#fsyy vol1
n333rdypirate · 1 year
FSYY 1 002 The Rebellion of Su Hu
The next morning, after he had received respects from his ministers, King Zhou addressed his messengers, “Transmit my orders to the four grand dukes that they must each present me with 100 beautiful virgins to serve in the palace. Their family background, in terms of rank and wealth, may be ignored, but they must be gentle, virtuous, and above all beautiful.”
But before the king had finished this announcement, a great minister stepped out from the ranks, and knelt down before him. “Your old minister Shang Rong begs to advise Your Majesty that if you rule the country properly the people will continue to take pleasure in their work and obey your wishes without having to be ordered.” Shang reminded him, “Your Majesty has already 1,000 beautiful women at least, who serve you in your chamber palace. If you now order the conscription of so many beautiful virgins, the people will be dissatisfied and oppose you. Remember the saying, ‘When a ruler rejoices with his people, they also rejoice with him; when he grieves at the sorrow of his people, they also grieve at his.’ Your people are now suffering seriously from floods and droughts. How can Your Majesty seek pleasure in women at a time like this? You must recall how emperors Yao and Shun rejoiced with the people and ruled the country with kindness and virtue, without resorting to violence and without bloodshed or war. During their' reigns, lucky stars shone brightly over the sky and sweet dew drenched the earth. Phoenixes danced in the palace courtyard and herbs of immortality grew in the fields. The people were rich and everything was in abundance. Rain fell at night and every day was sunny. Two ears would grow on each rice stalk. If Your Majesty seeks only short-lived pleasures: fixing your eyes on obscene events, filling your ears with lewd music, drinking until you become intoxicated, and hunting in the mountains and forests, this is a poor way to rule and will bring about the downfall of the dynasty. As prime minister in your government, and one who’s served under three kings, I’m obliged to present Your Majesty with the truth and hope that you won‘t conscript the virgins and indulge in lascivious pleasure.“
King Zhou remained silent for a long time. Finally he said, “You‘re right. I’ll repeal my edict at once."
Annoyed by what had happened, he had too little patience to remain in me hall discussing state affairs with his ministers and quickly retired to his chamber palace. The following summer, all 800 marquises came to Zhaoge to pledge their allegiance to the Shang Dynasty. As Grand Tutor Wen Zhong had been sent to the front to subdue the rebels of the North Sea, Fei Zhong and You Hun had become extremely influential at court and demanded of the dukes and marquises bribes and presents. But Su Hu, Marquis of Jizhou, refused to comply. Su Hu had an indomitable spirit and a fiery temper, but was a righteous man. He refused to ingratiate himself by dishonest means and would explode at the slightest injustice or wrongdoing. He did everything according to law, and refused to confer gifts upon Fei Zhong and You Hun, who as a result were very much annoyed.
At court that morning, after King Zhou had received respects from his ministers, the gate guard came forward and reported, “To mark this year of celebration, all the dukes and marquises of the nation have arrived in the capital to make obeisance to Your Majesty. At present, they are waiting for your orders outside the palace gate.”
When King Zhou discussed the matter with Shang Rong, the latter replied, ‘I suggest that Your Majesty grant an audience only to the four grand dukes, whom you can question about the livelihood of their people and about peace and security in their districts, and that the marquises make their obeisance outside the palace gate.”
“You’re right, Prime Minister,” King Zhou said with delight. The four grand dukes, all splendidly dressed, entered the Meridian Gate and walked over the Nine Dragon Bridge to the Cinnabar Terrace, where they knelt and prostrated themselves before King Zhou. The king, in turn, thanked them for their services. “You labor diligently for me, spending your energy and time educating the people and protecting them from starvation and war. You’ve achieved great things for the nation,” the king said in encouragement. “I’m greatly pleased you’ve come.”
Jiang Huanchu, the East Grand Duke, replied, “It's by grace of Your Majesty that we were created dukes. We're obliged to be diligent and watchful at our posts. so that Your Majesty‘s mind will always remain at ease. Any service we’ve rendered comes within the limits of our duty and isn‘t worthy of praise. However, we greatly appreciate the kind concern shown us by Your Majesty.”
The king was delighted with this reply and ordered Shang Rong and Vice Prime Minister Bi Gan to entertain the four grand dukes. while he himself retired to his private court with his favorites Pei Zhong and You Hun.
