#fuck the insurance company why can’t i just plead my case to a group of licensed therapists and then one picks me to work with
alpha-fork · 10 months
hear me out guys what if all forms of therapy were free… like if they didn’t cost money….
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write-havoc · 6 years
The Glasswing Butterfly Part 3
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Summary: Chuck has never thought of herself as anything special. Just an average beta living her life next door to a womanizing alpha named Negan. But her life, and Negan’s too, are turned upside down when Chuck suddenly presents as omega.
This is a non-zombie AU featuring A/B/O dynamics.
Fandom: The Walking Dead AU
Pairing: Negan/Original Female Character
Status: Ongoing
Contains: swearing, smut
Intended for readers 18+ of age only
Masterlist in my bio
The war between Chuck and Negan wanes after their encounter in the elevator. Chuck finds herself too preoccupied to really care about it after everything she went through. Not only does she have several days of work to get caught up on, but she also has a ton of information on her new status to absorb.
Chuck realizes pretty quickly that she is woefully ill informed about the group she has found herself in. She had a cursory course in her high school health class on omega physiology. Then in her college American history class, she learned a tiny bit about the omega civil rights movement in the 80s. But it really wasn’t a whole lot, so she had some information to get caught up on.
Before the 80s, omegas really didn’t have any rights. They couldn’t vote, had no representation in government, and actually weren’t considered real citizens. It wasn’t exactly illegal for omegas to hold jobs or own property, but it wasn’t illegal for employers to refuse to hire them or for banks to refuse loans either. So, really, omegas had no choice but to mate early to survive, usually just after presenting in their early teens. And it was perfectly legal for a fully grown alpha to claim a newly presented omega. Non consensual claiming was legal in most states, too. A claim bonds and alpha and omega together when the alpha bites the scent gland on the omega’s neck, thus changing her scent for life. So the omega is bonded to the alpha for the rest of her life. And it truly horrifies Chuck that forced claiming was legal not even a generation ago.
But things had changed quickly in the last forty years. Though there is still some prejudice, the current state of things for omegas is definitely the best in the entire history of the country. So at least Chuck can breathe a sigh of relief about that. She doesn’t have to worry about being fired immediately or being kicked out of her apartment because she’s now an omega. And any alpha that forces a claim on an omega gets life in prison. Advances in medicine also has made it possible to break a claim, if one is forced. It is difficult, but still possible.
During the time that Chuck is wrapping her head around her new status, Negan is busy avoiding the omega next door at all costs. And it’s not because her mother threatened him. No, it’s because every fiber of his being wants to do anything but avoid her. And that scares him.
He was mated, once. Married to an omega for ten years, his Lucille. But she had died a decade ago. And part of him died, too. People say that alphas don’t feel the bond of a claim like omegas do, since they technically aren’t the ones that get claimed, but he felt his mate die. Like it was his own body giving out on him.
He never wants to feel that again. Ever. So he hasn’t been with any omegas since Lucille died. And he’s not planning on changing that. No matter how much of a pull he feels to Chuck.
So when he comes into the building and Chuck is picking up her mail, he rushes to the stairwell so he doesn’t get caught in the elevator with her. Or when she leaves her apartment to do laundry, he jumps in the shower to stop him from smelling her scent wafting underneath his door. He even tries not to be so loud in case the girl would confront him about it. Because he’s not too sure how much he would be able to control himself if she showed up at his door.
 Chuck leaves her apartment for her follow up with Dr. Bailey and it’s the first time she’s out alone since she presented. Diane couldn’t get the day off to be with her daughter, though she tried. But Chuck said that everything would be fine and for Diane not to worry. Even though Chuck is pretty nervous, herself, about it. But she doesn’t let that on.
When Chuck steps up into the bus and takes her seat, she can feel eyes on her. It isn’t really a very long ride to the medical center, but it starts to feel like forever as an uncomfortable silence makes its way through the vehicle. Chuck knows it’s because of her. Though scents aren’t as important to betas, they can still easily tell the difference between alphas, betas, and omegas by the way they smell, especially in an enclosed space. And the rarity of omegas means that it’s very likely that Chuck is the first one these people have encountered in quite some time.
Chuck isn’t used to the attention, being much more accustomed to fading into the background. So the bus ride isn’t exactly a comfortable one for her. But nothing major happens and she gets to the doctor’s office in time for her appointment.
