#fucking Hyped for this kagami content
rainbow-arrow · 2 years
why are we skipping to episode 18? i need to make sure i survive through 10-17 first.
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Of Latte’s and Lingerie- Chapter 19
Hello this chapter was a blast to write and I love it so much. This is the beginning of the Mature rating although the mature content here is just suggestive! Anyways I’m happy and I love this chapter and please enjoy
Taglist: @toodaloo-kangaroo @catsssmeow @le-na-co
Chapter 1 - Chapter 18 - AO3
It didn’t take long for Marinette to be swept up by important people she didn’t know how to talk to. They all offered compliments and work opportunities and Marinette was positive that she needed someone to follow her around and tell her what to say because she was running out of generic professional statements.
Like magic, Audrey appeared, shoeing away what she liked to call “undesirables” and hyping up Marinette’s work to those she deemed worthy. Marinette could sense that when all this was over Audrey would take up the mantle of coaching Marinette in the ways of successful businesswomen.
After what felt like hours, she felt a hand take hers.
“I hope you don’t mind me stealing Ms. Dupain-Cheng away.” Marinette turned to see Adrien giving her peers a dazzling smile. He squeezed her hand gently and ushered her away to a snack table.
“I take it the conversation you had with your father went well,” she said. Adrien snorted.
“Oh yeah, just peachy. But enough about me. Tonight my dear-“ Adrien twirled Marinette around, “is about you.” Marinette couldn’t help but feel breathless.
“Oh,” is all she could say.
“Now, I don’t know about you Mari, but I am starving, and these snacks look delicious.” Marinette grinned.
“You have no idea. The model life is tough.” Adrien shot her a knowing smile.
“Oh I know. Now, help me pick out some snacks to steal before I decide to just eat you instead.” Marinette blushed madly and looked at Adrien with mock disapproval.
“This couple business has made you cheeky and I don’t know if I like it.” Adrien laughed as he put a handful of chocolate truffles in his pocket.
“Well I’m afraid it’s either this or puns. You choose.” Marinette giggled.
“I’ve decided cheeky is nice.” Adrien winked and looked at Marinette’s dress intently.
“Didn’t you say that dress had pockets?” Marinette nodded joyously as she instinctively shoved her hands into the aforementioned pockets.
“Then I’m going to hand you some treats, and I want you to fill up your pockets as much as you can.” Marinette nodded and began taking what looked like cookies and cheese from Adrien and shoving them into her pockets.
“Can I ask why we’re stealing these?” Marinette said as Adrien put the last cookie in his mouth.
“Becauf-“ he said, his voice muffled. He grabbed Marinette’s hand again and started to lead her away from the table. He used his other hand to grab the rest of the cookie he’d been eating and handed it to Marinette.
“We’re gonna blow this popsicle stand and go somewhere fun.”
Adrien turned around periodically to check on Marinette to make sure she was able to follow him with ease as they quickly rushed around the halls of the venue. It took physical effort when he turned around to see her, cheeks flushed, breathless, hair falling into her face and eyes wide with curiosity, not to stop and kiss her senseless.
But Adrien was on a mission. They turned around corners, seemingly at random until they approached a door. Adrien paused (for dramatic effect) before opening it to reveal a balcony. Marinette was speechless, though possibly because she felt like she’d ran a marathon, as she looked around to see the lights of Paris dazzling in front of her. The iron wrought balcony was just big enough for the two of them to sit together and enjoy their stolen snacks. Adrien was beaming, pulling a flask from a hidden pocket in his suit and handing it to her.
“A beverage milady?” Marinette couldn’t help but laugh. She took it and sipped cautiously and rightfully so. She made a face and looked at Adrien with her eyebrows raised.
“This is just straight whiskey.” Adrien laughed as he took the flask back.
“Exactly. That’s the only way to make it through these things.” He tucked the flask back in his jacket pocket and extended a hand to Marinette to help her sit down. She accepted it and sat down not so elegantly and began to unpack the snacks she’d stuffed in her pockets and put them on a napkin Adrien had snagged from the party which had been laid out between them.
“Aren’t you the one who said that you would make the party fun?” Marinette asked amused.
“I said I would show you a good time. So, to do that we first needed food and then we needed to leave because those things are never fun.” Marinette laughed.
“You were the one who convinced me to go in the first place!” Adrien contemplated with mock seriousness.
“Hm, I’m afraid that was just a ploy to get myself out of this party.” Marinette rolled her eyes.
“Wow, so we’ve been together for all of twenty minutes and you’re already using me. Not off to a great start Agreste.” Adrien blushed.
“So that’s what your calling me now.” Marinette laughed sarcastically.
