#fuckboy!werewolf!eddie munson x reader
neonghostlights · 7 months
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Fuckboy!werewolf!Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: Eddie is/was a Fuckboy, werewolves, supernatural, mates, unrequited love, jealousy, cussing, Eddie loses control for a second but would never hurt reader (18+ only minors DNI)
Wordcount: 2.7k
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
“Your what?”
Gareth's annoyed words repeated in your head over and over again. 
She’s your mate. She’s your mate. She’s your mate. 
Your mate. 
Mate. Mate. Mate. Mate.
You had read enough fantasy romance novels to read between the lines of what he was saying. 
You felt dizzy, unsteady on the side of the road that you were currently stranded on with a pack of men that turned into wolves, with one of them being extra bossy and thinking that he had some connection to you that you had been blissfully unaware of. 
A lot of thoughts and revelations came rushing to you at that moment. The weird reaction the first time he saw you. The time Eddie showed up at your job begging to talk. The wolf in the road. The flowers on your car. Your lawn being mowed. 
Someone let out a low whistle at either the steam coming out of your ears or the death glare you were sending to Eddie. 
“Listen-“ Eddie started. 
“No,” you cut him off, finger pointed in the air. 
He shut his jaw with an audible click of his teeth at your command. 
You found yourself moving closer to him, finger pointed directly at him. The rest of the guys stepped back, unable to save him from your wrath. 
Finger posed at his still bare chest, you gave him a poke. 
“Did you-“ Poke. “mow my-” Poke. “lawn?” Poke.
The small twitch of his lips was the only answer you needed. 
“Well, I’m gonna get started on that tire!” Gareth chirped cheerfully while the rest of the group except Eddie muttered about going to do their tasks, leaving you glaring at Eddie. 
“You can be angry with me.  But now is not the place to do it. We need to get you some water,” Eddie said slowly, carefully. 
Now that you thought about it, the shock of your situation kinda wearing off, you were a little thirsty and tired. 
Really tired. 
“How long was I in there?” You posed the question to Gareth who was currently taking the flat tire off. 
“A few hours,” Eddie answered for him, even though you weren’t asking him. 
“Hours? How? I wasn’t even that far in the woods!” You gasped, thinking of what you could have possibly been doing. 
You heard the trees start to move behind you, probably from an animal but Eddie grabbed you anyways, positioning you between him and the car protectively. 
You wanted to roll your eyes and tell him to shove whatever it was where the sun didn’t shine but you knew when to keep your mouth shut. And whatever was in those woods was a good reason to keep your mouth shut. 
Eddie relaxed a fraction after a second, but still on edge. 
“Just an animal,” he muttered, still staring at the darkness. 
Just about then Jonathan pulled up in an old, rattling red pick up truck. He idled on the side of the road while Eddie ushered you in like some sort of half naked body guard. 
The inside of the cab smelled like wood chips and weed, a very interesting combination. 
Jonathan climbed out and started loading the things you had bought from town earlier in the back of his truck. He got in at the same time as Eddie, smushing you between the two of them awkwardly. 
The back of the truck swayed and groaned as Gareth jumped into the bed. 
“One of us will come back and get your car fixed up tomorrow,” Eddie said, dark eyes trained on you now. 
You scooted away from Eddie pressing most of yourself against Jonathan instead. Jonathan ducked his head shyly, pretending to not notice. 
Eddie started to shake so badly you could hear his teeth chattering, an angry glare sent not towards you but to Jonathan. 
“Cold?” You asked cheekily. You really didn’t care if he was cold, you were still pissed over the mates thing and couldn’t wait to get an explanation from him and not a supernatural romance book. None of those books were ever consistent anyways. 
He just shook his head, jaw clenched. 
Jonathan visibly sighed in relief as the truck hit the pothole at the start of your driveway. The trailer seemed more ominous than it was when you left and suddenly even the woods surrounding your house didn’t feel safe. 
Every shadow and branch made you think you were seeing a person. You couldn’t tell if that was from the paranoia or the lasting effects of whatever was messing with you earlier in the night. 
As soon as the truck stopped Jonathan practically threw himself out of the truck and as far away from you as possible. Instead of letting Eddie help you out of the door, you slid down the seat and out the still open  driver's door. 
Eddie met you at the front of the truck, a bag in hand that he must have gotten from Jonathan and led you to your front door, Gareth and Jonathan trailing behind him. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” You snapped as soon as Eddie tried to follow you inside. 
“Do you really think I’m letting you out of my sight after everything that has happened tonight?” Eddie asked with a chuckle as he tried to step inside. You put a hand up, blocking him from coming any further. 
“And I think if you want to come inside my house you need to ask permission first,” you warned. 
“We’re not vampires and it’s cold!” Gareth called from behind Jonathan. 
“Wait, are vampires real?” You asked Eddie, genuinely curious. 
“Let us in and I’ll tell you,” he said with a raised brow and the hint of a smirk. 
You rolled your eyes and stepped aside, letting them shuffle in. You watched Eddie’s reaction as he looked around, taking in the open floor plan of your double wide trailer. You pointed him towards your bathroom down the hall so he could put on the clothes that were in the bag. 
Gareth went straight for your kitchen. 
“You got any food? I’m starving and a little bit stressed,” he said as he opened your fridge and started rummaging through it. 
“Gareth,” Eddie warned in a low tone as he stepped into the kitchen, now fully clothed. You had to admit you did miss the tattoos a little bit. 
“I think I have some stuff to make sandwiches,” you sighed as you followed him, pulling out the bread and supplies. “Would you like a sandwich, Jonathan?” 
You thought you were seeing things by how fast Eddie moved into the kitchen in front of you. 
“No,” Eddie snapped, prying the sandwich ingredients out of your hands, persistent yet gentle. “Sit down,” he demanded, pointing towards the couch. “They can make their own damn sandwiches.” 
“Did I ask you?” You yanked the bread back out of his hands, smushing it. 
“Yum,” Gareth said sarcastically at the ruined bread in your hands.
You had had enough of this already. 
“Here,” you said, shoving it into Gareth's hands and stomping towards the living room and away from Eddie. You didn’t like the way he took up the room, making it so every corner of your vision was full of him. 
You passed Jonathan who was leaned up against the wall, stiff and awkward with a blush on his cheeks. You wondered what that was about. 
You sat on the edge of your couch stiffly, refusing to relax with Eddie  in your house. 
“Are you gonna tell me what happened tonight?” You immediately asked as Eddie sat across from you, pausing to set a glass of water into your hands that he had gotten from the kitchen. 
“I don’t know,” Eddie said as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his spread knees. 
“You don’t know what led me into the woods?” You asked with a raised brow. 
“It’s…something. We aren’t completely sure what it could be. None of us have ever seen it, only felt it. My uncle has told me stories that he heard when he was a kid about there being something in the woods that went after the people of Hawkins dating years back but we don’t know why it’s back or what it wants.” He seemed disappointed in his lack of answers as much as you were but you couldn’t help the suspicion that he was hiding something. You couldn’t tell if that suspicion was just because you didn’t like him or what. 
“So, whatever it is we don’t know what it wants or if it’ll strike again,” you deflated. 
Eddie nodded grimly. 
“And what about me being your mate?” You asked, bitterness lacing your tone as you narrowed your eyes at him. 
Eddie looked down at his lap like he was trying to figure out what he was going to say next. 
“Because I want no part in that,” you said before he could speak. “I decline, refuse, whatever I have to say to make you go away.”
You could’ve sworn you heard Gareth gasp. 
“Hate to break it to you but you’re stuck with me. You can’t just refuse this. I had no choice in it and neither did you,” Eddie said calmly, like he was expecting this from you but you saw the way his chest deflated slightly and the way he started to fiddle with his fingers. 
He wasn’t used to being turned down. You had a feeling that every girl in this town jumped to do his bidding as soon as he looked at them with those pretty brown eyes. 
You hated to break it to him but he had a lot coming for him if he thought you were just going to fall at his feet and worship him like everyone else. Even his friends listened to his every word in a strange way like what he said was the law. 
You decided to change the subject for now, gather all of the information and then turn him down. 
“Let’s start from the beginning,” you said as you clapped your hands together and scooted forward. You tried to ignore the face that you and Eddie’s knees were almost touching. “Can you tell me why you turn into a wolf? I’m sure you can only imagine how many questions I have.” 
Eddie cleared his throat, adjusting in his seat but you could still see the self conscious frown on his face. You turning him down really did hurt his feelings. 
“Before I tell you everything I need you to promise me that this will all be kept a secret. You can not tell a soul what I am about to tell you,” he said sternly. He searched your face even after you nodded aggressively and crossed your heart. 
“Okay, I’m not sure where to start. I’ve never really had this conversation with anyone outside of the pack. So, you know those stories about werewolves or people that turn into these big hairy monsters when the moon is full? They’re mostly true. None of us got bitten. It’s a trait that’s passed down. For me, it came from my dad’s side of the family. We don’t just turn on the full moon, but whenever we want. When the  moon is full we have a harder time resisting the urge to change and go based on wolf instincts instead of our human side but that’s it. It definitely makes for a few awkward mornings when you wake up somewhere naked and you don’t remember anything you did in wolf form. But any other time we know what we’re doing.” 
