frostmagik · 2 years
Just an fyi for any of my followers (a couple of you have been here for a decade), I have had two blogs for a long time, this one (formerly frostmagik) and lightningcapacitor. This has been my main blog, where I have a pretty dedicated aesthetic, and my sideblog had everything else. As I get older, I’ve been realizing that hiding my actual personality where no one can find it was maybe a manifestation of my anxiety and also exhausting so I’ve decided to migrate all my posting to this one. So, the aesthetic stuff will still be here for those who like it, (also because I like it) but also all the memes, and the trekposting, and even more Lord of the Rings, will now be appearing here. I will also be switching blog names, so lightningcapacitor will be my main blog name now, and where I am following from.
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ghilenan · 4 years
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Commission for @frostmagik - her lovely Hawke!
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captainlordauditor · 7 years
So, that green armor in that fenris screenshot; is there somewhere I could get that?
if you mean the one on my blog header, i made it and as soon as i finish the romanced version it’s being posted on my nexus page
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