#ft namjoon and yoongi as wingmen lmao
joonie-beanie · 6 years
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Summary: Your literature professor has a bit of a...gift. A gift that let’s him see other peoples thoughts when he wants to. And despite the fact that he warns his class openly about this gift, one day you forget, and find yourself in a bit of pickle when Kim Seokjin reads your mind, and finds you imagining some not so school appropriate scenarios...involving him.
Pairing: Jin x Reader
Genre: Smut
Words: 8,240
A/N: I’ve been in such a writing slump the last few months I’m so sorry lol. I feel bad bc I rarely put out fics nowadays, but after starting this over a week ago I finally managed to get it done!! I wanted to write a fic with Jin because I haven’t written one staring him in like...a year.
Anyway!! I hope you all enjoy!
You've known for a while that your literature professor is...gifted. It’s not entirely rare, but it's not common either. Over time humans have developed special traits. Only 1 in 100 people are born with some type of unique ability, and thus far not many have attempted to use their ability for evil, so the "gifted" individuals blend in with the rest normally. In fact, most gifted individuals tend to keep their abilities to themselves, wanting to fit in, scared of being ostracized. Of course, this trend doesn't apply to everyone--and certainly not your literature professor, Kim Seokjin.
A 4.8 rating online, he’s known for interesting lectures and his daring good looks. He's new to the university, but despite only being here 2 years he's got over 30 positive reviews. So, you sign up for his class. You never care about how attractive your professors are--you’re here to learn, and that's that. At least...that’s what you tell yourself until you see Kim Seokjin on the first day of class.
He's young--baffling young compared to the middle age professors you always seem to have. His shoulders are broad--his black dress shirt stretched perfectly across his chest, the top button struggling to hang on. A pair of round rim glasses rest on his nose, slipping farther down when he smiles, and his plush pink lips are enviable.
The lecture hall hushes as he sets his bag down at the desk near the projector. As he bends down to retrieve his materials his dark brown hair dangles into his eyes, and he cutely huffs it out of the way.
Your heart palpitates, and you lean sideways in your seat, peeking around the head of the girl in front of you. With the new angle, you catch an eyeful of your professor’s ass, hugged by his dark slacks.
Fuck...you swallow. He really is attractive. Too attractive.
This is dangerous. In fact, it's more dangerous than you know.
Kim Seokjin coughs, turning to address the class, and any chatter that had started immediately dies. He smiles again.
"Hello all. I'm Professor Kim Seokjin, and I'll be teaching this class for the next 4 months. I'm sure we'll all get along just fine. However...I suppose I should address the elephant in the room before we get into the core syllabus material."
You frown. What elephant in the room...?
Seokjin sighs. "Yes, I'm a mind reader."
Oh. Your eyes go wide, cheeks flushing as you recall the unadulterated thirsting you'd done just a minute before. Fuck.
"No, I'm not reading your minds right now. I only read minds when I choose to, and trust me—" he smiles wider, eyes creasing pleasantly, but you can sense that this smile holds some sort of...threat.
"—if I choose to read your mind, you shouldn't feel honored. It means that I've caught you slacking off in my class. Daydreaming, napping, texting--I’m not scared to let your peers know what you've got on your mind."
His head tilts to the side, a quiet laugh slipping past his lips, and a few of the people around you visibly pale. You, yourself, find a lump caught in your throat, anxiety rising to the surface. At 21 years of age you know damn well that you have a terrible habit of daydreaming during lectures.
"Please keep that in mind as this class progresses, alright? I don't intend this to be a threat, but more as a gentle motivator for you to pay attention in my class. I like to think my lectures are interesting, and you're paying all this money for a degree, aren't you?"
A wave of quiet laughter sweeps across the room, the mood lightening, and Seokjin nods, pleased.
He starts up the sizable screen at the head of the room, pulls up the syllabus, and begins reviewing it with you all.
You follow along dutifully, sneaking prolonged glances at his handsome face and keep his warning tucked away at the back of your mind.
Pay attention--you have to.
A month in, you realize doing such a thing is easier said than done. And the other students must feel the same.
Despite your professor calling out someone in nearly every one of his classes, you find your concentration slipping.
In the fourth class, he calls out the girl in the corner, swiping through her Instagram feed beneath her table, thinking that he won't notice she's looking at her lap and not at the PowerPoint on screen. He tells the whole class how she's thinking about her date with a frat boy on Sunday--about how she's debating what to wear--and informs her that if she's so concerned about her outfit, she should just skip his class and stay home to figure it out.
Two classes later, he calls out a guy in the back row who hasn't looked up from his laptop the entire class, internet shopping for a new pair of kicks. Expensive ones. And tells him that if he knows he can't afford them, maybe he'd be better off paying attention in a class he's paying for, so he can earn a higher salary in the future.