You nodded for him to keep going. 
“We don’t know why we get mates but it’s something that happens. Not every werewolf gets one. It’s kind of a lucky thing…” He trailed off fiddling with his hands again for a moment before taking a deep breath and continuing, “I definitely didn’t think I would ever have one. I know you’ve probably heard some things about me-”
“Not a lot but enough to know how you treat women. You’ve slept around with every woman in this town and then throw them away like they mean nothing. I haven’t even lived here that long and I know that,” you snapped, interrupting him. 
He stared at you for a moment, not upset that you had cut him off but just waiting for you to finish before he started again. 
The worst thing wasn’t how understanding he was with you even when you were being cruel, but how he wasn’t denying his ways. 
“Mates are special. You are special. Ever since I first saw you my heart has belonged to you. You are my whole world,” he admitted, voice full of emotion and tender. “I know what people have told you but that’s not the same way I’d be with you.” 
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. 
“That’s what they all say!” You practically yelled. “I don’t want you thinking for one moment that I am interested in you because I’m not. I appreciate you coming to rescue me but as a person you disgust me.” 
He said your name, a broken plea for you to understand but you couldn’t. You didn’t want to be connected to him in this way. You deserved a choice in who you ended up with and if you wanted to be tied to the supernatural life at all. 
“I think I’m done with this conversation,” you announced as you stood up. “I’m going to bed because I am mentally and physically exhausted. I’m sure that all of you can find your way out.” You gestured to the front door dramatically before spinning on your heel to walk down the hallway to your bedroom. 
Eddie was right behind you in a moment. 
“You don’t actually think I’m going to let you stay here by yourself after what happened tonight?” He questioned you, his voice demanding. 
“That’s exactly what I think, Eddie,” you responded in a flat tone. 
You stopped right before your bedroom door, turning to face him. 
He was right there, closer than you thought he would be. Your noses almost brushed. You didn’t back away this time for some strange reason that you didn’t even have the answer to. 
“I’m not leaving you alone tonight,” he whispered, soft but still not leaving any room for argument. 
“Has anyone told you that you’re pushy? And creepy?” You asked with a raised brow. 
“Well, I think you are. That’s another reason why I don’t want to be your mate.” You said the word mate like it was some sort of incurable disease. You knew you were being cruel but in your mind he deserved it. 
“Is that really how you feel after everything I’ve told you tonight?” He asked, rubbing the spot on his chest right above his heart. 
“I’m still staying. I’m not letting anything happen to you. This is for your own safety. I’ll sleep on the couch and you won't even know I’m here.” 
You were beyond frustrated. It was like an information overload was frying your brain and you just needed to lock yourself in a room and process without the reminder that Eddie was somewhere in your house, making himself at home like he owned the place. 
“Why can’t someone else stay? Like Jonathan?” You knew the second the words came out of your mouth that it was a mistake. You just didn’t know that his reaction was going to be as intense as it was. 
A low warning growl erupted from his chest and your hair stood up on the back of your neck at the sound. 
You backed away from him and the way he shook in the hallway was a tell tale sign that he was about to lose control because you ran your mouth. He saw the fear on your face and his own started to reflect yours.
“Wait!” He called, starting to move towards you. “I would never-“
You yanked your door open, slamming it behind you and fumbling to get it locked in his face mid sentence. 
“-hurt you,” he muttered to the closed door.  
You waited for what felt like hours for any noise to happen outside of the bedroom door but there was only silence until you eventually fell asleep. 
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Random Thoughts/Blurbs/and miscellaneous stuff
Claudia's Eddie thoughts
Paint It Black (SFW)
When Worlds Collide (SFW)
Not So Freaky After All (SFW)
Daring To Be Truthful (SFW)
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy (SFW)
Beach Baby (SFW)
After All This Time (SFW)
New Ink (SFW)
Through The Echoes (SFW)
The Boy Is Mine (Claudia’s Edition)
Birthday Gifts (SFW) Birthday gift fic for slutty-thevampireslayer
Rainbow Sprinkles (SFW) Birthday gift fic for penguinsandpotterheads
Eddie and Argyle:Hell or High Water - Operation Mary-Jane (Eddie x Argyle fluff)
Young Dumb Thrills (18+)
Morning Coffee (18+)
Do Ya Wanna Taste It? (18+)
These Bonds That Tie Us (18+)
Mr. and Mrs. (18+)
Love Me Like This (Just For Tonight) (18+)
Down Memory Lane (So Much Has Changed...)
Creatures Of The Night (Steddie/18+)
Sweetheart and Honey (Steddie/18+)
Part 1: From Me To You (SFW) Part 2:Sugar, Pretty Baby (18+)
Lipstick Kisses and Tattoos (Headcanon/Blurb/SFW)
Cozy Thunderstorms (Blurb/SFW)
Baby, It's Cold Outside (Blurb/NSFW)
Because The Night Belongs To Lovers (Vampire/Kas!Eddie x Reader Blurb)
Beware Of The Dog (Werewolf/Fuckboy!Eddie x Reader Blurb)
Riding Eddie (Blurb/18+)
Can I Watch You? (Blurb/18+)
Leather and Lace (Blurb/18+)
Short Steddie Fic (Blurb/18+)
First Christmas Gifts (Answered Ask/SFW)
Eddie Munson X Cheerleader!Reader (A collection of loosely related drabbles)
Apartment Apparitions - Just Like Heaven AU (Series) [Completed]
A Cut Above The Rest (Series) [Completed]
Cowboy!Eddie Munson x Reader
224 notes · View notes
neonghostlights · 8 months
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Fuckboy!Werewolf!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Death of family members and parents (readers whole family is dead), Reader wears a nightgown, cussing, I think that might be it. 18+ only for all of my writing. Minors DNI.
Wordcount: 5k
Previous Chapter
You had made it two weeks without running into Eddie Munson again. 
And you used the term “running into” very loosely because it wasn’t like you stumbled into him, he just happened to randomly show up at your job. 
The last time you saw him was when you had had that very awkward chat in the bookshelves and you didn’t really want a repeat of that. You hoped that he had taken the hint and was going to leave you alone for now. 
You were off today. For once. And you really weren’t sure what to do with yourself. 
You hadn’t planned to do anything today, especially not sitting around and thinking about Eddie Munson. 
You had gotten the house clean and everything put away. All of your aunts' things that you weren’t holding onto had been either donated or put into storage for another time. 
You currently stood on your little porch, a hot cup of coffee in hand. The mug you held was obviously well used based on the small cracks in the ceramic and the worn down paint from where it had been used regularly. It was one of the few things you kept of your aunts and it made you feel like a fraud. You didn’t even know her and you were putting your mouth in the same spot she did when she had her morning coffee. 
Your eyes narrowed as you stared over your not-so-freshly-mowed-anymore yard. The whole situation unnerved you but you had the thought that maybe someone in town had stopped by and decided to mow it for you. Maybe it was a neighborly welcome present. Or maybe a lawn care crew had gotten the wrong address and it was a blessing sent from above that your overly paranoid mind couldn’t just let go of.  
You tried to ignore the fact that you didn’t have any neighbors and that you lived far enough away from the town for it to be weird if someone decided to randomly stop by. But it was weird enough to bug you.
And it was a lot of yard to mow too. You had quite a bit of land between the front and the backyards  plus all of the land that followed the drive leading up to the road. 
It really didn’t make sense. 
It felt like you were a few chapters into a mystery novel. Whether you were the victim or the detective was still to be discovered. 
You sipped your coffee suspiciously, your bathrobe pulled tight to hide the nightgown you thought made yourself more sophisticated. It didn’t. You just looked like a grandma but you still liked it anyway. 
Mornings like these reminded you of the days you would sit out on the porch with your grandparents while they enjoyed their morning cigarettes. Although you still weren’t smoking, it was a nice reminder either way. 
You gathered your cup, ready to head inside when you thought you heard a rustling at the side of the trailer. You leaned over the railing, keeping in mind the way it wiggled against your weight like it would give out at any minute. It was probably so old and rotted that any more pressure on it would cause that whole side of the porch railing to fall off completely. 
You had come to learn since you moved in here that there were a lot of things that your aunt hadn’t taken care of while she lived here. You didn’t want to assume that she was lazy by any means. You weren’t really sure of her mental or physical state and it may have been hard for her to keep up with. 
You knew she was young when she left your grandparents house at just freshly nineteen years old. You didn’t know all of the details but you had been trying to jog your memories to try to remember any passing mentions of her from growing up. 
From what you could tell her departure was sudden and it ripped a hole in your grandparents hearts. She never came back to visit but she did send letters every once in a while that you never managed to get your hands on. After their deaths, you tried to find them but you assumed they were tossed out or lost somewhere as your grandparents aged. 
