#ft. cxsmicwrites
littlcfreaks-archive · 10 months
@cxsmicwrites based
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nesta wasn't really sure why her boyfriend kept inviting him to his parties - making friends with his dealers had never really been his thing, but maybe this one was different? nesta thought they were anyways; a thought that was quickly scrubbed from their brain, as if their boyfriend would be able to read their mind and their thoughts alone would cause him to fly off the handle, scream and yell, and turn it into a big thing. still, nesta wasn't going to complain, not when he seemed to be the only interesting conversation at these things. she was growing increasingly bored with the people her boyfriend invited - and her boyfriend. however, breaking up with him would also be.... a whole thing and it was a thing they weren't prepared to deal with right now. so they would settle for these far too short conversations, "it's good to see you again. glad you could make it." a line she had repeated far too much that night - this was the only time they had meant it though. she didn't continue until her eyes had a chance to scan the surrounding area for her boyfriend, "want a drink?"
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starlingisms · 10 months
[ BREATHE ]: sender takes the receiver's cold hands and begins to gently blow warm air over them in an effort to keep the receiver warm. ( whoever you’re feeling ! )
"I hate the cold."
A soft mutter under their breath as the two of them trekked down the shopping pavilion. The festive flourish of decorations shined brightly in Zoe's face but it certainly did not warm her heart nor their hands. But given that it was the holidays, she had gifts to buy and it seemed less like a chore with the golden retriever of a new friend that was Cruz.
"How does anyone survive this?"
The tinge of disdain continued to lace her words as well as their facial features. All the while, they brought their hands together and rubbed them together for any friction of warmth. Suddenly, Cruz grabbed her hands and began to blew on them in attempt to keep her warm. Face instantly flushed pink as Zoe stared in surprise and near horror at him. However, she made no effort to pull their hands out of his grasp. Instead, she only let out a small amused chuckle once hands were released.
"You're the silliest person I've ever met," she said before quickly turning away to hide the blush that only continued to permeate her cheeks.
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lcnelyday · 1 year
@cxsmicwrites liked for a lyric wheel of muses starter from here & got HONEY BURTON! ft. being around you by savannah conley.
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"do you think i'm stupid and naive?" honey asked, looking at them, a small fury behind her words.
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littlcfreaks-archive · 10 months
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far from his usual hang out, but dragged along by his parents (who he still had not given up on convincing he was capable of something), tonight was proving to be more boring than he had even been able to anticipate. the ballet. he was huddled alone in a corner while his parents socialized before the show - knowing completely that this was why he would have never been included in his father's business. at least during the show there had been something of interest - one of the women dancing had caught his eye. after the show, he wasted no time in finding his way backstage, ignoring the shouts that followed him about how he was supposed to be back there - what was the worst they could do? he caught a flash of her hair disappearing into a dressing room - hopefully, it was just hair, but he didn't have much else to go off of. he didn't bother knocking, security surely trailing not far behind him. he closed the door behind him, a sigh of relief accompanying it, "good, right room." out of breathe, he inhaled deeply, "alessio - nice to meet you."
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