#ft. stubborn as hell simon
enjoythesilentworld · 5 months
Wille's Month - Engagement
how is it already/only day 8?? ily @youngroyals-events <3
enjoy some tooth-rotting fluff
Wille asks Simon to marry him. Simon says no. rating: T (cw implied sexual content but very minor)
read below the cut or on ao3 ! xx
He’d had the ring for a while now. Of course he had. Simon was pretty sure that — had he not been a little distracted by the whole sex scandal and the monarchy and the shitstorm of other problems that came with that — he would’ve known that Wille was it for him right when they’d met. The boy was such a dork that, despite his position, Simon found himself immediately interested. If you looked past the centuries of privilege and unfairly accumulated wealth, he was rather cute. 
While the first year had been absolutely the worst ever in a kind of ridiculous way, they made it. Things had only gotten better for them after Wille stepped down and they finally got to be together. Just them. No monarchy, no royal court, no crown. Just Wille and Simon. 
The years slid by in unimaginable bliss. They fit so well together. Every touch was just as burning as the last, every look just as charged with love and lust. Everything between them fell into place. Most of the time. Wille was a bit of a drama queen, after all, and Simon was, even he could admit, a little hard headed. They’d fight over little things, but usually ended up falling into bed together later that night. Sometimes they’d fight about big things; things they couldn’t ignore. They’d scream at each other and then they’d go to bed quiet, untouching. Sometimes, one of them would break, reaching out in the middle of the night and wrapping a hand around the other, just to know they were still there. Other times, they’d wake up in the morning still on opposite sides of the bed. Then they’d sit down together and try to stumble through whatever murky problem had arisen. They got better at it over time. 
By the time they were both 25, done with school and settled into their little apartment, they barely fought over real stuff anymore. Well, they fought all the time, but it was Wille complaining that Simon was still up with the lamp on past midnight. Or it was Simon griping at Wille for forgetting to move the towels to the dryer. The fights over little, silly things were some of Simon’s favorite parts about them, and he knew Wille liked it, too. The problems were so normal. He and Wille were having normal couple arguments. Most of the time, they didn’t even mention the monarchy or the royal court or any of it anymore. That was the best part. 
Simon knew that he wanted this forever and he planned to romance the hell out of his boyfriend before asking the question. He’d been in cahoots with Felice and Sara for months, planning and making sure everything would be perfect. It wasn’t going to be anything big, and it would be private — they’d had enough of their relationship put on display for the public eye — but it had to be perfect. He’d dedicated so much time to this because Wille deserved it. After everything, Wile deserved the fucking world. Simon couldn’t actually give him the world, but he would make sure he got damn close. 
Apparently, Wille had other ideas. Simon’s plans were still a week out, but one morning he woke to Wille staring at him with teary eyes. 
“Baby?” he mumbled, scrambling to shake the sleep from his brain. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”
Wille shook his head and gave a watery smile. “No, I’m okay. I just love you so much.” 
Breathing out in relief, Simon flopped back onto the pillows. “Jesus, Wille, you scared me.” 
“I’m sorry.”
He did actually sound a little sorry, so Simon scooted closer and wrapped his arms around Wille’s bare torso, pulling him close. “That’s okay. Warm me up and maybe I’ll forgive you.” 
Always happy to oblige, Wille did just that, wrapping strong arms around him and pulling Simon half on top of him. He buried his face in Simon’s curls and sighed happily. 
“You’re my favorite person.” 
Simon hummed back and pressed a soft kiss to Wille’s collarbone.
“Marry me.” 
Simon yanked back abruptly. “What?”
Wille grinned. “Marry me.” 
“You’re not serious,” Simon breathed.
“I am.” He reached out and cupped Simon’s face gently. “Simon, you’re it for me.”
Simon stared at him.  
“No!” He pulled away and climbed out of the bed, leaving Wille to watch him go, a terribly confused look on his face. 