Sometimes it felt like you were cursed since you had lost all of your family so young. All of the people who helped raise you had all departed the earth as soon as you hit adulthood. You wished your aunt was still around and that you knew where to find her sooner. Maybe it would have been nice to build a relationship with someone. You didn’t have many friends back in your hometown, no one to put up a fight or worry about you when you packed up and left. 
Maybe it would be nice to actually have a family. 
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The little bell dinged over the doors as you stepped inside the small general store. 
You weren’t here for many things, mainly just to check out their selection of tools and such to help with fixing your porch railing, the hole in the living room wall, and the leaky bathroom sink. Those were just the things you could list off the top of your head today. You were sure there were more underlying issues that you would discover before the end of this week. 
It was like the newness of the trailer had worn off for you and with your aunt's things out it was blatantly obvious that you had bit off a lot more than you could chew. 
It was later in the day than you would like to have made it out to town. You had gotten a little sidetracked earlier and one chapter of the new book you picked up earlier that week turned into six. 
“Welcome! If you need help finding anything then let me know!” A short woman with dark hair called out from behind some cans that she was strategically trying to stack into a pyramid. 
She dropped one while she was waving her hand at you and it hit the tiled floor with a smack before rolling to your feet. You crouched down to pick it up and walked it over to her with a sympathetic smile. 
She took it from you, with a thank you before wincing at the dented side. She put the can in the middle of the soup pyramid, surrounded by other cans to hide the dent. 
“I was actually looking for some stuff. I was wondering if you could tell me if you have some hammers, nails or just normal stuff to fix up a crappy trailer?” You inquired with a shrug, holding the crumpled notebook paper with your shopping list sloppily jotted down on it. 
“Well,” the lady started in an apologetic voice. “I’m afraid we don’t have much of any of that here anymore since the hardware store got a well deserved upgrade a few streets over. My son actually works there and he should be able to help you. It’s tucked next to a bakery and a park so it shouldn’t be too hard to miss if you’re looking for it.” 
“Thank you, Joyce,” you said with a smile as you read her name tag quickly. 
“You’re welcome. I actually haven’t seen you around here before. Are you new in town?” She asked as she stacked another can. 
You nodded quickly and told her your name. “I actually took over my aunt's place right on the outskirts of town after she passed. I’ve been here for maybe a month and a half.” 
Joyce’s expression changed some into something like surprise then to an understanding nod that all mothers seem to possess. 
When she didn’t say anymore you cleared your throat and started to back away. Maybe she knew your aunt and didn’t like her. Or maybe this conversation had run its course. 
“Thanks for the help,” you said awkwardly as you started to push the door open. 
Joyce called your name, a small smile on her lips as she waved at you. 
“Welcome to Hawkins! I think you might really like it here!” 
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It wasn’t hard to find the hardware store and you were surprised you hadn’t noticed it sooner since it was practically down the street from the bookstore. 
It was hard learning your way around a  new town, no matter how small it was. 
The hardware store smelt like paint and wood which wasn’t necessarily a bad smell. You took a deep inhale before grabbing a cart and making your way through the aisles. 
You heard your name being called behind you and you turned in surprise. It wasn’t often that people around here knew your name or spoke to you first. 
A tall guy with straight brown hair that hung over his eyebrows  jogged up to you from the end of the aisle. He wore a blue t-shirt with a red apron tied around his waist. 
“I’m Jonathan,” he announced as he reached you. “My, uh, mom told me you were coming this way and told me you had a list?” He said as more of a question than a statement. 
“I know,” he said with a shy smile as you told him your name. He scanned the paper you handed him. “This way,” he said with a wave and you scurried with the cart to keep up with him. 
“What are you working on?” He asked as he started to go around the aisles and load things into your cart. You made a mental note to look at each price so you could keep an estimate on the total in your head. As of right now, it would be a little expensive but you thought you could do it. 
“I’m not really sure. There’s just a lot of stuff around my place that needs to be fixed up and I feel like I find more and more things broken everyday. I’m assuming you know a lot about how to fix stuff right?” You asked, hoping he could give you some pointers as he led you to the check out with a full cart. 
Jonathan's nose and cheeks turned a little pink and he looked shyly down at the hammer he was holding as he typed in the price. 
“Actually, no. I’m just here to save up for some new photography equipment so I can start my own business. It was the only place in town that was hiring when I needed a job. So..” He trailed off with a little shake of his head. 
“Photography’s cool,” you said as you stared at the price go up on the little screen behind the cash register. You felt your jaw tense and your teeth grind at the number on the screen. 
You must have done the math in your head wrong. 
Jonathan nodded absentmindedly as he scanned the last item. You watched as he wrote down the total on a scrap piece of paper and then typed in a bunch of random numbers on the cash register, making the number drop drastically. 
“Wait, why did it go down?” You gasped in disbelief. 
“It’s a welcome to Hawkins discount. All new people get it,” he said without looking at you. 
“You give all new people in town a fifty percent discount?” You questioned. 
He just shrugged and refused to look at you again. 
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It was dark now that you were finally heading home. 
After the hardware store, Jonathan loaded up all the things in your car for you and sent you on your way. 
To finish off your trip into town, you decided to stop by the deli and get yourself a sandwich which you sat outside to eat since the weather was nice. 
You watched as the cars drove up and down the street, going about their days. Every so often, someone would stick their hand out their car windows to wave at you when they caught you staring. You would cheekily wave back with a smile. 
It was nice to be somewhere that wasn’t work or home. It was nice to see people outside of the bookstore. It was nice to have people actually see you. 
When the sun started to dip below the horizon you picked up your trash and made your way back to your car. 
You hummed all the way down the road to whatever song was on the radio. Bopping your head along to the upbeat chorus and vocals to the next pop hit of the year. 
You were so close to home, finally on the curvy and wooded road that led to your driveway. The sun was gone completely now and you could see the moon hanging proudly in the cloudless sky.
You were in the middle of singing along to the bridge when you felt the pop underneath your feet. 
And then the car started to shake and rumble. 
“No, no, no,” you whined as you pulled the car to the side of the road. 
You smacked the steering wheel a few times with the palms of your hands once the car reached a complete stop. It felt lopsided, the telltale sign that there was a flat somewhere. 
You glanced in your rearview mirror to see nothing but your flashers lighting up the complete darkness behind you rhythmically before throwing open your door and stepping out. 
The tire was completely flat. 
You leaned down, examining it just to see a big slash cutting through it. You must have hit something sharp when you were leaving town. 
Whatever you had run over must have been big enough to do some serious damage. You wondered how you missed it but blamed it on the fact that you were just having a full on concert by yourself. 
You groaned and looked up and down the road in hopes of seeing some headlights. 
This road wasn’t busy by any means. It was rare to see someone else passing through when you were on the way to and from work.
You were gonna be stuck here for a while. 
You grabbed the car door again, ready to throw yourself in when you heard something coming from the woods. 
It was soft at first, barely noticeable. You strained, trying to make sure your mind wasn’t  playing tricks on you like it was known to do sometimes. 
It was a cascade of whispers, all talking over each other. Men and women. Young and old. All talking in the woods like there was some sort of large gathering. 
You wondered if maybe the woods weren’t as thick as you thought and there were actually some houses. Perhaps you could go to one and find a phone to use. 
You found your feet moving away from the car without even closing the door. You couldn’t stop yourself as you kept walking across the road without looking either way to check for any oncoming cars.
The whispers got louder the second you broke through the brush. You weren’t sure where you were going, but you knew if you followed the voices you would be okay. They would lead you to safety. 
It was warm in the woods, like you had been wrapped by a comfortable blanket. You felt safe. How could you ever feel scared out here? 
You passed a thick tree, probably the tallest you had seen in the forest so far. You weren’t sure how long you had been walking at this point. It didn’t matter as long as you were still walking towards the voices. They would take care of you. 
The whispers got louder, reaching a deafening level. It felt like the volume in your ears got turned up to one hundred. \
You had no clue what they were saying but you didn’t care. You wanted to keep listening to them for as long as you could. You thought that you might just follow those voices anywhere that they wanted to leave you. 
And then they stopped. 
It was an abrupt silence, like the pause after a candle's flame gets blown out. 
Your ears rang and the cold air kissed your skin. Goosebumps broke out up and down your arms when you realized that you were standing in the middle of the woods. 
And something had led you here. 
The bushes starated  rustling in front of you, a thick section of trees and bushes moving like something was trying to break free. It was an ominous feeling that started in your gut, the feeling that whatever was moving in those bushes was pure terror. 
And it was coming for you. 
You didn’t have time to react before the wolf jumped in front of you. 
It backed against you, pushing you away from the spot in the woods that seemed darker than the rest of the forest. 
It growled a deep growl, baring its teeth in anger towards the unknown threat. The hair on the back of your neck stood on its end at the menacing sound.
You wanted to cover your ears and hide. 
You backed away, back hitting a tree as you coward from the sight in front of you. 
The wolf lunged, snapping its large jaws into the bushes. You hid your face, not wanting to see what it was up against. 
