#fuckable elements propaganda
Anon has a good point about carbon being the basis of like but also consider: carbon is very slutty bc it bonds with everything
a fair point in a way, but in my experience Flourine is the truest slut by that comparison. That stuff will bond with anything at all
also hydrogen and oxygen, those two will bond with any element with a hole or an electron
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alright i brought this upon myself. element fuckability bracket: yes/no?
i would not do a full 118 elements i'd do submissions up to 32 elements, probably use the same images from the main poll, and ask you to give me propaganda with submissions so i don't have to write the descriptor text
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lewdladylily · 1 year
If youre still taking characters then Wonder Woman (DC) Keyleth (CR/TLOVM)
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know So I'm going to start with Keyleth because, unfortunately, I don't know the character much. I know some of her more infamous exploits, like the cliff dive, but that's about it. I tried to listen to critical role once and I just couldn't handle four hours of content every week. I watched the first arc of TLOVM, but I never got around to watching more.
However, what I have seen of her Keyleth is very cute, and cute is its own kind of sexy. From what I've seen I cannot imagine her as a dominant or top, she gives of real strong sub vibes.
Also as cool and badass as I know she can be, she is also kind of pathetic in a very endearing way. I am not immune to the appeal of a fail woman, and though that does not usually apply to her sometimes it absolutely does and that is a character trait I find very appealing and interesting, and interesting is always sexy. I looked up a clip of Vox Machina so I could hear what her voice sounds like (its very cute) and its her accidentally murdering a man with Lava and freaking out about it. Again, just a bit pathetic in the most endearing way.
I need to watch more Vox Machina. Anyway, onto Wonder Woman!
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
So there range here is because if you asked straight up she is a sexy and fuckable character, but not absolute top tier for me. Also it really depends on which depiction.
What Wonder Woman represents? The real world origins of the character? One of the best highly sexual characters of all time.
So for anyone who may not know, Wonder Woman was created by a man (William Moulton Marston) who believed in the inherent superiority of women. Look at this quote from the guy: "Frankly, Wonder Woman is psychological propaganda for the new type of woman who, I believe, should rule the world."
He was also in a poly relationship with two women who had heavy influence on the character and, this is the best part, they were all outspokenly into bdsm and kink and the Wonder Woman comics were full of both. Marston himself famously described bondage and submission as a "respectable and noble practice", a quote I used to name a wonder woman bdsm story I made (though I never finished it, maybe I should.)
So all of this heavily influenced the comic. Wonder Woman herself has two blatantly kink elements in the original run. First, the Lasso of Truth, or its original name, the Magic Lasso of Aphrodite. It's original power was not making people tell the truth, it was straight up mind control when someone is tied up (even a little) with it. Her weapon was a bondage rope that mind controlled people. Second, her little known weakness: When her bracelets (named the bracelets of submission, which is very on the nose) are chained together she loses all her powers. Wonder Woman's textual, explicit weakness is bondage. She's got both dominance and submission via bondage built into her power set.
It didn't stop at Wonder Woman herself, either. Bondage and submission is depicted as a major part of the culture of the Amazons, there are lots of stories of them doing kinky shit just because. Themyscira is explicitly an island full of super kinky lesbians regularly engaging in massive bdsm games. One particularly famous story has some of the amazons dress up as prey animals and others hunt them, and when they catch them they tie them up in elaborate bondage and put them on display for everyone to see. This isn't described or alluded to, that issue was just the being hunted as prey kink and bondage exhibitionism issue. It honestly takes the whole concept to a weird level that's kinda off putting but hey, I'm not going to kink shame here.
Anyway, the point is that feminism, queerness, sexuality, and bdsm are baked into the character at a fundamental level. The fact that Wonder Woman isn't recognized as a kink icon is a travesty. For this reason I rate her as top tier.