Each time Kim Seokjin calls out a student, you find yourself both terrified and amazed. If that happens to you, you're not sure what you'll do--drop out of school maybe, but...at the same time you get a strange thrill from watching him use his ability. His eyes flash, emotions washing across his face as the thoughts of his target flood into his mind. You can see when he does it, his eyebrows furrowing slightly, his lips pressing together. The emotions that show on his face vary on his level of annoyance, and his surprise towards what his target is thinking. And it’s...somewhat mesmerizing.
You can't help yourself from thinking about him. Whenever you walk into his class and see him standing at the front of the room, as kind and as handsome as ever, your mind wanders. At first you wonder if he's married, or at least is dating someone. He's only 25, barely older than any of you, and, hell, probably younger than some, but with a face like that it'd be impossible for him not to be seeing someone, right?
Like this, your daydreaming about Kim Seokjin starts out innocent enough. You wonder about his past, and his hobbies. What was he like in college? Was he top of his class? Did he get the girls?
Luckily, you're pretty self-aware, and manage to pull out of your daydreaming when you begin to fall too far from reality. When you daydream, your professor’s voice simply becoming background noise, your hand moves on autopilot. If it weren't for your ability to multitask in class--brought on by over 10 years of schooling--you're sure you would’ve been caught by now. After all, since the first day you've always been right in his line of sight--middle section, second row, seat on the far left. You're not directly in front of him, the lecture podium a good 20 feet over, but you’re not protected by rows of other students either.
You're vulnerable, yet proficient at faking your attention.
At least...until the second month.
At the start of the second month of Kim Seokjin’s class, you step into the lecture hall in a…mood.
You're not quite sure how you feel...a little giddy, a little tired, and a little...needy.
It's been a while.
Sliding into your seat, you pull out your notebook and pencil, mind already wandering and thighs already rubbing together.
You imagine a pair hands on you--slipping under your shirt, tugging off your bra. You imagine palms cupping your breasts possessively, soft lips enclosing around your nipple. And when your professor walks into the room, on time as always, you see his handsome face and stunning body and you imagine that the person who's making you bend and moan in your fantasy is...him.
Kim Seokjin, your 25 year old literature professor, who reads minds.
On this day, you forget about that last part.
Seokjin starts his lecture, but you don’t hear a single word he says. You watch him as he moves around, noting the way his shirt hugs his form—tight around his chest but loose at the bottom. When he poses a hand on his waist, you note how thin he is despite his broad shoulders, and you imagine sitting on his lap, popping open the buttons on his shirt one by one, until it’s sliding off his shoulders. You fantasize about running your hands down his smooth chest, leaving light nail marks in your wake.
You assume he’d shiver, head lolling back, throat bobbing as you sneak your hand beneath the waistband of his slacks, palming at his thick erection. You’d keep him wanting more, teasing his cock through the thin fabric, testing how far you can push him before he snaps. And when he does, you bet he’d turn the tables, pining you down and teasing you right back.
You’re not sure what kinks he has, but you can picture him being light bondage, denial, overstim, spanking…
“Hey,” someone whispers, and there’s a tap on your thigh. Blinking, you look to the male sitting next to you, and his face looks a little scared. He angles his head to the side, and you look past him, color blooming on you face and chest as you notice that Kim Seokjin, the man you’d just been fantasizing about, is staring right at you.
Your jaw goes slack, heart jolting against your ribs as embarrassment and horror floods into you.
You can tell by the shocked look on his face and redness of his ears that…he’d just read your mind. While you’d been thinking about…him and…kinks…and…
Oh my god.
The class is deathly silent now, looking to your professor expectantly. It’s clear to everyone that he’s read your mind—he only pauses this long in his lecturing when he’s preparing to call someone out. However…after a few seconds, Seokjin coughs, and retreats to his desk.
“Please pay attention to the lecture.”
You nod your head—baffled, relieved, and unimaginably embarrassed—and then look down at your blank notes. A murmur passes through the lecture hall, and you can only guess that your classmates are now wondering what the hell you’d been thinking in order for your professor to have refrained from outing you.
Clearly this a first.
You’re the first person he’s left speechless…because you’d been fantasizing about having sex with your professor.
Keeping your head down, you find yourself unable to look up the remainder of class. And when the hour is over, students shuffling out of the lecture hall, you quickly shove your notes into your bag and make for the door. However, when you stand—daring to look up for the first time in 40 minutes—you find Kim Seokjin standing right before you, 2 rows down. His eyes meet yours, and you freeze, worry and embarrassment inhibiting your movements.
“I…,” is all you manage to say, cheeks heating up, before your lips press shut. Seokjin narrows his eyes at you, curious, and when he breaks eye contact, his gaze methodically raking down your body, heat pulses in your gut. His actions, and the reaction that had occurred because of them, makes you both terrified and excited at the same time.
Yet, right now, persisting embarrassment wins over, and after meeting his stare one last time, you turn and hurry out room.
You’re pretty sure you’ll never be able to attend his class again.