You waited for it to turn to you and realize you were there. You waited for those jaws to start snapping at you too. 
But that never happened. 
The bushes stopped rustling and there was a stillness in the air. The chill didn’t lift off your skin, it was dragged off like it didn’t want to leave. 
You didn’t realize the crickets had stopped chirping until they started singing again. 
Whatever threat lurked in the bushes was gone. You could feel the disappearance of its heavy presence lift off your mind. Air moving in out of your lungs was easier than before and you gasped a few times as your lungs begged for the oxygen it had been deprived of. 
Footsteps running through the forest behind you had you yelping and wrapping your arms around yourself protectively. Like you would be able to protect yourself with your bare hands from the monster of a wolf in front of you and whatever unseen force that had just lured you out here with its evil mind tricks. 
A group of men came breaking through the trees with wild and concerned looks on their faces. All of the eyes landed on you, including the wolves,  and you didn’t like the attention. 
You felt your eyes practically bulge out of your head when you recognized Jonathan Byers. 
Why the hell would they be out in the woods at this time of night too? 
“Jonathan?” You called out, making sure your eyes didn’t deceive you. 
The wolf let out a low warning growl that had you leaning away from it, practically crawling into the tree's bark.  
You hadn’t realized how close the wolf had gotten to you since the last time you looked at it. You could practically feel the heat coming off of its fur in waves. The wolf stood between you and the men, like it was shielding you from their eyes. 
Like it didn’t want them to look at you. 
“Please don’t bite me,” you whispered to the wolf when his eyes landed on you again. 
One of the strangers didn’t hold back his snort. 
“Trust me. I think he really wants to bite you-ow,” he whined when an elbow landed in his ribs.
“Shut up, Gareth,” said one with styled brown hair. 
“It’s true!” Gareth exclaimed, pointing between you and the wolf. 
“What the hell is going on?” You snapped, wincing when the wolf looked at you. 
It was ginormous and it was safe to assume that it was the very same wolf you had seen weeks ago. It was even bigger this up close and you had to strain your neck to look up at it. 
“Nice doggy,” you cooed, trying to get on its good side. 
This time all of the men laughed and you couldn’t tell if that was a good or a bad thing. 
“Don’t laugh at me,” you bit out. 
The wolf growled again, stepping forward at the men as he did so. None of them flinched or looked afraid though.
They just looked like a group that had been scolded. 
“Sorry,” Jonathan apologized. 
“Maybe you should-uh-change,” one of the guys said to the wolf like he could really understand what he was saying. Like it was the most normal thing in the world. He tossed a thick blanket at the wolf, which he caught between his massive teeth with a snap of his jaw. You hadn’t even realized he was hiding something behind his back. 
It really wasn’t safe for you to be out here. 
The wolf stared at them blankly with the blanket hanging out of his mouth like a limp tongue. 
“We’ll watch out for her,” Jonathan offered.
This seemed to make the wolf kind of happy because he squinted his eyes, like he was sending them a threat with just a look, before nodding his head once and sulking between the trees where you couldn’t see him any more. 
“Does anyone want to tell me what the hell is going on?” You demanded, stepping away from your little safe spot beside the tree. 
But none of them listened because they were all talking to each other. 
“Maybe he should just tell her.” 
“Tell her?! He just showed her.” 
“Yeah, but she doesn’t know.”
“She’s not stupid!” 
“We don’t know that.” 
“She has ears and is standing right here!” You yelled, shutting them up. They all turned to look at you in unison, eyes wide. 
“I’m Jeff.” The one that had been holding the blanket said as he stepped forward. “That one that called you stupid is Gareth, over there is Steve and I think you’ve met Jonathan.”
“Does anyone want to tell me what the hell is going on? Why the hell am I out here in the middle of the woods? Why the hell are all of you out here in the woods?” 
“Listen, you just need to stay-“
A twig snapped behind you and you jumped forward towards the guys and away from whatever was sneaking up behind you. 
“Relax,” you heard Eddie say behind you. You hated that you were able to recognize his voice.
You whipped your head around meeting his wide eyed stare. He was naked. Completely. Only wrapped in the blanket that had once been in the wolf's mouth. 
It looked bigger around Eddie. The wolf had been so massive that it has made the blanket look like a bath towel. 
“Eddie?” You asked, although you could clearly see it was him.
He nodded, keeping the blanket snug around his waist as he walked towards you. 
You took a step back. 
“Listen,” he started, voice raspy like his throat had been strained. You imagined that's the way his voice would sound after singing front row at a concert, or maybe even after a screaming match over something he felt passionate about. “I can explain everything to you. But I need to get you out of the woods first.” 
He had tattoos. A few scattered on his arms and chest. You couldn’t see them clearly in the darkness and you found your eyes bouncing between them. 
He held out a hand that wasn’t holding the blanket to his body. It slipped down his hips a little, giving you a peak of his lower abdomen and the little trail of hair there. Your eyes traced the line of hair before you looked back at his face. 
If he asked you if you were checking him out you would deny it and say you saw a spider crawling on him or something. 
But to your surprise he didn’t ask. Nothing about him seemed smug. Instead his face was twisted into a grim notion of worry that made you worry as well. 
“Why are you naked?”  You asked instead of taking his hand. 
“I told you I would tell you but we need to go,” he urged, rushing his words out as he took another step towards you, reaching for your hand. 
You jerked your hands back, not letting him touch you. 
“No,” you said firmly. “I”m getting out of this forest but I’m not going with you anywhere.” 
Eddie sighed, gripping the blanket tightly with one hand and using the other to run through his hair. 
“Fine,” he said through clenched teeth, looking behind his back. 
Maybe now wasn’t the time to be stubborn. 
You spun on your heels, marching in a direction that felt right. 
“This way,” Eddie said as he put an arm around you to spin you around. 
You didn’t argue this time or claw away from his touch. Your skin burned from the way his bare arm wrapped against yours. You just wanted to get out away from whatever was in these woods and needed to put aside your dislike of Eddie so you could make it out in one piece. 
If the wolf or whatever that evil thing was came back all you would need to do to survive was run faster than Eddie. 
You marched through the woods, not as gracefully as Eddie strolled through like he owned the place. He was leading the group with you at his side. The rest of the guys flanked behind you, protecting your backs. 
At least that was the way it felt. 
“Did you see the wolf?” You finally asked, breaking the silence that had only been filled with the crunch of leaves, sticks and the occasional times you slipped a curse word out when you tripped and Eddie had to hold onto you to keep you back up. 
You really weren’t made to walk in the woods. Especially not with the shoes you were wearing. 
You saw Eddie nod slightly out of the corner of your eye. 
“Oh come on! You’re telling me you haven’t put two and two together yet?!” Gareth exclaimed from behind you in disbelief. 
You skidded to a stop. 
You had to admit. Your mind had been reeling with theories since you had seen Eddie walk out of the bushes naked. 
The wolf was gone and Eddie appeared.
But things like that didn’t exist. Boys that wore too much leather and broke girls' hearts were just bad people. Not werewolves that went into the woods to rescue you when an unknown force led you there against your will. 
“Prove it,” you demanded, looking Eddie right in the eye. 
He didn’t question what you were asking for. He didn’t even look confused. He just stared right back with such an intensity, like he was reading your soul. 
“Didn’t the wolf look familiar?” He asked as he leaned closer to you. “Didn’t I look familiar?” 
You wracked your brain, trying to think of what he could possibly be talking about. 
And then it hit you. 
You gasped and he nodded slowly, already understanding your thought process. 
The wolf in the middle of the road. 
How could Eddie know about that? 
He couldn’t.
 Unless he was there. 
“I almost hit you!” You yelled at him. 
He didn’t even flinch or look angry. He just looked down at you, a dopey smile spreading across his face. Like he thought that your anger was the most charming thing he had ever seen. 
He wasn’t taking this seriously at all. He didn’t take you seriously. 
You didn’t care if Eddie was a damn wolf. You didn’t care if he paraded around the woods naked in his freetime. 
What you did care about was him being reckless and involving you in his shit when you were just trying to get by. 
“What is wrong with you?” 
“A lot. I told you,” Eddie said as he gripped your arm, leading you towards the break in the trees. “I can answer your questions when I get you out of these damn woods.” 
Your car was immediately to your left when you broke through the trees. The driver's side door was still open from where you had abandoned it. 
The flashers you had left on were no longer blinking. 
You had to shimmy out of Eddie's grasp but he still hovered around you. He made a point to position you so his body was the one that was closest to the road. 
You didn’t feel like arguing with him. You also didn’t understand why he insisted on being so near you. 
The rest of the guys here gave you distance, almost like they were afraid to get too close. 
“My tire is flat,” you mumbled to no one in particular. “That’s why I stopped in the first place.”
Steve let out a low whistle as he crouched to inspect your tire. 
“Yeah I would say it’s flat,” he mumbled. 
You saw Eddie’s jaw clenched out the corner of your eye but you ignored him. 