Dr. Bailey goes over Chuck’s lab results and does a thorough exam. The checkup isn’t just for Chuck’s medical records, though. One of the many things that changed in Chuck’s life with her presentation is her medical insurance coverage. Diane had spent hours on the phone with Chuck’s insurance company getting everything changed over to an “omega plan” and setting everything up. Part of getting the new coverage requires the results of a full exam to be sent back to the company.
Something that filled Chuck with dread was when she overheard her mother negotiating visits to the alpha brothel for her heats. The prospect was endlessly embarrassing for Chuck. Not only was she probably going to have to sleep with a complete stranger in a few months time, for money, no less, but it was being discussed by her mother and some insurance brokers. Chuck had always heard that “first times” were usually awkward, but this surely has to take the cake.
In the end, Diane informed Chuck that visits to Alpha For You would be completely covered by her insurance. Mainly because it was cheaper than spending several days in the hospital. But, of course, if need be, insurance would also cover the hospital stay. With a higher co-pay, though.
After the doctor finishes up with the exam, she gives Chuck more pamphlets to look over. “Here is some more info for you to read over regarding the medical side of being a newly presented omega.” She gets up from her chair and opens the door. “But, you’re doing really well with all this,” she says with a smile. “Don’t hesitate to call if anything arises or you have any questions.”
Chuck leaves the medical center a little relieved. The experience wasn’t as bad as she thought it was going to be. And Dr. Bailey has a way about her that puts Chuck at ease. Unfortunately, Chuck’s relaxed feeling doesn’t last too long.
As soon as Chuck steps back on the bus to go home, she can smell that there is an alpha on board. It’s faint, but in the enclosed space of the bus, it’s not hard to pick out. Not wanting to draw any more attention than she did in her first bus ride, Chuck takes an empty seat right by the door, hoping that no one would notice her.
“Hey, omega,” someone calls out from the back of the bus in a loud voice.
Of course, I can’t just be lucky, Chuck thinks.
She knows it’s the alpha calling out to her, but she really doesn’t want to deal with it. So she just ignores him.
“Hey, omega,” he tries again. “Come sit back here.”
Chuck can feel her whole face get hot as the blood pools just under her skin in embarrassment. Everyone can hear the man. And everyone knows exactly who he’s talking to. Still, Chuck just ignores it and hangs her head, waiting for the bus to get to her stop.
“Move,” the same deep voice rings out again, but now it’s right beside Chuck. The elderly man that had been sitting to her left immediately gets up and is replaced by a tall, muscular built man in his early twenties. He looks like a quintessential douchey frat guy.
Chuck moves to stand from the seat, but the alpha pulls her back down by the elbow.
“Come on, omega. Why you being so rude?” he rasps as he pulls Chuck into his side.
“Please... let go of me,” Chuck pleads quietly. “I-I just want to go home.”
“Where’s home, omega? I can escort you.” He leans down into her space and breathes in deep. “You smell good,” he growls out.
Chuck tries to lean away from him, but his hold on her is too tight. Being this close to him, Chuck has no choice but to breathe in his scent, too. And it’s not at all appealing to her. Granted, she’s really only smelled one alpha and his smell is so much more... attractive than the alpha beside her. This guy smells more like spoiled milk and b.o.
“Leave me alone,” she tries again and pushes him away as hard as she can. But it’s really no use. The alpha is much bigger and certainly much stronger than she is.
The alpha takes Chuck by the shoulders and growls right in her face. “Know your fucking place, knot-slut.”
In her peripheral vision, Chuck can see everyone on the bus turn their heads away. They know that it would be dangerous for them to step between an alpha and the thing he wants. And he knows that, too. That’s why he’s so brazenly acting this way in full view of everyone. Chuck understands why no one is interfering, but she still hopes someone will come forward and get her out of this situation.
“I’m gonna take you home with me and I’ll show you a real good time, little omega,” the alpha hisses through his teeth.
Chuck’s whole body goes stiff as pure fear shoots through her veins. Is this really going to happen to her? What if this alpha goes through with it? Would her hurt her? Claim her?
Chuck is so frightened that she doesn’t even realize that the bus is stopped. But when a new loud voice calls out, she turns away from the alpha gripping her to face it.
“Let go of the omega, sir,” an alpha police officer demands.