“Oh did you think I was just gonna let that go? The fact that your father is my boss and you didn’t think that was important to mention.” Adrien scratched the back of his head nervously.
“Heh, I was hoping.”
“Well at the very least I think you owe me an explanation.” Marinette was serious but Adrien could tell she wasn’t angry. Adrien sighed and looked out at the dim stars above the city lights. Marinette picked up a cookie and handed it to Adrien, and he smiled as he took it.
“I’ve lived my whole life with people judging me based off of the success of my father or the way that my father treated them. But when I met you and you had no idea who I was and you just treated me like a normal person and you actually like me, for me. And then when I started realizing how much I liked you and wanted you in my life I realized I’d have to tell you eventually, but I couldn’t think of the right time to bring it up. And with the show you were really stressed out and you were working all the time and I thought telling you then would just make it worse and-” Marinette nodded as Adrien struggled to find the right words.
“And then all of a sudden we were here,” she said quietly. Adrien nodded. Marinette smiled.
“I understand. I mean, I was really nervous about being in this show because of the… nature of the designs and then I realized you were going to be there and I didn’t know how to tell you I’d be parading half naked in clothes I designed in front of you and billion other people that are important and I had no idea how you’d react so I thought maybe if I just ignored the problem, it would be better.” Adrien smiled and grabbed Marinette’s hand placing it in his.
“What a pair we are,” he said. Marinette squeezed his hand and grabbed a small piece of cheese and started to nibble.
“Well, I have an idea,” Marinette offered. Adrien looked at her and nodded, encouraging her to go on.
“What if, we just spend tonight talking about everything, ya know? Learning about everything and then we won’t have any secrets coming to bite us in the ass. I mean, I don’t really have a whole lot in my life to hide so maybe that’s a lot to ask but I think the best way to start a relationship is with honesty. “
Adrien hesitated as he looked at Marinette and he was stuck by the sincerity in her voice and the earnest look on her face. So tentatively, Adrien nodded.
The two spent hours upon hours talking about everything and nothing. Things that mattered and things that didn’t. They snacked and talked like they had nothing else they��d rather do. As time went on, Adrien lost his jacket, his tie and a few buttons on his shirt while Marinette removed heavy jewelry and shoes.
And as the food between them began to disappear so did the distance and an hour later, Marinette had her head in Adrien’s lap, tracing the lines in his palm involuntarily.
“So, do you still talk to Luka?” Adrien asked, using his free hand to stroke Marinette’s bangs out of her face.” Marinette shrugged.
“More or less, the problem was always that he wasn’t really a guy of many words and he was really hard to talk to. But every once in a while, he’ll give me a call and ask me how I’m doing and tell me how his tour is going.” Adrien nodded.
“Yeah I don’t really talk to Kagami either. I really hurt her I think when I broke up with her and I was just a stupid high school boy so I didn’t have clue how to talk to women.” Marinette laughed.
“I know a lot about being stupid in high school. I uh- gosh this is embarrassing please don’t look at me while I say this.” Adrien laughed and looked at the stars.
“Better?” Marinette laughed and took her hands from his to cover her face.
“Okay, so I slept with Luka.” Adrien looked at her puzzled.
“Why is that embarrassing? Weren’t you together for a long time?” Marinette sighed.
“No, you don’t understand. I slept with him… after we broke up.” Adrien laughed.
“I’m sorry I don’t mean to laugh. Why, if you don’t mind me asking?” Marinette balled her hands up in front of her face.
“Because, oh my god its so fucking stupid I’m sorry- I just didn’t want to be inexperienced when I started dating again and I knew it wouldn’t be embarrassing to do it with him because-“
“Because you were so comfortable with each other. I get it. It makes sense. But… that’s gonna make what I have to say kind of awkward.” Marinette lowered her hands and looked at Adrien suspicously.
“What?” Adrien and started running his hand through his hair and chuckled nervously. “I’m uh- I’m still a virgin.”
Marinette sat up.“I’m sorry, what?”
Adrien started to feel the blood rushing to his face.
“I mean, I never had sex with anyone,” he mumbled.
“No, I understand what being a virgin is, but like… you’re so… hot. I mean, I’m sorry, I just can’t imagine you not having girls like, lining up at your door.” Adrien laughed.
“Well it’s not that the problem is finding someone who’s willing as much as someone I’d actually want to have sex with, ya know?” Marinette laid back into Adrien’s lap and shifted uncomfortably.
“I understand that I guess. I don’t know I’ve just never met a boy who doesn’t… take advantage of… the opportunities when they arise,” Marinette said awkwardly. Adrien stared at her for a moment before smiling.