“Do you have a spare?” Eddie asked, already reaching for the trunk. 
“I’m pretty sure. I haven’t really looked since I got the car,” you admitted. “I think the battery is dead too because I had left the lights on when I got out. I don’t understand how it could have died so quickly. I was only gone for a few minutes.” 
You saw Eddie shake his head. “It wasn’t a few minutes.” 
You didn’t have time to question what he meant before he started to bark orders at the others. 
“Steve and Jeff, patrol the woods and make sure our friend doesn’t pop back up. Jonathan, go get your car so I can get her home. Gareth, I’m gonna keep an eye on her while you change the tire.”
 “Why the hell do I have to change the tire? She’s your mate.”
Your head snapped to Eddie, the words clicking together in your head like a puzzle. 
“Your what?”
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neonghostlights · 4 months
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Fuckboy!werewolf!Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: Supernatural, violence, magic, jealousy, 18+only, minors DNI
Series Masterlist
You were pacing.
You had passed over that creaky floorboard in your hallway at least fifty times by this point.
Your skin itched and your palms were sticky with sweat.
You had tried to relax, even changed into your pajamas to try to get comfortable but you just couldn’t.
You were worried. So so so worried about Eddie. It wasn’t a feeling you were used to and you didn’t know why it hit you like a freight train.
He had been gone for hours.
He had popped up at your door earlier in the night, letting you know that they had caught a scent and were after what ever the hell it was that tricked you into the woods.
And now you were worried.
You knew it might take him a while, knew that he wouldn’t be able to reach out to you since as a wolf he didn’t even have working fingers to dial your number.
You thought about maybe turning on a movie or opening a book to keep your mind busy but you knew you wouldn’t be able to concentrate.
You peeked out your window, eyes scanning the dark woods surrounding your home in case Eddie was back.
But then you heard it.
Whispers, voices. All murmuring over each other in rapid succession. They were rushed, frantic. You pressed your ear to the glass without thought, trying to make out what they were saying.
You needed to follow the voices. They would take you where you needed to be.
“Stop!” A voice yelled, slicing through the fog of your brain and you opened your eyes. Your mind latched onto the voice, letting it pull you from the far away place you were in.
You blinked a few times before you recognized your surroundings.
You were standing in your yard, still in your sleep shorts and barefoot as you faced the woods and the figure that stood before them.
Your heart dropped when you saw them, the person that controlled the voices and led you right into their trap.
“Stop. Don’t walk any closer,” Eddie warned you.
He was panting, eyes wide as he held his arms out towards you. His top half was bare and you could make out the gleam of sweat on his skin despite the chill in the air. His jeans were pulled up but left unbuttoned like he had put them on in a rush.
The guys weren’t with him. He must have gotten here first.
“Stay back,” the figure yelled at Eddie. “Get any closer to your little mate and I’ll kill her.”
Eddie paused, the risk far too great for him. “What do you want?”
“I want you to suffer like you made me suffer. Do you know what it was like to watch you give attention to everyone else in this town except for me? And the one time I convince you to give me a chance you fall for her instead.”
You were frozen, the muscles in your legs wouldn’t budge. You were stuck where you were standing, goosebumps going up and down your legs.
“Is that what this is about? You got your feelings hurt?” Eddie spat, body vibrating.
She let out a humorless cackle. “You don’t even have any questions about what I am? How I am able to do this? You’re only worried about her. Well I’ll tell you what I am. I’m the most powerful witch in Hawkins and I’m going to make sure it stays that way.”
Confusion muddled your brain over whatever she was talking about before the pain sliced through your head.
You weren’t even finished screaming before Eddie lunged at Jessie.
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neonghostlights · 4 months
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Series Masterlist
Are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay?
Your ears rang and you fought the urge to gag into the grass.
Rough, warm hands grabbed your arm to try to position you better. But still keeping enough distance like they were afraid to touch you.
Am I okay?
“Steve?” You asked when you realized who was touching you. “Don’t let him kill her!”
“He didn’t. She got away somehow. He chased her. The rest of the guys are going to get him. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. Just, ow,” you groaned as you grabbed your head. Whatever Jessie had done to you hurt like hell.
Steve held onto you as he helped you up. You were weak, shaking. The ground wobbled beneath you as you threatened to fall.
A warning snarl unleashed from somewhere and Steve let go of you either out of fear or respect.
You felt your self falling only to land on something warm and hot.
You nuzzled into Eddie’s fur, lying on top of him while your body tried to recover from the attack on your mind. He didn’t change from his wolf form, most likely unable to from the anger he had. He was shaking as much as you were.
You knew, without a doubt, then when you woke up everything would be different.
131 notes · View notes
neonghostlights · 7 months
Beast Of Burden will be updated this Sunday November 12th.
27 notes · View notes
neonghostlights · 10 months
I’m working on fuckboy!werewolf!eddie today y’all. Im so excited for this one.
37 notes · View notes
neonghostlights · 9 months
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Fuckboy!werewolf!Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
Based off my little drabble here.
Warnings: Eddie gets called a man-whore (not by reader), mates, cussing, mention of almost hitting an animal with your car (doesn't happen but almost does), parental and grandparent death (readers whole family is dead) 18+ only, minors dni
Wordcount: 3.9k
Series masterlist
Hawkins was fucking weird. 
You should have taken the hint when you stopped by the lone gas station about an hour before reaching the town and asked the clerk for directions to make sure you were going the right way. He laughed at you like you were joking as soon as the question left your mouth. When he eventually figured out by your blank faced expression that you were indeed dead serious about trying to get to Hawkins, he gave the directions you needed with a quick “good luck with that.” 
You’d be lying if you said his words didn’t make you second guess this move. But now that you had arrived at your destination and mostly settled into your small home at the edge of the town, it just seemed like a normal place. It was a small town with everyone seeming to already know everybody, leaving you the odd man out. Everyone that you had come across so far was mostly kind to you and welcoming considering the circumstances. 
Your aunt used to own the home you had now taken residence in. She passed suddenly, leaving you as the only living descendant to inherit her things. You almost sold it off, but for some reason the town of Hawkins called to you, making you think that maybe it was meant to be. Before you knew it you were packing up your things, quitting your job at a grocery store, and making the sudden and long drive. 
Your new home was a double wide trailer that sat on a secluded piece of land. Your aunt seemed to really like her privacy. There were no other homes for miles. The trees and forest surrounding your expansive yard gave you enough privacy to walk outside naked if you wanted to with no worries of anyone ever seeing you. 
You had never met your aunt before. You had been raised solely by your grandparents since your mother passed and your father wasn’t ever in the picture. 
You knew your aunt suddenly left their home young, leaving your mother and grandparents behind, and never looked back. But you never knew the details behind it. You always thought it was odd when you were younger since you thought your grandparents and mom were the best people ever. But now as an adult you could see how some people needed independence. 
Even if that independence was a secluded house in a small town that literally no one else has ever heard of.  
You stared out the car window at the rain that started last night and never let up. Your windshield wipers squeaked furiously as they rushed back and forth on the highest setting. You were already parked in your work parking lot, preparing yourself for the run you were going to have to make into the building. 
Water sloshed up the legs of your jeans as your rain boots splashed through every puddle that you couldn’t seem to avoid. You were drenched by the time you made it to the door. The bell on the handle dinged at your arrival and you wiped your boots against the mat furiously even though you knew it wouldn’t do any good.
“Hey!” Jessie called as she peeked her head around a shelf. 
You waved in response and made your way behind the counter and threw your bags underneath of it. You had been working at Bee’s Books for a month now and you liked it so far. You were hired on the spot when you came in asking for a job application, the owner was impressed by you and desperate enough to practically throw the job at you. 
It was a large store, surprising for the size town it resided in. You fell for the charm of it and the employee discount you got on all of your book purchases. 
“I thought Tina was working with us today too?” You asked as you snapped your name badge in place over your sweater. 
“She is,” Jessie said as she dropped the stack of books onto the counter. “She’s in the back doing something. You wanna put these up for me in the fantasy section while I put these in young adult?”
You nodded, picking up the stack of books and making your way to their designated section. The stack was thick and heavy, already making your arm ache only seconds after picking them up. You set your chin on top of it to better hold it in place as you walked through the rows of shelves. 
Jessie and Tina were nice and all, but you had a feeling Jessie liked to dictate jobs at you that she didn’t feel like doing. You already guessed that she would probably be up at the counter giggling with Tina instead of putting away the other stack of books like she said she would. 
It was hard being new in a town where the people all grew up together. You felt like an outsider, like everyone was being nice to your face and then whispering behind your back as you walked past. You wondered if part of that was because your aunt was eccentric. 
You slowly shoved the books into their designated spots on the shelf, not rushing to get back up to the front. If you were honest, you would live in a book store if you could. When you were young your mom used to bring you to the library that was down the street from your grandparents house every saturday. You would both spend hours flipping through the fantasy section with not a care in the world. 
After she died, those visits to the library became more lonely but you still did it because you enjoyed it so much. 