While he thought he’d gotten away with it when Wille didn’t mention it again, he was wrong. Three days later, Simon arrived home from work and walked into their living room to find Wille seated on the couch, surrounded by rose petals and candles. 
“What the fuck?” 
“Hi love,” Wille grinned and patted the couch next to him. “Come sit. I made us dinner.” 
Simon tentatively walked over and sat down. This was suspiciously romantic. His eyes roved over the beautiful plates of food — Simon’s favorite pasta dish which Wille had invented —, the dim lights, the sappy, nervous look on Wille’s face. 
“What is this?” he asked skeptically, fixing a hard stare on Wille. 
“Well,” he looked down sheepishly, then his hand started moving toward the pocket on his pants. “I thought, after the other day, maybe you were a little upset that I hadn't planned a bigger thing. Which is fair. I should have, because you deserve that, so–” 
Simon stood up quickly, nearly kicking the coffee table in the process. “Don’t you dare,” he warned, holding out a finger. 
“No!” He cut him off, again, and stomped out of the room. 
And, okay, maybe he could’ve handled it a bit better. But he wasn’t about to let his months of planning go down the drain just because Wille beat him to the punch! The poor man did seem a little sulky, even after Simon woke him up by sliding down under the sheets on a sunny Friday morning. 
“Come on, slow poke,” Simon whined, dragging Wille out of bed. “I have a surprise for you.” 
The surprise was one of many, in fact. Simon, the genius he was, had created a scavenger hunt for Wille around town. Each little clue was a song lyric which hinted at some place that was meaningful to them. 
Throughout the day, Wille’s mood improved exponentially as they traveled from place to place. The park where they shared their first date after moving to town, the coffee shop they visited every Sunday, the alleyway in which Wille had asked Simon to move in with him. Along the way, they laughed and reminisced and it was absolutely perfect. 
The last clue led them to the roof of their own apartment complex. Simon hadn’t requested anything crazy, but Felice and Sara had out done themselves. Piles of pillows laid atop a plush blanket and little string lights twinkled in the setting sun. There was an ice box of champagne and a bowl of strawberries, and it all looked a bit like something off the Bachelor. 
“Fuck,” Simon laughed.
“You didn’t do this?”
“Well, not really. I just told Sara and Felice to make it cozy up here. They… sure did.” 
Wille smiled brightly, eyes shining, and pulled Simon over to their little set-up. “It’s wonderful.”
They settled onto the pillows, curling up together and watching the sun disappear below the horizon. Simon, after all this, found himself getting nervous. He’d been planning all of this for months, meticulously picking lyrics and selecting the spots that meant the most to them. How had he forgotten to think of what he would say? 
“Today was perfect, Simon,” Wille whispered into his neck. “Thank you. I love you.” 
To calm his nerves, he took a deep breath and sat up. 
“Wille,” he started slowly. “Nothing in this world makes me as happy as you do. Getting to wake up next to you every day feels like a dream. After everything…to know we still made it– I’m just so proud of you. I’m so proud of us. I love you. So much. And I just–”
Simon froze, mouth half open. 
“Sorry,” Wille said. He didn’t look very sorry. “You can keep going. But the answer is yes.” 
Shaking his head, Simon laughed. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the little black box. “Will you marry m– oof!”
Wille jumped on him, tackling him and pinning him to the pillows. His mouth somehow found Simon’s on the way down. Simon grinned into the kiss, dropping the box in favor of putting his hands on his fiancé. 
“Is anyone coming up here?” Wille breathed into his neck, already urgently nipping at the skin there. 
“No,” Simon gasped, slipping his hands under Wille’s shirt. “Felice and Sara are guarding the stairs.”
Wille grinned, already reaching for Simon’s pants. “Perfect.”
Sometime later, Wille giggled into the darkness. 
“You rejected me. Twice.”
Simon shrugged.
“This is why you kept saying ‘no’?”
“Duh,” Simon said. “I’ve wanted to marry you since we were 16, dumbass.”