“Mari, are you uncomfortable talking about sex?” Marinette put her hands back in front of her face.
“Maybe,” she muttered. Adrien laughed.
“But you’re the one who brought it up!” he pointed out. Mari groaned.
“I know, we said we were gonna be honest!” she exclaimed. Adrien laughed and pulled her into his chest and her button nose was buried into the skin of his chest just above the fastened buttons of his white shirt.
“Well I’m gonna be honest with you now okay?” Marinette nodded and Adrien relished in the feel of his skin on hers.
“I’d want to do it with you.”
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theshinsun · 4 years
Kagami Taiga for the character ask thing 👀
Oh hells ye!! Thanks for sending one! ^^ …This’ll be long, be warned.
How I feel about this character
I LOVE HE. He is an angel, he is my son, protect at all costs. I seriously have a lot of respect for his character growth and he’s such a huge goofy sweetheart really (tries so hard to be polite to his seniors even tho he’s bad at it, does things for people without them asking like buying drinks for a rival team and throwing a whole giant party for kuroko’s birthday) plus he’s a kickass baller, boi got them skills and worked really hard for them. I’ll never not gush about this guy tbh, even years after this show stopped being relevant, I’m still in deep and Kagami’s just fantastic 10/10 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Alrighty *cracks knuckles* I don’t think his list is as long as the one for Aomine (I ship that boy like a whore we’re talking pages), but I’m still multishipping trash so buckle up.
From most to least enthusiastically, 
Aomine (surprise surprise my OTP)
Kuroko (gotta go with the classics… it’s him +Aomine usually, they’re the perfect OT3 fight me)
Kise (probably the ship that’s grown on me the most, read Two if by Sea by tormalyne srsly I’m converted)
Kiyoshi (I adore the tiny bit of content I’ve seen for this pairing, and would love to see a relationship between these two so much)
Himuro (I’m not super into them romantically but I have eyes I see the history and the subtext, it just has to be handled right) 
Hayama (give me this cheetah/tiger rarepair please they’re both so pure and good I love) 
Midorima (they’ve got real potential and there’s more than one scene where they get a moment together and seem to connect, however oddly)
Nebuya (idEk but I want it)
Mibuchi (maybe a side-effect of their interactions in my own fic, but now I kinda wanna see these guys as a pair. Idk why Kagami gets all of Rakuzan but I don’t care he can Get it)
EDIT: Tsugawa (I don’t see Seiho rep hardly at all which is a shame bc these two had a hilarious headbutting dynamic in canon and would probably be a bomb-ass chaotic couple)
Murasakibara (I could see them bonding over snacks, and just hangin out being chill and cuddly or bickering like children) 
Akashi (I like the rich boy/city boy dynamic they could have, and the idea of Kagami helping give Akashi the chance to loosen up, while Akashi helps Kagami  become more refined and try new things)
I’ll also ship out of fandom don’t test me,
Yamazaki Sousuke (I blame Hyenas by nakedhelot for putting the image in my head. now it won’t leave.)
Hinata Shouyou (listen. LISTEN. they’re both hot-headed redheaded #10s who jump high and love food ok imagine them sharing pork buns. Imagine Hinata on Kagami’s shoulders. I love them this is a hill I’m willing to die on.)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Tie between Alex and Himuro, I just want these three to be a weird-ass found family that loves each other and gets into all the shenanigans. Tho I guess I lean more toward Himuro, I have a tiiiny bit of trouble shipping him with Kagami romantically as anything but a past flame, but I LOVE their relationship as snarky but soft bros. Those utterly incomprehensible friends who are inseparable, basically family and full of inside jokes and past experiences that bond them and make them who they are.
My unpopular opinion about this character
NOT. 👏  A. 👏  BOTTOM. Idk if this is necessarily an unpopular opinion now (it doesn’t seem to be such a thing anymore), but I used to have some major beef with the way Kagami was represented by the fandom, at least within most of the content I was seeing. Often he was portrayed as this shy/scared blushing virgin stereotype that’s Nothing like how he’s represented in canon. And an exclusive bottom, which… come on. Boy is a switch at most. This was back during peak KNB hype though, I don’t take issue with what I’ve seen from the remaining fandom nowadays. If anything I agree wholeheartedly with the direction fanon Kagami seems to be going, keep it up y’all.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish they hadn’t had him fly the fuck off to America in the last game movie, that wasn’t in the script  
Contradicting myself a bit here, but I wish we could have seen more of his time in America and gotten to know more about his friends and family. He comes across as a real lone wolf esp in the beginning of the show, but he seems to have people he likes, or at least some recurring faces, overseas and I’d like to know more about them. Give me more character backstory dammit!
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