“Though you advised me to ask the four grand dukes for beautiful virgins, l was stopped by Shang Rong. Now that we’ve got the dukes here, I’ll issue the order to them directly tomorrow morning. That way I can save the trouble of sending messengers to them later. What do you think about that?”
“It was virtuous of Your Majesty to suspend the conscription of beautiful virgins on the Prime Minister’s advice.” Fei Zhong said but then admonished the king, “Your Majesty’s decision is known to everyone, and you mustn’t change your mind or you’ll lose their trust. l learned recently that Su Hu has a daughter as beautiful and charming as an angel. She’s fully qualified to serve you in the palace. Furthermore, by having her brought to the palace, Your Majesty won’t upset the whole nation.” King Zhou was overjoyed when he heard this and immediately sent an order for Su Hu to see him at the Dragon Virtue Court to discuss urgent state affairs.
When he came, Su Hu kowtowed and then waited on his knees for the king to speak.
“I’m told that your daughter’s mild, virtuous, and modest. I would like to have her serve me in the rear palace. As her father, you’ll become related to the royal family and enjoy wealth and rank, and be known and admired throughout the country. How do you feel about it, Marquis?” asked King Zhou.
“Your Majesty’s got a queen consort and thousands of concubines. They’re all charming and beautiful and possess talents to please all of your senses. How is it that you’re so unwise as to be deluded by your lying courtiers?” Su Hu protested. “My daughter, moreover, is crude and ignorant of the rites and has a very homely face. I beg Your Majesty to
accept my humble advice and take immediate action to behead your malicious courtiers so that you may rule with virtue. The future generations will know that you‘re a good and proper ruler and not a womanizer."
King Zhou burst out laughing. “You're both ignorant and lacking in common sense. Since ancient times, no one has been so foolish as to refuse royal connection. Once a daughter is lucky enough to be chosen queen or royal concubine, she’s honored as highly as the king. You would enjoy untold glory as my relative if you let your daughter serve in my palace. Don’t be muddle-headed. Think it over."
At this, Su Hu flew into a rage. He shouted sternly, “The rule can only last when the king reigns with virtue and diligence and the people remain satisfied. You’re now careless of state affairs, distracted from your duties by an unbridled passion for women. Behaving this way, I’m afraid you’ll end up the downfall of your 600-year-old dynasty.”
King Zhou was enraged. “You must obey the king, even if it means giving up your life. How dare you oppose my order! And how dare you offend me with your rubbish and insult me by claiming I am a wicked king! This is the gravest of offences. You should be arrested and put to death according to law!” he threatened.
When the palace guards placed Su Hu under arrest, Fei Zhong and You Hun entered the court, knelt down and kowtowed to the king. “Su Hu should be punished for his disobedience. However, you would be 23 looked upon as a bad ruler, and people would say that you had insulted a good man and imposed limitations on freedom of speech just because you were unable to get his daughter. It would be better to set him free and let him return to his post. This way he’ll be grateful for your generosity and be willing to give you his daughter. By doing so, the people will admire
you as a good ruler, generous and kind, permitting all to enjoy the freedom of speech and allowing dutiful ministers to live in peace. You’ll be killing two birds with one stone.”
Now calming down a little, King Zhou said, “I’ll do as you advise. Set him free and let him return to his post. But he may no longer remain here in the capital.”
Su Hu was expelled from the court and ordered to leave the city at once. When he reached his residence, he was met by his generals, who asked him, “What important problem did His Majesty discuss with you?“
Su Hu was still in a rage and cursed the king soundly. “If I don't send my daughter to him, the bloody bastard is sure to send an army. But if I do, he’ll neglect state affairs, and people’ll curse and ridicule me. What shall I do, Generals?”
“It‘s said that when the ruler is immoral, ministers may abandon him and seek their future abroad. Our king ignores his good and faithful ministers and devotes himself solely to sexual pleasure. Chaos is bound to overrun the country soon. Let’s leave this place and declare independence to save our own homes and lives and the land inherited from our ancestors,” they advised him.
Su Hu was greatly excited. “A hero must act in public. Hand me a brush and ink, and I’ll write a poem on the Meridian Gate to express my strong resolve never again to serve the Shang Dynasty.” Eventually, he wrote the following on the wall.
You ignore the rites between king and ministers, You corrupt the five cardinal virtues of mankind. Thus, Su Hu, the Marquis of Jizhou, has decided To offer no further obeisance to the Shang Dynasty.
