#ft. sloane danvers
clarexflannery · 5 months
Closed: @dancingdanvers
Location: Axel's Pool.
Clare was overjoyed to finally be back in the warmth and sunshine. Vancouver was just what she needed - a chance to regroup and process everything that had happened in the last few months. It had been a whirlwind, and she had relied heavily on her skill of compartmentalizing to keep herself together and make it to Aurora Bay in one piece. However, little did she know that integrating herself into Axel's life would be so complicated and convoluted. Clare had always been someone who kept her cards close to her chest and didn't trust people easily. She knew that this would not be the best way to approach her return to the beach town.
"I was hoping to say hi to Ryen, but I heard she's still asleep," Clare said, offering a small smile to Sloane as she settled into a lounge chair. "How have you been?"
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fiaxsouza · 9 months
Closed: @dancingdanvers
Location: NYE Masquerade Ball
"Thanks so much Tony, I appreciate it," Fia smiled embracing the older gentleman. Another deal done in the books, she couldn't be more pleased. Especially with the clock ticking closer to a New Year. She could feel it in her bones that it was going to be a fucking great one.
As she turned, she noticed the red head and her beautiful baby bump on display. "Oh, hey gorgeous! Almost didn't see you there." How anyone could miss Sloane with her red hair and the gorgeous off-white dress would truly be blind. Embracing her best friend, she took a step back to admire their outfit once more. "You look...tired? Are you okay?" she said, reaching for their arm out of concern. Fia could imagine the energy it took to get all dressed up in addition to all the bodies and stimuli that was occurring in the room. "Do you want to go sit or outside for some air?"
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robinsantos · 5 months
🍻+ have you ever considered running away ? (Sloane)
"Plenty of times. I almost did once when I was fifteen and had one of the biggest arguments of my life with my mother. I remember running up the stairs, crying from how angry I was and packing a bag to runaway without any where in mind and Tiago comes into my room, gives me this look and suddenly I just feel lighter like my problems are insignificant."
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lorelailewis · 25 days
🕰️ an early morning text
🕰️ an early morning text
text starters / @dancingdanvers
LORELAI 📲: i just jogged past a leathery old handbag on the beach LORELAI 📲: it reminded me of you now that you're like expired milk LORELAI 📲: anyway happy birthday bitch!! LORELAI 📲: excited to be mourning your 20's with you later this week LORELAI 📲: couldn't be me 😘
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cricketcampbell · 8 months
Send ☎️ And I Will Tell You:
What My Muse Has For Your Muse’s Contact Info:
Sloane 👩‍🦰
What Their Ringtone Is:
iPhone Default
The Last Text They Sent Your Muse:
Cricket: what's baby craving this week?
What Image My Muse Has For Your Muse In Their Phone:
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borawinters · 2 months
closed for: @dancingdanvers
where: sweetspot creamery
"I ordered you a scoop of the special and one vanilla because that seemed like a safe bet," Bo informs Sloane as she arrives, the caramel honey chocolate chip cheesecake already proving to be too busy a flavour for him but it would do for now.
He nods to the stroller she had with her, unable to see the baby inside it from where he was already sat at the table, but that didn't stop him from gesturing that she should hand her over nonetheless.
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"Is she awake? Gimme."
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noah-atwood · 8 months
13. someone they have conflicted feelings about
"Sloane. I don't like holding grudges, but we got into it over a project in high school, and I know we're older and adults now, so half of me thinks I should get over it, then the other half of me remembers way back when, and I'm annoyed all over again.
Not taking the high road on this one."
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joey-madani · 10 days
Joey asks the patron sitting across the bar as she adds contents to the shaker. Ice, triple sec, vodka...
Recited one after the other as she prepares the cocktail. She looks over her shoulder to the woman in question, the one she'd been serving earlier.
"Don't you think about it," she warns with a snap. Sloane. That's her name. She had come in here asking for Svedka, and the relief that washed over her so evidently when Joey confirmed the bar having it in stock only meant it was one of those nights.
Or weeks, as Sloane had said.
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"No, I never said that," she answers, curt, when the man asks if she's any bit mean. "She's nice, hasn't given me any problems, but that doesn't mean you get to bother her." It's her business so nothing is said about the light conversation they've had. Joey doesn't need to spread anything needlessly.
The cocktail is poured over ice, then garnished with a lime, and Joey slides it across the bar atop a square black napkin.