However, much of this essential nature of Wonder Woman is stripped away in basically all later depictions and frankly I don't like the classic art. Never really have liked classic comic art, though I recognize the artistic value it just doesn't appeal to me. Most of the time what we get from Wonder Woman is watered down and sanitized for mass appeal and while she is very sexy anyway, the sanitized Wonder Woman is not what I would consider top tier.
I personally prefer depictions of Wonder Woman where she is amazon like. Big, strong, lots of muscles, with a more understated outfit, I really don't like the stars and stripes leotard. I also think she is by far hottest as a sub. Very big and strong woman being dommed by a smaller woman is a very hot idea to me. Also, when people draw her tied up in her own lasso it is very hot.
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bleach tasty vote clorine
do not drink bleach it will kill you
but, if you think chlorine is extra fuckable because of the taste of bleach, you can vote them just fine :)
if you want to vote to drink/eat bleach I think it made it into the contest run by @eating-the-inedible
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Fuck it Wii Ball
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this poll has no bearing on the whole poll overall
@approximately-32-leafcutter-ants' brother
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that mr bean yee yee ass lookin flerov cant stand up to our rock hard wolfram
I do not remember what mr. bean looks like, I know he's a british comedian or soemthing
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I do not like how this man looks at me, he looks like he eats shoes
Tungsten is pretty hard and sturdy, very different from the unstable Flerovium, but I do think Flyorov looks more like putin than mr. bean
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I submit Copper, simply for the fact that its symbol, Cu, is the equivalent of "ass" in certain languages (for example Portuguese, my main one)
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Random image present because I can't think of any more things to say but feel like the ask was too short
A very good submission, you need to add an r to get ass in my tongue but just that knowledge of the copper ass in portughese is enough to make my day great!
I guess copper is how you make an ass out of u and C
and hey, if you're an ass person, copper may be the element for you to fuck, just be careful, copper allergies are more common than you think!
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will your pictures for the latter superheavy elements be the people their named after? because Glenn Seaborg can get it
I was just planning on using the wikipedia photo for most or a picture of some statistics and the atomic symbol for the larger unstable ones, but I may end up using photos of namesakes for those like meitnerium, seaborgium, and darmstadtium.
But you're right, Glenn Seaborg can get it
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Someone submitted this as Iron and manganese propaganda! (they asked me to repost so they could remain anonymous)
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This mineral will give you a good night, they'll make sure you're cummingtonite ;)
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Curium propaganda: Marie Curie can get it 👀
Marie Skłodowska–Curie can get it but i'd probly get radiation poisoning after just one tryst based on how radioactive her journals are.
Also she discovered polonium (cool) and radium (sexy)
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Do you think that Thulium has a good chance of winning due to it's atomic number (69), or will people care more about properties?
I hadn't even thought about that!
Now that you mention it, Thulium has some good chances with 69 up it's sleeve. Non-toxic, Non-radioactive, and extremely rare! A truly exotic night out!
the true question is would YOU 69 some Thulium?
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if i - a bisexual man - fuck bismuth, does that count as bi4bi?
hell yeah my man!
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Propaganda for silicon.
Dildos are silicone.
Fleshlights are silicone.
I am silicone.
Well it has silicon in the name so I believe it and that makes a compelling argument!
I question if you are a mannequin or perhaps a spatula as those are the silicone things in my apartment?
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gimme that holmium dick
not the sort of element I was expecting to get this sort of message about, but you do you my friend.
unfortunately if wikipedia is to be believed, holmium is a "a relatively soft, silvery, fairly corrosion-resistant and malleable metal" so it probably wont be dick shaped for long
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Carbon Propaganda: It's chemical properties, and ability to bond with many elements in complex ways, is what all known life is based on, and life is the only think we know of that has sex
That we know of...
but a fairly good point, how would we be having this poll without our carbon based bodies?
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You should have mentioned the whole "Superman's Home Planet" concept for Krypton, give it a bonus
who the fuck is superman?
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