHazelMouse, DoveIvy and HollyLionJay (you could even throw in AlderSpark if you wanted to be REALLY chaotic)
With BrightCloud I must admit I haven't thought that hard about how the clan sees them, I just knew I had to keep them together because they were my very first OTP when I was like 10<3
Don't apologize! It's all very readable and it always leaves a huge grin on my face knowing I've inspired someone else! You've got a great thing going on here, if you are inclined to considering writing this out as a fic or something you'd have my full support.
I'm glad Frostflower and Fireheart managed to reconcile, that's nice for them. Love how he interacts with the Frost family, it's a very sweet if turbulent dynamic between them all.
I like that for them! 3 apprentices at once is certainly a lot and I'm sure the augurs' den was really cramped during that particular period. I like the idea that officially Brightheart gets the title of matriarch as the one initially supposed to stay in ThunderClan but them swapping duties every so often. Certainly an unorthodox way to run things, but Brightheart has the authority to make it so.
YES! The huge apprentice generation in Po3 is my favorite, wish we'd seen more of it! Not to mention how it shifts the dynamic between Jay, Lion, and Dove if they're the same age-ish. Augur AU is already a no powers AU so it's already drastically different anyway, but I still like what this shift brings to the table. I like the idea that in another version of events they could've all been really good friends and I love the possibilities in Jay, Holly, Lion, Dove, and Ivy growing up together.
They deserve to be together, truly!
Thanks for all the delicious thoughts once again, you guys are the best. <3
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frostfour · 1 year
(AU question) So if Frostfur is Brindleface's sibling, and in canon Fire remarks that Fern and Ash are very young apprentices when Brindle dies, would she step in instead of their mentors for the next few days? And I assume she'd put her paw down on the pack mission and not let them go, as they're still patricians even they still have her kits too.
In the Patrician AU Frostflower was shuffled into the Bluestar family - the other Patricians in early TPB are Bluestar and Whitestorm. Brindleface didn't get included because the existing trio covers all the ideas I have for the political dynamics in TPB and how each has an important role in Firestar's life. Was unsure how to incorporate all the DustFern kids as patricians too but that was a miscount - they would be past the cut-off.
That answer isn't exciting though so what if they were? Frostflower would 100% forbid them from participating in the pack mission. If Fireheart even suggests it he would quickly correct and say he was panicking. Bluestar's breakdown left the clan in a precarious position with the patricians - endangering Ashpaw and Fernpaw in the same way Brightheart was injured would burn what good will Fireheart had managed to keep alive. If any patrician is assisting it is Whitestorm. In the aftermath as Frostflower regains her status and Whitestorm ascends to deputy it is Brightheart and Cinderstream who cares for them.
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troutfur · 2 years
I'm only now getting the breathing space to come back on the warrior cat blogging - busy busy haha. Two points I'm interested in your thoughts on!
What would the protocol be for a lone Augur (e.g. Sandstorm) kitting? With no other Thunderclan Augurs would experienced non-patrician queens be allowed presence to assist (e.g. Speckletail) or would arrangements have to be made out of clan for an Augur to be on standby (e.g. Barkface)?
How would a regular warrior discovering the moonpool at the lake be received by the clans (eg Leafpool in the BrindleAugur AU)? Would they still be considered a regular warrior despite the one for one parallel to Moth Flight? Or would you shuffle the cat who finds the moonpool into a Patrician?
Having some ideas regarding both of these points in a Frostfur AU context so I'm interested to hear your thoughts! The newest instalment following JayCinder has been a fun read! Jaypaw is such a terrible little guy (and I mean that lovingly) - the way you write him is 10/10. Also Leafpool lying and claiming celibacy has been amazing, your concepts are so fascinating I can't wait to see where it goes!
Hi! Nice to see you have some time again, glad to see you writing in! I love your own concepts and the spin you've given to mine, I'm very excited to see you back!
Oooh, these are very good questions, let me see...
Definitely the first option would be to arrange for an out of Clan augur or patrician queen to attend, with preference for one that has a stake in the litter in question. So, for instance, in Sandstorm's case there is already an expectation that if she has a compatible kit they would be arranged to Crowkit as a way of solidifying the ThunderClan-WindClan relationship. So Barkface or Ashfoot would be likely to attend, not only to assist the birth but also as a courtesy similar to how Ashfoot was allowed the privilege to attend to Leafpool's kitting. Though in this case rather than fetching her all the way when the birth is underway she'd be hosted as a guest while her father remains in WindClan as the one manning the den. The situation would, of course, be trickier if no Clan had an augur or patrician queen to spare and be hosted as a guest in unfamiliar territory, in which case I do see an experienced in-Clan queen attending the birth. Although preferably one that is highly trusted by the patrician giving birth in question. The custom of ejecting all other queens from the nursery stems from one part superstition and one part suspicion that a jealous queen assisting the birth may sabotage it. So inviting one would be a sign of great trust and closeness to the patrician bloodline.
