#ftq smyq ue mnagf fa nqsuz
staarblaster · 6 years
Chapter Three
Hey, guys, before I upload chapter three I want to add another really boring announcement. School starts up again in tomorrow days, and I know my uploading schedule will be scarce. However, I will try to have chapters up whenever I can. Anyways here is chapter three and four, four is going up with a separate post. My posting schedule will be pretty random and I will post when I can. Also,, I’m gonna take a hiatus, for a month(?) 
Chapter Three
“The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself”-Mark Twain
Perfection (n):  the embodiment of being perfect
My grandmother was my hero when I was little she would tell me stories about her childhood. Growing up her father was a sound technician for MGM and her mother did the makeup and sometimes the celebrities would come over on special occasions like her birthday.
I suppose that’s what prompted her to want to work in the media and journalism.
She used to tell me stories of her adventures,  across Europe and her interviews with varying monarchies. It was on a train back to California where she met my grandfather,  she was drinking a scotch soda, which unbeknownst to him was more soda than scotch.
He was deep in a game of poker with several of his friends who were coming down to California, she was drinking a scotch soda, unbeknownst to him had more soda than scotch.
He was deep in a game of poker with several of his friends, she watched in silence with both curiosity and intrigue, occasionally getting glares from the men sitting around the table.
She watched as her future husband flushed hundreds, more like thousands of dollars into the game until she confidently said she was going to play next which got a few hearty chuckles, which caused her to roll her eyes, most of them were drunk and she had a very good poker face.  As the game commenced she managed to not just win back the money but two engagement rings, a pocket watch, and even her husband’s heart.
She used to tell me at the end of every story that curiosity and wit were our greatest gifts and with them, we could solve any mystery.
But once she died she became like a ghost, pictures of her were removed, only leaving rumors of her behind.
I couldn't let her disappear, so I decided to conduct my own private investigation.
When I was a little kid and I found a picture of her and my grandfather and my mom. I smiled as I held my first real lead.
In the picture, my grandparents looked so happy and then I noticed my mom hiding behind her leg. Slowly and gently I tried to remove the picture from the frame,  and as I slowly got it out my mom ripped the picture from my hands.
Her facial expression was a bright beet red as she violently ripped it out of my hands.
“Why can't you just play your role, Juliana? For once I'd like if you kept your nose of business that doesn't even involve you. ”
I felt the tears swell up inside of me. But, instead of fighting back my better instincts (crying) I immediately hugged my mom.
She sighed,
“I love you Jules...  sometimes I wish you'd be normal. Can you do that for me please?”
I nodded my head up and down slowly.
As she tucked me in again,  she kisses my head and holds the photograph in her hands, the next day I decided to take a little more time to try and fit in.
From then on stopped keeping my blonde hair up and let it down, I ditched my glasses for my more comfortable contacts.
I started to get involved more but it never seems to be enough for my parents. They kept insisting that I should do more, eventually leading me to dance and violin lessons (fortunately only lasting two years).
In the dance class, I realized that I was going to need ”subjects” after all a queen couldn't lead on her own.
In the dance class, I found the Chrissy's, they seem to have the dance studio under their boot heel.
If I could “liberate” them perhaps they'd follow me.
It didn't take long before I eventually made two friends in the class, Ophelia and Madison.
Madison was at least five foot eight and according to the Chrissy's had two left feet. She had light dyed purple hair and her eyes were a light Hazel although she seems like the last person that would be in the dance class she could actually dance pretty well. She would put the facade of insecurities but with confidently dance to Tchaikovsky. She was free to express who she was, as dancing was apart of her.
Ironically, however, being raised by a single dad and four brothers she had to keep the tougher shell in class for the sake of showing fragility. However, once she opened up she was loyal, dedicated and a really good listener.
Ophelia had a caramel skin tone, she was shy and had a shortened forearm but had the biggest heart.
She would walk dogs, and volunteer anywhere to show that she wasn't a girl with just a short arm.
As our friendship blossomed we decided that we would have a come have a “dance battle” against the Chrissy’s which was seen as ridiculous. But my girls and I were ready we could be successful.