Unbeknownst to Chuck or her alpha attacker, the bus driver had seen what was going on behind her and had notified the authorities discretely. Two officers, an alpha and a beta female were dispatched to intercept the bus at the next stop.
“Really?” the alpha questions the officer. “You know they were put here for us,” he spits out, referring to the omega still in his grasp. “Those ‘Omega Lib’ laws are a crock of shit! How does it feel to betray your own kind, pussy alpha?”
The other cop steps forward, her hand hovering over her taser. “You can either walk off this bus right now and get on with your day, or we cuff you and take you to the station.”
The alpha lets out a huff, but unhands Chuck and stands from his seat. “Omega cunt,” he says under his breath.
The alpha cop escorts the man off of the bus while the beta cop checks on Chuck.
“Are you okay?” she asks matter of factly.
“Uh...” Chuck clears her throat. “Y-Yeah. I’m okay.”
“If he hurt you, you could press charges.”
Chuck just wants to put this all behind her. “No. I’m fine. I just want to get home.”
“Okay, miss.” The officer turns away and exits the bus.
When the bus starts up again, Chuck makes the decision to skip her stop and get off on the one closest to a car dealership that she’s passed a ton of times. Because there’s absolutely no way she’s going to set foot on public transportation again after this.
During the short walk from the bus stop to the dealership, Chuck takes a bunch of deep breaths and tries to rid her mind of what she just went though. She doesn’t want to be all weepy and emotional while negotiating with a salesman. So she pumps herself up, says a few mantras, and pushes open the smudge free glass doors of the shiny showroom.
Chuck has no idea that she’s about to run into the man that has been trying his hardest not to see her.
Negan had worked at Adams Auto Sales for just over a decade. It’s not exactly his dream job, but it pays the bills and he’s good at it. It was actually the first job he interviewed for after he had moved into his apartment. And back then, he wasn’t exactly picky. Really, at that time, he barely cared about living.
After his mate had died, he just wanted to get away from everything in his life. So he sold their house immediately. Everything in it was like it was saturated with Lucille, so it had to go. Then he quit his job. That actually was his dream job. Teaching kids. He was the phys ed teacher and baseball coach for a high school not far from his former home. He loved it. It made him happy. And because he felt like he didn’t deserve any more happiness, it had to go, too.
Within three months of Lucille dying, he had moved into the first apartment he found and took the first job that would take him. And he’s lived with those decisions for ten years.
Negan knows the second that the omega next door sets foot in the showroom where he’s currently pouring himself a cup of coffee. He slowly turns around to see the girl walking into the large open space, her head moving from side to side as she takes in the sights. The moment that she realizes he is also there is written all over her face.
Chuck pauses her motion into the room when she sees Negan approaching her. She is already having a bad day, so a run in with her neighbor outside of their shared building really isn’t necessary. “What are you doing here?” she asks before thinking.
“I work here,” he answers with just as much attitude as she gave him. “What are you doing here?”
“You work here?” Chuck repeats.
“Yes,” he drags out.
Chuck huffs out a a breath. “Well...” She feels pretty stupid now, so she just tries to move past it. “I need a car.”
He stares at her for a few moments before responding. “You’ve come to the right place.”
They both stand there blinking at each other, neither of them knowing how to proceed with this. Should Chuck find a different employee to help her? Should he? Should Chuck and Negan still hate each other? Should they bury the hatchet? Should they just continue to ignore one another? They get an answer of sorts when another person walks up to them.
“Negan?” the middle aged alpha calls out. “Maybe I should handle this sale.”
The first thing that goes through Negan’s mind is to push this alpha out of the way wrap the omega up in his arms, covering her with his own scent. But, of course, Negan doesn’t do any of that because the alpha now standing next to him is his boss, Thomas Adams, and Negan doesn’t want to get fired.
As soon as the new alpha makes his presence known, Chuck instinctively takes a step towards Negan, almost standing behind him. She’s completely unaware of the movement, though, her body working on its own. But it’s not hidden from either alpha, both of which know what it means.
Thomas looks from the omega to Negan, who now has a smug grin plastered on his face. “You know what?” he says, trying to hide his annoyance from the rejection. “You can handle this, Negan.” He turns and walks away from the pair.
When Chuck tilts her head up to look at Negan, she realizes that she’s much closer to him than she thought. She sidesteps away from him and clears her throat.