In mainline augur AU Leafpool is definitely an important figure, the second Mothflight in a sense. Already by the time Jay, Holly, and Lion are born she's important enough to have her own time in the spotlight at the annual celebration, telling her own story of discovery. So, while I personally would give the role to a patrician still as to not shake the status quo too much, if it did happen I'm definitely seeing regular Warrior Leafpool finding it being a Big Deal™. Inside ThunderClan I can see support growing, specially among Firestar's biggest supporters, for instituting a new patrician bloodline. Fire may even back up the proposal as a way to get his girl into a position she wanted. Among ThunderClan's detractors though, particularly among WindClan and with the more traditionalist patricians, I see the move being fiercely opposed. Overall it'd be a fierce debate, which I ultimately see hinging on whether her children demonstrate augur-like qualities, which considering Jay's StarClan connection may turn in their favor! Then again, once it comes out Crow's their father, it may throw it into question again because who's to say the StarClan connection didn't come from the father?
Thank you for the nice comments! <3
I'm very satisfied with how I wrote the CinderJay romance and I'm glad it's been connecting with people. I do love writing Jaypaw as a terrible little guy that's still entertaining to read about and has some room to develop. I find that setting to be optimal for him. Hope I can do just as well as we move further into the series' main romance between him and Willowpaw.
And with regards to The Joyful Mysteries, I was just settling in to edit chapter 4 so you may just get to see where it's going pretty soon~
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frostfour · 2 years
So apparently Frostfur in canon is siblings with Brindleface AND Dustpelt which I was never a fan of but makes Augur Frostflower a nightmare to track making like half the clan patrician. Erins don't retroactively assign arc 1 cats random family challenge: Impossible. ANYWAY because of this and wanting to keep Featherwhisker & Goosefeather past med cats here is the TPB look at Thunderclans Augur line:
Tumblr media
Solid lines are known unions, Dashed lines are forbidden.
Moonflower & Goosefeather: Both are born with an unnaturally strong connection with Starclan and end up training because of it. The real reason is plot convenience: It lets Whitestorm, Stonefur and Mistyfoot be patricians just before the cut off point.
Featherwhisker, Bluestar & Snowfur: Feather is being added into the litter but is distant. Goosefeather gets a vision of Feather becoming his successor - Snow and Blue feel cheated out of a chance. When their mother is killed due to his visions Feather seeks reassurance with Goose while Snow and Blue don't trust him. Feather takes in Whitekit to raise with Frostkit when Snow dies.
Bluestar/Thrushpelt: So Bluestar has her fling with Oakheart and ends up expecting. I like the idea that in clans queens can just not name a father. With the political nature of Patrician relationships though the backlash of a patrician queen not naming a father would be undesirable. So she has to decide whether to rush into a marriage to hide the parentage or not name a father which in the eyes of the clan would be the same as admitting guilt. Thrushpelt is a close friend she trusts who clearly wants to be mates, the clan is expecting them to become an item and Bluestar explains everything to him. They are never involved but in the eyes of the clan are married.
Whitestorm/Willowpelt: This account is a Gay Whitestorm Truther. I have no clue why but I think that background guy is gay and I stand by it. Regardless the reason he ends up getting with Willowpelt is not out of romance or duty (his kids wont be patrician) but rather to get her out of a bind. After Graystripe's antics, Darkstripe's general attitude and Willowpelt not naming a father for either litter I think her position in the clan would go down. If her son is eager to date the enemy it calls into question her loyalties. They agree then to court to counter accusations, letting Willowpelt raise a final litter in peace (with the clan knowing the father) while Whitestorm gains heirs.
By the beginning of the AU story set at the beginning of TPB there are three patricians in Thunderclan: Bluestar, Whitestorm and Frostflower.
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troutfur · 2 years
I had an Augur au dream where Sunstar was Nutmeg's (she was Nutwhisker in TC) dad, and Bluestar had been her mentor, with Whitestorm claiming the kits: (Princess--Sneezeflower, Rusty--Fireheart, Filou--Flamesong, Tommy--Forestsong, Luna--Moonflower) as his, so Tiger got Firepaw as an apprentice and vowed to do right by Sunstar, because he overheard that because of his dad Sunstar was refused a life. Ravenpaw was given to Longtail , Sneezepaw got Frostfur, Forestpaw got Morningflower, Flamepaw got Bluestar, Moonpaw got Spottedleaf (who wasn't an Augur, but Brindleface was, so Sand, Ash and Fern are) Dustpaw, Greypaw, and Sandpaw had their Canon mentors of Whitestorm, Lionheart, and Redtail, and it was a full apprentices den. Tigerclaw was actually pretty strict on Fire, but also didn't include him on any of his schemes, because he felt like his family had already taken from Fire's so he didn't need to be involved in his situation.
OOOOH! I like this setup. Full apprentice's den, hell yeah! Not to mention I'm a fan of both clanborn Fireheart and Tigerclaw being his mentor as concepts in general.
