#fuck you my tom h album is dead
xiao-forest-blog · 5 years
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alison-anonymous · 5 years
♡ lake house fever ♡ t.l.
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Lake House Fever ♡ Tom Lucitor Imagine
Requested: no, BUT I PROMISE I WILL GET TO THOSE THAT ARE REQUESTING!!! I just keep getting new ideas, I’m so sorry :’(
Warnings: extreme FLUFF, slight angst but not too major
Summary: obviously the main plot line of Lake House Fever, only it’s the reader instead of Star and things are a bit changed up. Reader is a human who has been dating Tom for a long time against her parents’ will because she and him are undeniably in love with each other. The second time he invites her over to hang out with his family, and they end up stranded due to a storm with his mother who is just a little bit skeptical about his new girlfriend...
To say that you were in love with Tom Lucitor might just be the understatement of the century.
Yes, you were a human.
And yes, you knew it was absolutely insane that you were in love with a demon hybrid who not only lived longer than you ever would, but was also the fucking Prince of the Underworld. There was no way that things would ever work out, right? This logic would have driven you away instantly, except for one fact that made your situation different.
He loved you too.
You and Tom had been dating for almost a year now, and you could feel it in your gut that Tom was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. You've never been more certain about anything more than that. And he felt the same, secretly forming a plan to slowly ease you into becoming his wife one day and the Queen of the Underworld. They'd find a way to make the fact that you were a human work, I mean, Star had been teaching you how to cast very small spells that very special humans can perform. Most of them consisted of spells for protection, and one random one about conjuring a cloud bartender she had insisted on teaching you.
Yeah, they'd make it work.
Anyways, your parents definitely did not approve of your relationship for obvious reasons. But ever since the moment you and Tom had laid eyes on each other and it was like the whole world had frozen, Star knew that she had to get you two together. Despite your parents' constant nagging to end it, you forced their lack of blessings to the back of your mind and did your best to let go of your problems with your best friends and with Tom.
It worked every time.
Nothing made you happier than being with your best friends and the love of your life! And while the road may have been a bit rocky, the day that Tom invited you over to his Lake House with his family for some bonding time was going to turn out a lot more... exciting than you had ever imagined it would be...
The inside of the lava suit you were wearing was growing slightly warm from your closeness to said lava, but with one look at your boyfriend as he joyfully glided along the waves, you knew you could suffer through the heat. Surfing was never really your forte, but once Tom had taught you some tricks, you basically became a pro just to go surfing with him. 
Balancing your best on the board below you, you gradually picked up speed until you were side by side with Tom, who, not gonna lie, looked pretty hot when he was shirtless. 
“Hey there gorgeous,” he winked, earning a slight blush to rise to your cheeks. 
“Hey yourself, hottie,” you flirted back, receiving a sly grin from your boyfriend. His three red eyes were laced mischievously as he glanced towards the shoreline where his family was resting. 
“Race you to the shore?” 
“You’re on!” 
He beat you, of course. Not that you minded! He was totally awesome at surfing, not to mention you got a great view of his backside as you were left in the waves... Shaking your head to snap yourself out of it, you soon realized that you had a prior obligation to get to. Guilt riddled your mind as you popped the circular helmet off of your head and handed it over to your boyfriend.
“Thanks so much for the fun time, Tom,” you smiled. “But I totally forgot that I have to help Star with a Diaz family dinner.”
His mother made what sounded like an angry sigh from her height above you, only making you feel a little worse. With just one look at your hunched expression, Tom was instantly able to read your mind. 
“Hey, it’s all cool, sunshine,” you felt the butterflies flitter at the cute nickname. “But you know, you could just stay here!” 
You considered it. You truly did consider it because, even though you loved Star, you would choose staying with your boyfriend over attending another Diaz family dinner any day. They were sort of... strange. But the last time you tried to skip out, Star made sure that you paid for it by forcing you into owing her a favor when she needed it, and that usually resulted in cleaning Lavabo’s lint trap or helping Star and Jana awaken the dead... it was terrifying owing Star a favor.
“I would love to, but Star can be very... persuasive,” you chuckled awkwardly. “I really should get-"
A sudden loud, earsplitting bang of thunder erupted through the sky, startling you so badly you jumped out of the lava suit. Up above, the usual tangerine sky had now began turning a fiery red with neon yellow lightning bolts throughout. You quickly latched on to your boyfriend's lavender arm, not even noticing him smiling at how cute you were when you were scared.
"Well, that looks like a pretty nasty storm," Dave commented, already beginning to pack up the lawn chair he had been sitting in.
"We better head inside for safety. Guess you'll be sticking around," Tom grinned at you, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close. You felt you face flush red at the closeness and the exhilaration that never went away. In your flustered state, you completely forgot all about the dinner as you muttered a soft "okay" before following them all inside.