The inability to skip a class wins over, and at the beginning of the next week you find yourself entering the lecture hall once more. You pause at the top of the steps, debating stealing a seat in the back. Maybe if you become a hermit in the back of the class he’ll overlook you. Or—you look over and find a few classmates openly staring at you, watching to see what you’ll do—maybe if you sit in the back everyone else will get suspicious of what you were thinking about in class last week…again.
Sighing, you readjust your backpack on your shoulder and descend the steps, returning to your regular seat.
All you need to do is pay attention and not slack off. Surely Seokjin is just as embarrassed as you are, and you doubt he’ll try and read your mind again...you probably scared him off the first time.
Taking a deep breath, you pull out your notebook and a pencil. Other students continue filing into the room, and just as class is about to start, you hear the door at the back of the room click shut, which only happens when the professor arrives.
Gulping, you attempt to calm yourself down. There’s no reason for you to be so worried about this. He’d already read your mind! It was done and over with, so why can’t you just move on from it?
A memory flashes into your head—that of Seokjin looking you over after his class had ended last session—and you bite your lip.
Oh, that’s right. That’s why. Because you still don’t know what that one-over had been about. There was no way he hadn’t been disgusted by his student fantasizing about him…right?
“Alright class,” his voice rings out, and your attention snaps to him. He’s stood near the projector screen, smiling at you all. “Today, rather than doing a lecture, I’m going to have you fill out an evaluation pertaining to the course. You’ll write down your favorite pieces of literature, and elaborate on elements of them that you really enjoy. The English department is conducting this evaluation in order to get a better understanding of what type of books students enjoy reading. I’ll give you all 30 minutes to do the evaluation. After that, we’ll use the remaining half hour of class to discuss what you wrote down, sound good?”
The classes mumbles in understanding, and Seokjin picks up a stack of papers, moving to pass them out. He hands them to the person sitting at the end of every aisle, and since you sit on the far end, you aren’t forced to face him.
Relieved, you turn your attention to the evaluation, and begin filling it out. For you, who has always loved reading in your spare time, the questions are easy to answer. You know your favorite authors, and what elements you like to find in an author’s writing. Because of this, you fill out the paper in 10 minutes flat, left wondering why Seokjin had allotted a whole 30 minutes, until you look around and find that a lot of kids are struggling to write anything down at all.
Smiling to yourself, a bit amused, you set your pencil down and then recline in your seat. You debate pulling out your phone, but you know Jin has a no phone in class policy. But…what are you supposed to do for the next 20 minutes then?
Sighing, you fold your arms on the table and then lean down, using them as a pillow. Not wanting him to think you’re taking a nap, you make sure to peel your eyes open, gaze moving up to your professor.
At the moment, he’s paying you no mind, eyes glued onto the screen of his laptop. He’s likely using this time to catch up on email, or do some research—his pink lips pouted as he concentrates.
He really is so attractive…
Scanning downward, you watch his hands as he types, his ring finger free of any wedding band. You wonder if his job keeps him too busy to date, a bit ashamed as your find yourself feeling glad that he’s not clearly taken.
The image of Jin looking you up and down flashes through your mind once more, and you find yourself sighing, head snuggling deeper into your arms, yet your gaze doesn’t leave him.
Maybe he…maybe your professor hadn’t disliked your daydreaming, you begin to think, a small amount of foolish desire rising to the surface. Clearly he’d been embarrassed when he’d invaded your thoughts but…is that how a person who is feeling disgusted acts?
No, you realize. You don’t think he was turned off by it at all.
Uncalled upon, arousal starts to pool in your gut once more. The doubt and fear you’d felt when entering the lecture hall earlier melts away, and while you know it’s dangerous—that you might be crossing a line that you won’t be able to step back across—you allow your thoughts to wander once more.
You pick up where you left off—your hand palming his erection through his underwear. He groans, his grip on your thighs tightening—emphasizing his need for contact. Smiling, you lean up and kiss his jaw before sinking down onto your knees in front of him. His cock is clearly outlined through his briefs, and you ghost a hot breath over him, causing his fingers to tangle in your hair. His grip isn’t tight enough to be painful, but it’s enough to warn you that he won’t be able to take much more teasing. So, you finally furl your fingers around the band of his underwear and allow his cock to spring free. Above you, Jin breathes a sigh of relief which makes you laugh.
Tongue flicking out, you collect the small amount of precum that has escaped his length, being sure to make eye contact as you do. Jin’s grip on your hair remains, his eyes mesmerized as he watches you work at his dick, tongue flattening against his length.
You kiss and lick your way down him, but quickly remember he’s no longer in any mood to wait when he tugs at your roots. So, you give him what he wants—your hot, wet mouth swallowing his cock. You work at him slowly, hallowing your cheeks and taking him in deeper and deeper.