King Zhou pondered deeply after Su Hu was removed from the palace, “Though I’ve set him free, I still don’t know whether he’ll give his daughter to me or not.”
But his meditation was interrupted by a gate officer, who knelt before him and said, “While on duty at the palace gate, I discovered a quatrain written by Su Hu, in which he announces a rebellion. Not daring to keep it to myself, I’m reporting this to Your Majesty.”
Reading over the explosive poem, King Zhou once more became infuriated. “How dare that bloody bastard act like this. As Heaven prefers not to kill, I didn’t cut his damned head off but set him free instead. This is the way he shows his gratitude! This time he must be punished,” he cursed, and gave the order, “Generals Yin, Chao and Lu are hereby ordered to lead six armies under my command to attack Jizhou. Our goal is the utter decimation of the city.”
Hearing this order. General Lu Xiong thought. “So Hu is a good and faithful minister, but how did he offend the king so much that His Majesty himself is going to Jizhou. Woe to the city!" Feeling a pang of compassion for Su Hu, he knelt down and reported, “Though Su Hu was offensive in Your Majesty‘s presence, it’s unnecessary for you to venture personally to the front. Since the grand dukes are still in the capital, Your Majesty may appoint one or two of them to command the attack. You shouldn’t place yourself in danger on the front.”
“Who would be the best qualified to act on my behalf?”
Since Jizhou’s in the north, under the administration of the North Grand Duke, Your Majesty may logically appoint Chong Houhu,” Fei Zhong said. This was quickly approved by the king.
“Chong Houhu’s avaricious and cruel. Wherever his army goes, people suffer terribly,” General Lu Xiong thought. “But the West Grand Duke Ji Chang is virtuous, loved and well-trusted by the people. Better I recommend him to prevent things from getting worse.” The king was ordering to publish the appointment when he objected. “Though Chong Houhu is the North Grand Duke, he’s not fully trusted by the people, and it may be difficult for him to accomplish his mission. However, Ji Chang has long been known for his virtue. I recommend that you appoint him to take your place. This way, So Hu’ll be punished according to law without your having to confront the danger of arrows and spears.”
After a long hesitation, King Zhou approved both recommendations, and appointed Chong Houhu and Ji Chang in joint command of the army. When the announcement reached him, Ji Chang remarked to the two prime ministers and the three other dukes at the banquet, “Though Su Hu came to offer his allegiance, he wasn’t admitted to the palace, nor was he received by His Majesty. How could he possibly have offended the king." He's known to all for his loyalty and good conduct, and for his many outstanding military successes. There must have been a good reason for him to write the poem. His Majesty’ll lose sympathy from the marquises if he believes the malicious accusations by his minions and attacks Su Hu. Would you two prime ministers try to find out at court tomorrow morning what crime it is that Su Hu’s committed. Should he be guilty, Su Hu must be punished. If not, we must do something about it.”
“You’re right, Grand Duke,” Vice Prime Minister Bi Gan agreed.
But Chong Houhu held a different view. “The king’s words, if unspoken, are like silk threads, but turn into satin once he begins to speak. Who would dare to oppose an order he had already issued! Besides, Su Hu did indeed write an abusive poem, and His Majesty hasn’t made his decision groundlessly. Should the 800 marquises all begin to disobey the king, how can His Majesty maintain order?”
“Your point seems quite reasonable, yet it’s only one-sided. No one doubts that Su Hu’s a faithful minister. He serves the country with loyalty, educates the people methodically and commands his army brilliantly. He’s acted faultlessly for years now.” Ji Chang refuted him. “I’m at a loss as to who’s tricked His Majesty into punishing the innocent. This isn’t an auspicious omen for the country. I pray that His Majesty won’t choose to use violence. War is a serious disaster. It wastes money, slaughters the people and destroys the peace of the nation.” “You may be right, Grand Duke, but how can we disobey His Majesty’s orders? We’re compelled to follow them, lest we commit the crime of opposing the king,” replied Chong Houhu.
“If it be so, lead your army to the front first, and I’ll follow you there soon,” said Ji Chang.
The banquet ended, and the party went their separate ways. Before his departure, the West Grand Duke said to the prime ministers, “Chong Houhu’ll be there first. I have to return to West Qi for the time being, and will join him shortly.”
Arriving back at J izhou, Su Hu was met in the suburbs by his eldest son Su Quanzhong at the head of his generals. When he entered the city, he held a meeting and told his generals all that had happened to him in the capital. “We must train men and horses and make preparations to defend the city walls with catapults and rolling logs against the king’s army,” he warned them.