You heard the bell ding from the front door and the chatter between the two girls up front stop suddenly. 
The hair on the back of your neck started to rise and a chill broke out on your arms. 
You blamed your clothes still wet from the rain. You rolled your shoulders back, trying to calm your sudden chill before reaching for another book from the stack cradled in your left arm. 
You could hear the sound of wet sneakers against the carpeted floors approaching, along with the sound of enthusiastic chattering. You couldn’t hear Tina and Jessie up front anymore and you assumed it was because they were off helping customers. 
The sound of whoever was approaching got closer and you turned and faced the shelf again, hoping they wouldn’t need anything from you. You weren’t the best at the customer interaction side of this job and would rather hide behind the shelves than talk to someone. 
 You heard the sound of the walking stop but the chattering of a younger voice kept going in a one sided conversation. 
You glanced up, offering a polite smile. A teenager stood there, looking no older than fifteen. He had curly hair with a round face and dimples. He spoke enthusiastically to the person standing beside him, not caring that he was being ignored. 
You looked over to the person he was with to see his eyes were already on you. He had long brown hair and dark eyes that reminded you of melted chocolate. His skin was pale but you could just barely make out the light dusting of freckles across his nose if you focused as hard as you were right now. 
He dressed in all black, from his leather jacket to his shirt, jeans and thick boots. His hands were decorated with chunky metal rings that reminded you of costume jewelry. He let out a woosh of air from his lungs as he reached out to the wooden shelf beside him. The rings thudded against the wood as he grasped it so tightly that you thought it might splinter. He wobbled slightly, almost as if he was drunk. 
His full lips were slightly parted as he kept staring at you. 
You wished you could set down the stack of books somewhere so you could rub your arms in an attempt to fight the goosebumps plaguing up and down your skin. 
The boy beside him stopped talking, looking up at his friend with confusion. 
“Eddie? What’s wrong?” The boy asked with concern, nudging his friend's arm. 
Eddie, which was apparently his name, didn’t react to his friend's touch. He continued staring at you with a look you couldn’t decipher and it made the goosebumps spread across your skin with a vengeance. 
“Are you okay?” You asked him, wondering if you should yell for Tina or Jessie to call an ambulance. 
He blinked a few times at the sound of your voice, seeming to have been pulled from whatever trance he was in. 
His friend tugged on his arm. “Eddie?” 
He pried his eyes away from yours to look at his boy. He released his tight grip on the shelf and you realized his full body was trembling. You wondered if he was cold too. 
He didn’t say anything as he quickly turned and rushed away from you, leaving his friend behind. 
The boy let out a small, “oh.” as he stared at you with a wide eyed look. The look of shock didn’t last long before his open mouth spread into a smug looking wide smile. His face changing from shock to joy in a heartbeat. 
“Sorry about that,” he said, not sounding sorry at all. 
He backed away slowly, still with a smile on his face while you stared at him in confusion. 
“It was very nice to meet you. I’m Dustin,” he said before turning around and running in the same direction as Eddie. 
You blinked a few times, trying to process what the hell just happened. Your eyes met with Tina’s who was peeking around the shelf with an annoyed look on her face. She rolled her eyes and made her way back to the front. 
“What the hell?” you said out loud, talking to only the books. Confused on what had just happened in the past few minutes. 
You put the rest of the books away, heading to the front of the store to see if Tina and Jessie needed help with anything. 
They were huddled beside each other at the counter, leaned close and whispering frantically in hushed tones. Tina’s hands were waving in the air. You wondered what had happened to piss her off. 
They didn’t look up until you were behind the counter and grabbing more books to put away. You noticed them sharing a look with eachother out of the corner of your eyes before Jessie turned towards you. 
“Hey. What did Eddie Munson say to you back there?” Jessie asked, her voice going higher in false politeness. It reminded you of the customer service tone she used when a customer was asking too many questions or messing up a perfectly designed display. 
“Uh, nothing?” You shrugged while stacking the books onto the cart. There was no way you were carrying all of these this time. 
“Well, it looked like something happened,” Tina snapped, not bothering to be nice at all. 
You looked up at her in confusion. Jessie and Tina had never acted like this towards you before. Tina’s eyes were red and watery, like she was on the verge of crying and it made you feel bad. 
“Nothing happened. He didn’t even say anything to me. He just stared at me for a second and then walked away,” you offered, hoping this would make things normal again so you could just do your job and then go home. 
Jessie rubbed a soothing hand up and down Tina’s back. 
“See. I told you,” she cooed, trying to make her friend feel better. 
You set down the book you were holding. 
“I’m confused,” you admitted. “Did I do something wrong?” 
“No,” Jessie offered with a small smile, still rubbing Tina’s back as she placed her head in her hands. “Eddie Munson is just a jerk is all.” 
“Oh. Yeah. He did seem kind of rude,” you admitted, not really caring for this conversation much at all. 
Tina snapped her head up and stared at you with narrow eyes. 
“I thought you said he didn’t say anything to you,” she wailed. 
Jessie shot you a look, silently telling you to shut up. 
“He didn’t!” You exclaimed, feeling the need to defend yourself. “He just stood there and walked away!”
Tina nodded, wiping underneath her eyes with the tissue Jessie handed her. 
“What’s the big deal about him anyways?” You questioned, needing to know the story behind this to ease your own curiosity. 
“He’s a man-whore. He makes girls feel special and then just dumps them after he gets what he wants. If you’ve talked to any girl in this town then he’s slept with them,” Jessie said, sounding like she was telling a story about the boogeyman and not just some guy that wears a lot of black and stares at people in weird ways. 
You wanted to ask Jessie if she was included on the list of girls Eddie Munson had fucked over but you wanted peace for the rest of the day. 
You couldn’t help the sudden feeling of disappointment that settled into your gut at the information you had learned. It wasn’t like you knew him since he literally didn’t say at word to you and the whole interaction was weird but for some reason your brain had told you that he was harmless. Your chest felt strange, like the feeling of seeing your crush holding someone else's hand. Which was weird, because although Eddie Munson was beautiful you had only seen him for a few seconds. Surely not long enough to form any attachment. 
He was a stranger. 
“I’m sorry, Tina.He sounds like a real asshole,” you said wholeheartedly. You meant it. It seemed like Eddie Munson had truly broken the poor girl's heart. 
What an asshole. 
Tina sniffled, nodding in agreement. 
“So, if I were you I’d stay far away from him,” Jessie warned, sounding more like a threat. 
“Trust me,” you sighed, “I am definitely not interested.”
You grabbed the handles on the cart, pulling it away from the awkward conversation. Tina and Jessie started whispering again as soon as you walked away. 
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The rain was pouring harder than it was earlier. 
You were contemplating making a run for it to get to the dry safety of your car but you couldn’t bring yourself to move from under the awning that hung over the store's front door. 
It was dark out now, night time coming in behind the gloomy rain clouds. The lights of the parking lot could only illuminate so much with the heavy gushes of rain coming down. 
Jessie came out of the door behind you, jumping slightly as she noticed you. 
You smiled awkwardly, the air still feeling weird from earlier. 
Jessie and Tina had kept to themselves for the rest of the day. You didn’t mind, enjoying the solitude of stacking books on your own or taking inventory. 
Tina had already gone home, running to her car as soon as she finished her last task. She got lucky with there being a break in the rain when she left. You wished you had hurried out at the same time as her. 
Jessie stuck around though to finish counting the register, saying that she had a family member coming to pick her up so she wouldn’t have to drive in the weather. She had even asked your boss if her car would be okay in the parking lot overnight. 
“Why are you still here?” She asked as she came up beside you. 
“Not ready to go through the rain. Hoping it’ll lighten up soon,” you shrugged, wrapping your arms around yourself tighter.
Jessie nodded, looking out at the parking lot and the street before it expectantly. 
About fifteen minutes pass by with you both standing in silence. Water dripped from the awning and splashed at your feet rhythmically. Neither of you said anything about it or made any attempt to move.
The rain hitting the pond that used to be the parking lot was the only sound to be heard. 
You wanted to leave so bad. You just wanted to say screw it and sprint for your car to brave the drive home. But you didn’t feel right leaving Jessie here by herself in the bad weather and darkness. 
“Do you want me to drive you home so you don’t have to wait any later?” You asked, checking your watch to see how far it had passed since closing time. 
You just wished the rain would lighten up now so you could just leave and go curl up in your bed with one of your new books. 
Jessie shook her head, face falling as each car passed the parking lot without turning in. 
The rain finally lightened to a drizzle and you groaned in relief. You stepped out from under the awning, turning back to check on Jessie. 
She stepped out from under the awning too, following you to where your cars were parked. 
“Guess he isn’t coming. Asshole,” you heard her mutter before she climbed into her car and pulled away.  
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The rain finally stopped the next day. 
You woke up bright and early on your day off, much earlier than you really wanted to be up.
You dressed for the day, needing to run some of your aunt's things to the storage unit in town. 