The sky didn't look any better inside their lake house. In fact, it almost looked worse! You were cuddled up on the couch next to Tom while his family was splayed out on the couches next to and before you. To be honest, you weren't quite sure exactly how they felt about you. You hoped they liked you, but the Lucitors were the kind who seemed mostly indifferent which made it even more nerve wracking for you.
Another surprise thunder bolt caused you to squeak and grab onto Tom's arm out of fear. He smiled softly at you and rested his hand on top of yours. Once you realized what you had done, the blush quickly returned, causing you to stutter.
"H-hey there," you giggled.
"This is quite a storm," Dave commented. "Looks like we're gonna be here for quite some time."
Hey, that means more room for family bonding! Sure it made you a little nervous seeing as you were a human in a room full of demons... but then again, Tom's dad was also a human, so maybe things would be okay.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a shrill shriek that appeared to be coming from behind a very scary portrait of an old... bat, demon thing?
"W-what was that?" You stammered, realizing a bit too late that being with demons also meant a lot of scary, sudden stuff. But when Tom snaked his arm around your waist and pulled you into his chest, the fear was instantly gone.
"That's just Relicor, he wants to play Scrabble with us." As soon as he finished talking, the painting squeaked open to reveal the exact same creature. He let out a loud squak and flew down to rest on the couch beside you, pointing at the Scrabble box that had miraculously appeared on the table. After playing a few rounds of Scrabble, and showing off your complex vocabulary skills, Wrathmelior was coming back from the kitchen when she spotted a huge photo album book.
"Great idea, Honey," Dave agreed after she made some sort of clicking sound you assumed was her speaking. Everyone rose from their seats to go find a larger table that we could all look at the pictures from. While you were following your boyfriend's enormous mother, you suddenly realized how difficult it would be if you ever had to communicate with her one on one.
"I wish I could speak demon," you sighed to yourself, not realizing that Tom heard you.
"I could teach you," he winked. "It'd be fun!" It was only when you realized the suggestive tone he had added to it that you turned beet red and playfully pushed him.
"You're an idiot, Lucitor."
"And you are beautiful, L/n."
You finally reached the dining room and pulled up some chairs so you could gather around the photo book. She started at the beginning, so baby photos was obviously the first thing you saw. You couldn't help but coo over the adorableness as Tom's groans of embarrassment filled the background. Baby Tom was absolutely adorable!!
"Oh my gosh, T, you were such a cute baby!" You cried, leaning your head on his shoulder. His heart began to race as he chuckled softly.
Wrathmelior turned the pages as we passed through Tom's childhood years and family reunions until she stopped at...
"Oh, here we go," Wrathmelior's sister spoke in her raspy voice, practically rolling her eyes. "The Star and Tom section."
Instant tension filled the room as you felt your heart tighten in your chest. Before you were dozens of pictures of your best friend and your boyfriend... on dates, at parties, on walks in the park, on family reunions or celebrations...
To say that it nearly broke your heart would be an understatement. Dave sent you a sympathetic glance as you tried to force yourself to look away. You didn't want to see anymore. Tom, clearly seeing your uncomfortableness, laced his fingers through yours and cleared his throat.
"Umm... Mom? Maybe we can skip this part?"
She shook her head no and was about to continue on looking at the section until she noticed how sad you looked. She heaved a slight sigh and began to turn the page, but by that point you had already stood up and politely asked them to excuse you.
Wrapping your arms tightly around yourself, you walked through the winding hallways and just as you were about to make it to the door, Tom's hand landed gently on your shoulder, whirling you around to face him.
"Hey- sunshine, what's wrong?" His eyebrows knit in concern as he noticed the puffiness in your eyes, like a dam ready to break.
"I-it's nothing," you sniffed, hastily rubbing your eyes. "I'm fine. I just... I think I should go."
His obliviousness sparked a tiny flame of anger inside of you as you shook your head, turning back to face the door. "Your mom obviously hates me. And from the looks of it wishes you were still with Star so... maybe..." You bit your tongue as tears began cascading down your cheeks. "Maybe you should just be with her instead of me."
You threw open the door and raced out into the firestorm, just being glad to get some fresh air and not even caring about the danger surrounding you. Tom was quick to follow you, grabbing your hand and looking around at the sky with fear. He might be fine, but you? You were human, you might die the second you touched the lava.
"Y/n, please, don't do this. That's not true! My mom just has a hard time with change... just, please, come back inside. It's not safe-"
Just then, the absolute worse possible thing that could happen happened. A huge wave of lava came crashing in and dragged Tom out into the water... or lava? A scream escaped from your throat as you watched him struggle against the choppy waves. His mother was screaming from the window and the panic was beginning to close up your lungs.
But he was your boyfriend. And no matter what, you loved him and would do anything to save him. So, you grabbed your surfboard and leapt on top of the waves, wincing in fear at the heat that radiated around you. One wrong move, and you were gone.
"Y/n no!" Tom's shouts were staccatoed as he bobbed in and out of the lava. "It's too dangerous!"
But you didn't care. Riding the waves, you did your best to angle the board towards Tom and just as you were about to reach him, a huge wave rose high over both of your heads and came crashing down.
