#fuck it this goes in the main tag cause i'm proud of it
foxgloveinspace · 8 months
Please always ramble in the tags 😭🫶🏼✨ reading tags are some of my favorite things, esp yours tbh
I hope your weekend was good dude! And I hope your migraine fucks off quicklyyy!
I’m trying to get some studying done today, it’s not working yet, but I’m trying!
Good Luck Studying!! I hope you find your groove, and it goes really well!! This is my favorite rain noise video on youtube if you like those, I put it on when I need to drown out the rest of the world for reading, haha.
My migraine is already going away a bit, I turned off my headphones, even tho I was listening to The Summoning as a little, 'its been one year since i heard you' celebration, but I can do that later too.
I would link it, but its not posted yet🙇, I'm waiting till it's done before I post it, cause I have discovered through trial and error that that is best for me (*looks sadly at my now mostly abandoned Dune fic that I will finish one of these days but I don't know when it'll be.*)
I don't even know if I'm half way done with it even, I don't even know if I'm gonna post it as chapters? or post it as a really long one shot (but from what I hear, it's best to do it as chapters cause if you get passed 50k you can't edit it after posting, oof. I always forget tags). I think if i do, do chapters, I just finished the first one, haha. It's like, a dream come true though? cause SamTron/SamRinzler is one of my longest running ships (I'd go as far to call it my rare pair otp, haha) and Tron: Legacy is my favorite movie of all time, and I've wanted to write a long as fuck fic for them for years and years and years, so now that I'm finally doing it!!! Ugh. I'm just. so giddy about it, and I hope I am getting their characters right (even tho I've watched the movie about 50 times at this point and have the freaking.... script memorized at this point.) And!!! Yeah.... I'm so happy about it... I'm also being so so self indulgent with it (for me this means adding in little details that don't really matter, like the fact that Sam keeps body armor drinks in his fridge instead of like Gatorade, or that Quorra is a picky eater now that she can, ya know, actually taste things besides Energy on the Grid...... I am uhh, assuming you've watched Tron/Tron: Legacy Cass, if not its a-ok, I just realized some of this makes no since haha.) I am just.... really getting into it?
I'm also trying to keep the main plot under covers until I post it, cause I feel like the anticipation of keeping it sceret will motivate me to beign able to finish it!
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ko-zone · 2 months
helloooo this pinned post will give you general info, the general tags used here, and the keep reading has some of our members and their emoji tags.
this is the "ko zone" system's tumblr blog! we use it so much, might as well make a sideblog. our body is 21, and this age internally shifts depending on who is fronting- and more often than not, copiloting and influencing the main, ect.
#rambles - just saying things in general
#grumbles - remembered/experiencing something awful and venting about it
#vibe checks - for when an alter sees something and goes "it me/it you 🫵"
#gender - for when an alter sees something and goes "my gender... or lack thereof..."
list of members saying hi in the keep reading vvvvvv
some members
🔧 sara/kyle (any pronouns)
heyoooo, i'm sara or kyle, whichever you want to use... you could also use ko, since that's our system name anyway!
i'm the main, so you'll probably see me often- either by myself, or blending and cofronting with someone else. i basically am front locked because ive been the mask this whole fucking time. and these cool guys show up to help shoulder the burdens- and when they leave they often take those memories (both bad trauma related ones AND good and important information sadly) with them until they return. it is what it is, man
🐕 Ko/The dog (they/them,/it/its,she/he,the dog/the dog's)
Hellooo! What if there was a golden retriever who was practically raised on technology and used it as a means of escapism and expression? And ALSO wore cool sunglasses?... You'd get me, I'm therian! I front often, and I love getting to fiddle with and learn new apps or technology we're given. OOH and I love making silly little charts and graphs.
My most proud acheivment, personally- I even created and am the main coder of our Neocities (kopawz.neocities.org)! I share though, don't worry. <3 If we ever talk, I'd be happy to teach you about html when we can; making your own site is very freeing!
🕶🔆 Ray (he/they)
hi! i'm ray, and i really like pokemon. sun and moon and the ultra games are my favorites, but anything pokemon makes me pretty happy and it's very important to me. i like animals and going outside to look at any i see, plants too. it's very nice to meet you! if we hang out and i'm weird that's fine dw about it
🐈🧣 Fely (it/its/she/he/they/paws/pawself)
it's me! the proud lynian warrior! i'm felyne, but i just go by fely, cause they call me the feller... the fella, the little guy, the scraggly little cat thing. i also think it's funny to mention i do our taxes :3
okay so i love monster hunter, which is where i'm from! and i really like doing research and looking into things like i love reading! i like it when i get to show and explain things to someone else it makes me happy when somebody listens to what we have to say! :D and i love KILLING!!! in video games. give me the video game battle music osts...