However, on the day of our “battle” Ms. Clarke surprised us with all one-on-one auditions with Warren Academy, i.e one of the most prestigious art boarding school, it was basically Teen Julliard. Not everyone would make it in (obviously), but if you did you had potential to be a Broadway legend.
Krissy and I were unfortunately paired together and our theme was duality. One of us would play the person staring into the mirror “angel” and the other would play the reflection the “devil”.
Of course, yours truly got stuck playing the devil and Krissy had to defeat me. Everything was going smoothly but as soon as I was getting ready to give Krissy my final blow Krissy had stepped on my ankle hard.
She claimed that it was an accident only to tell her friends that was indeed deliberate which prompted a) Warren offered me a full scholarship b) my parents threatened to sue the dance studio and Krissy's parents of criminal action weren't taken.
Eventually, it was with Krissy being sent to juvie for two to five years.
As I began to start at my new school Maddie, Ophelia and I began to drift away from each other. I had to do well in this Art School even if I was alone.
Over time I gained a sort of popularity stemming from the incident with my ankle it just started casually saying that I broke it following an audition and then warping into a story of me breaking it while I was on a Broadway stage.
My attempts to quell the rumors only spawn more rumors and newfound popularity and a new boyfriend. My life completely changed when I entered Warren and I never expected any more changes.
Wednesday’s were personally my favorite day of the week: Dance team and theatre practice. We were putting on the musical Chicago.
I had gotten lucky and was allowed to the Assistant Choreographer.
Between that and balancing four classes, two of which being Advanced Placement it was a miracle I could stay focused.
I heard my phone’s alarm going off as well as an obnoxiously loud knock.  I tried to stop my alarm which was Pink Floyd’s Another Brick in the Wall from the speakers of my phone which I did kind of successfully.
I opened the door, I saw one of the girls from my dance team, her face was completely flushed, it was clear that she had ran to see me.
Her breathing was hitched, I awkwardly invited her inside my single room, and got her some water to drink which she drank eagerly. I recognized her immediately, she was Hana Andersen, a shy yet over-eager freshman on the dance team. She was a little rusty but was a little ball of energy when it came to freestyle.
“Han you wanna tell me what’s going on?” I asked carefully.
My door was closed, so no one could see the empathy I had hidden for years.
Her hands started to shake and I gently started to coax her into speaking, and she gently took a small breath.
“I-I...Don’t think I’m fit to be at Warren,” she whispers.
Her tone is soft and a bit distressed, but still sad nonetheless.
I nodded,  gently taking her hand,
“You know.. I think you do. Everyone’s been in your shoes at least once. Hell, even you can’t expect to become a star overnight. If you want I can help you, at least if you want me too?”
Hana’s eyes light up as well as faintly brimmed with tears and she nods overzealously and immediately hugs me.
“Thank you! Thank you, Juliana...Jules!”
I nod and look at the time, 7:25 am. Shit, if  I’m not careful I’m going to miss breakfast.
“Meet in my room before dinner?”
She nodded again, as she opened the door and smiled, and said
“Pink Floyd's my brother’s favorite! ”
I smile and lie effortlessly,
“Same with mine.”
I closed the door behind me, I looked at the time again, 7:32. There was no way I was going to get breakfast in time, I had to take a shower and get ready for my advanced English class across campus.
I frowned, going straight to the back of my room grabbing my lilac and rosewater body wash.
I pulled out my school sweater and a pair of leggings, fortunately, there was also a pair of flats by my bed frame.
I grabbed my ID plus my shower stuff and was surprised at the silence as I walked through the hallway of my residence hall.
It was a nice contrast from the usual hustle and bustle I usually experienced which came from running several clubs and homework as well as living in New York.
As I got out of the shower and put on my “runway” outfit and I was greeted with several texts from my Dance Team Group chat and Jaxson (my boyfriend).
Where are you 😟
We’re abt to go on!! 💃🏻💃🏿👯
hey babe, dunno if you forgot lol u dont forget. First classes are canceled. the big pep rally with the new students. the dance team is looking for u! 8:25!
My eyes widened in shock, how could I have forgotten that. There was no time to change and I couldn’t miss this especially with the rumor of a Broadway talent scout in the audience.