The only sound to be heard was your screaming.
About five minutes later, a large blue orb soon rolled onto the beach out of the lava, and soon dissipated to reveal you and Tom, lying side by side.
Tom let out a soft groan as he quickly sat up, and noticing your motionless body, quickly shook you.
"Y/n? Oh thank gods," he quickly swooped in to press a kiss to your lips once he realized you were okay. You giggled into the kiss until he pulled away and were about to sit up when you winced in pain.
He quickly wrapped his arms around your back to support you and inspected your leg. A huge, red gash was evident right by your hamstring. Just then, his family came rushing through the door and straight up to you.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," Tom said, gracefully swooping you up into his arms. "Y/n got burned by the lava saving me. Do we still have that first aid kit?"
"Yes, come on, let's go."
About a half our after they had all patched you up and Tom had never left your side, the sky had finally cleared.
"Hey look," you pointed out the window from your position on Tom's lap. "The storm's over."
Wrathmelior turned to you and began leaking some sort of strange substance from her eyes. You had guessed she was crying and felt a heavy weight press against your chest, soon realizing how much danger you and Tom had both been in. You leaned against him even more and rested your head on his shoulder.
"You could have died," he softly scolded.
"So could you," you countered. "I would rather die than let you die."
Just as he was about to respond, his mom made another series of clicks and sounds. You sat there dumbfounded until Dave translated.
"She says that it was she who caused the storm and she is incredibly sorry that she was so judgemental towards you. My wife has a hard time when it comes to girls hurting our boy, so she gets a little... overprotective," he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck before offering you a warm smile. "But please know that we do appreciate you Y/n, and are very happy that our boy has someone like you in his life. Thank you for saving him."
"Of course," you smiled, feeling tears of joy form in your eyes.
Maybe meeting your demon-hybrid boyfriend's family wasn't so bad after all.
♡ a.a.
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swiss-cheeze · 5 years
Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater || Tommy Lee x reader
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Warnings: uhh, cheating, sexual things I guess, normal Mötley shit
Part 2: https://snitchthewitch.tumblr.com/post/185406896095/cheater-cheater-pumpkin-eater-part-2-tommy
Being on the road with Mötley Crüe was always a new experience, but in Tommy’s case; having a girl suck of your dick while your girlfriend is on the other line of the phone is not new. Sadly, that girl on the other side of the line was you, innocent and unknowing.
“Babe? You sound out of breath” you asked concerned.
“I-I just got done with a seat baby cakes it’s all good” Tommy replied as he bit his lip to conceal a moan as the girl went down on his lower half.
“Ah! Was it fun?” you asked with a grin, shifting in your seat to get more comfortable.
“Y-yeah it was great baby” Tommy covered the mouth piece of the phone as he got closer to his end, “look princess I have to go, I’ll make sure to call you later though okay?”
“Yeah! Can tell me all about it then” you said with a smile, “I love you Tommy. Be safe”
“Love ya too babe” Tommy said before hanging up, letting out a low moan and reaching his peak in the girls mouth (of which he doesn’t even know her name).
“Tommy, you do remember you have a girlfriend at home right?” Vince said to Tommy as they were setting up for a set. Tommy had told Nikki how great it was to have Heather around and that he was truly in love with her when the pair sat at the edge of the stage alongside Mick and Vince had picked up the conversation after saying goodbye to Skyler.
“Huh? Oh yeah! I was meant to call her last night…” Tommy replied, his mind wandering back to you. It had been a whole week since your last phone call, and a few months since he got his dick sucked with you on the other line. Things may have been starting to get out of hand with all this girlfriend stuff, “but…I mean, if she doesn’t know she’s fine right?” Tommy asked looking to the others. Nikki looked away while slurping his drink, Mick gave Tommy a ‘you know the fucking answer douchebag’ look while Vince just raised his eyebrow.
“Look drummer, its either you tell both of them or we’ll do it ourselves” Mick replied as circled a hand in motion to Nikki, himself and Vince.
“Nah count me out man, I don’t like it when girls are angry, and that’s some scary shit man” Nikki said quickly.
“Fine, me and Vince will tell both Heather and (Y/n)” Mick said. Tommy looked between Mick and Vince who both nodded in confirmation and sighed.
“Fine! I’ll…I’ll figure out something” the drummer responded as Vince got onto the stage and started talking with Doc.
Walking home from the nearby shops a news article caught your eye.
‘Mötley Crüe drummer recently found linked with infamous Heather Locklear; see more, page 18 & 19’
Being the ever intrigued you picked up the paper and swiftly glided to page 18 and 19, finding exactly what you didn’t want. Blurry and pixelated photos of Tommy and Heather at a bar, him kissing her, their arms and hands linked while they try to cover their faces with their hands so as to not get caught. Tears brimmed your eyes as you continued reading.
‘Both Lee and Locklear refuse to tell if they are together but by the photos above people speculate they are. How Lee’s current girlfriend (Y/n) (L/n) will react, one can only guess.’
