#fuck you all (*still talking to the government and military*) you guys aren't even trying to solve anything
amandabe11man · 5 months
legit thinking about making a voodoo doll out of putin cause I can't keep waiting for time to run its course, I need him to die NOW.
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sidleyparkhermit · 5 months
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@stellerssong I think I should do these separately since the first one is already getting long and is basically just complaining. XD
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
Hmm. In terms of fanfic and not origfic — the only story ideas I can think of that I would say I didn’t feel “brave” enough to write are certain MCU plotbunnies that I found personally compelling but that would have no audience and cause me to get lots of hate messages from MCU Leftists.
I’m thinking specifically of two that sprang from my mind trying to somehow approach the very conspicuous and poisonously incoherent politics of TFATWS, and three years down the line I can still remember a quick plot capsule for both.
(Even the summaries are probably incomprehensible, as the Venn diagram of people who have some fucking idea how a government on planet Earth actually in any way works and people who watched The Falcon and the Winter Soldier all the way to the end is maybe just me. But, you know. The action sequences were super good and I really wanted to see if Bucky was gonna be okay. [Spoiler: Bucky is okay.])
Bucky’s long-suffering therapist Dr. Raynor, who is also a military veteran, slowly unravels the truth behind the character that is, I swear to god, named “Government Official” and appears to be a U.S. senator, a representative to the Fake UN That Is Also The One-World Fascist Government, the head of the CIA, the head of the Smithsonian Institution, and who knows what else. (He's also the guy that Sam Wilson literally says the sentence "You control the banks" to while lecturing him not to refer to the people trying to kill all the civilians at the UN as "terrorists.") Anyway, my explanation for him is that during The Snap, a faction of Hydra used the mass breakdown in communications to establish little pockets of shadow-government, aided by specialists like Government Official who have a mild level of genetic mind-control powers that helps induce people to accept “ah yes, that is a Government Official” and just kinda do what they say. Post-Blip, they continue to be treated like they have the authority that they usurped, even though it makes no sense; as Robert Anton Wilson said, reality is what you can get away with. But with a tip-off from Bucky in his goodbye card, Dr. Raynor begins to see through the fog...
John Walker, in his final confrontation with Flag-Smasher, gets ahold of himself enough to really listen to what she is saying for a moment, and then starts asking her to explain what the fuck she is actually talking about, seeing as she seems to think, among other things, that the Not-UN vaccine distribution program that she’s been bombing is run by “the corporations.” As he listens to everything bounce off her incomprehensible ideology, two things happen: 1) He starts to realize this terrorist leader is like 17 years old and 2) the actual combat is stalled long enough for Spider-Man to show up and web everyone and save the day. Spider-Man hauls John away and webs him to a rooftop someplace, where he has an imagined talk with the memory of Lemar Hoskins, who helps him ponder how and why this random teenage terrorist got all the power she has access to, leading him to have a lightbulb moment about the Power Broker's identity. (Don't get me started about the Power Broker's identity, but it's canon, so I'd make use of it as best I could.)
I guess really those kinds of ideas aren't so much a matter of "not brave enough to write" as "not masochistic enough to bother." But the fic ideas I have that are in the "artistically ambitious" vein of bravery are all things that I've actually written a ton of material for. It's the finishing that gets to me.
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a-pretty-nerd · 3 years
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Chapter 8
Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
When The League of Villains discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you’re in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
Word count: 2,214
Warnings: mentions of sexual assault (sexual assault does not occur). 
This took so long for no reason, I am so sorry. I hate the holidays, I’m always so busy and can’t do anything I enjoy and it just drained all my time and energy. I’m so glad it’s over. Anywhoo, I hope ya’ll like this chapter! 
Chapter 7 Chapter 9
You starred up at the ceiling, nodding off into space as your mind wondered. The cracks in the ceiling painting an abstract paining, giving you much to ponder on. You had been thinking about Shigaraki. The man had plagued your thoughts. You knew very little about him and it bothered you.
He subverted every expectation you had about villains. He was ruthless and driven, yes. Crude and dastardly, of course. But the glimpses of kindness he showed you, made your mind spin. Why was he so kind to you? Why was he training you to use your abilities? And why, on God's green earth were you attracted to him?
It made your head spin to think about. About him. His eyes. It was those red eyes. So bright in color and deep in thought. The way he looked at you, like he saw you. When was the last time someone had looked at you that way? Reality would soon sink in after these thoughts. Reminding you that you should fear him, hate him even. That you should be working to get yourself free. But, you hadn't made a single attempt to escape. What was there to escape? You weren't in any immediate danger. In fact, you were being taken care of.