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celestialflamesme · 3 years
FINALLY!! I'm going to begin writing a complete series about FTNG (do not ask when I will finish, that is up to the anime gods)
And now for the reveal...... Here are my OCs (credit to@kkumri for a few of these character names and personas and for being 14 year old me's hero!!!) Nashi Layla Dragneel
Parents: Natsu Dragneel , Lucy Heartfilia
Magic: Fire Dragon slayer and Celestial Requip Mage (also known as Swiper for her ability to teleport zodiac weapons straight out of the hands of the zodiacs)
Age: 22 years She's overall the friendliest and most confident person you'll meet. Sometimes a little too stubborn for her own good though. She'd walk through hell and back for her friends, but is hesitant to ask for help, because she feels she is a burden, as untrue as it is. She loves reading like her mom, and missions involving patterns, spells and puzzles are her favorite kind.
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Storm Ur Fullbuster
Parents: Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser
Magic: Ice Mage, Weather Manipulation Mage
Age: 22 years He's almost as reckless as Nashi but at the same time, he's as calm as they come (which is more than what he can say about his siblings) and has the world's worst sweet tooth. He can be counted on to make a reasonable decision, and is the first person his friends go to for advice. He'd take your secrets to the grave. His food is to die for.
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Gale Metalicana Redfox
Parents: Gajeel Redfox, Levy McGarden
Magic: Archive Mage
Age: 23 years Twin to Genesis Redfox. He's the brains of every operation and can be counted on to produce blackmail info on any of his friends. He's a secret romantic, and once in a while one can find him and Nashi hunched over, discussing crazy theories over milkshakes. He will end your universe if you hurt any of his friends. He plays the guitar like his dad (only infinitely better).
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Genesis Lily Redfox
Parents: Gajeel Redfox, Levy McGarden
Magic: Iron Dragon Slayer
Age: 23 years She's the crazy one of the group and is always on the lookout for chaos. She and Nashi together make up FT's Demolition Duo, with the record of most number of buildings destroyed in their pocket. She's the shortest Faerie (damn her brother for abandoning her!) and can kick butt and take ass like no other. She is ridiculously good at playing the drums.
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Reiki Simon Fernandes
Parents: Jellal Fernandes, Erza Scarlet
Magic: Requip Mage
Age: 22 years He's the most responsible (and daresay, terrifying) Faerie. He loves training with his friends and has a big heart. He doesn't break rules persay, but a loophole or two never hurt anyway, although most of the time he's forced to string along on the gang's crazy shenanigans to check on them. He is a bear-hugger (and spine-cracker) and is sometimes very oblivious to the things right in front of him.
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Kai Makarov Dreyar
Parents: Laxus Dreyar, Mirajane Strauss
Magic: Take Over Mage
Age: 24 years He is S-class but seldom found in the guild as he prefers being alone in his apartment (if only, but unfortunately Genesis and her exceed Frankie seem to consider it their second home) He is very protective of his guild and even in long absences, somehow knows everything that has transpired in the guild and with his friends (Gen is to blame) He takes S-class missions with Gale and Gen sometimes.
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Nova Mavis Dreyar
Parents: Laxus Dreyar, Mirajane Strauss
Magic: Lightning Dragon Slayer
Age: 22 years She works part-time at the guild bar with Asuka after she turned 18. Loves scrapbooking, bopping to music and matchmaking. Sweetest of all the Faeries like her mom, always manages to get dragged into Gen and Nashi's crazy schemes (more than often, she's the ring leader but shh, nobody has to know...) Her hair frizzes up whenever she's upset (perks of being a lightning slayer, ugh.)
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ace-angel-judas · 6 years
Let It Go
Pairing: Ly/Simon ft San E
Series: Ly Solo Artist AU 
Rating: Angsty 
Synopsis: Simon does not like people flirting with Ly. 
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“Jaesun? Jaesun?!” 