“Ma’am would you like to buy that paper?” the news agency clerk asked, your head shot up to look at the clerk and you coughed to clear your throat as you put the paper back where it originally was from.
“Um, no, no thank you I’m alright” you said with a strained smile. The clerk nodded.
“Shame that” they said pointing to the paper, “he seemed to have a nice relationship with that (L/n) girl, I think they were together for a few years”
“Um, I believe it was four years actually” you said, “funny, I think today was their anniversary” you mumbled. The clerk nodded.
“Yeah…shame” they said, then walked off to the chip isle. You started your trek home.
A few days have passed since the newspaper incident and Tommy hadn’t bothered to call. The tour had finally finished and the boys had been let go to do what they will until the next album, it was now that Tommy finally called.
“Hey baby!” Tommy yelled happily into the phone.
“Hey Tom” (Y/n) said weakly into the phone.
“You okay babe you sound sick?” Tommy asked concerned.
“Yeah. Just tired” (Y/n) mumbled, “What’s up Tom”
“Oh yeah. Nikki wanted to visit the Sunset Strip on the way home so I’m gonna be late getting to yours” Tommy said, he snickered behind the receiver hoping his lie was good enough, in truth Tommy was going to surprise his girl by coming home the next day instead of the next week.
“Alright Tom, have fun. Don’t get into too much shit okay?” (Y/n) asked numbly, she licked her dry lips as she took a drag of the cigarette in her other hand.
“Yeah I promise babe its okay” Tommy answered. Heather came in from the back room and started dragging Tommy away, whispering dirty things into his ear and palming him through his leather pants, “s-shit. I gotta go (Y/n) I’ll call you when I’m coming to yours!” Tommy hung up the receiver and pushed Heather against the wall.
“See-“ (Y/n) got cut off by the long monotone sound of the line going dead. The girl sighed as she placed the phone back in its rightful place and went to cleaning the house. Since the newspaper moment more and more photos have ended up on the front page of Tommy and Heather as well as the rest of the boys.
Tommy opened the door to his and (Y/n)’s shared apartment, “BABE?” the drummer yelled through the house, “GUESS WHOS BAAACCCKKK”
“I can hear you Tommy” (Y/n) called from the kitchen. Tommy walked in and smiled.
“Something smells good” the drummer said, the boy clapped his hands together as he walked over to (Y/n) and wrapped his arms around the girl, kissing her cheek softly.
“It’s just spaghetti” (Y/n) said calmly, those hands have touched her and he touches me without the bat of an eye, the girl thought to herself, his lips have trailed her body the same moment they have mine and he still comes home to kiss me.
“Anything you cook smells good” Tommy said with a smile. (Y/n) let a tear slip through, “whoa babe what’s wrong?” the drummer asked concerned, the girl only sniffed before wiping her eyes.
“I’m tied up between saying ‘nothing’, and saying, ‘you’ right now Tommy” (Y/n) said through gritted teeth.
“What? Why me what did I do?” Tommy asked going straight to a defence.
“Everything Tommy!” (Y/n) finally turned to look at the drummer, “I just can’t seem to wrap my head around the fact that you held my hand with yours while holding hers on the other. I can’t believe you could whisper the same lullabies you sang to me to her ears while I lay in my bed sleepless. I can’t believe that while my heart was breaking, you were fixing hers” (Y/n) said through her tears, Tommy looked like a gaping fish.
“’Her’? Baby who’s ‘her’?” Tommy asked faking innocence.
“Oh don’t you play dumb with me you twat!” (Y/n) said, the girl held a wooden spoon and pointed it to Tommy.
“You found out didn’t you…?” Tommy asked defeated, he knew this wouldn’t end well, it was easier to give up and let go now than later.
“YES I BLOODY WELL FOUND OUT AS WELL AS THE REST OF THE GODDAMN WORLD” (Y/n) yelled, “tabloids with your name and photo on it! Newspapers with your print! The telly! EVERYONE FOUND OUT” (Y/n) let her tears fall, “and not one person actually came here or came up to me when I was out to give some sort of condolences! I was a ghost Tommy, A GHOST”
“B-babe please-“ Tommy started before (Y/n) cut him off.
“DON’T USE THAT NICKNAME FOR ME WHEN IT HAS ALREADY COME OUT FOR HER” (Y/n) yelled, the girl sniffed and her lip trembled, “just save all your excuses for someone that actually cares and answer my one last question: did you ever consider the fact that while you were with her, I was at home worrying that I had not loved you enough?” (Y/n) asked softly, the girl looked to Tommy with the most broken heart and shell and Tommy had never hated himself more. The drummer didn’t answer as he knew both himself and (Y/n) knew what the answer was, “that’s what I thought” (Y/n) put the spoon back in the pot of spaghetti sauce and turned off the heat as she headed for the front door.