A knock at the door shook you from your train of thought. Without waiting for an answer, the man you knew as Dabi walked in, and closed the door behind you. His glassy blue eyes watched you as he moved. He stood up against the wall adjacent from you, watching you, leering over you. Maybe you were wrong. Maybe, this is where your torture begins. Wordlessly he looked away to pull out a pack of cigarettes, place one to his lips and then look back at you.
"You don't mind, do you?" He asked. You shook your head. He turned away to use his quirk to light the thing and then silently take a few drags as he looked off into the distance. Was he going to rape you? This was the perfect opportunity for him to. You were honestly shocked you hadn't been by now. Normally, kidnapping victims were sexually assaulted in some way. But no one seemed interested, until now.
Would you have to fight him off? Could you fight him off? If you screamed would anyone come to help you? Would he kill you?
"What do you want?" You asked after a few minutes of silence. He looked back at you and raised a brow.
"I just wanted to smoke in piece. It's raining outside." He told you before going back to his smoking. "I do have a question for you though."
"You really the big guy's daughter?" He took another drag.
"Yeah. Why?" He shrugged.
"The way you talk about him. Sounds like you don't get along." You shrugged.
"I don't know him enough." Dabi scoffed before finishing his cigarette and stomping it out. He licked his lips and kicked his leg as he shifted his weight. His eyes darting back to the door before looking at you again.
"You ever wanna be a hero?" He chuckled.
"No." Your voice firm and decided. He smiled.
"It's a shit job where I'm from."
"It's a shit job here." He remarked. You nodded.
"I know. Heroes are shit." You shared a few smiles with one another.
"With a quirk like yours, you could really do some damage."
"I know."
"Something tells me this isn't your first time off your meds. It can't be."
"It's not."
"Care to share-"
"No." You barked. The idea of it made your stomach turn and your heart ache. You worked so hard to push that down you weren't about to have that break down in front of a stranger. Dabi raised his brows and threw his hands up in a mocking motion.
"Alright, fine. None of my business." He scoffed.
"What do you want?" You asked again, not satisfied with his previous answer. He sucked on his teeth for a moment before answering.
"Shigaraki asked me to over see your training while he's out."
"He's gone?" You asked softly, maybe a little too softly.
"Afraid so. So it's just you...and me..." He smiled. You held your legs up to your chest and pulled them close. He looked you over and then scoffed. "Don't worry, kid, I'm not that kind of villain. Now get up, I'm your trainer for now and I'm not nearly as forgiving as the boss." He turned and opened the door, waiting for you to follow.
"Do you know why?" You asked as you laid your feet flat on the concrete floor. Dabi looked back at you with an emotionless expression. A face he often wore, it screamed "auto-pilot." Like he wasn't really all there.
"Why what?"
"Why he's training me. I don't understand. Why waist time with a hostage like this? Isn't he worried I couldn't fight back and escape?" You asked. Dabi thought for a moment as he watched you pass through the door and out into the living room.
"What goes through that lunatic's mind is beyond me." He closed the door behind you. "But if I had to take a guess, I'd say he's planning something using your quirk."
"Like what?" He shrugged and walked passed you, turning a corner into what used to be the building's break room, now a make-shift kitchen where temporary supplies were being stored.
"Fuck if I know." He muttered as he went about his business. He opened and rummaged through the fridge before turning back to you. "You hungry?" He asked.
"Um...no." You lied. He starred at you before turning back.
"That's a pity. You need to eat. Keep up your strength. You can't use your quirk properly if you don't have the right fule. Here." He threw a small blurry package at you. The lite weight objected bounced between your hands for a moment before you finally grabbed ahold of it. Instant noodles. Right fule huh?
"This is fule?" You asked.
"What? Were you expecting the fucking food pyramid? Do we look rich to you?"
"No, I just...the way you were talking. Like we were gonna chug raw egg yolks, it's just funny." You smiled. You made yourself the sad excuse for a meal and sat at the small plastic table and ate as Dabi made his own disaster. You watched him. By all accounts, he was a relatively normal guy. It always shocked you, how normal everyone was. How they moved and acted. Not like the villain characters you'd imagined in your head. But just, people.
As he sat down across the table from you, he set down two canned sports drinks, sliding one over to your side without a word. You took it and popped it open before taking a sip. You furrowed your brow.