🐓🐆🦈 Odius (he/him)
hey, I used to be a persecutor, but I'm trying to protect us in ways that don't include *literally* biting and growling and shutting off and sealing us away anyone who wants to try to spend time with us. I like thinking about weird creatures. and if you think about it, violence is its own kind of artform. there's nuance work with me here
🦊 guy (he/him but in a girl way)
it's technically gaius, but i like the simplicity of being called guy better, you know?
anyway, hi, i just keep things easygoing in busy and stressful situations when i can because i have yo have a cool head under these pressure inducing situations. turns out when you do that a lot over the course of your life and can't tell what is actually a danger is anymore once your brain is so sucks, even little things cause me to show up. if i had it my way though, i'd be hanging out perpetually, 17776 style
🐺🐏 Link (he/she)
I was one of the first ones here. You know how it is with a kid's first real game. If you start talking about Twilight Princess, I'm going to have to restrain myself to not talk off your ears right off your head. Sometimes, it's just time to take a walk outside. Because everyone is being an idiot inside, so sometimes it's mandatory outside idiot time for our survival. Oh, and I really fucking love fishing mini games, there's literally nothing you could do to fuck up a fishing mini game.
🌻🫂💥 uh I don't know right now
once i work through some of these flooding torrents of emotions, and I'm more comfortable with this. and once i think more. i will come back to say something. hello anyway
0 notes
So like. I kinda sat down to write about this one, and I feel like I don’t know what to write about. There’s a lot to write about, but like... [scrubs face] it’s like, there’s a lot of emotional (sledge)hammers with this one, and it’s hard to pick apart so I can actually talk about it. Paralyzed by there being so much, you know? 
God writing this one was like pulling teeth, tbh. 
Buckle up lads, this one clocks in at over 2k. Mobile users I’m so sorry. 
I think the first thing I’m gonna tackle is the name of this one. It’s called The Truth, but in the context of Clay, that previously had an incredibly specific meaning. “The Truth” wasn’t so much a phrase as it was referring to the real truth of the Precursors and the nature of Eve and Adam, and the truth of humanity as a whole. Historically, every mention of “The Truth” around Clay refers to that specific idea, and now we have a new thing that uses the same name. It’s kind of interesting too, because the Truth that Clay shared was very explicitly something he was giving to other people, after learning about it for himself. And in this case, this is Truth that he’s being given, either about his situation, or the situation of his successor. 
This memory opens up with a doctor and Warren Vidic talking, after the episode that Clay had with the Bleeding Effect, and the doctor makes mention of Clay having been here a year already. He administers a medicine that’s actually an anti-psychotic, as a way of trying to stabilize Clay’s deteriorating mental state. There’s no guarantee that it’ll actually work, is the issue, mostly because the Bleeding Effect isn’t exactly a well known mental condition, and what everyone knows about it is simply what they’ve found out via the Subjects. Which is a very small group of people. I do wonder, though, about the Bleeding Effect as a .. hmm, genetic thing? It’s seeing the memories of your ancestors superimposed over your own perception of the world, and it’s implied that it’s because of the Precursor DNA that you can even have that happen, because it’s linked to Eagle Vision. Or at least, that’s what I’ve gotten so far, I could be completely wrong. 
The conversation with the doctor gets shooed away in favor of a conversation between Clay and his father, and like. I really wonder at the timing of it, if it’s supposed to be a conversation that Clay had while he was in Abstergo. It’s possible that it was a conversation that happened before Clay got sent in, but he sounds too resigned and weary I feel like, to have it happen outside of his imprisonment. Another reason why I feel like it’s after is because the last conversation we heard with Clay and his father was during the Bleeding Effect, when Clay was telling him about the Assassins, and things dissolved into a fight when Harold made it about money. This conversation feels like it’s a while after that, after Clay’s resigned himself to not being able to really convince his father of anything. 
Before Clay dives into the mainframe, there’s another glitch, which causes your controller to rumble. The screen goes noisy, and what shows is an exit at the end of a long walkway. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen glitches or hallucinations, but it’s freaky literally every time. 
We watch as Clay starts to hack through Abstergo’s systems after that, and the actual design of “going into” the mainframe is covered in a dozen different firewalls. It’s a neat sort of visual way to show just how hard Clay’s hacking is, as well as how many firewalls there are, because if he gets caught, he can get killed. 
Right before he goes in, on the right side of the “mainframe” is a code cipher. 
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This is a Caesar cipher with an alphabetical shift of 3, and it reads  "Lucy, she Is aLways behind You." The capital letters spell out LILY -- traditionally lilies were associated with death. Now, you could interpret this as “Lucy’s got his back, she’s his teammate.” Which like, maybe. But with the addition of the word lily, and knowing that Lucy betrays him... nah. It’s more like she’s a threatening presence that needs to be watched. 
Clay snoops through Vidic’s mainframe and learns that Vidic is specifically after Desmond. Now, we know that this is at least over a year of Clay’s being here, and that Desmond was captured September 1st. What I’m really saying is just how long did Abstergo know about Desmond, and what lengths did they go to research him before they took him? Another question I have is like -- I know ac1 said that Abstergo found him via his fingerprints for his motorcycle license, but just how would that give them access to his genetic profile. Granted, that’s probably some early installment weirdness of ac1, but. (That being said, I remember reading a fic where they made mention of Desmond donating plasma for cash, and that’s how Abstergo found him, which is more believable than fingerprints....) 
I also can’t help but wonder like -- what’s going through Clay’s mind as he realizes that the Desmond Miles that Juno spoke of during his Bleed is the next Subject, and his successor? Or is it that he was completely unsurprised because Juno gave him a look into the possible future with the Calculations? 