I know some people dislike that first one because what it does to the themes of TPB but consider: I live for the family drama. It's purely a preference thing, there is nothing wrong with the story TPB tried to tell. But for sure the main reason on a subjective level I rank TPB over DotC even though I do think the former is better quality-wise is that Fireheart is very adjacent to the family drama rather than entangled at the core of it.
But anyway, anyway! I don't know if you're the nonny who came up with the Fern and Ash are patricians AU, but considering it's an element here too I'm imagining things playing out roughly the same as there. You know, with Ferncloud taking over as matriarch, spreading her surviving kits across clans, taking on one of the LeafAsh kits as her successor in ThunderClan, etc.
I don't have much to add, but your subconscious gave you a really neat concept here. I love it, thanks for sharing!
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troutfur · 2 years
All the Augur AU content inspired me to make my own what if scenario where Frostfur was the Thunderclan augur in Into the Wild and now it's completely eaten my brain. The Frostfour were always favourite background characters of mine and having them as Augurs is fun to play around with. Here are my three favourite ideas from it though:
1. Due to the political disarray of the clans at the time of Frostflowers kitting including an exiled Windclan the four healthy kits were seen as a sign from Starclan to unite the clans. In homage to Moth Flight it was planned for a kit to go to each clan once they were old enough (Thornkit to Riverclan, Brackenkit to Windclan, Cinderkit to Shadowclan and mate with Littlekit). However when Shadowclan attempted to steal the whole litter they were cut from the deal altogether. By the time relations had calmed down enough with Shadowclan to reconsider (post TPB) Brightheart and Cinderstream were settled into their clan and Littlecloud had found a mate.
2. Fireheart is given Cinderpaw as his first apprentice as a sign of trust while her siblings train under Frostflower and Yellowfang to become Augurs. Cinderpaw gets her canon injury and Fireheart gets in seriously hot water with Frostflower over it and if it werent for Yellowfang, Bluestar and Cinderpaw herself defending him he likely wouldve been seriously punished. His relationship with Frostflower is shattered as is his reputation among the clan which doesnt recover fully until he reveals Tigerclaws betrayal.
3. Skipping ahead a large amount Whitewing and Crowfeather are assigned to marry eachother and settle in Thunderclan provided an heir is sent back in the future. Neither are particularly interested in eachother, though they make good friends. Instead Crowfeather falls for Leafpool and Whitewing falls for Birchfall (swapped the order of the first 2 Dustfern litters). Cue WhiteCrow and BirchLeaf pretending to be mates while keeping the real relationships hidden. WhiteCrow raise Dove and Ivy while BirchLeaf raise Jay, Holly and Lion. When it comes out it's going to be MESSY.
Anyway this has gone on long enough. Hope you enjoyed reading!
I'm sitting here reading it over and over again and it just works so well, you have made my day with this ask. I'm unscrewing the top of your skull to kiss that big, fat, wrinkly brain.
First of all, I'm always a fan of the idea of future augurs or meddies being seen as a second Moth Flight. I love the idea of the symbolic significance it would have. And the tradition I've already established in Blue-blooded of the Moonstone Festival. Just imagine the significance of the Frostfour getting to play the progenitor of the patrician lineage in the Clan they're planned to be sent to.
OH! ACTUALLY! Anon, have you considered perhaps the kidnapping goes on at the festival itself/shortly before? If the augur kits are going to conveniently be all gathered in one place, ShadowClan might as well take the chance. Also perhaps rather than learn of it at a gathering, ThunderClan learns of the exile of WindClan upon entering their territory for the festival and seeing no-one there. I think it makes for a suitably dramatic scene.
MAN! Poor Fireheart. I bet getting along well enough with Cinderpaw and Frostflower was such a huge help in integrating into the Clan. ...WAIT! HE RESCUED THEM, DIDN'T HE?! Oh, yeah, for sure that little thing alone would've pretty much instantly wiped his origins from most cats' memory... only for it to come back with a vengeance once Cinderpaw is injured. Poor Fireheart, I can only imagine how guilty Cinderpaw must feel for causing that on her former mentor.
Brightheart must've given her poor mother the scare of her life going out with little to no battle training intending to take down those dogs. Or perhaps she was going to give medical support/first aid for Swiftpaw? IDK what you had in mind but that part of the plot is super interesting to me in this scenario.
Also, I don't know why but I find it kinda amusing that Cloudtail would climb so high from traitorous kittypet-sympathizer to Clan nobility by association. Is it perhaps a bit of a scandal when he and Brightheart get together?
MAN, MAN, MAN! The soap opera drama there is juicy. I suppose Dove & Ivy are contemporaneous with HJL then? Or would they still be younger? Either way, it's like ooof. I don't see either litter coming out of this looking very good. On HJL's side it's like: congrats! You're secretly patrician! But you were born out of wedlock so live in shame! And on the Dove & Ivy side while they don't have to reassess their heritage as much, it's still gonna be though on them this sudden stigma.
Have you thought on who of Dove & Ivy would be trained as an augur? Would both? Who do you think they'd send back to WindClan?
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