By the time his head skims the back of your throat a deep growl is resounding in Jin’s chest, his hips bucking slightly. The action causes you to choke, tears forming in your eyes—
“Y/N,” your name is called in a somewhat forced tone, and you snap out of your second perverted daydream to date, looking up to find your professor staring directly at you. His face is flushed, Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat—and yet, you refuse to look away. Unlike a few days ago—when you’d been embarrassed at your actions and having been caught—this time you act boldly. You’d done this with the intent of being caught again, had you not? In order to see if you were right—if he actually is enjoying your daydreaming just as much as you are…
“Pass your paper down,” he continues, speaking slowly, as if trying to make sure he’s saying the appropriate words. Blinking, you look over to find that the male who had tapped you in the previous class to warn you is absent, hence why Seokjin had been forced to call you out himself.
Smiling apologetically, you pass your paper down the long table, the classmate who takes it from you flashing you a strange look that you understand is probably well deserved.
With the papers now being gathered, Seokjin moves to the end of the row to collect them—his body tense, and you notice right away. Eyes trailing on him casually, you watch as he moves back to his desk, straightens out the papers, and then after a few seconds releases a long sigh. The class waits for him to bring up the next item on the agenda—to start the discussion—but he ends up doing no such thing. Instead, he shifts a little awkwardly and then glances around the room, managing a grim smile.
“Sorry everyone, I’m suddenly not feeling too well…if anyone has interest in sharing what they wrote down we can do that during the next class. For now, everyone go and enjoy the rest of your afternoon. Have a nice weekend.”
Clearly a little surprised at his sudden change in health, the class is slow to get up. However, they listen nonetheless, and after a few seconds begin packing up their things and walking out of the lecture hall—glad to be done unexpectedly early.
Following along with the rest, you casually reach over and place your things into your bag before standing and slinging it over your shoulder. However, as you turn to leave you look to your professor once more—a smirk unintentionally spreading across your face when you find him staring at you. Unlike the first time, Seokjin’s eyes hold less curiosity and more…annoyance and…hunger?
Oh, you think, a sudden realization arising in your as you flick your eyes down to his slacks, the bulge pushing at his zipper apparent from where you’re standing.
You had definitely affected him this time.
Suddenly feeling warm yourself, your tongue darts out to lick your lips—unintentional once again, but you can’t betray what your body is feeling, it seems.
Switching you gaze to his face, you find that his stare hasn’t wavered one bit, and you make sure to meet his eyes—confident. You want him to know that you did this on purpose—your daydream this time was no mistake—and when his jaw clenches, throat bobbing once more, you’re positive he’s gotten the message.
With that, you turn to leave.
Professor Kim Seokjin watches your ass shamelessly the entire way out.
“I’m sorry…what did you just say?!” Namjoon sputters, his drink spilling from his mouth onto the table of the semi-busy pub. Jin sighs, massaging his temples as Yoongi elbows Namjoon in the side, scolding him for the over the top reaction.
“You heard what I said…don’t make me repeat it, please,” Jin mumbles, ears pink as he recalls the images that had flooded his mind a few hours before—the images that you had been thinking about in the middle of his class, AGAIN.
God, he rubs a hand against his face—he had been easily able to tell that you’d been daydreaming today in class as well, and had allowed his curiosity to get the best of him after the last time, but…he had never imagined you’d be thinking about…that…a second time!! And while staring right at him nonetheless!
However…he supposes it makes sense, considering the way you’d calmly reacted this time around. This time it had been…intentional, he realizes—and the thought alone makes his dick ache.
“I shouldn’t be feeling this about a student,” he grumbles to himself, forehead knocking against the table as he collapses into his arms, and with a sigh Yoongi reaches over and pats his back.
“So,” Namjoon starts, sipping on his drink. “Let me get this straight…a student in your Lit class was daydreaming a few days ago and you caught her daydreaming about…you and…well, you know,” he sweats when Jin sends a glare his way.
“And now today you saw her daydreaming again so you read her mind and…boom, same thing.”
“But this time she did it on purpose, and I know she did,” Jin nearly whines, causing Yoongi to roll his eyes. “The first time she was so cute and embarrassed and now…now she’s smirking and looking at my dick like she knows what she’s done and is proud of it.”
“Well, she probably is,” Namjoon mumbles, and Seokjin kicks him under the booth. Yoongi sighs, leaning back in his seat.
“Let me ask you though—what’s so wrong about that?”
Jin blinks. “…what?”
“I mean, she’s—,” he pulls Seokjin’s phone toward him, your student information from the universities database on screen, “—a 21 year old junior. She’s only 4 years younger than you—nearly the same age and Jimin and Tae—so what’s so wrong about you feeling attraction towards her? If you were a 40 year old professor trying to dick down a 21 year old student I’d get it, but you literally just graduated college 3 years ago, scored a teaching job after 6 months, and are now almost 2 years into a teaching career. You’re young, handsome, and still totally free to date whoever the hell you want.”
“I agree with Yoongi hyung,” Namjoon cuts in, nodding wisely. “There’s no reason for you to hold back just because of this student-teacher thing—”
“Uh, YEAH, THERE IS,” Jin responds, finally getting a word in. “You two think I can just casually start fucking one of my students? So many things could happen! I could be fired, or worse—”
“Continue your yearlong dry streak,” Yoongi snorts, and then gets serious. “Listen hyung—is she dumb?”