Anyways, Clay finds out what Vidic wants, and excitedly says that they can leave, and we follow the path to see what looks like a broken stone circle at the base of two beams of light. 
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(The wireframe is just the gameplay mechanic) I have... no earthly idea what this is, or what it could possibly mean. I think this is the only broken structure you see in all the memories, Desmond or Clay’s. It’s vaguely reminiscent of a broken film wheel, but I’m not sure if that’s what it’s supposed to be. But like, it’s so goddamn conspicuous because it’s the only broken structure we find. ls it supposed to symbolize a broken trust, a loss of faith after witnessing the “play” unfold?? .
Speaking of the “play”-- what the fuck. What the actual fuck. Is it supposed to make me uncomfortable? Because by god it did that. The sharp departure from how the rest of the narrative has been told is jarring as fuck, especially because it’s so like, proper. I swear, all that’s missing is like, a slightly off-key oldtimey music track and you’ll have a full blown horror segment. Maybe I’m just being dramatic, but like -- finding the broken wheel when that’s already something weird, having the camera forcibly taken away from you so you can watch this performance. And like, just listening to Warren monologue at Lucy is disturbing as well, for reasons that are hard to articulate. 
It’s like -- Meta wise, I know why she’s not talking. Her voice actress, Kristen Bell, had left and didn’t renew her contract (as her contract was only for 3 games), thus not being able to voice Lucy for any further appearances. IIRC, this is actually why Lucy was written to die, instead of simply recasting her, and then they had to scramble to make the “She’s a Templar!” twist work. Jury’s still out if it did or not, but like -- I do appreciate them trying to explain why she defected during her undercover years, but like... Ugh. It still leaves such a sour taste in my mouth, because it’s obviously a writing scramble and not a cohesive narrative that was plotted from the beginning. 
For a comparison, Clay’s story and ultimate fate feels complete, it feels alright. Yeah, it’s arguably a worse fate than Lucy, he died twice over, but like. We knew he was dead from the first moment we saw him, we knew that there was only one way that this could really go, a tragedy. There was a clear progression of his story, and the fact that you know how it ends. That being said, I do wonder about Clay’s death as a Subject in ac2, before the plotbeats of Lucy being a Templar were set in stone for Brotherhood. I know that the 20 glyphs in ac2 did talk about how Lucy was there when Clay killed himself, but I kinda doubt that it was in the same context of “she was supposed to save him but deliberately betrayed him due to her loyalties”. I guess what I’m getting at is that Lucy’s story feels terrible due to the writing surrounding it, while Clay’s feels deliberately terrible because that was the point. 
Back to my original point of “Lucy not talking”-- while there is a meta reason for it, I kinda want to ascribe a narrative reason, despite the meta outweighing the narrative. 
Lucy is characterized by almost never showing the full extent of her feelings or motivations, leaving you to wonder what’s actually going on in her head constantly. Sure, she leaned on Desmond a lot, but there’s also an undercurrent of a power imbalance there, and we always got the sense that she kept more to herself than she revealed. By having Warren talk at her, we’re further kept from knowing just what she felt about all of this, and instead we’re given another glimpse of the strange relationship that Warren and Lucy had. 
Warren was her boss, but also her superior in the Templar order, and the man who saved her life from his own company. Back in ac1, Lucy recounts to Desmond how she was attacked in the middle of the night, going to be silenced by Abstergo so she couldn’t talk about the Animus, only for Warren to save her life by telling the men to stand down. The assailants were people that she interacted with every day, even ate lunch with. This is after she’d been with Abstergo for a while, and finally feeling like she was being taken seriously with her work (as well as her undergrad thesis/work) she was going to be killed to keep quiet. We don’t actually know why Warren saved her, but it’s my firm belief that that’s when Lucy changed alliances to the Templars.
However, I do wonder about the confrontation between Lucy and Warren at the end of ac2, during the credits. I know, I know, her being a Templar wasn’t really a thing in ac2 (I think), so therefore you have to take it all with a grain of salt, but like. The conversation here brings attention to it, where Warren tells her “Make sure you look very upset. You need to be convincing.” And I can’t help but wonder if Warren and Lucy ended up trading insults that hit way too close to home in order to further the deception... It wouldn’t be hard to pretend to be hurt if she actually was hurt by what he said, y’know? 
I think the last thing about Warren’s speech that really bugs me is like -- he tacks on the whole “Oh, yes. Once inside their hideout, perhaps you might ask the Assassins why they left you alone for so many years.” And like. That just gets under my skin in a lot of ways because like-- he’s got a point, the Assassin’s methods are Rather Horrible™ with how they completely cut her off for a deep cover mission at seventeen (no I will not ever be over that), but the way he says it just. He’s clearly manipulating her to entrench her further onto his own side, and I just. Ngh. I kinda wonder if the delivery of the line was intended for the audience rather than Lucy herself, because she already knows all this, and for him to bring it up feels like an insult to her intelligence. It feels kinda slimy in a way that I can’t really describe. Or maybe it’s just because I just do NOT like Vidic. 
There’s also the question of like, how did Clay see this -- this is all dramatized for the sake of us, the audience, but did he watch this via video feeds or something??? The thought of him watching Lucy and Warren talk about his successor is kinda jarring tbh. Also this throws a wrench into the ending of ac1 (though tbh what DOESN’T throw a wrench into ac1) where they were going to dispose of Desmond only for Lucy to intervene. Is it because Warren and Lucy were operating on their own project that wasn’t exactly approved by the Templar higher ups?? Or something?? 
