#fuck it I'm gonna make Sonic pregnant in my head too
kennyomegasweave · 8 months
Actual Texts I sent my best friend during the Pit Babe finale:
Okay I'm guessing we got the emotional parts over now cause now Alan and Jeff are fucking. And I imagine it's Babe and Charlie's time soon. lol
*in my Joanne voice about getting their jaw wired shut* Someone's getting a baby put in them!
Not Jeff being like "dude you've been in my house too long, you gotta go back to work" and then being like "okay maybe one more day" and now they're fucking. Listen. Get that old man dick! As I said, someone's getting a baby put in them tonight!
Not Kim being like "Alan where's Babe?" And he's like "he's getting his pre-race dick down, you know that."
Not them still calling each other Mama and Papa. SOMEONE is GETTING a BABY put in THEM! lol
Also. Charlie kissed Babe's stomach enough times that, to me, Babe is knocked up. It's not acknowledged but I know. I see the vision. I know there's a baby somewhere in that man's body.
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