All of his generals and soldiers took extra care while on guard and prepared themselves for the anticipated attack. Without the least delay, Chong Houhu gathered a 50,000-strong army
and left the capital for Jizhou. He was well-equipped with cannons powerful enough to shake the earth, and his troops with their spears and swords were imposing as huge mountains. After marching through countless cities and towns, a report came from the vanguard, “The army’s arrived at Jizhou and requests orders from the commander.” He ordered the army to halt, and encamp within stockades and strongholds.
When he learned of the arrival of the invaders, Su Hu asked an intelligence officer, “Who’s the commander of the army?”
“It’s Chong Houhu, the North Grand Duke.”
Su Hu was infuriated. “I’d settle this matter with a compromise if it were any other grand duke but Chong Houhu,” he declared. “Chong’s an evil fellow, and it’s absolutely hopeless to try to settle in peace with him. I’ll take him by surprise, and ensure that people won’t suffer any harm.” Amid the firing of cannons, Su Hu led his generals and soldiers out of the city roaring like thunder. He lined up his men and shouted, “Let me talk with your commander now!”
Chong Houhu led his men out of the strongholds to meet the challenge. He rode on a tall stallion, wore golden chain mail, a red robe and a jade belt, and held a cutlass across his saddle. Behind him came his eldest son, Chong Yingbiao, his generals and two great banners, one embroidered with a dragon and the other with a phoenix.
Seeing Chong Houhu in front of him. Su Hu bowed. “How are you, Grand Duke. I’m terribly sorry that I cannot offer you a complete salutation, as I’m in helmet and armor,” he greeted him and then came to the point. “King Zhou has of late become corrupt and immoral as a ruler. He shows no respect for his ministers, cares little for the state and listens only to the servile courtiers. He compelled me to give him my daughter as a concubine. Addicted to sex and wine, he now leads a life of dissipation. The kingdom’ll soon suffer from great disturbances and is bound to fall before long. But I’ve always stayed within my own marquisate, and am surprised to see you here with your army.”
In anger, Chong Houhu said, “You disobeyed the orders of His Maj- esty and wrote a treasonable poem on the wall of the Meridian Gate.
You’re a rebel and ought to be punished by death. On the order of His Majesty, I’m here to carry out his sentence. You should have knelt down before my army in unconditional surrender, but you stand there in armor brandishing your weapons and mouth glib rubbish!” Turning towards his men he demanded, “Who’ll take that filthy bandit for me?” A general, wearing a phoenix-feather helmet, a scarlet robe and golden armor, urged forward his black stallion crying, “I’ll take that bloody bastard.”
Galloping swiftly to the front, he was met by General Su Quanzhong, Su Hu’s eldest son, who, brandishing a halberd, shouted, “What’s the big hurry? Come on, let’s fight.” He recognized his opponent as General Mei Wu. “Su Quanzhong, you and your father are rebelling against His Majesty. Lay down your arms and surrender, or else your whole clan will die.”
Su Quanzhong remained silent. Urging his horse forward, he stabbed at Mei Wu’s chest with his halberd. Mei Wu resisted bravely and struck at him with his battle-axe. Their combat proceeded vigorously. After twenty rounds, Mei Wu received a fatal wound and fell dead to the ground.
Now that his son had won the first encounter, Su Hu ordered his men to beat the drums, signaling an all-round engagement. At this Zhao Bing, Chen Jizhen and the Jizhou soldiers launched into the enemy line. After a fierce battle, the field was soon piled high with the dead and wounded, and blood flowed freely over the wilderness under a gloomy sky. Chong Houhu and his generals Jin Kui, Huang Yuanji and Chong Yingbiao were utterly defeated and retreated to a distance of ten 11' (1 li=0.3 mile).
Returning, Su Hu held a meeting to discuss the future with his generals. “Though we‘ve defeated Chong Houhu today. he‘ll come here again with a stronger force." Su Hu said. “Jizhou's still in great danger. What shall we do now?”
Zhao Bing stepped forward and said, ‘In my humble opinion. since we've taken the first step, we must take the second. Chong‘s suffered defeat this time and retreated, though not too far from us. We might launch a surprise attack tonight and smash his stockades in the darkness. When we’ve routed him completely Chong’ll come to realize that we’re not to be trifled with. Only then can we hope to come to terms with a duke other than Chong and save the city from destruction. What do you think, Marquis?”