This whole memory says that Desmond was their goldmine for the amount of genetic information he held, so why would the higher ups -- wait. Unless the whole thing was a ploy by having Lucy speak up in “defense” of Desmond in order to get him to trust her some more.... Hrm.... Granted that fits, it’s just a sort of way of re-contextualizing the ending of ac1... 
Waves hand anyways Clay finds out about this plan for Lucy to gain Desmond’s trust and give them the data, and then we finally have control again. There’s this sort of distorted error noise, and the red blocks start to fill up the room, threatening you as they force you closer and closer to the screen, which only shows a picture of a door with a strange symbol on top of it. 
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This is the symbol for 3 Juno, an asteroid in our solar system that’s the 11th largest, and contains 1% of total mass of the asteroid belt. It was discovered September 1st, 1804, by Karl Ludwig Harding, and initially considered to be a planet, along with a few other asteroid/dwarf planets at the time. It was given this symbol, ⚵, like how Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter all have their own symbols. 
Aside from the obvious “hey that’s Juno, she’s the big bad of this shit”, there’s a couple things that stood out to me. The date of discovery, September 1st -- that’s the same date that Desmond got captured by Abstergo, gives me pause. I’m not sure if it’s something that was intentional on the dev’s part, or if they were just looking for a symbol that would represent Juno. Either way, that’s enough of a coincidence that it makes me feel unsettled, the same way that Lucy was bothered by the date of the satellite launch being 72 days away. It might just be an honest coincidence, but considering that this is Clay we’re dealing with... nah. 
Another thing that the AC wiki told me is that this is also the symbol for the Instruments of the First Will, an in-universe religious organization that worships the Precursors, and specifically Juno. Now, this organization doesn’t actually appear until at least ac4 Black Flag, and continues on all the way through Syndicate. This is more like an early bird cameo than a full blown reference, as we still have to get through ac3, But it’s still interesting to point out and look at, and wonder what’s going on with it all. 
Anyways, the door itself is actually part of the screen, and impassible, and it stays that way as the bricks come closing in, chasing you. It’s really tense tbh, with this feeling of claustrophobia on top of the revelations you were forced to watch. It also doesn’t help that like. You had control wrenched away from you so you could watch the conversation, and the speech was long enough to lull you into maybe putting your controller down to watch, and then with a rumble you suddenly have control again and are being chased towards a door that doesn’t open. 
The picture of a door becomes an actual door after the blocks get closer and closer, and we break through into the light, and onto memory 7.
If you like what I do, or want to see any other sort of analysis, consider buying me a ko-fi!
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greta-van-chaos · 3 years
Stupid Prank // Duff Mckagan
Summary | Axl pulls a prank off Duff which results in you taking it into your own hands to help him
Pairing | Duff Mckagan x Reader
Word Count | 2.1k
Warnings | Smut, cursing, oral (m receiving)
Authors Note | This is my take on writing a fic originally written by lost-in-the-80s. This idea completely belongs to them and I only re wrote it because I wanted to see it in my style! Please check their stuff out, it's amazing!
If you want to be tagged in upcoming posts you can join my taglist!
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I watch the boys walk off stage, the crowd still screaming for them as they exit. I head to the main dressing room and plop down on the worn couch. Duff comes in first, shooting me a smile and sitting next to me. He puts his arm around my shoulders and lets out a huge sigh of relief.
"You were great out there!" I gush
"Thanks little rose, it was fun seeing you dance backstage" He laughs and runs a hand through his hair. I blush at the nickname. He calls me little rose cause I'm Axl's younger sister, he's the only one in the band that uses the nickname.
Next to enter is Izzy with Steven trailing behind him. Izzy sighs and sits on the vanity, bringing one leg up so he can rest his elbow on his knee. Steven sits on the floor at my feet and rests his head in my lap. I squeal "You're all sweaty Stevie!!"
He looks up at me by tilting his head back further and smiles. "Yeah but you love me so it's okay"
"You're an ass" I laugh and grab some strands of his hair to braid. Slash comes in looking high as a kite and sits down on the arm of the couch on Duff's side. "Where's Axl?" I ask, looking to Slash.
"He said something about getting drinks I think"
Before I can say anything else Axl walks in with two beers in his hands. "Speak of the devil" I quip. He comes over to us and hands Duff a beer then goes and gives Izzy the other one before standing in the middle of the room. We all sit in silence and stare at my brother. He never does favors for others out of the kindness of his heart.
"What's this about?" Izzy asks accusingly, saying what everyone else in the room is thinking.
"It's an apology beer for my outburst this morning when you and Duff were setting up the mic for me, I know I can be a bit much sometimes."
Izzy scoffs and shakes his head "Yeah alright man. Duff you can have mine if you want"
Izzy hands me the beer which I hand off to the bassist. "It's just a beer Iz, what's the big deal?" The blond huffs, draining the first bottle and sipping the next one. I look over at Axl and he has a proud look on his face.
Izzy gets up and stops on his way out right next to Axl "What did you do to the beer?"