When you had moved in, there was an abundance of stuff everywhere. After living here for a month, you had managed to pack it all into boxes and take it to the storage unit until you could find the time to go through it and decide what you wanted to keep or donate. 
You had a feeling you would end up donating it all like you did with your grandparents things, except the sentimental stuff of course. 
Your aunt liked to collect figurines and paintings of the woods and wildlife. You thought it was odd, since she quite literally lived in a home that was surrounded by woods and all she had to do if she missed it was just look outside. 
The paintings were of various animals, a few bears, a duck or two but the largest painting she had was of a large gray wolf. 
The painting was massive and in a thick dark wood frame that matched the wooden paneling on the walls. It took up most of the living room just behind the couch, positioned in a way where you would have no choice but to make eye contact with it as soon as you walked in the door. 
You took it down the day you moved in. The yellow eyes painted onto the beast seemed to follow you with every step you took in the trailer. 
So you were getting rid of it.
It had spent its time since you moved in with it propped against the wall with a sheet draped over it. You decided today was the day to finally drag it out to your car and pray that it fit into the backseat. 
You propped the front door and screen door open with the heaviest boot you had and grabbed the painting to drag it outside. 
You got it halfway through the door when something on your front porch had you pausing. 
At your feet, on the wooden planks that made up the porch were large muddy paw prints. Whatever animal it had come from was massive. The prints were larger than your own hand, making your shiver a the realization that whatever it was came right to your front door when you were blissfully unaware in your bed. 
Despite the sun shining, you now had an ominous feeling in your spine. 
You quickly pushed the painting back inside, letting the doors fall shut behind you.. 
You’d take the painting tomorrow instead. 
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You got off work again when it was dark. 
Thankfully there was no rain this time. 
You were able to scrub the paw prints off your porch and take the painting to the storage unit this morning before work. 
After discovering the muddy prints at your doorstep the day before, you locked yourself in your house and rethought your move to Hawkins. 
You had spent all last night tossing and turning in your bed in fear of what could be lurking outside. You had probably gotten up and checked the lock on the front door at least five times before finally dozing off into a restless sleep. 
But you had made it through the night and when you checked outside this morning only the old paw prints remained with no new signs of your visitor. 
You turned down the curvy road to head to your side of town. 
Today had gone back to normal with Tina and Jessie back to their normal selves with no talk of the guy that had broken Tina’s heart. 
Now that you were farther from the center of town, there were more trees and less houses. You were the only car on the road, the last headlights you had seen were a few miles back. 
You were so close to your home when you saw something large run through the road. 
You slammed on your brakes, the tires locking up and squealing as the car skidded and stopped with a jerk. 
Your heart raced as you tried to calm down. Your eyes scanned the road, looking for whatever it was that was just there. 
You slammed your hand on the off button on your radio, silencing The Rolling Stones abruptly. 
Through the flickering headlights, you could make out something standing on the left side of the road. It slowly stalked into view until you were leaning back in your seat, frozen from fear. 
It was the biggest damn wolf you had ever seen in your life. And it was standing right infront of your car, staring straight into your eyes. 
It was hard to see in the poor lighting, but its coat was somewhere between a midnight black and a chocolate brown. It was tall, taller than your car. It kept its head hunkered down low to look at you in the driver's seat. 
You wondered if you should break eye contact but you were pretty sure that you had seen somewhere that you were supposed to act like you were bigger when you came face to face with a wild animal. 
Although you were in your car, you were sure that if it wanted to get you it could. Hell, you were sure that it could crush this thing with a flick of its tail if it wanted to. 
A loud howl came from the right of your car. You jumped, foot easing off the brake and making the car lurch forward. You slammed your foot back down, stopping the car before it could hit the animal.
The wolf blinked a few times, not even flinching. It turned, slowly stalking to the right side of the road and giving you time to move. 
You felt its eyes on you as you sped off past it. 
Yeah, Hawkins was really fucking weird. 
Next Chapter
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neonghostlights · 10 months
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Fuckboy!Werewolf!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Based off this post I wrote. Also, thank you to @bettyfrommars for dealing with my breakdowns over this story.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
524 notes · View notes
neonghostlights · 9 months
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Fuckboy!werewolf!Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Stalker-ish behavior (Eddie means well), Eddie is a fuckboy (well, he's on the track to being reformed), If I missed any warnings please let me know, 18 + only, minors DNI
Wordcount: 2.7k
Previous chapter
It had been a week since you almost hit the giant wolf with your car. 
You didn’t tell anyone about it, mainly because there wasn’t anyone that would believe you. And partially because there wasn’t anyone in your life to tell. 
You almost didn’t believe yourself. You thought about that moment over and over again, replaying it on a loop in your head. Maybe you had just been really tired and hallucinated. Or maybe it was one of those intensely weird dreams that your brain tricks you into thinking is a memory. 
Either way  you were keeping it to yourself. 
Jessie and Tina had gone back to their normal selves and by normal you meant keeping mostly to themselves and only really talking to you when it had to do with work. The weirdness of the other day disappeared after a few shifts together. It was honestly a massive relief. You’d hate to have to find a new job when you liked this one so much already. 
It was a sunny day in Hawkins. The grass around your trailer had sprouted drastically with the rain and you knew you’d have to mow it some time soon with the ancient mower that was in the backyard shed. Hopefully it would be the only time you had to do it since fall was coming soon. 
It wasn’t a task that you were looking forward to. You would rather spend all of your time in the house than sweating in your yard for hours. 
You were on your thirty minute break when you heard the bell ding on the door at the front of the store. You took an unbothered bite of your sandwich, knowing that Tina and Jessie could help whoever came in. 
The breakroom was drabby compared to the rest of the store. The harsh fluorescents were a sharp contrast compared to the dim lamp lighting in the rest of the building. If it was possible, you’d much rather eat your lunch curled up in one of the arm chairs out on the floor for customers to sit in while they looked through the books they wanted to buy. 
If you had the money you would build yourself your own personal library that looked just like this place. 
You stared down at the chipped blue polish of your nails, wondering if you would have the will to paint them when you got home when Jessie stuck her head through the break room door. 
You couldn’t tell what was going on but her expression was thunderous. You set your sandwich down, already halfway standing when she spoke. 
“Eddie Munson is here,” she announced, eyes locked on you. 
“Oh no. He’s not here to bother Tina is he? I can run out there so she can come back here and hide if she needs to-”
“He’s asking for you,” she cut you off with an accusatory tone. 
“Me?” You asked, pointing at yourself with the bitten half of your sandwich in confusion. 
She nodded, still staring at you as you stood fully. 
“I don’t even know him,” you explained as you followed her out the break room door. You felt like you needed to defend yourself, to prove that you had no part in whatever was going on. Maybe he had just said the wrong name, there was no way he knew yours.
You just wanted to eat your sandwich in peace. 
She made a noise between her tightly pressed lips, letting you know she heard you but didn’t believe you. 
“I like your lipgloss by the way,” you complimented her, trying to diffuse the tension. 
It wasn’t a lie. You really did like the lipgloss. It was sparkly. 
She acted like she didn’t hear you. Her eyes were focused straight ahead as she led you to the front counter. You could see Eddie Munsons back as he leaned away from the counter, facing the opposite direction. 
His hair was pulled back into a low bun. The back of his leather jacket stretched against him from where his arms were crossed against his chest. 
He must have heard you approaching because he turned around quickly as you got closer. His eyes found yours immediately and it made you shiver. 
You blamed the air conditioning. 
You looked at Tina who was behind the counter, pretending to be busy by flipping through the books stacked in a pile on the cart. You felt for her, it must be hard seeing your ex show up while you’re just trying to do your job. 
“Can I help you?” You asked as you got closer to him. Jessie went behind the counter and stood beside Tina but she didn’t pretend to be busy at all. You could feel her heated glare on your skin and it made you sweat. 
His form relaxed as he looked at you, almost like he was relieved to see you. You could hear the puff of air release from his chest as he exhaled. Eddie’s eyes traveled up and down you like  he was inspecting you and it made you self conscious. You crossed your arms against your chest to act as a shield from his gaze. 
He just continued to stare at you, dark eyes searing into your face. His eyes bounced around, like they couldn’t decide which of your features he wanted to focus on. He finally settled on your eyes, and the intensity was too much so you looked away at the counter to your right. 
“Can I help you, sir?” You asked again, tacking on the sir at the end to keep it extra professional. You couldn’t help the way your voice squeaked a little bit. 
“I’m Eddie,” he said, eyes still focused on yours. 
“I’ve heard,” you acknowledged, nodding along politely. “How can I help you?” 
“Can we talk? In private?” He asked, side eying Tina and Jessie as a shaking hand rubbed his chest lightly through his jacket. 
Your face screwed up in confusion. What could he possibly want to talk to you about? 
You looked over to Tina and Jessie for help. Both girls stared at you, Tina having abandoned her fake working to watch the interaction as well. You wanted them to step in, to tell him that you were busy or make up an excuse for you. You felt helpless and abandoned when neither of them did anything but stare at you with mixed expressions of anger and confusion. 
