#ft. melina nacar
nikostewart · 1 year
It was a beautiful summer's day and for Niko that called for two things - good wine and even better company. Thankfully, Melina had taken him up on his offer, and now they were sat across from each other, overlooking the vineyard below, and he raised a glass. "Here's to us," he said with a playful wink, clinking his glass against hers. "A queen being treated like a queen," he then added, smiling over at her. Niko worried about her, so liked to check in, and of course, spoil her. That douchebag boyfriend didn't appreciate her, so Niko would.
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valentinaflorcs · 1 year
starter for: @melinaxnacar location: beauty and the beach salon
"Chica, you are lucky I love you because the barista at Everything Goes tried to suggest that sweetener was the same as honey and wanted to put it into your drink." Val said with a sigh as she made her way into the salon and took the empty chair next to Melina. The pair had long ago started scheduling their nail appointments at the same time so that they could catch up and took turns on who would grab their favorite caffeinated drinks for the two of them. This month was Val's turn. She placed Melina's drink in front of her before greeting her favorite nail tech for a couple minutes. When the two had finished their greetings, Val turned back to her friend. "So, have you decided to leave that asswipe yet?" she asked, cocking a brow at her friend.
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