Axl just laughs and shrugs. We all look at Duff with concerned expressions but he's so lost in tapping his foot to an imaginary beat that when he looks up at us he's startled "What?"
"Don't worry about it" The singer chuckles
When we walk into the hotel all hell breaks loose. Izzy tries to pick up the receptionist, Slash is practically fucking a girl against a wall, and Steven - along with his groupie -, Duff, Axl, and I are all just trying to get to our rooms.
"Didn't find a pretty girl to bring to your room with you tonight?" I joke, poking Duff's arm as we walk. I've never actually seen the bassist with a groupie before.
"Didn't really feel like it, not in the mood i guess" He shrugs. We stop at the elevator and Izzy and Slash along with their groupies, join us as we wait.
"I find that hard to believe" Axl laughs
"Why do you say that?" Duff asks, mildly irritated
"Holy shit dude" Slash exclaims, pointing at Duffs pants. We all look down at the same time and I gasp - a little too loudly - at the large tent in his pants.
"Fuck" Duff groans, taking off his leather jacket and tying it around his waist.
"That's what you get" Axl murmurs
"The fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"Remember when you and Izzy locked me out of the bus completely fucking naked last week? Well, consider this payback. I put some Viagra in each of your beers so you could stay up all night thinking about me." The elevator doors slide open and we all get in, I stand beside Izzy to get out of the way of Duff.
The blond grabs Axl by the collar of his shirt "You fucking ass"
"Why would you give him your beer Isbell? You knew something was wrong with it" I whisper to the guitarist. The elevator ride is short and the doors slide open within a few seconds of us being inside. Izzy and his arm candy walk out and he just shrugs at me.
Axl runs down the hall with Duff close behind but he's not fast enough and Axl runs into a room, locking the door behind him. The boys all disperse and Duff and I are left in the hallway.
"Sorry Mckagan, I'll give him a good talking to, don't you worry" I say, patting him on the back
"You've always been the kinder one, little rose" He laughs, retreating into his own room. I sigh and go to my own but instead of being met with an empty bedroom, my brother is sitting on the edge of my bed laughing.
"What are you doing in here Ax?"
"Just wanted to make sure Duffy out there didn't know which room I was actually staying in, let's just pray he doesn't break your door down in the middle of the night."
"You are the absolute worst, you know that?" I smile, rolling my eyes
"Yeah, yeah. I'll see ya tomorrow sis, don't come knocking, just cause I'm next door doesn't mean it's an open invitation" He gets up and walks out blowing me a kiss as he goes. I sigh again and bring my bag to my bed, unpacking a clean change of clothes and my shower bag.
As I'm getting out of the bath someone starts pounding on the door. I scramble to get into a towel and when I reach the door I can hear Duff screaming and knocking as hard as he can "Get the fuck out here Axl, you motherfucking coward!"
I open the door slowly and Duff storms in, pushing the door open with me being trapped behind it. I scoff and close the door, holding my towel with one hand. "What the fuck is your problem Mckagan?"
He stares for a moment, looking me up and down. I snap in his face and his eyes shoot up to meet mine. "Sorry, uh- I thought this was Axl's room"
"That's what he wanted you to think" I roll my eyes
"I shoulda known better, sorry Y/n"
"It's no big deal. How's your uh... predicament?" I nod my head down to emphasize my words
"Not so great... It's uh, it's pretty relentless"
"Well have you tried, yknow..?"
He laughs "Yeah, not to be crude but I've jerked off like three times"
My throat goes dry as I imagine him in such a state. I look at him through my lashes and lick my lips deciding now is the perfect chance to be bold and make my move "Can I help you?"
Duff scoffs, taken aback "Do you know how dead you would be if Axl found out?" Rule number one of touring with the guys, I am completely off limits.
"I could care less. I've liked you since the moment I first met you, this is a little bit of a dream come true. Minus the fact that Axl gave you two doses of Viagra" We both laugh.
"God the things I would've done to you had I known" His words send heat straight to my core and I fall to my knees, letting my towel gather around me on the floor. I untie the laces of his pants and pull them down, his dick springs free and I grab it hastily, pumping it. The blond tilts his head back with his mouth wide open and I start moving against him while holding his legs for support. His hips snap forward and I gag on him but continue to move.
He groans and looks down at me with lust blown eyes. "I'm gonna cum Y/n". I take this as incentive to go faster, spit coming out of the sides of my mouth as he begins thrusting his hips, trying desperately to reach his high. Within seconds his thrusts become sloppy and his hips stutter, he climaxes and I do my best to swallow everything. After a moment I pull away and look up at him, our eyes meet at he smiles. "You are so fucking hot when you look at me like that" He grabs my hair and pulls me up to him and we kiss, his lips work against mine almost desperately. We walk towards the bed and when I feel it against the back of my legs I lay back and watch him unbutton and take off his shirt.
"I've fantasized about this so many times." I admit, blushing.
"You don't want to know how many times I've imagined fucking you like this" He says "I'm so glad you feel the same little rose" The nickname makes my heart flutter and so I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him to me, kissing him heatedly. He grabs my hips and pins me to the bed, dipping down to kiss and bite at my neck and I moan out, then quickly cover my mouth with my hand. Duff notices and pulls my hand away "I wanna hear you"
"Axl is next door, remember the whole no sleeping with my sister or ill kill you lecture at the start of the tour?"