“So,” Negan calls out, still with that smug grin on his face, “what kinda car you looking for?”
It becomes apparent to Negan fairly quickly that Chuck pretty much knows nothing about cars as she peruses the lot. “You ever bought a car before, sweetheart?” he asks as he follows her.
“Yes,” she answers quickly.
He raises his eyebrows at her, not exactly believing it.
“I bought a car my senior year of high school,” she bites back. But she knows what he means. “It was a used car that I spent 700 bucks on,” she admits.
“That’s what I thought.” Normally, dealing with a person like Chuck brings dollar signs bouncing before Negan’s eyes. He could always talk people into features that they really didn’t need. But for some reason, Negan doesn’t take advantage of the girl’s ignorance regarding horsepower and antilock brakes and the like. She said she wanted a car that was safe and could get her around the city, no bells and whistles required. To he stuck to showing her cars on the cheaper end of the scale.
As Chuck walks around looking at the section of cars Negan had pointed out to her, he is busy watching her. She looks completely different now than she had before. Not that she really was different , but it was more her attitude. Instead of scowling at him or stomping away from him, she’s lost in thought, considering her car options with her bottom lip between her teeth.
She’s cute, but not exactly his type. Considering that his type is the kind of woman that would go home with him after just a few drinks. This girl isn’t like that. At all.
But she’s cute. Really cute, actually, with her freckles and her big green eyes. And Negan always had a thing for natural redheads.
“Negan?” She draws him out of his thoughts. “I think I like this one.” She points to the sensible sedan in front of her.
He walks toward her with a smile on his face. “Any preference on color?”
“Um.” She turns back and looks over the options. “I guess it doesn’t really matter. They all look nice.” She looks up to him standing beside her. “It’s not like any of them are neon green or anything.”
“Ahem.” He taps her on the shoulder prompting her to turn around and points across the way to a car that is, indeed, the worst shade of neon green.
Chuck laughs. “God, that’s ugly.”
Negan can’t help but laugh, too, as the girl’s face lights up with a genuine smile. “Did you just change your mind?” he jokes.
“Oh, definitely,” she answers sarcastically. “That ugly thing over there is my dream car.”
Negan chuckles at her quick response and turns back to the car she had pointed out. “I always thought the red ones looked the fuckin’ best out of this line.” He gestures to the car.
Chuck nods. “Okay.”
“So why don’t we test drive the red one.”
As Chuck leisurely drives her prospective new car through the city with Negan in the passenger seat, she smiles at the friendly atmosphere. Never would she have expected that she would almost enjoy Negan’s company, but he has proven that he can be a sort of good guy. He actually helped her with picking the car, and he’s even offering it at a fair price (a quick google search while Negan was getting the keys told Chuck that). He’s also really charming and funny when he’s not being a jerk.
As she stops the car at a congested intersection, her eyes flick over to her passenger. When she sees that he is staring squarely back at her, she instantly averts her gaze to the windshield once again. Her cheeks quickly blush as she beats herself up for being so stupid.
Negan lets out a deep chuckle at her reaction. “How are you liking the car?” he asks with a wide grin on his face.
“I like the ride,” she answers quickly, but realizes that that sounds weird. “I mean, it rides good. Rides well !” She corrects herself. “It’s- I- It’s nice. I like it.” Now her ears are burning hot in embarrassment.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying the ride,” he responds without missing a beat.
“Um... Thank you...?” Chuck replies quietly.
They sit in silence for a few minutes as Chuck barely inches the car forward in the rush hour traffic. With Negan sitting beside her, his scent filling the small space, and with the way he’s been treating her today, she actually starts to feel butterflies in her stomach for the first time is a very long while. It’s pleasant and exciting. And just as she starts to really accept the new feeling, he opens his mouth.
“So... how are you an omega, anyway?” he blurts out.
The butterflies instantly die leaving behind a sour feeling. All the good will Negan has garnered with Chuck evaporates away with that one question. Her face instantly falls and she ducks her head to hide just how embarrassing the topic is to her.
“I don’t want to talk about it with you, Negan,” she responds in the most diplomatic way she can muster, just trying to hold onto those nice feelings she just had.
“Why not?” he responds simply.
The fact that he looks genuinely confused at the notion that she wouldn’t want to talk about something so personal has her embarrassment turning into rage. “ Why not ?” she repeats searingly.