I texted them both back
On my way!! ✨💜
I grabbed my backpack, my English Book and quickly ran to the gymnasium and I saw my team about to go out on the floor.
“H-hey! I’m here!”
Jaxson immediately hugs me,
“Jules! Thank god! ”
I smiled immediately kissing his cheek.
“Let’s get this show on the road!”
“You’re gonna kill it!” Jaxson said excitedly.
As we get ready to get on the dance floor Hana looks at me and then looks awkwardly at  Victoria who is scowling at me.
Victoria was about 5’7”, dark blonde hair and dark blue eyes, she was the lead in the musical who personally wanted my job as the assistant choreographer.
“What the fresh hell are you wearing?!” she hisses at me as we enter the gym.
I ignore her for a moment, but for a moment smile,
“I’m just showing school spirit”
As the music starts, I feel like I can feel everyone’s eyes on me, people murmuring to each other and then I make eyes with the talent scout. Her eyes are a cold and piercing amberish hazel and I can feel my hands shaking and I get cold and sweaty, it goes black almost immediately.
I’m in the woods, its calm, and  I know I’m not home. The surroundings are familiar yet strange and I could assume this could only be how this is how Alice felt when she fell down the rabbit hole.
I turn for a moment, seeing a girl, she couldn’t be older than me but if she is it has to be a least a year’s difference.
She looks at me with a small smile, there is a quartz crystal crown on her head. She walks closer to me, gently placing a warm hand on my cheek. Her voice is calm as she gently says.
“You need to wake up. We’ll meet again soon Jules. I promise”
My eyes shoot open and I realized that I was in the nurse’s office and I see Jaxson is holding my hand. He smiles looking at me with calm jade green eyes.
“You feeling okay?”He gently squeezed my hand.
Jaxson opens his mouth to start talking, almost immediately the school nurse comes in.
“You had a textbook anxiety attack. I’d recommend resting, I’ll write you a note excusing you from class. Just collect your homework.” she says as she writes something down on a blue slip of paper.
Jax holds my hand as I get out of the cot, and I take the blue slip from the nurse’s hand.
“Take it easy Jules... Don’t overexert yourself.” the nurse recommended.
As we exited the office Jax kissed my cheek, and walk around the campus to collect my textbooks.
“You wanna get lunch at my parent’s place. You didn’t get to eat breakfast today.”
I  was about to say yes but I got a text from Reyna, Victoria’s understudy for the role of Roxie Hart in Chicago.
Can u pls pls help w All that Jazz 😟
I sighed, telling myself I’d eat dinner, besides Reyna was more important especially with the show being the first mark as a choreographer. Sure, I had choreographed the dance team routines but this was bigger.
“We can grab lunch tomorrow?”
Jaxson kisses my forehead and walks off.
“Of course love”
Sure np! Lemme drop off my books.
I put my phone in my pocket, and I notice a tour going on the group looks pretty excited, but as the group gets closer, one of the girls sticks out.
She has a small silver stud in her right nostril, and her brown hair has been cut short. But otherwise, her other features look the exact same from when we were kids.
Under my breath, I silently muttered out of fear and confusion.
It couldn’t be, could it?
I unlocked the door to my dorm and dropped off my books and texted Reyna to let her know that I was on my way. As I walked into the room I checked my old group chat, the last messages were old invitations and good luck messages from Ophelia and Maddie.
Hey, I know I haven’t been on here much but I’m p sure I saw Krissy? Wanna meet for some 🍕 Maybe @ 7  ✨💜
I shove my phone into my pocket and heading to the music room and I see Reyna stretching on the bar, as she finishes, she notices me and gives me a smile.
“Ready?” I ask her curiously as I set up the music track up on my phone.
She nodded,
“As I’ll ever be.”
I nod,
“5...6, 7,8” As I hit the play button and watched her sing and dance, there were instances where she’s strong like her singing, but her dancing gets sloppy when the chorus hits. When I break down the routine, Rey starts to look and sound polished and I considered starting the routine of the Cell Block Tango when the bell rings, bringing lunch and our practice to a close.