"After what he did I could give a fuck, I want to hear everything and I want Axl to hear too, just so he knows I found a way to get through the night"
I laugh and let out a comically loud moan and Duff does the same, we trap ourselves in another passionate kiss and he lines himself up with my entrance, pushing in slowly after I nod that he can. I throw my head back immediately and drag my nails down his back. He swirls his hips before he begins thrusting and he almost immediately starts hitting my g-spot. I let out a few strangled moans when he buries his head in my hair and hits deeper than I knew was possible.
"Duff, god-"
"Feels good?" He murmurs
"Mhm, so-" I let out a high pitch moan as he snaps his hips forward quickly, a tell that he's close. "So good" At this point the bed is banging against the wall decently hard and anyone in the rooms surrounding us can hear our moans and the sound of skin on skin.
I scream Duff's name as he bites my shoulder, his thrusts becoming sloppy. "You gonna cum?" The blond mumbles in my ear.
I don't even have to answer as I unravel under him, my body shaking and clenching around him. In turn he also climaxes and when we've both cooled down from it he pulls out and lays beside me... and that's when we hear Axl. "What the fuck are you doing in there y/n, are you with Duff"
"Go to sleep Axl" Duff yells back to him.
"You are dead meat in the morning" My brother screams, kicking the door with as much force as he can. We hear him return to his room and we sigh in unison.
"Such a fuckin baby" I laugh and turn to look at the beautiful blond in my bed.
"What?" He smiles
"I just can't believe I waited so long to tell you how I felt"
"I guess we have a lot of time to make up for"
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knockknockchicagopd · 4 years
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❚❙ REQUEST BY @supervalcsi: Time for some requesting if you don't mind! I have to tell you I really love your prompt list, I may have to steal that 😂 Okay, so to the request, you know I love angst, the best, so please can I get angst prompt 13 with Hank? I know it will be amazing, you are always amazing!! Thank you, love!!! 💕❤💓💗💖
❚❙ PROMPT: “I think there's someone else in the house”.
❚❙ WORDS: about 900.
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that it makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted.
❚❙ GIF credits: to the author.
❚❙ Tag list: @melblacc @rebelwrites @skyofficialxx @sesamepancakes. If you want to be added to my tag list, send me a message.
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You aren't precisely a light sleeper person. When you fall asleep, you fall asleep. But if your husband isn't in the house, your senses are awake the whole time. Being with a cop like Hank has made you trust your hearing more than your sight. And you know exactly the sound his steps do.
Tossing the blankets away, before making your bed as if no one were sleeping there, you grab the Walther P-99 your husband always has under his pillow. Carrying your phone in your free hand, you stick your head out of the door carefully, finding some shadows touring the lower floor. On your tiptoes, you walk quietly to Justin's room, hiding inside his wardrobe. Putting your phone on silent, you fastly text Hank.
“I think there's someone else in the house”.
It doesn't take him more than two seconds to read it, being disconcerted of you being awake.
“Two men, I think they have come by the back door”.
You're not scared at all. You know how to defend yourself and you're not going to doubt shooting whoever dares to stand in front of you. Taking the gun off safety, you lock your phone again putting the screen down to not warn them with the illumination from it, in case Hank texts you. Even so, you're aware that he has called the closest patrol to your house and that he's already coming.
Sitting on the floor and dragging your body till your back touches the wall, pointing at the door in case that you need to shoot. You can hear the wooden steps creaking slightly, as one of the men goes upstairs, probably thinking that you continue peacefully sleeping. They know you are there. They have seen your car parked in front of the house. But they're too stupid for breaking into Hank Voight's residence.
The thief is now in the adjoining room, your room. And you can hear him cursing and pushing something made of glass to the floor, causing a great noise. And instantly below, the second man follows the other's path.
“Where is she?”
“I don't know, but we have to find her”.
Gulping, now you're aware that they are there for a clear purpose. You can't help but breath faster, agitated, securing your fingers around the gun as soon as you feel them somewhat trembling. The men tour every room, hearing them even running the shower curtains, trying to not lose more time than necessary.
But after a second of silence, the wardrobe door is suddenly opened, slamming the closest wall. You act by inertia, pulling the trigger and shooting the man who tries to grab you from your t-shirt. The howl of pain he utters, as he falls down, echoes the room claiming for the other's attention. Getting up faster than ever, you run away dodging a furtive hand that appears from the gloom of the hallway, going to the lower floor to reach the main door.
Outside of the house, the patrol and Hank's car followed by Antonio's and Ruzek's stop dead to rescue you. Your legs move quicklier when your eyes laid on your husband and the worrying on his face. He covers you with his arms to put you safe inside his SUV, being escorted by the cops in uniform. Putting the gun over the seat, you place yourself in the middle of the car to see through the front window Hank, Antonio and Adam coming into your house and turning the lights on.
Three minutes later, the neighborhood is swarming with police and your husband is literally kicking one of the men out of your house. He rolls down the stairs from the porch, before Antonio drags the one you have shot. Once both are lying on the grass being handcuffed, Hank squats close to them.
“Fuck with me is one thing… but try to hurt my wife… I hope you enjoy your time in prison, because if you come out one day, you will do it as a dead body”.
