#fuck the ofmd tags are increasingly like wading into bronly spaces only at least a lot of *them* think the bros are serial killers
ladyluscinia · 6 months
Anyway between getting more and more, like, genuinely pissed off at all the lecture-the-idiots posts by the contingent who can now directly claim "the only bad actions that have any narrative or emotional weight on this show are the ones that make our main couple feel bad, duh, the show is about them not the plot devices minor side characters" and view this as wonderful and enjoyable writing (that frankly more shows should aspire to match the "nuance" of 🙄) instead of any sort of problem, while also finally just giving up in frustration on puzzling out what the hell would need to be spliced into canon to pull off a satisfying ending within the framework of S2 (this is a big deal for me since I'm the person who is making God!Jack work in a spn fix-it - I like the puzzle and restrictions of canon compliance)...
I think I'm officially about burned out on engaging with OFMD S2 🤷‍♀️
Frustration fires never last as long as enjoyment ones, and I'm not keen to keep engaging with things once the scale tips toward upsetting. It's been cathartic doing a post-mortem with you all 🫡 I still enjoy reblogging cute Frenchie/Izzy fanart and such, I've still got daemon AU thoughts tabs that I briefly set aside for recipes this past week, but canon kinda sucks tbh.
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