He must have seen the hesitation on your face. 
“It’s important,” he pressed. 
He seemed earnest, and also a little stressed. You picked up on the slight shake of his hands as he reached up to push a loose strand of curled hair out of his face. 
The store was a safe place. Maybe he wanted to talk about Tna for some reason, or maybe he needed help finding an embarrassing self help book and didn’t want Tina or Jessie knowing anything about it. 
You nodded your head and gestured to a nearby row of shelves, close enough to the front door and your coworkers in case you needed them. 
Despite the way he was acting, you didn’t necessarily feel unsafe with Eddie. You didn’t know the name of how you felt to be honest; indifference maybe? 
He followed you obediently, right on your heels, before you stopped and spun around to face him. You didn’t expect him to be so close when you turned around and it sent you stumbling for a moment. A hand reached out, placed delicately on your waist to keep you from falling into the book shelf. 
You could see the slight stubble on his jaw and smell the cigarette he must’ve smoked on the way in. It mixed with his other scent, of mint and something natural that you could only describe as the smell of the woods after it rained. You caught yourself leaning in briefly to get a better sniff when you realized what you were doing. 
You backed up suddenly, pulling from his grasp. You took three large steps backwards to get some space. He kept his hand elevated in the air for a moment, still like he was holding you before he balled up his fist and shoved it into his pocket. 
“What do you need?” Your voice came out slightly impatient. “Do you need help finding something?” 
“No,” he said quickly, shaking his head and another piece of hair came loose from his bun. 
“Then what do you want?” You snapped, a little annoyed and still kind of hungry. 
He stared at you, his eyes softening at your tone. It was the exact opposite reaction than what you expected. 
He opened his mouth to speak before you beat him to it, both hands placed on your hips as you reprimanded him. 
“I don’t know who you think you are or what game you or playing or if you’re just trying to mess with Tina by talking to me-”
“Who’s Tina?” He asked, genuinely seeming confused as he tilted his head. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me. Tina. Your ex-girlfriend,” you explained like you were talking to a toddler. 
“I don’t have an ex-girlfriend,” Eddie said, a small smile growing on his face. 
It pissed you off even more. 
“You know what. This conversation is going anywhere so if you could please just tell me what you wanted to talk to me about?” 
“I wanted to know if we could hang out tonight.” 
Your mouth popped open in shock before you let out a laugh of disbelief. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you laughed as you shook your head. 
Eddie’s brow furrowed like he genuinely couldn’t believe that you turned him down. 
“Because I have heard all about you, Eddie Munson. And I will not be next up on your list of girls to screw over,” you declared, a single finger pointed at him in warning. 
Eddie’s eyes flicked to your finger before looking at your lips and then your eyes. You raised a brow at him, daring him to disagree or argue. 
“You heard that about me,” he sighed, seeming a little disappointed. 
“This is a weird conversation and I need to get back to work,” you muttered, going to move past him but his hand shot out to stop you. His fingers dropped from your arm when he noticed the fiery look on your face. 
“Do not touch me ever again,” you warned, venom dripping from your tone. 
Eddie put his hands up, a concerned look on his face. 
“Shit. I-I didn’t mean…I’m so sorry. I’m not doing a good job at this and I don’t know what to do-” He fumbled out, looking at you like you were going to help him in some way. 
You placed a single hand up, stopping his rambling. His mouth clicked shut. You didn’t realize it would be that easy to get him to shut up. It felt almost powerful for him to immediately do what you said. Usually people didn’t listen when you talked. It was often that your voice would be drowned out or ignored. 
Eddie Munson was just that good at what he did though. You had run into guys like him before at your old town. Guys that did whatever it took to get what they wanted. 
Eddie Munson was the type of guy who knew he was good looking and used it to his advantage. Based on the state Tina is in and the way Jessie had described him, you knew exactly who he was. 
He was the type to leave girls strung behind him like nothing. It was a chase to get what he wanted every time. And when he finally got it, you would be tossed to the side. You were the new person in town, a shiny new toy for someone like him to play with and then toss in the garbage. 
You wouldn’t let that happen to you. 
“I’m done with the conversation,” is all you said before you made your way back to the front. You had rounded the corner just in time to catch Jessie and Tina scrambling from behind a shelf, pretending that they didn’t hear every word. 
You grabbed some papers to do some inventory, the thought of your lunch waiting for you in the breakroom was no longer appetizing. 
He followed you, of course. You ignored him as you grabbed a pen and clicked it a few times, pretending to read the sheet in front of you. 
“Hey, Eddie,” Tina said in a sweet voice, surprising since she just seemed so stressed by his presence. 
You didn’t hear Eddie reply to her but you knew he was still there.
Tina spoke anyway. “I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight? Maybe go to that spot by-” 
“I’m busy,” he muttered in a harsh tone. 
You turned to see his back as he walked out the shop door, letting it swing closed behind him. 
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It was dark and you were alone. 
Tina and Jessie had both left you to close by yourself. 
It wasn’t something that happened every time you worked together, but it happened often enough to become slightly annoying. 
You felt it was a  slight against you to see them walk out the door giggling with their arms clasped together while you stayed behind. 
You wished you could fit in with them, make them see that you’re cool and normal just like them. You were tired of feeling like you were on a different frequency than everyone else.
It was like no matter how much you tried to get people to like you, they never did. You had always had that issue. No friendship really ever lasted for you; conversations with acquaintances always turned into awkward silences that the other party would escape from. 
You locked the front door, the sound of the metal keys jingled against your hand. 
You hadn’t parked too far from the door, so it was easy to spot what was sitting on the hood of your car from where you stood. 
You had seen the news reports about safety, warnings not to touch things if you found them on your car. But you couldn’t help the trembling hand that reached out and grabbed onto the plastic wrapping of the large bouquet of red roses. 
There was a note of thick card stock that was attached to one of the stems by a ribbon. 
I’m sorry for earlier  -Eddie
Your stomach twisted. Someone you just met, and only had a brief interaction with, shouldn’t be leaving flowers on your car. They shouldn’t be going this far to make an apology to you for being annoying. 
You turned, looking behind you but seeing nothing in the empty parking lot besides the bats that were catching the bugs that flew underneath the lamps. You felt like one of those bugs, attracted to something pretty and left as the perfect prey for a beast to sweep in and catch you in its jaws. 
Part of you hoped he was hiding somewhere, watching as you did what you did next. 
You crossed the lot, the plastic crinkling in your tight grip. A trashcan sat beside the front door, under the awning. You tossed the flowers in easily like you were tossing a basketball into a net. 
If you weren't a little scared you would have done a happy dance for scoring the shot. 
On the way back to the car you threw up your middle finger, just in case he was still watching. You felt a little stupid, there was nowhere for him to hide in the parking lot without you seeing him and he honestly probably meant to leave the flowers on some other person's car that he bothered today. 
They really probably weren’t meant for you. Even if they were, it was probably a joke. A funny trick for the new girl in town. 
You threw your finger out the window one last time while pulling out of the parking lot for good measure. 
You felt giddy, rebellious to have stood up for yourself today. Twice. 
All of that euphoria came crashing down when you pulled down your long driveway, and through the darkness realized that your yard had been mowed for you. 
Next Chapter
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neonghostlights · 11 months
All of my work is 18+
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Wasted Years (What happens when you’re in love with your childhood best friend but you’re both famous•Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Actress!Reader)
Beast of Burden (What happens when your hot werewolf mate is a fuckboy•Fuckboy!Werewolf!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader•Strangers to lovers)
Unmistakable (What happens when Eddie comes back from the upside down and only has eyes for you•Vampire!Eddie Munson x fatedmate!reader•Strangers to friends to lovers)
Plagued (What happens when your bestfriend forgets to pick you up and you end up flayed•Eddie Munson x bestfriend!flayed!reader)
Don’t Mess With Time (What happens when you mess with time and fate?•A series of standalone stories)
You Found Me
Miles Behind Me (What happens when Eddie is missing for years but then you find him•Eddie Munson x fem!reader•Exes to lovers)
Don't Fear The Reaper (What happens when there’s a ghost that only Eddie can see•Eddie Munson x fem!oc•Strangers to lovers)
Where Is My Mind? (What happens when you slowly start losing your mind•Eddie Munson x fem!reader•Almost-Strangers to lover)
To The Moon and Back (What happens when an alien spaceship lands on your farm•Alien!Eddie x farmer!reader•Strangers to lovers)
The Shortcut (What happens when you’re a lonely ghost in a graveyard and meet Eddie•Lonely!Eddie Munson x Lonely!Ghost!Reader)
The Three Exes of Eddie Munson (What happens when your name is put in a magazine with your rockstar exes other exes•Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Doctor!Reader)
And You Let Her Go (What happens when your bestfriend dumps you for his new girlfriend•Hurt/no comfort)
207 notes · View notes
neonghostlights · 10 months
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Fuckboy!werewolf!eddie munson x Fem reader
Based on this post
Chapter one: Coming soon
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