Your husband can't help but kick their faces, before spitting to the ground, driven by the rage of thinking that something could have happened to you.
“Get'em out of my fucking property!”
Stepping out of the big SUV, you run to Hank when he's close enough of your position. And you don't care who is looking at you, jumping onto his arms and wrapping his waist with both legs. Till now you were feeling the adrenaline and the braveness racing through your veins, but when his arms welcome you, the panic and the anguish take control of your mind and body.
“It's okay, baby… It's okay… Talk to me, are you hurt, uh? Did they touch you?”
Shaking your head with tears traveling down your face, your husband spreads kisses all around he can.
“You did a brave thing, you hear me? You're the bravest, my love”.
Sobbing and trying to contain the shakes that hit your anatomy, you sink your face into the gap between his neck and his shoulder.
“I'm proud of you… I'm so proud of you”.
Comforting you as he rests a hand on your head pressed at him, Hank uses the other to caress your back with all the tenderness only you inspire him.
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knockknockchicagopd · 4 years
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❚❙ REQUEST BY ANON: Hello, here’s the request all sort out ... could I get a Antonio imagine where the reader is related to someone on the unit? With the prompts (fluff 3/ 7) and also could you make it smut? Thank you once more!
❚❙ PROMPTS: “I just wanted to hear your voice”. / “We can pretend that nothing happened last night, but it did”.
❚❙ WORDS: about 2k.
❚❙ WARNINGS: nsfw, unprotected vaginal sex, mention of bodily fluids.
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that it makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted.
❚❙ GIF credits: to my amazing @sonsofeorl.
❚❙ Tag list: @melblacc @rebelwrites @skyofficialxx @sesamepancakes @scarletsoldierrr @mondefantastique @that-chick212 @enbyamaro @inlovewith3 @ocetevasgirl @anotherfan07 @destynelseclipsa @jadakiss13. If you want to be added to my tag list, send me a message.
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Sitting up on your bed tossing away the sheets, you turn on the small lamp somewhat worried. It's too late and his gloomy tone of voice worries you. For Jay, you know it hasn't been a good week in the way of the delicate case they have had in his hands. A guy who used to rape and murder officers, just because he thought they didn't deserve to live. In the academy, the instructors teach you to catch the bad people but not to deal mentally with what they do. Every cop has their own way to confront him. Your brother, for example, likes to play videogames to escape from the world.
“You okay?” Whispering, you curl up your legs to your chest, resting your cheek on them.
“Yeah, just wanted to hear your voice”.
You can't help but draw a shy smile on your lips, feeling your face slightly burning. You can't lie and say that he hasn't attracted you since Jay introduced you. He has always been kind and tender, and more funny than your middle-brother had told you.
Last night you went to dinner after work and he drove you to your house. And no, you weren't expecting him to kiss you, just as he wasn't expecting you to correspond it with something else than a physical attraction. You can assure that you're in love with him, but you know you are falling for him a little more every time Antonio looks at you and smiles for no reason.
“Whe—Where are you?”
“Close to the beach. Walking. Clearing my head”.
Puckering your lips, placing your eyes over the large window in front of your bed, you try to not succumb to a new necessity you didn't know you had.
“Wanna come over…?”
“I'd like it”. The murmur appears after some seconds of silence, racing your heart for an instant.
“'Key, see you now”. Biting your bottom lip to contain a smile, you hang up the call.
You decide to get up from bed, being aware that if you stay there you'll end up falling asleep again. The beach isn't too far from your house, knowing the way to perfection. It's your favorite place to have something for dinner after a long shift in the cafeteria you work in. Taking the advantage to bring some order in your flat, you lose track of time till the knocks on the main door claims your attention.
Accommodating your hair, you lead your bare feet to the entrance not being able to hide the soft smile that curves up the corners of your lips, when you receive him. Antonio looks tired to death, not wasting time to hug you under the door frame. Surrounding his neck with both arms you take a step to hold him closer, being overwhelmed by all the sensations he is transmitting to you in such a simple gesture.
The hug lasts longer than you could think, not being bothered by that, enjoying every second of his warmth wrapping you. Hearing him sigh with his forehead resting over your shoulder, you push some distance between both to let him come inside and close the door after his steps.
“Wanna drink something? I have beer, coke, whisky… Water?”
“No, I'm good”. He just replies, taking off his jacket to hang it on a chair. “Listen… we can pretend that nothing happened last night. But it did. I don't wanna put pressure on you and I know who your brothers are, but… I really like you. I've been thinking about you, about us, the whole day. In my job you know when you start to work, but you don't know if you'll come home and I don't want to lose the opportunity of being with you, of leaving this world knowing… that I've made you happy”.
These words, the desperation in his voice as he is finishing them, leaves you speechless. Your brain is trying to process what Antonio has just said, keeping his trembling hands inside the pocket of his jeans. The first thing you can think about is that you don't care about Jay, nor Will. They only want for you a man who treats you like you deserve. The best of the best. And the man in front of you is it.
“I can leave, if you wan'me to”.