"Sugar free?" You asked. He looked up at you, as if you had interrupted something important.
"What? Sugars bad for you, makes me bloated." Your smile widened. He relaxed his shoulders and leaned back in his chair. "What the fuck is so funny?" He barked. It only made you laugh.
"I'm it's just...I don't know.."
"Just what?"
"It's just so normal!" You flashed a dazzling smile without even trying. "Everyone here is just so...I don't know, human. Nothing like I expected. They paint this big scary picture on the other side but, everyones just so normal. Even nice at times, yknow?" He brushed you off and went back to eating. "So what's the plan right now?" You asked, picking at your food.
"What?" He asked, annoyed.
"The plan, the big scary villain plan. Now that the plan with me clearly failed. What's the big picture?" Why were you so happy? What's with that smile, those eyes. Dabi looked you over, trying to figure you out.
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah! I wanna know."
"Because." He looked at you like he was waiting for you continue. You starred back blankly.
"Oh my god."
"Eat your food." He ordered.
"Shut up and eat."
"Are you gonna use my quirk to blow up a hero agency?"
"A military target?"
"A what?"
"Government building?" He rolled his eyes and stomped his foot.
"I don't know! Alright!? I don't know." The room fell silent for a moment. You ate a few more bites before finishing and waiting for him.
"So Shigaraki doesn't share everything with you, I take it?" You interjected.
"No he doesn't."
"So you trust him?" You asked.
"But you still follow his directions regardless?" You poked.
"Our agendas line up, that's all you need to know."
"Mh, okay. What are your agendas exactly? I have a vague idea of Shigaraki's and Toga's but I don't know yours."
"Why do you care?"
"I...." you thought about it for a little while. "I'm just trying to make sense of it all. Why, things are the way they are." He starred at you for a while. His blue eyes piercing your flesh.
"You already know why."
"Wait? Wait? What do you mean, wait!?" Your mother shouted furiously across the meeting room table. Rows of tables lined with pro-heros watched her out burst.
"I know you're concerned, but with all due respect ma'am-"
"Concerned!? Concerned!? I'm beyond concerned, I am livid! We finally know where my daughter is being held captive and you want to wait!?" She cried.
"Mrs. Please, we understand your concerns and believe me, we're going to get her as soon as we can but we can't just bust in there like last time."
"Last time?" Xavier piped up. "This has happened before?" The heroes looked at one another with a puzzled expression. Your father gave an exhausted sigh.
"A few years ago, a student of mine was kidnapped in an attempt to recruit him. Thankfully we were able to rescue the student, but it cost us. A run-in with All for One, Shigaraki's old mentor, nearly killed Best Jeanist, and led to my retirement. Since then, Shigaraki and his followers have become much more of a threat. We can't risk starting an all out battle again. They've positioned themselves in a very populated area. If we aren't careful, Shigaraki alone could decimate everyone and everything. We have to be careful about this." He explained.
"This isn't just about Y/N's safety anymore. We have to find a way to get her out of there without endangering the city around her." Eraserhead noted, looking down at the papers he held in had hands.
"If that's the case, shouldn't we be sending in heroes who specialize in stelth? If we can get her out there without anyone noticing, we won't have to fight. That way, we have time to evacuate everybody in case of an all out fight." A young voice suggested.
"I could see how that would be effective, Deku. But in order to pull off a mission like that we'd need more information. At this rate, even a stealth mission would be a rash discussion." Bubble Girl stood to attention at the projection on the screen.
"What about the girl herself? She didn't say anything about their numbers or the hideout itself?" DynaMight asked, his brows furred, eyes starring off into space in thought.
"Unfortunate no, and theres no way to contact her further at the moment. It's too dangerous." Eraserhead answered.
"Ugh, Heroes. Useless." Xavier spat, throwing himself from his seat and storming out of the room. Toshinari watched him and then turned back to your mother who sat there with her head hung low. Her dainty fingers shoving tears away from her face.
"This is all your fault." She muttered before standing and following Xavier out of the room. Your father sat there, frozen, unable to process or move or speak. She was right. It was his fault, he thought. If only he had asked you to stay that night. If only he took better care of you, if only he spent more time with you, if only, if only, if...only...
"Um, uh...meeting adjourned. You're dismissed." Your father shuffled out into the hallway, his head hanging low.
"Um...A-All Might?" A soft voice spoke. He slowly turned to find young midoriya standing there. His eyes sparkling as they always did. They never lost their sparkle, after all he'd been through.