“(Y/n) please I’m sorry!” Tommy tried to call out and follow the girl, he gripped her wrist and tried to turn her around; the only thing he got out of that was a harsh blow to his cheek and a cold, harsh hug from the ground.
“Don’t lie to me! You aren’t sorry, and if you were, you wouldn’t have done it” (Y/n) yelled, the girl gripped the door, picked up a ready-made bag from the table and walked out. Tommy hissed from the sting of the slap but laid down on his back staring at the ceiling, I just lost the one thing I loved more than anything, Tommy thought.
The phone rung three times before Vince finally picked up the receiver.
“Hello this is Vince” the singer answered.
“H-he came home, tried to deny it a-and I left” (Y/n) answered. (Y/n) lent against the pay phone she standing at, tears streamed down her as she tried to cover her sobs with her hand.
“Oh darl” Vince sighed softly, “come over and you can stay here” he said softly, “alright? I’ll send someone over in fact, I don’t want you walking in the dark like this. Where are you?” Vince asked, the singer really care for (Y/n), the pair had been childhood friends and anything that happened to one; the other was sure to be there in a tick. Choose-both-or-get-none type of friendship. (Y/n) told Vince her location and the singer quickly sent out a car to fetch the girl.
In no time at all, (Y/n) was already held in Vince’s arms as the girl sobbed into his shirt as M*A*S*H* played in the background.
“H-he didn’t e-even care!” (Y/n) sobbed.
“I know princess I know” Vince cooed softly, “we tried to stop him but he kept denying us” the singer mumbled.
“Y-you guys knew…?” (Y/n) asked, she sat up properly and looked at Vince with a confused gaze.
“We…shit” the singer mumbled, “yeah, we all knew. We told him that if he didn’t do it soon that we would, he kept telling us he would do it but we were so knocked up and stupid that we believed him. I wanted to tell you sweetheart I truly did” Vince finished, the singer himself had tears in his eyes too. (Y/n) looked to Vince and sniffled before wrapped her arms around him and burying her head into his chest again; Vince chuckled softly as he laid down on the couch and held the girl tightly, he played with her hair and rubbed her back before kissing her head, “just rest babe, you’ll be better in the morning” the girl snuggled closer making Vince smile, “you don’t have to do today again. It’s okay”
“Thank you Vinnie” (Y/n) mumbled softly, Vince smiled at the nickname before the pair dozed off together.
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somanycannons · 6 years
Sick from the melt
Chris Motionless x Reader
Vans Warped Tour, can easily be the best experience of your life or the worst experience of your life. Today was one of those days where I didn’t want to get out of my bunk having felt nauseous for the best part of the bus ride to the next city on our stop. I could hear everyone moving about the bus I almost wanted to yell for them to shut the fuck up my head pounding from the splitting headache that was starting but I knew they couldn’t help it they were excited who wouldn’t be it’s their final warped tour, I am a merch girl for Motionless in White, having grown up with Ghost so I had close ties with everyone they’d become my family since I had nobody and if it wasn’t for them winning the Ernie Ball Battle of Bands they’d never would have become famous and I wouldn’t have had a family. I crawled out of my bunk stretching out slowly rubbing my head groaning softly looking around the bus looking down the corridor I could see Chris and Ricky it seemed to be that we were the only three on the bus so I shrugged trudging towards the shower brushing my messy (h/c) back and grabbing some shorts and my living dead crop top pushing the door open to the shower closing it behind me and locking it grabbing a quick shower. I ended up up chucking into the shower
“Fucking shit..”
I looked around pulling the showered head down and began washing it down the drain stepping out and pouring some bleach down for good measure slipping on my clothes and throwing my hair up into a messy bun grabbing my sunglasses and toms walking to the front of the bus Ricky and Chris turning and smiling at me well mostly Chris and god damn that smile was cute of his
“Good morning there sunshine” Chris smiled at me
“Good morning there moonlight” I smirked winking at him a slight blush running up his cheeks
“ Ready to get this show on the road love birds” Ricky murmured smirking
Chris and I looked away from one another having known about the slight tension between us or flirting but never acted on it either but I guess it’s because I’m more of a sister I don’t know I’ve never thought to ask him. I walked down the stairs of the bus heading towards my merch booth setting everything up for the fans smiling with everything done but a sudden feel of my head spinning had me grabbing the table closing my eyes tightly reaching around for my water I chugged a shit ton groaning
“Fucks sake (y/n) get ahold of yourself” I mumbled
5 hours later and about 200 sales or more the heat was beating down on me pretty bad even though I was under a tent and had a fan blowing on me continuously the guys were just doing a signing I smiled watching them but my vision soon became clouded with black dots my eyes focusing and refocusing on Chris from afar I couldn’t move I felt stuck in one place then my head started to spin and then soon everything went dark.
-2 hours later-
“Fucking shit.. “
I woke up to a pitch dark room and tried to move but fell back into the bed groaning a little
“ sounds like (y/n) is awake maybe go check on him/her”
Soon enough the door opened and Chris walked in with some water and food closing the door behind him sitting it down on the table beside him
“How are you feeling (y/n) ?”