Ly covered her face and let a low groan, why of all places did he feel the need to run off now?! She walked through the halls of the music show in search of her son, thankfully TK had taken Mina and the girls to the park while Ly gave Jaesun to Hyuk for the weekend. 
As she peeked into a dressing room, Ly was relieved to find Jaesun sitting on the floor with a man crouched down in front of him. She swallowed thickly at the sight of said man, San E. 
“Jaesun?” Ly called out. 
The boy looked up, “Eomma! I told you my Eomma was famous,” 
San E chuckled, “Ah, your mom is the very pretty actress,”
Walking into the room, Ly helped her son off the floor and held his hand. Jaesun looked at his mom before looking at the rapper before them. 
“Thank you,” Ly nodded politely, “He has a habit with walking off,” 
“He’s a cute kid and he’s very stubborn I have to admit,” San E laughed. 
Ly nodded and faked a laugh, “Well, thank you, we should go, we need to find someone,” 
He stepped up and followed them to the door, “Who are you looking for? Simon?” 
She stopped for a moment, Hyuk didn’t want anyone knowing about Jaesun and she really didn’t either. As for Simon, Ly hoped he wasn’t here, they still weren’t talking seeing as she was ignoring all his calls. 
“Ah, someone like that,” Ly stated, “Now-” 
“I heard that Simon and you aren’t together anymore,” San E pursed his lips, “Everyone sort of knows it, a rapper like him with a cute actress like you,” 
Ly was about to speak up and say something when an arm wrapped around her waist and she was pulled away from San E. Jaesun let out a gasp of surprise before Ly looked up at the person who had grabbed her. 
“Ly is a rapper too, or are you still refusing to believe in female rappers?” A strong busan accent snapped, “Stay away from her,” 
“Simon,” San E looked at him and crossed his arms, “I’m just making small talk,” 
“Don’t,” He pulled Ly behind himself and she winced at the strong grip on her shoulder, “Stay the hell away from my girl,” 
San E raised an eyebrow, “I thought you two broke up? I wouldn’t mind stepping for babysitting,” 
Ly made a quick grab at Simon’s arm before he stepped forward and pulled him back. The older rapper was breathing heavily while Ly softly placed her hand on his back to calm him. 
“Kiseok,” Ly whispered, “Let it go,” 
“Stay away from Ly and stay away from kids,” Simon growled. 
He turned and grabbed Ly’s wrist, pulling her away from the dressing room. 
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celestialflamesme · 3 years
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I posted 58 times in 2021
13 posts created (22%)
45 posts reblogged (78%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.5 posts.
I added 52 tags in 2021
#fairy tail next generation - 8 posts
#nashi dragneel - 8 posts
#fairy tail - 6 posts
#storm fullbuster - 6 posts
#nalu - 5 posts
#nasha x greige - 5 posts
#greige fullbuster - 4 posts
#gruvia - 4 posts
#gajevy - 3 posts
#stashi - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 47 characters
#i am a little too obsessed with ma headcanons😂
My Top Posts in 2021
Venetia: Here’s the thing though. Is it still a murder if I give them a heads up?
Gale: I think that’s called a threat.
42 notes • Posted 2021-06-22 06:31:26 GMT
Storm: Hey there, hot stuff.
Nashi: *giggling* Hey there, dark wizard.
Storm: Wa?
Nashi: Coz you make all the ladies drop dead.*finger guns*
Storm: Aww.
Luke: Daddd!
46 notes • Posted 2021-06-20 11:17:42 GMT
Venetia: Yeeted
Nashi: Yote
Venetia: YEETED!
Nashi: YOTE!
Raidyn: I just wanna know WHO THREW THE GUY OUT THE WINDOW!