“…aside from the daydreaming incident, no—she’s very intelligent—one of the best in the class.”
“And do you think she’d be someone to do this kind of shit just to trick you into losing your job?”
Jin sighs heavily. “No…but how do I know that for sure? How do I even go about talking to her concerning this?”
“You go ‘hey, can we talk? It’s about what happened in class the other day—here are my office hours’ and then if she accepts, you meet in a safe environment, talk it out, and then decided if you’re going to do anything with her or not. It’s not rocket science, hyung,” Namjoon says, flashing Seokjin a sympathetic smile. “It’s just like trying to start any other relationship, but with…a little more caution. Communication is key.”
“You like her, think she’s smart, and she wants to suck your dick—just take a fucking leap of faith and talk to her,” Yoongi speaks, no room for argument.
Once again, Jin groans. He knows that his friends are right—and you’ve honestly caught his eye since long before this—during the first week of class if he’s being honest with himself. He’d spotted you and internally commented about how attractive you are in addition to your book-smarts, and had favored you ever since, but…before this week he’d never thought about you sexually. But…knowing that you see him that way and want to engage in such lewd acts with him? Well, it’s not exactly a turn-off.
“I hate when you’re right,” he ends up saying after a few minutes, and that night, before you go to bed, you find an email in your inbox addressed from none other than your literature professor, Kim Seokjin.
The email, in short, simply asks if you’d like to meet up and talk with him during his office hours, which, coincidentally, include a 3 hour timeslot the following day. A Friday, in which you don’t have work, and many students aren’t on campus.
Least to say, you respond first thing in the morning saying you’ll see him this afternoon, and proceed to freak out in the time leading up to your meeting.
Hours later, you step into the elevator, the doors sliding shut and carrying you up to the 5th floor where the English Department offices are. Your heart is pounding nervously in your chest, fingers fidgeting at your sides. You’d left your backpack at home, bringing nothing more than yourself, your phone, and a small purse.
You honestly have no idea what to expect—and you’re understandably anxious. Sure, you assume that you’ll be talking about what had been happening over the past week, but! Even knowing that doesn’t put you at ease. After all, you don’t know if he plans to “talk to you” by scolding you for your actions, or by...touching on topics a little less school appropriate.
A bell sound chiming, you glance up as the double doors slide open. When you step out into the hall, you immediately spot the offices you’re looking for to the left, and nervously venture inside. A secretary greets you pleasantly, asking what you need, and you tell her you’re looking for Professor Kim Seokjin. Before she can even finish pointing you towards which office is his, he appears.
Door clicking open, he steps out cradling a mug in one hand, and a few crumpled papers in the other. Since his eyes are downcast, immersed in whatever it is he’s reading, he fails to notice you standing there. At least—until the secretary coughs purposefully.
Pausing, Seokjin blinks and looks up, coffee mug nearly falling from his grasp when he sees you standing there.
“Y-Yes?” Fuck you can already feel yourself blushing! Why the hell does he look so good today too?! “You did tell me to come to your office today, professor…”
“I…yes, I know. I just…sorry, gosh, hold on.” Putting himself together, he quickly walks into the small kitchenette near the secretary’s desk, sets his empty mug down, and then reemerges after taking a deep breath.
“You just caught me off guard, and I was embarrassed since I wasn’t paying attention when I walked out. Please, come in,” he says, smiling friendlily, and you nod, managing a smile back. When you enter the office, taking a seat in the chair in front of his desk, Jin hangs back to close the door. The sound of it clicking shut has your anxiety rising higher, but you know that for what you’re here to talk about…that’s something the secretary doesn’t need to eavesdrop on.
“So,” he starts, stepping behind his desk and easing into his chair. Still smiling, he leans forward, resting his chin in his palm. “Hello, Y/N.”
“Hi professor,” you respond after taking a deep breath, flashing a pleasant smile back at him. Knowing that you should just keep the conversation calm and honest as possible, you continue, “I’m sorry if the daydreams you caught me having over the last few classes made you uncomfortable…”
“Well,” he laughs, the sound charming, and your eyes trail on him as he leans back in his chair. “I have to admit at first I was rather…shocked. That’s never happened before, so I wasn’t quite sure how to act—”
“Which is totally understandable!!” you cut in, and Jin smiles at you again.
“But…the second time,” he flits his eyes up to meet yours, eyebrow cocking. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”
Annnnd—your blush is back. Jin grins, but shifts his hands to hide it. Cute, he thinks.
“The second time…was on purpose,” you admit, “but…you’re the one who spurred it on, I hope you know that.”
“Me?” he questions, a little surprised, and you smirk, rolling your eyes.
“Typically a professor mortified by his students thoughts doesn’t give her a casual one-over as class is ending, professor,” you tell him, and he has enough humility to blush at your words. “Especially after catching said student daydreaming about sucking his dick.”