Su Hu was overjoyed at this suggestion. “You’re quite right. I agree with you completely,” he said, then issued orders, “Su Quanzhong with 3,000 men are to lay an ambush at Wugang, about ten li beyond the west gate; General Chen Jizhen’s to lead his army on the left and Zhao Bing on the right, while I’ll be in the middle.”
After dusk, Su Hu’s armies were ordered to march to their positions, flags rolled up, drums quiet and horses moving in silence. Soon they would take the enemy by surprise.
Chong Houhu had not expected such a defeat and the loss of his generals and soldiers. With nowhere to turn to, he gathered his troops and encamped anew. He addressed his men, “Though I’ve fought countless battles in my day, never have I suffered such a defeat as today! The death of Mei Wu in particular is a great loss to us. What shall we do?”
General Huang Yuanji consoled him, “Don’t you know, Grand Duke, that victories and defeats are routine business in the army. The West Grand Duke’ll soon be with us, and we’ll be able to smash Jizhou as easily as snapping our fingers. You shouldn’t worry too much.” At this Chong Houhu brightened up and drank with his generals in their new camp. Meanwhile Su Hu led his army quietly out of the city and waited patiently for the moment to come. By the time of the first watch, the army had marched ten li, and the enemy camp was in sight. At a prearranged signal, Su Hu’s cavalry and infantry bravely launched their attack, taking Chong completely by surprise. They rushed in like tigers and wolves, slaughtering and maiming on all sides. Su Hu was riding alone, lance in hand, in search of Chong Houhu.
Chong was startled from his dreams by the battle cries. He dressed quickly, mounted his horse, grabbed his cutlass and stormed away from his tent into the combat. Soon he came upon Su Hu, in a golden helmet and armor, mounted on a black horse and wielding a long fire dragon
lance. Su Hu saw him. “Chong Houhu! How dare you flee so shamelessly. Get down from your horse and be my captive,” he shouted.
Chong was greatly frightened, and had little choice but to match his cutlass against Su Hu’s lance. At this moment, his son Chong Yingbiao, Jin Kui and Huang Yuanji came to his aid. But Zhao Bing and Chen Jizhen appeared moments later to right the temporary imbalance. The men on both sides battled furiously in the dark of night. So Hu's troops were well-prepared for the attack, while Chong Houhu‘s men were taken by surprise. Thus. the soldiers of Jizhou fought with extraordinary bravery, and Chong Houhu’s men were totally overwhelmed.
In the midst of the fight, J in Kui was felled from his horse by Zhao Bing and died instantly. Realizing that the situation was not to be saved, Chong Houhu was forced to beat a fighting retreat with Chong Yingbiao. They ran like homeless dogs, while the soldiers of Jizhou fought as bravely as tigers and fiercely as wolves. The ground was strewn with corpses, and blood flowed in streams. After pursuing the fleeing troops for twenty li, Su Hu gave the order that his men return to Jizhou.
Fleeing, Chong Houhu and Chong Yingbiao met Huang Yuanji, Sun Ziyu and their soldiers. Chong Houhu groaned. “Since I first became a soldier, I’ve‘ never suffered such a big defeat as this. I never expected those treacherous bandits would attack our stockades in the middle of night, and cost us officers and many soldiers. We must take our revenge. I’m also displeased that Ji Chang should rest peacefully in his dukedom, and ignore His Majesty’s orders. He doesn’t send us a single soldier but sits back and watches me suffer a defeat. I won’t tolerate this.”
“We’ve lost our fighting spirit,” Chong Yingbiao said. “I suggest that we take a defensive position and take no further action for the present. Let’s send a messenger to Ji Chang to request reinforcements.” “You’re right, my son. Let’s discuss this again at dawn,” replied Chong Houhu.
He was not aware that an ambush was prepared for them. As they rode, the sudden thunder of cannons rent the air and they heard the Jizhou soldiers roaring “Chong Houhu dismount from your horse and die!”
Looking up. Chong Houhu saw a brave young general in a golden helmet and armor. with a lace round as the full moon and lips red as vermilion. “On my father's orders I've waited for you for a longtime. Throw down your cutlass. get off your horse and meet your death." cried Su Quanzhong. “What are you waiting for?"