"Young Midoriya..."
"...I...I never knew you had a daughter..."
"You weren't supposed to. No one was." He answered with a blank and flat tone.
"Right. Of course. I just...well...she doesn't have..."
"No. One for All isn't genetic so it's not passed on to a user's children. Why? Are you worried that Shigaraki might still be after it?" Deku nodded. Toshinori sighed and looked off in the distance. "You heard the phone call. She seemed fine...she even laughed. I haven't heard her laugh since..." he trailed off. Since she was a child. He hadn't heard you laugh since you were little. The revelation tugged at his weakened heart, shattering it to pieces.
"Sir?" Deku asked.
"Promise me something young Midoriya."
"What is it?"
"The world needs dedicated and strong heroes," Deku looked up at him with a determined furrowed brow, "but don't let it rule your world."
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable
@kamenoyaki @hentaiqween101 @skzero-99 @justanotherlifeff
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erensnubs · 3 years
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑴𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒀𝒐𝒖
Colt Grice x F! Reader Dystopian AU
Chapter 2
Word Count: 1.6k
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"[NAME]! AHHHH YOU'RE HERE!!" Hange screamed across the room. Your head was turning all around the bright, marble like room as you tried to find the familiar auburn head.
You whipped your head around after talking to Dr. Pyxis.
Dr. Pyxis smiled at you as he acknowledged Hange's presence and walked away. Hange was running, their hair flying with Moblit behind her muttering "sorry" and "excuse us" to the victims of their running.
They flung their arms over your shoulders and squeezed ever so tightly. Your breath hitched and reluctantly patted Hange's arms.
"My god! How have you been? You look stressed. Is Levi bothering you too much? You know you could just stay at HQ! You can live with me and it's cheaper!!" Hange muttered, burying your body into theirs.
You try to pry yourself from Hange's grasp, but they keep holding on.
"You know Levi never tells me anything right? I mean we've known each other for a while through us, I mean for God's sakes we dated! And then you're so busy writing up papers and meeting with people so it's just like I-"
Moblit grabs Hange's shoulders and pushes them away from you. He audibly sighed and buried his face with his hands.
You couldn't help but chuckle at the stark contrasts of their faces as they looked at each other.
"Hange I'm doing fine alright? And Levi's coming to the after party there's nothing wrong with him. By the way, you look ravishing," you said pretentiously with a little smirk.
Hange's face lit up, "Oh [Name], you are getting flirty. But yes thank you for the compliment."
Hange started sliding back and forth on the polished floor, posing in their velvet red suit, the coat tails swishing behind them. Their hair was down and curled at the ends, with the ends fringed with a brighter red from previous hair dyes. Hange's eyes and lips were tinted red, her overall theme and it looked messy, and rushed. Exactly the way you liked it.
Moblit smiled tiredly at you and you patted him on the back, "Moblit how are you besides sighing so much?"
"Oh fine, I just don't know how I'm going to survive this ball and the after party. I spent a good 5 hours of our evening last night, experimenting with some new tools for missions," he said nervously.
"Oh Moblit, don't stress yourself out so much. Your inventions and experiments are insightful and they truly contribute to the research. Take a break sometime," you say reassuringly, as you lecture him.
"That's exactly what I told him! I caught him doing experiments when I told him not to!" Hange said. "Lighten up for once Moblit!"
You nodded, "I agree. This ball isn't a job, it's a break for people who work their asses off like you to help save us."
"I guess…. But heyyy… aren't you and Erwin acting as dates when you're actually just pushing an agenda?" He inquired playfully.
You smirk at him, "The ball is my work time, the after party is when I loosen up."
Hange spoke up, "Speaking of which, CAN SOMEONE GET ME SOME ALCOHOL FOR ALL 3 OF US. 2 FOR ME AND 2 FOR THEM!"
You grabbed Hange by the shoulder and laughed into it, "I swear Hange you are so scary to be in public with."
They looked at you with a questioning gaze, "Well how the hell am I supposed to get wine when all the waiters and people are over there where all the rich people are? They'll come to me, not the other way around."
A dark-haired boy with green-blue eyes trudged over to Hange. Eren Yeager. Stupid little shit, you had to teach him for a while when you were training soldiers but a passionate one. Beside him was Armin Artlet, the blonde boy who was arguably one of the smartest children you've ever met.
"Here you go. The other waiters just told us to bring these to you," Eren murmured.