Her tone has him getting angry, too. “Yeah. Why not ?” he stresses again.
Chuck just wishes that the traffic would clear out so she can get back to the dealership, but there’s no such luck. She inches the car forward one car length and gets stopped again. “It’s not exactly your business, is it?” she finally adds.
“Well,” he lets out a huff, “it kinda is my fucking business.”
She whips her head to look at him. “How do you figure that?” she spits back.
“Don’t be fuckin’ stupid, little girl. You know damn well why.”
She lets out a huff in shock. Not really because of how he’s acting, but because she let herself think for one second that he might be a good guy. “What I know is that two weeks ago, you didn’t even know I existed . Even though I’ve been living next door to you for four,” she shoves her hand showcasing four fingers into his face,” years. Then, when you do realize I’m an actual person, you make sure that I know just how much you hate me everyday. And now that you know I’m an omega, I’m just supposed to open up and tell you my whole life story?”
“I didn’t fuckin’ ask for your life story,” he spits back. “I just asked how you were a beta one minute and a goddamn omega the next! Do you really fuckin’ blame me for asking?! It’s a big fuckin’ deal.”
“It’s not your deal!” she screams. When her words are punctuated with car horns, Chuck realizes that the traffic has let up and she can drive. So she does, making her way straight back to the dealership. Negan and Chuck rush through the paperwork to finalize the sale with very few words uttered between them and go their separate ways.
That night, Negan decides to unwind at his favorite watering hole, named The Outlaw Pub. It’s just a couple of blocks from his apartment building, so he found it easily right after he moved in. That’s when he met the owner, Simon.
Since Negan spends so much time in Simon’s establishment, the two alphas build up something like a friendship. They don’t exactly hang out outside of the bar, but they talk and are friendly with each other.
“You look like shit,” Simon comments when Negan takes his usual seat at the bar. “Rough day?” Simon doesn’t even ask what Negan wants, he just starts to pour a double bourbon, knowing that that’s what Negan would order.
“Yeah.” Negan drags his hand over his face before propping his elbows up on the bar. “Something like that.”
Despite the fact that Simon is the closest thing Negan has to a friend, he doesn’t want to discuss exactly what’s bothering him. Mainly because what’s bothering him is his neighbor and the fight they had earlier when she showed up at his work. Especially because Negan never told Simon that the girl next door, the one that he’s complained about before, is now an omega. An unmated omega. And Simon is an unmated alpha.
There is no way that Negan is going to advertise the whereabouts of a single omega to anyone, even to his friend.
Simon pushes the drink in front of Negan. “Are you looking for a distraction?” Simon nods his head in the direction of a group of giggly women. “Bachelorette party.”
Negan turns around to look at the women. “Fuck yeah.” Negan starts to grin. “Think I can get two to come home with me? Get some threesome action?”
“No fuckin’ way,” Simon scoffs.
“Bet you twenty fuckin’ bucks I can.”
Simon laughs and shakes his head. “You’re on.”
Negan takes the glass from the bar, downs it, and gives Simon a wink before he approaches the women.
When Negan leaves the bar, Simon’s wallet is exactly twenty dollars lighter.
 Chuck finds herself sitting in the fancy lobby of the Alpha For You office a few days later. Her insurance company had set this appointment up for her, so she really has very little choice in the matter. Despite her nerves about the situation, she did what she was told, completing the questionnaire in the Alpha For You app yesterday and showing up for the appointment, of course.
“Charlotte?” A pretty, well-dressed beta woman comes out from a hallway and motions for her. “Right this way.”
Chuck stands and follows her. “You can call me Chuck.”
“Certainly, Chuck. My name is Sophia and I will be guiding you through the process.” They continue to walk down a long and winding hallway. “We’ve taken the results of your survey and have picked out five candidate for you to choose from. Did you read their profiles in the app?”
“Yup,” Chuck answers, trying to sound casual. In actuality, Chuck has the alphas’ information memorized. The moment the app had brought them up, Chuck had read and reread their profiles. She thought that if she knew about the alpha that she would ultimately sleep with, it would be less awkward.
“Great!” They finally get to a door and pause outside of it. “We just like to have you meet our alphas here, face to face, to start the selection process.”