“Little confuses on why I’m in your bed and how I ended up here “ I laughed looking at him
“ you passed out from heat exhaustion and lack of food love you need to take better care of yourself I know it’s difficult with how busy our schedule are but if something was to happen to you I don’t know what I’d do..”
“You’d go on being a rockstar and selling albums “
“ I can’t do that without my inspiration to keep going” he looked at me with narrowed eyes
“I’m not that inspiring .. I’m just a normal girl/boy from a small town in Scranton, Pennsylvania “
“No your not just a small town girl.. your our merch girl our friend our family member .. your the girl I want a future with.”
“Wait what?” I looked at him biting my lip watching him
“I want a future with you starting of slow maybe dates or something .. if you’d want to that is?”
“Yes I do..” smiling softly
Chris gently kissed my forehead and hugged me gently
“First we need to get you unsick from the melt” he chuckled
“So cheesy yet so cute” I smiled started to munch on the sandwich he brought me
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buttonpusherdiy · 6 years
ArcTanGent 2018 Review
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Photo Credit : Helen Messenger
It's no secret that we love ArcTanGent festival, it's a chance to catch up with all our mates in one place and enjoy the music that brought us all together in the first place. We've been every year since it started and have never been disappointed and year number 6 was no exception.          
 In fact this year was actually one of our favourite editions, partly due to the fact that it stayed dry and sunny for the majority of the weekend for the first time since the first year but mainly because the lineup was fucking AWESOME!!!!!!
We arrived Thursday afternoon to the sounds of the much hyped Boss Keloid crushing it in the background as we made our way to set up camp for the weekend, we could hear their big heavy stoner riffs as we were setting our tent up and wish we'd managed to catch them but unfortunately we were never going to make it in time so we'll have to catch them another time.     
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BODY HOUND - Photo Credit : Snap, Rock and Pop photography 
The first set we actually caught was from the ever excellent scamps in Body Hound who shred their way through a half hour of power including new material from their long awaited debut album to a packed out tent as we crack open our first beers of the weekend, and get off to a great start. It's always a joy watching these guys as they play some seroiously technical music but manage to make it look effortless throughout as their linch pin Ryan Bright holds it all together with some truely jaw dropping drumming. 
Up next are ATG house band Alpha Male Tea Party, these guys have pretty much played every year now and you know exactly what you're getting at this stage as they delight the crowd with tracks from "Health" and "Droids" and the crowd just continued to grow for their set. These boys just know how to smash it!
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ALPHA MALE TEA PARTY - Photo Credit : Snap, Rock and Pop photography 
 Something shiny, new and experimental next as new Bristol improv/jam band People Like Milk Products open the massive new covered main stage for the first time on a Thursday, comprised of Chiyoda Ku and Memory of Elephants it's a big band affair as the six guys jam their way through a bunch of ideas which given more time and focus could grow into something really very special in the future, the highlight of their set however was the MOE/Chiyoda Medley of "Tiles, You're Dead" and "Hurry up it's time" to close their set.
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PEOPLE LIKE MILK PRODUCTS - Photo Credit : Carl Battams
Foxing were one of our surprise highlights, we've seen them before and love them but this show was special as it was clear the band were overwhelmed by the response from the crowd and we were witnessing them playing at their very best. A great set filled with material from new album "Nearer my God" and favourites "The Medic" and set closer "Rory" from their debut album The Albatross
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FOXING  -  Photo Credit : Helen Messenger
Thursday Headliners And So I watch You from afar are always one of the most eagerly anticpated bands to play at ATG and this was certainly one of the best shows we've ever seen the guys play as they rattle their way through their last album The Endless Shimmering in its entirety before launching into a 7 track encore from their back catalogue and never seeming to lose any of the energy which has made them one of the best live acts in the world. A special shout out to whoever was controlling the lights for this set as the production was simply incredible!
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Photo Credit : Helen Messenger
We started the Friday a little late unfortunately missing the start of Seven Colour Drive's set - the Bristol based post-rock newbies opened the main stage to a hefty crowd of people munching down their breakfast in preparation for the day ahead.Fuelled up and ready for Chicago based duo Space Blood, the band take to the main stage for their last ever UK show and it's only a matter of seconds before confetti cannons and blow up dolls are popping off and dancing round the tent as the duo play one of their tightest shows we've seen to date. We've known these guys since they first came to the UK and we're going to miss their daft antics and beautiful noise. The highlight of the set was "Unintentional manscaping" and drummer Will Covert seemingly channelling Damon Che from Don Caballero before being shot in the head with a cannon and ending Space Blood as we know it!
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God mother and Orchards were up next with a complete juxtapostion between the heavy roars from the Swedish Metal act and the joyous upbeat math-pop from the Brighton bunch who are currently making big waves in the UK since signing with Big Scary Monsters.