"I swear, if I find you going over there to bother her, I'll get you bounced. Did you want to start a tab?"
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ziggykyeons · 28 days
⚠️ a text meant for someone else.
ZIGGY 📲: does it ever keep you up at night thinking about how it must be keeping your ex up at night having to live with the fact they fumbled you? ZIGGY 📲: like, it's almost a waste of time manifesting karmic retribution because you fumbled a beautiful, beautiful boy like me what is wrong with you and also get well soon </3
texting starters // @dancingdanvers
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heyits-asher · 1 month
👋 - sloane
01. the surf shop. it's where they met, it's where they bonded and forged a friendship. ash may have also promised to teach sloane to surf, which he has been slacking on, but the surf shop is the origin.
02. late night talks. often ash has been a shoulder to lean on, and for as reckless and irresponsible as he can be, a source of advice. sloane may be an unlikely friend, but he's made sure to be there for her when she's needed it.
03. the beach. of course with the promise of surfing comes the beach. sand and sunshine and ocean waters are a big thing in their friendship.
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bradley-banner · 8 months
Bradley is very excited for Sloane to have her baby. She's always had a deep desire to have children, and the fact she now has friends in town that have children she can spoil makes her incredibly happy. Sloanes baby shower gift was one of the few gifts she actually handpicked instead of letting Maverick do so.
When they go out together, Bradley offers Sloane free rein of her incredibly extensive closet if she wants it.
Knowing something was wrong with Sloane, and a mix of news articles floating around, upon Sloanes return to Aurora Bay Bradley was due a trip to Milan for fashion week, she took Sloane as her +1, front row.
Slaone attempts to teach Bradley one viral TikTok dances during wine night, they generally end with an ongoing sentiment that her PT doesn't push her as hard as Sloane does.
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( @dancingdanvers )
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clarexflannery · 9 months
Closed: @dancingdanvers
Location: NYE Masquerade Ball
This was honestly the first time Clare has attended an event of this caliber. It was bit nauseating at some point that she found herself sipping on a ginger ale to calm her nerves. Things had gone from zero to a hundred since her arrival to town. Finding Axel was one thing but jumping into the deep end that was his life was a bit much. Of course, she simply bit her tongue when appropriate so as to not piss him off. She did want a relationship with her father, but he'd built this whole life and now she was trying to figure out where exactly she fit. Hence why, she's avoided his house like the plague. Leaving at the crack ass of dawn and returning well after the sun had set.
Christmas was awkward at best, albeit the company is what she really needed right now. The dynamics were really trippy and the Flannery learned that it was best to make astute observations independently before expressing her thoughts. It's why when she saw Sloane appear, she was a little taken aback. They had been walking on eggshells around one another which was to be expected. The question that remained was how did the move on from here. "Did you want to sit? I'm sure your feet hurt."
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fiaxsouza · 1 year
Closed: @dancingdanvers
Location: Fired Up Pizzeria
"I can't believe it took us this long to catch up again!" Fia knew from the moment she asked Sloane for their opinion on an outfit that the two of them were cut from similar cloth. Simply in the way in which they carried themselves and were unapologetically themselves. She loved everything about what she sensed from them at first encounter and was looking froward to learning more about them. "Things have been so insane lately. Shall I give you the skinny on my life, because my brain is a bit scrambled not gonna lie."
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robinsantos · 25 days
💫 a late night text
💫 a late night text
texting starters / @dancingdanvers
ROBIN 📲 : i drank too much coffee while working out of driftwood today ROBIN 📲 : now i'm fucking wired ROBIN 📲 : i can taste colours
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borawinters · 10 months
Bora 📲 Sloane.
Bora: Hey, it's Bo. Bora: Did you get your whole... Situation figured out?
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clarexflannery · 11 months
Closed: @dancingdanvers
Location: Sweet Nothings Bakery
Thanks to the little guidebook she received from subletting, Clare was provided with the owner's personal takes on the best spots in town. It's what brought Clare to the bakery. Already with two boxes filled with treats, she was making her payment when she overheard this woman on the phone. She heard the name Axel which immediately piqued the Flannery's curiosity. How many people could actually be named that? Thanking the employee, Clare grabbed her items and slowly approached the redhead. "Uh hi...sorry, this is going to sound very strange but I heard you mention Axel. Does that happen to be the Axel Mathis who resides here?"
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