Chuck is suddenly very nervous and second guessing her choice to do this all alone. Her mother had offered to accompany her here, but Chuck thought it would be more awkward to have to choose someone to get her through her heats with her mother right beside her. “Oh... Uhh... okay.”
Sophia lays her soft hand on Chuck’s shoulder. “Don’t be nervous. We all know about your unique situation and we’re all determined to give you the care you need.”
“Okay.” Chuck lets out a deep breath and waits for Sophia to open the door.
The room beyond the door is just as lavish as the waiting room. Expensive furniture makes up the sitting area in the center with a full bar behind it. And, of course, there are five alphas milling around the room.
“Would you like a drink?” Sophia asks as she leads Chuck further in.
“Uh... no, thank you.” Chuck takes her seat in the chair that Sophia indicates.
The alphas, one by one, step forward, introduce themselves (Brian, Casey, Trevor, Jamie, and Miles), and shake Chuck’s hand. They are all between their early twenties and early thirties and fairly handsome. Not to mention, they’re all over over six feet tall. Those facts are in their profiles, but now that Chuck sees them in person, she realizes just how big and intimidating they all are. And it does nothing for her nerves.
Sophia gestures to the couches and the men take their seats. She takes the chair right beside Chuck and turns to her. “Am I right in assuming that you would be more comfortable employing the same alpha for every heat? Some women like variety, but most want familiarity.”
“Uh... Yeah. That’s- I would rather have the same one,” Chuck answers meekly.
Sophia gives Chuck a friendly smile. “Would you like to ask them any questions.”
Chuck shakes her head. Of course she has questions, but she’s so nervous right now, she doesn’t really want to voice them.
Sophia seems to recognize this. “It’s okay, Chuck. We’re here to make sure everything is perfect for you.”
“O-Okay. Uh... The app- The profiles didn’t say if, uh... if any of them had ever, um, been with an omega for her, you know, first time.”
Sophia nods in understanding. “Your situation is unique. Most of our clientele is made up of betas that want the alpha experience. Our omega clients are mainly older omegas who have lost their mate. We do have a few younger omegas that can’t take suppressants for various other reasons, but... None of our alphas here have ever been an omega’s first alpha.”
Chuck nods. She had hoped that some of the alphas would have experience with that. That maybe if they did, they would make it easier on her.
Sophia continues. “But these alphas are among the gentlest we have. And I assure you, they will be very attentive to your needs.”
Chuck nods again. “Okay.”
Sophia holds her arm out to the alphas. “Why don’t you scent them?”
Chuck doesn’t exactly know what she means. “Scent?”
“Some alphas aren’t as compatible with an omega as others,” Sophia explains. “An omega can usually tell in the alpha’s scent.”
“Oh, okay.” Chuck hesitantly stands from her seat and moves to the first alpha on the left, Jamie.
He tilts his head to the side to give Chuck better access. The easiest way for Chuck to properly scent the alphas is to get close to one of their scent glands, located in the neck and wrists.
Knowing that she will have to get so close to these men has Chuck giggling nervously. “Sorry. I’m-I’m nervous.”
“It’s okay, darling,” Jamie comments gently. “Take your time.”
Chuck bends down closer to his exposed neck and inhales. He smells good, actually.
Not as good as Negan.
Chuck shakes the thought out of her head and moves to Casey. He smells okay. Not exactly bad, but not exactly good either. More like a subtle body wash smell. The next alpha, Miles smells the best, yet. Well, the best out of these alphas, anyway. Once again, Chuck scolds herself for letting her alpha neighbor worm his way into her thoughts.
Chuck bends down close to Brian, but instantly shoots back at his scent and covers her nose. He smells like hot garbage and roadkill. “I’m sorry,” Chuck apologizes quickly to him.
The rest of the alphas chuckle at her reaction to Brian, who stands from his seat and shakes Chuck’s hand. “It was nice meeting you.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-“
“It’s okay, Chuck. I don’t take it personally. You can’t help how you react to my scent.” Brian leaves, knowing that his part in this process is over.
Trevor is last and his scent is similar to Jamie’s. Pretty good, but not the best. With that all done, Chuck stands in front of the men, not sure what else to do.
“Do-“ Chuck turns back to Sophia. “Do they need to smell me?”
Sophia shakes her head. “Even though alphas can be more sensitive to scents, they tend to be less picky about them than omegas. I’m sure you smell fine to them.”