“Wh— no, no, no”. You fastly reply, taking the steps enough to shorten the distance between the two of you, aware that you've spent too many seconds without saying anything, making him doubt that you don't feel exactly like he does. “I… Antonio, I…”
As soon as you understand that you're not able to form a sentence with sense, you simply place your hands on both sides of his neck while standing on your tiptoes, to crash your lips on his. It doesn't take him by surprise, being what he was waiting for more than for a talk. Bending down slightly, he lifts you up to urge you to surround his waist with your legs. The necessity of feeling each other closer and closer is suffocating you, leaving you breathless because of the passion concentrated in the kiss.
Antonio brings you to your room fastly than you can assimilate, falling on the bed when his knees collide with the mattress. The kiss breaks because of the laughs with a sensation of joyful filling up your chests. Helping him with his t-shirt to throw it somewhere on the floor, you roll up over his body before attacking his lips again. Biting, sucking and tasting them. Deepening with his tongue invading your mouth to play with yours. His hands paw your body almost desperate to memorize every inch of your anatomy, landing them on your ass when he feels the friction against the rock under his jeans, as soon as you swing your hips.
Antonio tosses off his shoes, heel against heel, sliding his fingers over your body to grab the gems of your t-shirt and take it off to discover your soft and sweet skin. Normally, both you and him, would enjoy some foreplay; but not this time. Not after long months of containing the desire to be together in every way. He needs to be inside you. You need him to be inside of you. And while his lips devour your breasts helping himself with a hand, stealing your honeyed moans, the other undoes his belt and the zip of his jeans. Three simply pulls down and his hardness breaks free to his abdomen.
You can't help but lick your lips strongly, urging you to lie on your back to watch him roll down the black thong left on you by your thighs. The fire burning within his eyes gives you chills, not being able to break eye-contact. Settling himself between your legs, spreading them for his delight, his right hands goes straight to his dick; jerking himself off to prepare for you.
“Look at me…” He almost begs with a broken thread of voice, as his glans rubs your center slowly, playing with your mind. “We're on time to stop”.
“I don't want you to”. Your lips brushes his, wrapping his neck with both arms.
You couldn't regret it. You couldn't regret letting him walk into your life. For letting him love you with so much kind and tenderness. Antonio is everything you could have dreamt with all your life, and you're not going to let him go. He just nods in silence with his eyes fixed on yours, digging himself inch by inch inside you. The warmth and the wetness within your cunt make him grunt and shake slightly, feeling by his part how his length forces your wall a little creating a delicious sensation.
“Fuck…” You sigh nailing your fingertips on the back of his neck when he reaches your limits.
Buried deep inside you, one of your legs surrounds his waist trying to push him closer.
“You feel so good, amor”. He babbles pecking your lips with sloppy kisses, placing his right hand on your thigh, as the other wraps your middle back. “You wan'me to move?”
“Please, Antonio”.
He feels proud of hearing you imploring, moving his hips back enough to go forth again, starting a slow dance that curls your tiptoes and causes your eyelids to close. It feels like your bodies are made exactly for the other, fitting to perfection. Soon, your whimpers fill up your room, creating a pleased and delighted echo that it's like a celestial song for the man satisfying you as his only worry tonight. He has the imperious necessity of demonstrating you every single thing he has carried inside his heart since Jay introduced you.
Thrust after thrust, moan after moan, the atmosphere around you is full of heat and devotion for each other. Antonio nails his teeth in your neck without warning you, feeling the tip of his tongue pressing down your skin with soft caresses, being aware that tomorrow you will have a new tattoo. From your lips escape some giggles mixed with surprised gasps, being the match that lights the wildfire inside you.
With a quick move, not knowing where the strength has come from, you sit over him making him laugh. Putting your hands on his bare chest, Antonio travels his to your hips while resting his head on the pillow. If he wasn't in love before, now he really is, watching you taking control. He hasn't ever seen a most beautiful view; you, rocking your body over his, dragging your nails on his skin to bristle it wherever they venture, your breasts almost bouncing with every move (...). If his body were a temple, you would be his goddess without a single damn doubt.
And you can't help but speed up the pace, synchronizing your pleased vocals in a perfect melody all around; increasing them as the knot in your lower belly becomes more suffocating, running your lungs out of air. One of Antonio's hands is placed in your middle back, pushing you down to catch your lips with his. He has declared himself an addict since the very first moment he touched them.
The pearls of sweat decorate your foreheads, as the moans are constant and you can't delay it anymore. The orgasm explodes inside you like fireworks screaming out his name, not caring about the fact that your neighbors can hear you, feeling his hot seed filling you up with a last push to your g-spot. An indescribable sensation that has you two breathless.
You can't help but utter a grunt of disappointment when he pulls himself out of you, falling by a side of your bed trying to catch back your air. Looking at Antonio, the two of you giggle inevitably being conscious of what just happened. But it feels good. It feels so good. Stretching his arms towards you to embrace you against his body, he leans a little to press his lips on yours with so much tenderness, leaving a sigh on them. Resting your heads on the pillow, you place a hand on his cheek to caress it gently with your thumb, watching him close his eyes to only focus on your touch.
“The first time I saw you… I knew your smile would give me some trouble”. You mumble, feeling his grip become a little tightly.
“Did it, uh?”
“Not the kind I thought”.
Antonio chuckles licking his bottom lip, shrugging funnily.
“I'm not gonna say I'm sorry, baby”.
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