“I--,” clearly flustered, Jin pauses to cough into his fist. “Well…my bad.”
He deflates like a kid embarrassed by his actions, and you are suddenly reminded of the fact that he, too, is only in his 20’s. He may be your professor but he’s still basically a kid fresh out of college.
“I mean…you don’t have to be sorry about it,” you say, treading cautiously. Curious about what you’re hinting at, Jin looks up at you, watching as your eyes shift nervously between him and the top of the desk.
“I’m just kind of…wondering what you meant by that stare. I wouldn’t think a professor would…be interested in his student in any way, but…I kind of want to know what you’re thinking,” you admit, motioning your hand around the room. “Like this—emailing me to invite me here. You wanted to talk with me, but…what about?”
“Well…,” Jin responds after a few seconds, seemingly a little hesitant. “I actually…god, lemme just say my asshole friends suggested I do this, so if this all goes terribly wrong you can blame them. And whatever we talk about today…can you promise me that it won’t leave this room?”
The stress and worry is apparent on his face, and you get the feeling that whatever he’s about to say could be devastating to his career, so you nod.
“Of course. Professor, no matter what happens today I respect you, and I promise I’ll say nothing that would damage your reputation here. Believe it or not I actually like your class.”
Your little joke causes him to smile, and immediately the mood lightens a tad, which you’re glad for.
“Ok, well…I actually called you here today to see if there was a…shot of something actually happening,” he admits, voice quiet. He rubs the back of his neck, glancing away and missing your look of shock.
“I don’t know if you were just fucking with me or if you’re actually interested in some kind of relationship with me, but…if you want to try it out then I’d be willing. And I don’t want you to think that I’d just be using your for sex!!” he clarifies, waving his hands. His cheeks are flushed bright red. “I swear I’m not that much of a dick! I just…ugh god sorry maybe I shouldn’t have done this.”
He groans into his hands, and you watch as he begins to cave in on himself. Your heart thumps against your ribs, too many emotions battling for control, but the first emotion to win over luckily ends up being sympathy.
“Seokjin,” you say, scooting forward in your chair. You reach your hands out, cupping his hands between yours, and, surprised, he allows you to pull his hands away from his face.
“Listen…I never thought you to be that type of person anyway. I know I only see you twice a week during class, but those few hours still allow me to get a glimpse at your personality,” you tell him, smiling, and Seokjin stares at you with wide eyes, a bit dazed.
He’s pretty sure you’re actually an angel.
“I really think you’re honestly a nice guy, and I have to admit, I’ve wondered how you manage being a professor when you’re still so young. There’s such a small age difference between us and yet you’re held as such high standards compared to me. I figured it’d never work because of that but…,” you look up at him, and Jin feels his heart flutter when he notices the pink rising on your cheeks. “If you want to do something with me…whatever that may be…I promise it’ll stay between us.”
“Whatever that may be,” Jin repeats, smirking. He shifts his hands, moving so your palm is resting in his, and then brings the top of your hand up to his lips. The kisses has you flushing an even deeper shade of red, but you don’t pull your hand away. Instead, you glance up at him through your lashes, teasing yet shy.
“I mean…you never actually clarified what it is you want from me, professor.”
“Well,” he says, and presses to his feet. He keeps his grip on your hand, gently tugging you up as well, and you find yourself coasting around the side of his desk to meet him. Nearly toe to toe, your gazes meet, and you feel a wave of anticipation course through you.
“I was hoping for a coffee date at some point, since that’s what all you youngin’s seem to be doing nowadays,” he says, grinning when you giggle. “Unless of course you want to skip cute dates and get right to what you were day dreaming about in class.”
His insinuation has a part of you wanting to crumple in embarrassment, but instead you persevere, deciding not to back off. Inching even closer, you cock an eyebrow at him suggestively.
“Why not both?”
“Both?” he echoes, and his hands slide against your waist, the previously casual atmosphere of the room turning heated. His grip is light, but sturdy, and you lean into him, your arms moving to drape around his neck.
“If you want,” you speak, half-lidded eyes unwavering, and you notice Jin’s gaze flit down to your lips.
“You did leave me with blue balls twice now,” he whispers, voice deep. You laugh, and press upward, Jin meeting you halfway.
“Let me make it up to you then.”
Your lips meet in a kiss that at first starts off slow and tentative. This is untouched territory, after all—you both know it’s a risk to be doing this.
And yet, the tension between you in nearly palpable—the need for something more—for the daydreams you’d both seen to meet their fruition—and it’s not long before the kisses turn heated. Caution thrown to the wind, your bodies melt together. Your hand cards through the hair on Jin’s nape, pulling him deeper, and he releases a small groan, his hands sliding down your waist to your hips. You feel his fingers dig into the meat of your ass, and you can’t help but moan, the sound becoming muddled when Jin slots his lips against yours, his tongue sneaking into your mouth.