“Oh. Ok.” Chuck sits back down in her chair.
“Are you okay with moving forward with these four?” Sophia asks Chuck.
“Okay.” Sophia gives her that friendly smile again. “Then the next thing we like to do is to have the alphas visit you in your home. Usually, when an omega is in their own space, they find it easier to make the choice as to who they want to let into that space. We can set up the appointments in the app, probably within the next few days. We were told we still have maybe a couple of months before your heat, but we want to get all of this out of the way as quickly as possible.”
“Yeah. That sounds good,” Chuck agrees.
 True to Sophia’s word, the company sets up an appointment the next day with Trevor. Of course, Chuck is nervous to have him in her apartment, but it goes well. He’s polite and very informative for the hour or so that he stays. But when it’s time for him to leave, Chuck isn’t sure if he’s the right one.
At the same time that Chuck sees Trevor out of her apartment, Negan is just entering his. Their eyes meet momentarily, but Chuck quickly looks away and closes her door.
Negan is frozen in place though, watching the strange alpha exit Chuck’s apartment and head down the hallway. He doesn’t like it. At all.
He stomps across the hall and lifts his fist up to knock on her door, but he stops himself.
What the fuck am I doing? She can do whatever the hell she wants. Fuck whoever she wants. It doesn’t fuckin’ bother me, he lies to himself.
The next day, the agency sets up two appointments, one with Jamie and one with Miles. Though they’re the two best smelling alphas of all the prospects, Chuck finds that their personalities don’t mesh well with hers. Not that they were unprofessional in their separate meetings, but they just weren’t the ones.
Though Negan tries to ignore the the fact that two separate alphas today had encroached on his territory, plus one yesterday, it does bother him. A lot, actually. But he buries it, not really wanting to admit that it is indeed bothering him.
Chuck is a little dejected before her appointment with Casey the next day. The other alphas were okay , but she just really didn’t see herself actually sleeping with them. But Casey is actually different. He’s goofy and makes her laugh. Even though he doesn’t have that strong alpha scent that makes her body react, he puts her at ease.
When he leaves, Chuck has a lot to think about. Should she go for one of the ones that are more compatible with her body? Or should she consider the ones that is more compatible with her personality?
While Chuck is ruminating on that, Negan is pacing his apartment. The omega next door had let yet another strange alpha into her apartment. And Negan is having a hard time dealing with it.
“What the fuck is wrong with her?” he growls out loud. Before he even realizes what he’s doing, his fist pounds on the door next door.
The loud noise makes Chuck jump, but she steadies herself and answers the door. She doesn’t even get anything out before Negan starts.
He does actually try to hold back his rage, but his voice still comes out somewhat raised. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Chuck rolls her eyes and tries to close the door on him, but he places his large hand on it to stop the motion. “What are you doing, Negan?!”
He knows that she’s scared and it sobers him. He takes in a deep breath and removes his hand from the door. “Why are you bringing alphas up here?” he asks in an even tone.
His change in demeanor has Chuck more confused than scared now. “What?”
“I don’t want you bringing alphas up here.”
Now she’s actually angry. “It’s a good thing that I don’t care what you want then, isn’t it?”
Negan leans in towards her, but doesn’t raise his voice. “This is my home and I should have a fucking say.”
Chuck holds her ground. “This is my home and I say you don’t.”
Negan stands up straight and chuckles darkly. “Your mommy know that you’re presenting that omega pussy for any alpha you meet?” He knows it’s the asshole thing to do. Or rather, he knows it after he says it. In actuality, he’s just not being able to deal with the thought that she’s sleeping with any alpha that isn’t him. No matter how much he tries to lie to himself that that’s not the case
Chuck reels back in shock then slaps the man across the face. “I hate you, Negan!” Her eyes immediately fill with tears. “You’re the worst person I’ve ever met!”
“Real fuckin’ mature, little girl,” he growls.
“Get out of my face!”
“All those alphas know that you act like a spoiled fuckin’ eight year old outside of the bedroom? They only care about popping their fuckin’ knot, though, right?”
“Leave me alone!” Chuck shoves Negan as hard as she can, but he barely moves. “I hate you more than anything!” She pushes him again and this time, he steps back enough that Chuck can slam the door in his face.
Chuck spends the whole rest of the night sobbing loudly into her pillows. And Negan spends the whole rest of the night listening to her.
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