“Thanks, Jules! You’ve saved my ass!” She hugs me happily and walks off.
I smiled and head back to my room ordering some lunch cause I am starving, I order a simple grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup, and as soon as I arrive I feel so much better and start with writing out my notes.
As the day slowly begins to wind down, slowly begins to wind down, I can see the sun begin to set. I check the old group chat for anything from my last message about Krissy and is met with silence, I sigh as I get myself in some dance clothes in preparation for practicing with Hana.
I check my phone again, still nothing, and as I let out a sigh until I heard a knock on the door. As I opened the door to see the smiling face of Hana who immediately hugs me.
I smile faintly,
“Okay, you ready to get to work?”
She nodded, her eyes light up instantly
“Heck yeah!”
I chuckled remembering my own enthusiasm from last year.
“I’ll go first.I’ll see how you do.”
I hit the play button and Zella Day’s Hypnotic comes on and as I count myself in, I let the music flow through me.
I smile a bit making myself look as if I am a siren entrancing a sailor in Ancient Greece. When the song ends Hana is staring, her hands visibly shaking.
“You’ve got this” I remind her gently.
She nods weakly and as I started the music she tries to replicate my moves, just like Reyna she is strong in some spots. I smile and start to dance with her until she’s more comfortable.
It’s not long before she’s getting it, I smile giving her a high five as she starts to nail the moves.
“Thank you so much, Jules!!”
I smile,
“Don’t mention it. I was gonna grab some pizza. You wanna join me?”
She nodded eagerly.
“Come on now! I’m paying.”
As Hana and I finish our pizza its almost 7:40, we’re laughing and joking but we pass by my house. All the lights are off, except for my bedroom light and the one in the attic. I also notice that my parents aren’t home, and  I stare at the window.
Hana looks up with me,
“Jules? You okay?” Han asks gently.
I blink snapping out of it,
“Yeah... You go back to Warren I’ll catch up. ”
She rose an eyebrow,
“You sure?”
I actually wasn’t too sure in all honesty, but instead of sending her away, I politely and calmly whispered.
“Keep watch.”
She nodded, but gasped silently,
“What if we get in trouble?”
I chuckled,
“This is my house, we’ll be okay..”
I went around back to the emergency exit and smiled looking at the slightly faded pink blossoms. I hated to uproot them but I found the spare key taking it to the front door. I ran back down and opened the door.
Hana looked around, her face etched with fear.
“Jules!” She whimpered.
“It’ll just take a minute!” I insisted.
As I go up the stairs to my room, I cringe at some old pictures, remembering how many hours it took to get right. I  push the door open to my bedroom, everything appears to be normal except a box made out of faded old wood is in the center of my bed.
I grabbed the box and closed the door and put the key back under the pot, and lead Hana back to Warren.
“That’s enough excitement for one day,” I say examining the box.
I run my fingers over it, and offer Hana a chance to look at it.
Hana picks it up, her hands fumbling over it, and the box awkwardly fell out of her hands.  The box falling to the ground,  a wedge from the bottom, peeking out. As she hands it back to me I slowly pry it back its contents spilling out. Letters, Photographs; all things that I’ve never seen except the one of my grandmother and my mom hiding behind her leg. Hana and I start to go through the items and in the slew of things there was a white knight piece. Hana is holding an envelope with a letter and I’m looking at a picture.
It looks like a simple polaroid, that says: Me, Andrew, Patrick, Oliver and Sophia. Sophia’s hair is a dark black, and flowing. She is smiling a bunny ears. The other three boys are smiling in their uniforms.
“Hey Jules.. You should read this.”
I nodded and reading out loud, holding the envelope that was awkwardly torn.
January 11th
Dear Sophia,
I am writing this letter as a warning. In three days time He will find you. He has been in my dreams quite frequently and I fear he knows about the iteration. You have to hide it, you and Jeremy have too close with Daisy. And I know after our disbandment we promised we would never talk again but I pray to Elysia he doesn’t find Daisy. The vision that caused our severance is much clearer to me. The Demon King will return this iteration.
Run Sophia Run
The name is cut off but all I can wonder is who is Sophia?
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