“You bloody bastard! Both you and your father are wicked rebels, killing generals and soldiers sent here by His Majesty. Your crimes are weighty as mountains, and you deserve to be sliced into a thousand pieces. It‘s too early for you to brag about victory, though I’ve suffered from
your surprise raid. As soon as the reinforcements from His Majesty arrive, you and your father shall meet instant deaths,” Chong Houhu reviled
in return. “Who’ll take this rascal for me?”
General Huang Yuanji spurred his horse forward and swung his cutlass at Su Quanzhong, who met the charge with his halberd. They fought an intense battle, with neither side taking the immediate upper hand. Then, Sun Ziyu galloped out with his forked spear to join the fight against Su. With a mighty roar, Su Quanzhong pierced Sun Ziyu’s helmet with his weapon, bringing him crashing to the ground.
Though the combat was joined by Chong Houhu and his son, Su
Quanzhong fought on single-handedly against the three generals, display- ing the courage of a tiger in the mountains or a dragon in the sea. Su
Quanzhong’s halberd slashed Chong Houhu’s armor, knocking off a piece covering his thigh. Much alarmed, Chong spurred his horse and with a rapid leap fled the scene of combat. Seeing his father flee, Chong Yingbiao became discouraged and distracted. A thrust of Su’s halberd at his heart caught him unawares, but hastily avoiding it, he took a heavy blow in the left arm. Blood soaked his robes and armor. He would have fallen from his horse had not his generals rushed forward to support him. Once again, Chong Houhu’s army suffered a terrible defeat.
Su Quanzhong dared not pursue any further in the darkness, and went back to the city.
At dawn, Su Hu held a conference at court. He asked Su Quanzhong, “Have you captured that rogue?” “By your order, I had my men lay an ambush at Wugang, and the defeated enemy troops fell into the trap at midnight. I fought bravely and managed to stab Sun Ziyu to death, knock off Chong Houhu’s armor and pierce Chong Yingbiao’s left arm. They were thoroughly defeated, but I dared not chase them farther in the dark. I had no choice but to return,” Su Quangzhong reported.
“Chong Houhu was lucky. You may rest now, my son.” Su Hu was very pleased with this outcome.
If you wish to know what happened after that, please read the next chapter.
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n333rdypirate · 3 years
FSYY 1 001 - King Zhou and the Goddess Nu Wa
The Shang Dynasty replaced the Xia Dynasty and ruled China for nearly 650 years. The Shang court produced twenty-eight kings of whom King Zhou was the last.
Before King Zhou ascended the throne, he and his father, King Di Yi, and many civil and military officials were walking in the royal garden one day, viewing the blooming peonies, when suddenly the Flying Cloud Pavilion collapsed and a beam flew towards them. Rushing forward, King Zhou or then Prince Shou, caught the beam and replaced it in a display of miraculous strength. Deeply impressed, Prime Minister Shang Rong and Supreme Mei Bo advised King Di Yi to name him Crown Prince.
When King Di Yi passed away after thirty years on the throne, Crown Prince Shou was immediately crowned king to rule the country in his father's place. King Zhou established his capital at Zhaoge, a metropolis on the Yellow River. The king appointed Grand Tutor Wen Zhong to be in charge of civil affairs and Huang Feihu, Prince for National Pacification and of Military Prowess, to supervise military affairs. In this way, the king hoped the nation would live in peace under a civil administration backed up by the military. The king placed Queen Jiang in the Central Palace; Concubine Huang in the West Palace and Concubine Yang in the Fragrant Palace. They were all virtuous and chaste in their behavior and mild and gentle in manner.
King Zhou ruled his country in peace, and was respected by the neighboring states. His people worked happily in their different professions, and his peasants were especially blessed by favorable winds and rains. There were 800 marquises in the country who offered their allegiance to four dukes, each of whom ruled over 200 of these marquises on behalf of King Zhou. There four dukes were: the East Grand Duke Jiang Huanchu, the South Grand Duke E Chongyu, the West Grand Duke Ji Chang and the North Grand Duke Chong Houhu.
In the second month of the seventh year of the reign of King Zhou, a report reached Zhaoge of a rebellion of seventy-two marquises in the North Sea district, and the grand Tutor Wen Zhong was immediately ordered to lead a strong army to suppress the rebels. One day when King Zhou was holding court, Shang Rong stepped out from the right row, knelt and said, “Your humble Prime Minister Shang Rong begs to report something urgent to Your Majesty. Tomorrow is the 15th day of the third month, the birthday of the Goddess Nu Wa, and Your Majesty should honor her and hold a ceremony at her temple.”