He proceeds to kiss you silly, moving you so you’re pressed up against the edge of his desk. His thigh nestles between your legs, brushing up against your arousal, and you gasp—your hands moving to his shoulders and pushing him back. A string of saliva connects you, Jin’s eyes full of lust as he looks you over, but you still see worry paint his features.
“Sorry,” he says, and you immediately shake your head, pulling him in for another kiss—this one soft, and short.
“No—it’s fine. I just…,” you laugh, still a little breathless. “I needed air. I mean, I’m sure you want to steal my breath away, Seokjin, but damn.”
Your little joke causes him to chuckle, and his lifts his hands, cupping your face.
“Sorry about that. Let me try again.”
This time when he meets you his kisses are slow and languid—working your mouth open and rendering you helpless against him. The pleasure that had been seeping into every inch of your body becomes that much more apparent, and you grind upward, mentally pausing when you feel his hard-on heavy against your thigh.
Shit, you think, and drop your hands down to his waist, finger searching for the band of his fitted slacks. When you find the button, you waste no time popping it open, the zipper following soon after, and before Jin even realizes what you’re doing your palm is rubbing against his length through his briefs.
“Fuck,” he hisses, breaking the kiss. His head rolls back, lips parting as he breathes shakily, and you grin.
“Seems like you’re a little excited, professor.”
“Y/N, I swear to god…,” he says, a growl resonating throughout his chest. Rolling your eyes, deciding to take a risk, you move your hand beneath his briefs and curl your fingers around his cock. His girth surprises you, and you can’t help but look down, tongue darting out to wet your lips as you finally get an eyeful of his member.
“Oh my god,” you moan, experimentally rubbing your hand along him. Precum leaks out of his slit, and you smear it against your palm, coating his length with his own arousal.
“Do you like this, professor?” you ask, glancing up at him. A vein in Jin’s neck has popped out, his jaw clenched as he attempts to control himself. It’s almost a embarrassing how riled up you’ve managed to get him, but he doesn’t have time to consider his shame at the moment—not when your hand is still gripping his cock and tugging him closer and closer to his impending orgasm.
“Actually, I’d like it better if you made your daydream a reality,” he manages to say after a few seconds, and you pause, an image of you on your knees in front of him flitting through your mind.
Shit, you can do that.
Easy to comply, you nudge him back, and Jin falls into his chair. He watches you, surprised, as you sink down onto your knees, scooting forward to grip his member in your hand once more. When your pink tongue licks at him, catching another drop of precum, his fingers find their way into your hair—tugging at the roots on the back of your skull.
You debate teasing him about his apparent need for you to give him more, but decided to simply grant him what he wants instead. Dipping down, you lick a long, heavy strip against the underside of his cock before parting your lips and taking him in. Immediately his grip on your hair tightens, and you glance up at him though your lashes, sinking your mouth down onto his length.
At first, you move slowly—hollowing your cheeks and sucking him in. He groans, and your eyes never leave him. The expression on his face is one of absolute bliss, and it stirs you on—your mouth beginning to work over him quicker.  
You take him in as deep as you can, gagging when the head of his cock hits the back of your throat. It’s been a while since you’ve done this, so your control isn’t as good as it used to be, but even still you don’t let up—not even when Jin tugs at your hair, trying to pull you back.
“Y/N,” he warns breathily, looking down at you. His cock jumps when he finally notices that you’ve been watching him, eyelashes fluttering prettily and tears wetting the corner of your eyes, his cock stuffed between your rosy, spit-slicked lips.
“Fuck,” he hisses, and without warning his hips buck. You immediately gag, caught off guard by the action, and the first stripe of his seed coats your tongue as you pull off. The next spurt lands on your cheek, and you blink in surprise, your lips instinctively parting as you catch the rest of his cum on your tongue.
“Princess,” Jin breathes when he finally sees you—ropes of his cum staining your face and your mouth hanging open to show him how good you’d been. Heat flourishes in your gut at the pet name, and you blink at him innocently as his hand untangles from your hair, moving to caress your cheek.
“Swallow,” he says quietly, and despite the fact that his command has heat flooding into your cheeks, you listen. Closing your lips you swallow, and when you open your mouth to show him proof he groans again.
“God you’re so precious,” he says, and gently helps you back to your feet, kissing you as soon as you’re situated.
“Jin,” you whine around his tongue, and he pulls back, cocking a knowing eyebrow at you.
“Is someone needy?”
His words have you pouting, cheeks still pink with residual embarrassment, and your professor rolls his eyes, bending down to kiss you sweetly.
“I was trying to hold off so I could fuck you properly, but you refused to pull off remember? Either way, I think you deserve something too since you were so good for me.”
As he speaks, he grabs your waist, hefting you up onto the surface of his desk. His fingers fiddle with the button on your jeans, and he glances at you to make sure it’s ok—proceeding on his merry way when you nod, bottom lip caught between your teeth.
