#ft: leonette fossoway
empathetixs · 2 months
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PRIVATE. INDEPENDENT. MOSTLY CANON-DIVERGENT. MULTIMUSE. ft. muses from ASOIAF, history, and maybe more in the future, as loved by Kara. ( mixed. 30+, she/her )
rules. muses. my edits. interest check. verses. memes. (be sure to specify the muse! thank you!)
blog status: active/slow
muses beneath the cut
MARGAERY TYRELL. Primary, open to anyone. Formerly, herunfailingkindess.
JEYNE WESTERLING. Primary, open to anyone. Formerly, honourofwesterling.
HELAENA TARGARYEN. Primary. Open to anyone.
SANSA STARK. Primary, open to anyone.
WILLAS TYRELL. Primary, open to anyone.
ELINOR TYRELL. Secondary, open but selective.
DACEY MORMONT. Secondary, open but selective. Formerly armororadress
ELAENA GLENMORE (request only)
PERSEPHONE (request only)
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ofmargaery · 4 years
While the better part of her evening had been spent mingling with all those in attendance, she never had been able to resist a moment alone with her sister in law. Leonette had become family in her mind almost from the moment the pair of them had met. She quite simply adored her and when she caught sight of a spare seat next to the other woman, she took it without hesitation. Warm smile settled itself onto rosy lips as her hands smoothed over her skirt, ensuring that it sat just so. "Are you enjoying yourself?” 
Doe eyed gaze flickered around the room before she leaned in somewhat, voice taking on soft conspiratorial tones. “There’s certainly been enough surprises to keep us all in suspense.” 
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swcrnsword · 5 years
❝ Please, stay here and rest. I cannot imagine how exhausted you must be. ❞ from leonette
Rest. Wasn’t that a concept? The warrior could not remember the last time he had managed to snatch a good night’s sleep from the hours in the day that seemed to demand he gave them his full attention. Perhaps it was because he told himself he always needed to be alert for the slightest hint of danger lest someone plot against his King once again. It was hard to switch off when muscles were always coiled and ready to strike, senses constantly heightened in case he should miss something important.
( a far more likely explanation was the images of war that made themselves clear on closed eyelids, unable to escape the horrors even in slumber )
Smile flickered onto weary features but it did not last long despite the appreciation he felt for the kindness and concern shown to him by the aptly named Lady of Spring. If he was anything he was winter yet her warmth managed to somehow break through and somewhat soothe his tired soul. Nonetheless his head still shakes, somewhat regretfully when he can already picture the disappointment that will cloud dainty features. “There is not time for exhaustion, my lady.” Gaze almost remains downcast but he forces himself to lift his flint grey gaze enough to meet bright blue ones. “I can assure you that urgency does wonders for keeping the body going against expectations.”
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xfacelcss · 6 years
❝ Wealth is useless if you can’t use it to bring happiness to others, right? ❞ from leonette!
Memories sprung unwanted into her mind of a life started in opulence and everything that gold could buy lavished upon her the building that her parents called home but in reality just served to demonstrate their wealth to all. It had been impossible for their greed to go unnoticed and she supposed in the end it had been their downfall. The idea that gold could also purchase the immaterial such as happiness or loyalty was almost laughable but she supposed that if applied correctly it could be possible.
Still she was reluctant to believe it anything but toxic even if she still had a penchant for the pretty, shiny trinkets that she lifted from the wrists and pockets of the unsuspecting. There was a difference between wanting to adorn yourself with beauty and having gold to spare, was there not?
A humble healer was her guise not a little rich girl forged into an assassin and so she heaved a heavy sigh in lamentation. “Perhaps but happiness does not put food on the table or clothe the frozen. Or at least the rich do not seem to share your opinion and use it to help those who need it most.”
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ofmargaery · 4 years
Having done most of her rounds and thanked almost everyone in attendance for coming, she decided that it was time to spend a few moments simply as she wanted to. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy speaking to others, more that it was a constant dance and challenge to. Usually she would revel in it all but every now and then she needed a few moments of respite to gather her wits once more before she stepped back into the ring for some more verbal sparring. Spotting Leonette, she knew she’d found the perfect person and quickly bought them both a glass of champagne before making her way over. Glass was offered to her sister in law as she took the seat next to her, smile on rosy lips as she raised her own glass towards them. “Can we toast to any success for you tonight? I’ve head the house always wins though so I suppose we’re all winners tonight regardless.” At least the way she saw it the Tyrells were coming out on top. 
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xfacelcss · 6 years
“Are they … are they lovers?” from miss leonette!
Brown eyes that had been filled with calculation as sharp as any blade she had in her arsenal were shaped into something rounder and softer in forced disbelief at the scene that was unfolding in front of the pair. Despite the amusement she felt bubbling inside of her the expression she crafts onto her features is something far closer to the scandalised and worried expression that the sheltered little healer persona she had adopted. 
The soft lady of The Reach was someone whose lead she saw fit to follow even if everything inside her that was sharp, jagged and broken rebelled at the very idea of being so gentle and full of flowers.
Nonetheless she was used to playing parts and wearing different faces even if she had settled on her own for the most intricate mission she had attempted. Hushed tones leave her lips as though she was terrified by the idea that someone might over hear them. “I think that perhaps they might be.” Teeth that were so often bared in an almost bloodthirsty smile instead worried her lower lip as though she was warring within herself over her next words. “Although I do wonder if his wife knows. How awful it would be for her to find out.”
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