“What has Goddess Nu Wa done that a great king such as myself is obliged to go to her temple and worship her?” King Zhou asked.
“Goddess Nu Wa's been a great goddess since ancient time and possesses saintly virtues. When the enraged demon Gong Gong knocked his head against Buzhou Mountain, the northwest section of Heaven collapsed and the earth sunk down in the southeast. At this critical moment, Nu Wa came to the rescue and mended Heaven with multi-colored stones she obtained and refined from a mountain,” Shang Rong explained. “She's performed this great service of the people, who've built temples to honor her in gratitude. Zhaoge in fortune to have the change to worship this kind goddess. She'll ensure peace and health tot he people and prosperity to the country; she'll bring us timely wind and rain and keep us free from famine and war. She's the proper guardian angel for both the people and the nation. So I make bold to suggest that Your Majesty honor her tomorrow.”
“You're right, Prime Minister. I'll do as you advise.”
Returning to his residential palace, King Zhou ordered a notion be issued that His Majesty, together with his civil and military officials, were to make a pilgrimage to worship Goddess Nu Wa at her temple the next day.
It would have been better if he hadn't gone at all, for it was this very pilgrimage that caused the fall of the Shang Dynasty, making it impossible for the people to live in peace. It was as if the king had tossed a fishing line in to a big river and unexpectedly caught numerous disaster leading to the loss of both his throne and his life.
The king and his entourage left the palace and made their way through the south gate of the capital. Every house they passes was decorated with bright silk, and the sheets were scented for ht eking by burning incense. The king was accompanied by 3,000 cavalrymen and 800 royal guards under the command of General Huang Feihu, Prince for National Pacification and of Military Prowess and followed by all the officials of the royal court.
Reaching the Temple of Goddess Nu Wa, King Zhou left his royal carriage and went to the main hall, where he burned incense sticks, bowed low with his ministers and offered prayers. King Zhou then wandered about the hall, finding it splendidly decorated in gold and other colors. Before the statue of the goddess stood golden lads holding pennants, and the jade lasses holding S-shaped jade ornaments which symbolized peace and happiness. The jade hooks on the curtain hung obliquely, like new crescent moons suspended in the air, and hundreds of fine phoenixes embroidered on the curtain appeared to be flying towards the North Pole. Beside the altar of the goddess, made of fragrant wood, cranes and dragons were dancing in the scented smoke rising from the gold incense burners and the sparkling flames of the silvery candles.
As King Zhou was admiring the splendors of the hall, a whirlwinds suddenly blew up, rolling back the curtain and exposing the image oft he goddess to all. She was extremely beautiful, much more than flowers, more than the fairy in the moon palace, and certainly more than any woman in the world. She looked quite alive, smiling sweetly at the king and staring at him with joy in her eyes.
Her utter beauty bewitched King Zhou, setting him on fire with lust. He desired to possess her, and thought to himself in frustration, “Through I'm wealthy and powerful and have concubines and maid servants filling my palace, there‘s none as beautiful land charming as this goddess." He ordered his attendants to bring brush and ink and wrote a poem on the wall near the image of the goddess to express his admiration and deep love for her. The poem ran like this:
The scene is gay with phoenixes and dragons,
But they are only clay and golden colors.
Brows like winding hills in jade green,
Sleeves like graceful clouds, you're
As pear blossoms soaked with raindrops,
Charming as peonies enveloped in mist.
I pray that you come alive,
With sweet voice and gentle movements,
And I'll bring you along to my palace.
When he finished writing, Prime Minister Shang Rong approached him. “Nu Wa's been a proper goddess and the guardian angel for Zhaoge, I only suggested that you worship her so that she would continue to bless the people with timely rains and favorable winds and ensure that they'll continue to live in peace. Bur with this poem, you've not only shown tour lack on sincerity on this trip but have insulted her as well.” He demanded, “This isn't the way a king should behave. I pray you wash this blasphemous poem off the wall, lest you be condemned by the people for your immortality.”
“I found Goddess Nu Wa so beautiful that I wrote a poem in praise of her, and that’s all. Hold your tongue. Don’t forget that I am the king. People will be only too glad to read the poem I wrote in my own hand, for it enables them to identify the true beauty of the goddess.”