Never shy about bringing a gimmick to the table, this year saw Poly-math go bananas (literally) and chuck 100 inflatable bananas out into the crowd, the prog rockers showcased triple drummers, a new member (Josh Gesner) on Keys and the "super cool" Joe Branton pulling all his best moves while dressed all in black and rocking the indoor shades look while they effortlessly glide through a high octance set featuring tracks Melancolia and "Ink of Scholars" oh and of course there was guitarist Tim's little baby Poly-math upfront with her ear defenders on rocking out.
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POLY-MATH - Photo Credit: Snap, Rock and Pop Photography
Yorkshire lads Bearfoot Beware proved themselves more than deserving of a slot at ATG as they made their first appearance here with a velvet caped front man Tom Bradley snarling his way through tracks from latest album "Sea Magnolia" and it's predecessor "World owes you nowt". Bearfoot channel their inner fugazi as they tear the Bixler a new one in front of a busy and receptive crowd who were more than happy to sing along especially to "Should have died as a kid"
Our boys Chiyoda Ku never disappoint and managed to sneak their way back on to the lineup this year thanks to Mugstar pulling out at short notice, the tents rammed and we're treated to some new material from the shrimps. This band just get better and better every time we see them and we can't wait for the new material to be recorded later in the year.
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CHIYODA KU - Photo Credit: Snap, Rock and Pop Photography
 A tight clash between Strobes and Zeal and Ardor meant trying to do a 50/50 split between sets but we ended up being sucked into the crazy math styles provided by Strobes which meant we missed Zeal and Ardor but thankfully they'll be on tour in November so we'll be doing our best to catch them then!
 Amid rumours of cancellations Friday night headliners Glassjaw did show up but they missed the mark a little with only the older material like “Ape Dos Mil” and “Siberian kiss” really making an impact for us.  
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DEATH AND THE PENGUIN - Photo Credit : Helen Messenger
Friday nights silent disco went big this year which meant we were nursing hangovers on Saturday morning but with a stacked lineup ahead for the final day there was no time to sit around feeling sorry for ourselves so it was off to see our buddies Death and the penguin as they played an absolute blinder to a very attentive early morning crowd, the band recently released their debut album Anomie and played a lot of the more energetic tracks from it and certainly won over many new fans, a nice touch in the crowd were the people who had donned their Death and Penguin costumes in the front row too.
Irish boys Ilenkus are a menacing act and it's only minutes before frontman Chris is out in the crowd getting the crowd pumped as the band pummel their way through an intense 30 minute set which included lots of new material from the Galway Metal/Hardcore band, the only criticism of this set was the time of day as this show would have been a hell of a lot more chaotic if it had been later in the evening but that didn't stop the band giving it their all.
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GIRAFFES? GIRAFFES!  - Photo Credit : Snap Rock and Pop Photography
Giraffes? Giraffes! marked their first show outside of the US with this UK exclusive, we've been massive fans since we first came across G?G! 12 years ago and damn was it worth the wait. The duo took to the stage full of smiles and the main stage tent just continued to fill up. It took a song to get the sound right but when they brought in an extra guitar cab it was just perfection as the highly anticipated set got into full swing. 
"A quick one while she's away" was an emotional rollercoaster which left us trying to compose ourselves. G?G! blasted their way through their 40 minute set barely saying a word instead focusing on playing as many songs as they could into their allocated time. the set which included favourites like "I Am S/H(im)e[r] As You Am S/H(im)e[r]" and set finale "When the Catholic Girls Go Camping, the Nicotine Vampires Rule Supreme" was one of our festival highlights and the only complaint here was that it wasn't long enough. Hopefully G?G! will be back at ATG next year with a Thursday headline slot! We can but hope!!!!
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GUG - Photo Credit : Snap, Rock and Pop photography
GUG were up next and it marked the return of the one and only Mr Dan Wild-Beesley, It was bloody lovely to see Dan back in action with his Baritone guitar at ATG and you could feel the love in the tent for him as the trio (which also includes Ben Forrester (peaks) and Alpha Male Tea Party's Tom Peters) powered through a ferocious set showcasing tracks from their debut EP "I gotta GUG feelin"
The Guru Guru were another festival highlight, these crazy Belgians know how to put on a show and made a whole heap of new fans in the process, those who had seen them before had clearly dragged their friends along and sang along to every song taken from their debut album Pchew, this is a band that will be back again for sure!
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Shellac don't need an introduction, they're legends, but the most down to earth legends that ever walked this earth, we spotted them walking around site talking to fans and getting involved at the silent disco (Bob Weston even got involved in DJ'ing the final silent disco along with the Artscare guys). Shellac don't need fancy lights or stage propes they just do their thing and it's glorious. They treat us to belters including "A Minute" "Compliant" and of course "Prayer to God" and keep us entertained throughout. You could tell they were happy to be at ArcTanGent and were more than happy to engage with the crowd and as a result we were more than happy to watch them do their thing in a little field just outside off Bristol
Roll on 2019 and edition number 7 - we can't wait to see what James, Goc and Simon have in store for us!