52 notes • Posted 2021-06-20 12:09:54 GMT
FINALLY!! I'm going to begin writing a complete series about FTNG (do not ask when I will finish, that is up to the anime gods)
And now for the reveal...... Here are my OCs (credit to@kkumri for a few of these character names and personas and for being 14 year old me's hero!!!) Nashi Layla Dragneel
Parents: Natsu Dragneel , Lucy Heartfilia
Magic: Fire Dragon slayer and Celestial Requip Mage (also known as Swiper for her ability to teleport zodiac weapons straight out of the hands of the zodiacs)
Age: 22 years She's overall the friendliest and most confident person you'll meet. Sometimes a little too stubborn for her own good though. She'd walk through hell and back for her friends, but is hesitant to ask for help, because she feels she is a burden, as untrue as it is. She loves reading like her mom, and missions involving patterns, spells and puzzles are her favorite kind.
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Storm Ur Fullbuster
Parents: Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser
Magic: Ice Mage, Weather Manipulation Mage
Age: 22 years He's almost as reckless as Nashi but at the same time, he's as calm as they come (which is more than what he can say about his siblings) and has the world's worst sweet tooth. He can be counted on to make a reasonable decision, and is the first person his friends go to for advice. He'd take your secrets to the grave. His food is to die for.
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Gale Metalicana Redfox
Parents: Gajeel Redfox, Levy McGarden
Magic: Archive Mage
Age: 23 years Twin to Genesis Redfox. He's the brains of every operation and can be counted on to produce blackmail info on any of his friends. He's a secret romantic, and once in a while one can find him and Nashi hunched over, discussing crazy theories over milkshakes. He will end your universe if you hurt any of his friends. He plays the guitar like his dad (only infinitely better).
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Genesis Lily Redfox
Parents: Gajeel Redfox, Levy McGarden
Magic: Iron Dragon Slayer
Age: 23 years She's the crazy one of the group and is always on the lookout for chaos. She and Nashi together make up FT's Demolition Duo, with the record of most number of buildings destroyed in their pocket. She's the shortest Faerie (damn her brother for abandoning her!) and can kick butt and take ass like no other. She is ridiculously good at playing the drums.
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Reiki Simon Fernandes
Parents: Jellal Fernandes, Erza Scarlet
Magic: Requip Mage
Age: 22 years He's the most responsible (and daresay, terrifying) Faerie. He loves training with his friends and has a big heart. He doesn't break rules persay, but a loophole or two never hurt anyway, although most of the time he's forced to string along on the gang's crazy shenanigans to check on them. He is a bear-hugger (and spine-cracker) and is sometimes very oblivious to the things right in front of him.
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Kai Makarov Dreyar
Parents: Laxus Dreyar, Mirajane Strauss
Magic: Take Over Mage
Age: 24 years He is S-class but seldom found in the guild as he prefers being alone in his apartment (if only, but unfortunately Genesis and her exceed Frankie seem to consider it their second home) He is very protective of his guild and even in long absences, somehow knows everything that has transpired in the guild and with his friends (Gen is to blame) He takes S-class missions with Gale and Gen sometimes.
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Nova Mavis Dreyar
Parents: Laxus Dreyar, Mirajane Strauss
Magic: Lightning Dragon Slayer
Age: 22 years She works part-time at the guild bar with Asuka after she turned 18. Loves scrapbooking, bopping to music and matchmaking. Sweetest of all the Faeries like her mom, always manages to get dragged into Gen and Nashi's crazy schemes (more than often, she's the ring leader but shh, nobody has to know...) Her hair frizzes up whenever she's upset (perks of being a lightning slayer, ugh.)
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65 notes • Posted 2021-09-30 19:37:49 GMT
Storm: Drink the water.
Nashi: No.
Storm: Drink the water.
Nashi: No.
Storm: Drink. The. Water.
Nashi: No!
Nashi: Try and stop me.
Storm: Okay, one sip. One sip. (hands over water)
Nashi (sniffs the water): BLEGH! IT SMELLS BAD!
Storm (rolling his eyes): Oh my gosh, you're so dramatic, just drink it.
Nashi (takes tiny sip):
Storm (waits expectantly):
Nashi(spits it out): Egh! It burnss!
69 notes • Posted 2021-06-09 16:43:30 GMT
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