King Zhou dismissed him lightly. The other civil and military officials remained silent, no one daring to utter a word. They then returned tot he capital. The king went directly to the Dragon Virtue Court, where he met his queens and con in a happy reunion.
On her birthday, Goddess Nu Wa had left her palace and paid her respects to the three emperors, Fu Xi, Shen Nong and Xuan Yuan. She then returned to her temple, seated herself in the main hall, and received greetings from the golden lads and jade lasses.
Looking up, she saw the poem on the wall. “That wicked king!” She flew in to a rage. “He doesn't think how to protect his country with virtue and mortality. On the contrary, he shows no fear of Heaven and insults me with this dirty poem. How vile he is! The Shang Dynasty's already ruled for over 600 years and is coming to an end. I must take my revenge on him if I'm to assuage my own conscience.”
She took action at once. She mounted a phoenix and headed for Zhaoge.
King Zhou had two sons. One was Yin Jiao, who later became the “Star God Presiding over the Year," and the other Xin Hong, who later became the "God of Grain." As the two gods paid their respects to their father, two red divine beams rose from the tops of their heads and soared high in the sky, blocking the way of the goddess. Looking down through the clouds, Nu Wa at once realized  realized King Zhou had still twenty-eight years  to go before his downfall. She also realized that she could do nothing about it at this moment. Since that would go against the will of Heaven.
The goddess returned to her temple, highly displeased. Back in her palace, Goddess Nu Wa ordered a young maidservant to fetch a golden gourd and put it on the Cinnabar Terrace outside her court. When its stopper was removed, Nu Wa pointed at the gourd with one finger and suddenly a thick beam of brilliant white light rose from the mouth of the gourd and shot up fifty feet into the air. Hanging  from the beam was a multi-colored flag called the Demon Summoning Pennant. As soon as this pennant made its appearance, glittering high up in the sky, all demons and evil sprites, no matter where they were, would gather round.
Moments later, dark winds began to bowl, eerie fogs enveloped the earth, and vicious-looking clouds gathered in the sky. All the demons in the world had arrived to receive her command Nu Wa gave orders that all the demons return home except the three sprites that dwelt in the grave of Emperor Xuan Yuan.
Who were these three sprites? The first was a thousand—year-old female fox sprite; the second was a female pheasant sprite with nine heads; and the third was a jade lute sprite.
“May you live eternally, dear goddess!” the three sprites greeted Nu Wa, kowtowing on the Cinnabar Terrace.
“Listen carefully to my secret orders. The Shang Dynasty's destined to end soon. The singing of the phoenix at Mount Qi augurs the birth of a new ruler in West Qi. This has all been determined by the will of Heaven, and no one has the power to change what must happen. You may transform yourselves into beauties, enter the palace, and distract King Zhou from state affairs. You’ll be richly rewarded forgiving the new dynasty an auspicious start and helping the old one to its downfall. However, you mustn‘t bring harm to the people.”
at the end of her order, the three spirits kowtowed, turned themselves into winds, and flew away.
Since his visit to the Temple of the Goddess Nu Wa, King Zhou had sunk into a deep depression. He ardently admired the beauty of the goddess and, yearning for her day and night, lost all desire to eat and drink. He had no passion for his queen, his concubines, or the numerous maids in his palace. They now all appeared to him like lumps of clay. He would not be bothered with state affairs.
One day, he remembered Fei Zhong and You Hun, two minion courtiers who would flatter and slander as he pleased. King Zhou sent for Fei Zhong, and the latter appeared in no time.
“I went to worship Goddess Nu Wa recently,” King Zhou began. “She’s so beautiful I believe she has no rival in the world, and none of my concubines is to be compared with her. I’m head over heels in love, and feel very sad as I cannot get her. Have you any ideas with which to comfort me?”
“Your Majesty! With all your honor and dignity, you're the most powerful and the richest man in the world. You possess all the wealth within the four seas, and are virtuous as the sage emperors Yao and Shun. You may have anything you wish for, and you should have no difficulty in satisfying your desires. You can issue an order tomorrow demanding 100 beauties from the grand dukes. You’ll then have no trouble finding one as beautiful as Goddess Nu Wa,” Fei Zhong suggested. King Zhou was delighted. He said, “Your suggestion appeals to me greatly. I’ll issue the order tomorrow. You may return home for the time being. ”He then left the throne hall and returned to his royal chambers to rest.
If you wish to know what happened thereafter, please read the following chapter.
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