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vrsidae · 7 years
answer these statements and then tag people i was tagged by @vivaldei​ and now that I have an assignment due tomorrow im finally getting around to doing this
1) drink: Water 2) phone call: idk probably my mum 3) text message: my pal Jess 4) song you listened to: Serendipity - BTS 5) time you cried: boi idek i have the memory of a r o ck
have you:
6) dated someone twice: no 7) kissed someone and regretted it: no 8) been cheated on: no 9) lost someone special: y ep 10) been depressed: 100000% 11) gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
list 3 favourite colours:
12) Light pink 13) burgundy 14) mustard yellow
in the last year have you:
15) made new friends: yES 16) fallen out of love: nope 17) laughed until you cried: kinda 18) found out someone was talking about you: yeah 19) found out who your friends are: yes 20) kissed someone on your facebook list: nope
21) how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: the majority, but there are definitely a couple that I dont know/dont remember/met on the internet 22) do you have any pets: tWO PUPS!!! Dexter, a rescue wolfhound/greyhound mix and Oscar, a labradoodle 23) do you want to change your name: Not really, but I do want to add a middle name for Personal Reasons™ 24) what did you do for your last birthday: had my first day of uni and got depressed as fu c k lmao 25) what time do you wake up at: depends on whether it’s a weekday/weekend or how im getting to uni I can wake up anywhere from like 8:00-12:00 w hoo ps 26) what were you doing at midnight last night: procrastinating an assignment like i am rn 27) name something you can’t wait for: super excited for some shit I have in the mail to come!! (A shirt, some presents for my friends’ birthdays and also an album) 28) when was the last time you saw your mom: couple hours ago 29) what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my br a i n 30) what are you listening to right now: idk if this means right this second which is Go Go - BTS or just generally? Which is Love Yourself (BTS), lots of soundtracks for study 31) have you ever talked to a person named tom: l o t s 32) something that is getting on your nerves: this fucken criminology case study 33) most visited website: Tumblr and Youtube probably 34) mole(s): A couple on my back?? I think and some on my arms - a far few freckles on my arms 35: mark(s): i have a fair few faded scars little everywhere but I can never remember what from 36) childhood dream: i have no c l u e 37) hair colour: greeny/blue 38) long or short hair: a mix between long and short but I plan on going short again soon 39) do you have a crush on someone: n o p e 40) what do you like about yourself: eyes, pretty proud of my collarbones as well 41) piercings: my ears but theyre closing over ri p 42) blood type: B+ i think  43) nicknames: Clara isn’t my first name so I aint gonna say :) 44) relationship status: s in g l e 45) zodiac: pisces  46) pronouns: she/her 47) favourite shows: sO MANY
doctor who
adam ruins everything
the tick
criminal minds
most marvel shows as well
game of thrones
walking dead
and now i can’t remember any r i p
48) right or left hand: right 49) surgery: never had one 50) hair dyed a different colour: LOTS. I’ve had brown - my natural colour, black, cherry red, purple, blonde, light silver, light blue, pink, bright green and now this greeny blue. I’m planning on doing orange, purple again and auburn as well soon 51) sport: did netball and teaball for a while there 52) vacation: my dream one is to go round Europe. also Russia. 53) pair of trainers: closest thing I’ve got to trainers is old ass converse
more general
54) eating: lil chocolate caramel things rn 55) drinking: water 56) i’m about to: procrastinate on my assignment even m o r e 57) want: to be able to have enough $$$ to buy my friends lots of presents 58) get married: who kn ows 59) career: nO I D EA 60) hugs or kisses: never been kissed sO H u g s 61) lips or eyes: eyes eyes eyes! 62) shorter or taller: taller!!!!!!  63) older or younger: generally older 64) nice arms or nice stomach: i l ove b o t h,.,,both Fuck Me Up a lot 65) sensitive or loud: me??? or people?? Im interested in??? cause i am Both so I guess a m ixture of both either way 66) hook up or relationship: relationship 67) troublemaker or hesitant: b oth tbh
have you ever:
68) kissed a stranger: no 69) drank hard liquor: only once but not a lot, enough to make me dizzy tho 70) lost glasses/contact lenses: no 71) turned someone down: y es 72) sex on the first date: nah 73) broken someone’s heart: maybe 74) had your heart broken: yeah kinda, not romantically tho 75) been arrested: no 76) cried when someone died: y es Lots 77) fallen for a friend: no
do you believe in:
78) yourself: sometimes, not often 79) miracles: I try not to 80) love at first sight: idk 81) santa claus: not anymore 82) kissing on the first date: depends on who it is I guess
83) current best friend’s name: alex and karley and also jess 84) eye colour: hazely kinda but theyre like??? sectioned off??? if that makes sense???? 85) favourite movie: 
Hateful 8
Now You See Me
Kingsman (1st one)
Kill Bill
Star Wars
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Iron Giant
The Cornetto Trilogy
those are all i can think of rn
whoever wants to do this!!!
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