#ft: anya waynwood
ofbryce · 4 years
The news that he had to be checked over before he could leave had been met with a stony reception from him, displeasure making itself known in the way that he’d glared at whoever had dared to break it to him. Everyone around him looked tired and exhausted but he had too much adrenaline in his system still to allow weariness to take over. This was exactly what he’d been trained for and aside from a few cuts and bruises there was nothing wrong with him. Which only added to his irritation at being unable to leave. His mood sank even lower when he caught sight of one of those who were calling the shots. Of course Anya Waynwood would be here. She was well qualified for it but he had no desire to be under her knowing gaze and so he loitered, hoping one of the other health professionals would get to him first.
Jaw tightened when he saw that luck had evaded him once more. Though perhaps he shouldn’t have been so surprised, not when luck had left him long ago. Sigh fought to slip it’s way out through gritted teeth but as the familiar woman draws closer he fixes his gaze on hers, stare blank as blunt words are given. “I was told I had to report here before I could leave.”
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ofcatelyns · 4 years
Years ago she might have found a certain thrill from a night like this but now she found it only bored her. Taking people’s money hadn’t exactly lost its shine but it wasn’t as though that was all she was able to do. There were expectations to fulfil to some extent, though she had always loathed to play nice, she knew that politeness was need on some level. So she’d avoided the tables when competitiveness tended to bring out the worst in her, there was no need for her temper to set everyone even more on edge. Instead she found someone she could exchange a few dry words with rather than spending the whole evening playing nice with others. “Which table do you think it’d be easiest to count cards at?” It was all mostly hypothetical and yet she knew that if she grew too bored later it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. Head nodded towards a table near them, where a man was dealing the cards with lacklustre effort. “The dealer over there looks bored beyond belief.” 
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ironundcrneath · 4 years
@ofwaynwood​ north wall memorial hospital
Rosaline was worried.  The entire shift had been filled with fairly innocuous patients and injuries, the worst they had gotten so far had been a possible heart attack (spoiler alert: it had simply been bad heart burn), followed by a fairly bad arm break that was quickly taken over by ortho, and a bad case of the flu.  Some might even consider it ‘The Q Word’ (the word that must not be said, Voldemort style).  But they all knew better than to complain, and spent time getting caught on paper work, charting, supply restocking, and even some light chatting.  She even had time to take a walk, finding herself heading to one of the surgical break rooms, although she was looking for one surgeon in particular.  Upon spotting the brunette head of hair, Rosaline made her way in.  it was a break room only for surgeons, but only a very stupid surgical intern would try and tell a nurse, those who kept the hospital running, that they couldn’t be there.  And even though that stupidity was avoided, it seemed like a different kind was running amuck, as a person leaving as Rosaline entered gave her a cheerful smile and said “Quiet night tonight, huh?” --- “Please tell me the intern who just said the Q word is not yours?” the blonde questioned as she threw herself down on the couch next to Anya.
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