Popping your jeans open, Jin wastes no time in wrestling you out of them, your jacket following soon after—leaving you in just your panties, tank-top, and bra.
“How come you didn’t show this much skin?” you grumble as he slips the straps of your bra and tank down your shoulders, his hands moving to cup your pert mounds through the 2 layers of fabric.
“It’s unfair, isn’t it?” he smiles and bends down, pressing a few light kisses to the top of your breasts as he slowly pulls away the fabric hiding them from view.
“Next time I’ll show some skin too, I promise.”
You smile at his words, leaning back onto your hands as Jin stakes claim on your chest, his tongue and teeth teasing your left breast and his fingers toying with the right. Already aroused—dying to be touched where you really need it—it doesn’t take long for whines to begin slipping from your lips.
Your sounds cause Jin to laugh.
“Alright, alright~,” he says, knowing it’d be smart to not keep you waiting any longer. Retracting himself from your chest, he smooths his hands down your torso until his palms are resting on your inner thighs, gently nudging them apart.
You know without him telling you that you’re already soaked—though your thoughts are only confirmed when he pushes your panties out of the way, two of his fingers rubbing between your folds and catching your arousal.
“Fuck,” he groans, and you gasp when he slides said fingers between your walls. “You’re so wet, Y/N. Did you really like sucking my dick that much?”
“S-Shut up,” you stutter, arms nearly buckling when he continues fucking his fingers into you, adding a third when the second fits too easily. This time the stretch has you moaning, and Jin picks up his face, watching as you fall back onto your forearms—the pleasure overwhelming yet still not enough.
“Jin please,” you beg him, almost ready to cry. You need so badly to cum. You’d needed to ever since you’d gotten on your knees for him earlier, but had been too immersed in making him feel good to think about yourself.
“Shhh, princess, I hear you,” he says and leans up to kiss you, muffling your whines. At the same time, he slips his other hand between your bodies and begins working his fingers against your clit—a shuttering gasp escaping your lips as your pleasure instantly spikes.
“Fuck, Jin Jin Jin--!” you begin chanting in a quiet whisper, spine arching upward as he moves his fingers faster, curling them to hit your g-spot. His perfect aim in combination with the fingers on your clit quickly has you coming undone.
Seokjin knows as well that it won’t be much longer, so he kisses you again, swallowing your moans as you cum around his fingers—your walls gripping onto him for dear life. However, like the perfect gentleman he is, he fucks you through it—smiling down at you when you collapse back against his desk, chest heaving and skin prettily flushed.
“Oh my god,” you breathe, eyes shyly meeting his roaming stare, and Jin cups your cheek, kissing you softly.
“Are you regretting this yet?”
“Not at all,” you laugh, giggling in his arms as he helps you up. Once you’re back on your feet, you turn to survey his desk, blushing embarrassedly when you see that you’ve made a mess of it.
“Don’t worry!” he immediately reassures you, handing you your pants and watching you fondly as you struggle to get them back on.
“I needed a reason to reorganize anyway.”
“Sounds like an excuse,” you say, rolling your eyes, and Jin mimics you.
“So, care for that coffee date?”
“Now?” you say in surprise. Jin blinks.
“If you’re free, that is?”
“I mean…yes, I’m free,” you say, and then laugh. “It’s just…we’re doing this ass backwards.”
“Well, I’d say that’s your fault,” Jin says, reaching into his desk and grabbing his wallet. Unable to argue, you simply smile and watch him as he grabs his own jacket, moving to meet you on the other side of the desk.
However, before you can exit his office Jin stops you, pulling you close once more.
“I’m…really sorry if this is weird to you, but thank you,” he says, worry sneaking onto his features, and you shake your head.
“It’s not weird at all, Jin. I like you—so stop worrying.”
“Okay,” he responds with a breath of relief, and moves to turn off the lights. The two of you step outside his office, pausing as he turns to lock the door, and then freeze when you spin around the find the secretary still sitting at her desk.
The two of you glance at each other, scared shitless at the possibility that she may have heard, but decide to play it cool.
“Bye, I’ll be out for the rest of the day,” Jin speaks up, waving at the women as the two of you glide past her desk. Catching the motion, the woman looks up, blinking.
“What?” Moving her hair aside, she pulls out one of the headphones she’s wearing, and you and Jin almost collapse in relief.
“Sorry, my favorite artist just released an album and the office is nearly dead today, so I decided to take a listen.”
“No worries!” Jin assures her. “Just said I’ll be out for the rest of the day—take care!”
“You too!” she responds enthusiastically, clearly unaware of what had just happened behind Jin’s closed door, and when the two of you step into the elevator, the doors sliding shut, Jin takes a deep breath.
“So, no more fun times in your office?” you guess with a grin, and Jin nearly chokes on a laugh.
“Well…I wouldn’t say that, it’s just…,” he pauses, kicking back against the metal rail behind him, and his teasing gaze slides over to you. His next words have you flushing red for the millionth time today.
“Maybe I’ll have to invest in a gag before we try again.”
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