"Hey speak up, Yeager," you tell him.
You looked at him again, "I'm just playing kid come here and give me a hug,"
He looked at you surprisingly and passed the glasses of champagne to Moblit and Hange before tightening his arms around you.
Eren and particularly his classmates were the only teenagers you have ever liked in your life. They were smart, determined, and knew how to goof off, and have fun. You developed a sort of parenting attitude towards them, as you watched them rise in the ranks.
Armin hesitantly wrapped your arms around you, but you pulled him closer and kissed the tops of their foreheads.
"My god how the hell did you grow? You're up to my neck now Yeager and Artlert too! What are they feeding you", you say sipping your champagne flute.
"The same thing they've been serving since we went to training camp," Eren said, snickering.
You raised your eyebrows at them, "So how's life going for you? Don't you have your special Survey Corps dance thing coming up soon? You guys excited for that?"
"Not me," Armin said reluctantly. "I don't have a date."
Eren started laughing at him, "Pffft… lame."
Armin threw a dirty look at him, "Oh shut the fuck up, you don't either."
You cross your arms and look at both of them, "The government parties aren’t all about relationships you know. It's about hanging out with your friends as well. If you really feel bad about it just go in a group together."
Armin spoke up, his mood lightening immediately, "Did you go in a group? Are you all still friends?"
You waved your hand nonchalantly, "My 1st time I didn't go, I snuck over to the underground area in the city I lived in and watched street racing with some friends. Got in trouble of course, but I got lots of money from bets. The next 2 times I did go with friends but the last time I went with-"
"Oh, we shouldn't have brought that up Dr. [Name]," Eren said apologetically.
"Oh no no no, don't feel bad I can't just keep my fiance's memory buried." You gulped at the choice of words but went on.
"He would have loved to share these stories with you. But for now, you should be hanging out with your other friends not with an old person like me. And try drinking a little," you smiled with a hint of sadness that was quickly upturned while you flashed your teeth.
Eren interjected, "You're not THAT old Dr."
"Sweetheart I am old all right. Now go I think Mikasa is waiting for you," you shoo them along with your hands and usher them back to the middle. The two boys quickly walked away back to their friends. You sighed and looked around you and realized Moblit and Hange were out of sight and Erwin was nowhere to be seen.
"Oh my god, Erwin! You can't just sneak up on me like that!" You say as the blonde was literally looming over from behind you.
"Sorry but I was wondering how the papers are going. I was chatting with Mr. Zachary over there and he said he would love to sign our papers," Erwin tilted his head to the old man with the white beard and glasses.
"Doesn't he monitor the 3 parts of the government?" You asked Erwin.
He nodded, "Having him on our side would help us out a lot. Any progress for you?"
"Dr. Pyxis said he would sign. I just have to convince Nick and Nile," you rolled your eyes.
Nick believed that all the funding should go to the military police, to help protect the citizens. You have argued and counterattacked that one day there might be no people to protect, no military police to defend because the funding was put all into one place.
Nile rolled his eyes, "Sorry to say this but the public might not agree. They don't care about your little missions."
"Well the PUBLIC Nile, is full of cowards who want to be protected by another set of cowards because the goddamn government doesn't know that the best place to put their money is in the Scout Regiment. They're the ones that's actually doing something," you say.
You stepped forward, "The public doesn't have an MD. The public has not spent a good chunk of their lives researching this. The public is not head of the government's esteemed research section. The public doesn't have knowledge that I do.
"Really cowards? What are you some self-righteous wannabe?"
"Oh shut the fuck up, Nile. All of you in this room are fucking cowards. People's lives have been lost just because we didn't have enough supplies and food for a group of 100 soldiers," you say and left the room.
That was 2 weeks ago and Hange and Erwin were present, and that's when you 3 decided to convince everybody to sign these papers.
Erwin nodded,"You can take a break for now, Nick and Nile are chatting up with some women."
You nodded at Erwin and parted ways. You grabbed a piece of dessert from the long dining table and leaned your back against the wall and drank more champagne. You lifted your head and tried to think of ways to convince them.
Nick was a religious man, and was one of the people who believed that the Warning was a sign from God. Maybe you could throw in a little religion, say that the money could help find out of it is really God. For Nile, just threaten the man. He was a coward at heart so that would be easy. But what if he backed out on the papers? Didn't actually mean it? What would you do then?
You hummed to yourself the possibilities, not even noticing the man standing in front of you.
"Uh, hey? You seem lost in thought."
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