#fucking hate this trend of making every fucking thing hyper realistic like ‘it could happen in the real world’ fuck off
fleshblight · 2 years
Unpopular opinion: not every story needs a movie/show adaptation.
Some of not most books and graphic novels are better as books and graphic novels. Part of the allure of written fiction is that total separation from the real world and no amount of special effects will ever match that
So idk maybe create original stories specifically made to be told in the medium of film instead of recycling stories that have already been told perfectly well
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orpheus-type-beat · 5 years
Shoebox Project Day 2
I was going to write about Lupin — about how well he’s written here and how much his character resonated with me (more than I’ve resonated with a fictional character in forever). But then I got curious and read the end of the Shoebox Project. So now I have to talk about Peter Pettigrew.
Just by way of contrast, let’s look at how Fantastic Beasts handled the subject of radicalization and the spread of fascism and regressive politics. In part 1 of the series, we are introduced to feminist flapper mind-reader Queenie. She’s a hyper feminine love interest for the Muggle character, but she also has a sense of agency and independence about her, and a depth to her personality that makes her somewhat nuanced.
So of course part 2 totally ruined that. Now, Queenie is entirely defined by her relationship with literal random Muggle Jacob Kowalski, to the point of drugging him with a love potion so that he’ll agree to fly to Europe and get married. What an impressive non sequiter! It totally flattens her character because her entire arc in the movie revolves around “I want to marry this muggle dude.” That’s bad enough, but on top of it her arc is stupid. First, she gets lost in the rain and is confused and sad. Then, Johnny “I need to get a Spray Tan” Depp shows up and is like “hey, sorry you had a bad day, and not being able to love who you love sucks (ignore the queer baiting hehe). Do you wanna come to my Neo-Nazi rally?” THEN SHE SAYS YES, and literally brings her Muggle boyfriend to the Neo-Nazi rally. That’s like someone in the 1950s taking their black boyfriend to a KKK rally. It makes no sense. Anyway, Jacob “Analysis Penguin” Kowalski realizes this is really bad and dangerous for him, so he’s like “hey we should dip,” and she’s like “I love you babe but I think Imma hang out with Hot Topic Hitler for a little bit he seems chill as fuck” and JOINS Grindelwald, leaving her Muggle boyfriend behind (despite this being her original motivation to listen to Grindelwald???).
This is literally incoherent as a character narrative, but it’s used to basically say two things. One, we shouldn’t punch Nazi’s or break up their rally’s because they’ll use violence as a recruiting tool. Which like, is a good point I guess, but why is that the thesis of your movie about facism in 2018?  But the other point, more importantly, is two: that it’s feminist women who are defecting to the alt-right and causing all the problems.
Of course there are alt-right women, some of whom used to identify as much further left (or at least, there’s one — Laci Green — and maybe that’s it?). But it’s men, in particular young men, who are joining fringe alt-right groups in droves and fueling their activity. That doesn’t invalidate Queenie’s arc in Fantastic Beasts but the movie is pretty clearing making a statement about modern politics (Grindelwald’s rallies are just goth trump rallies). So Queenie’s arc is supposed to be making some kind of point about modern politics but it just sort of fails at doing that. It doesn’t engage with the societal trends that are actually affecting the political landscape, which leaves whatever point was being made about facism hollow.
The Shoebox Project does not do any of that.
Peter Pettigrew’s fall from grace in the last entry of the Shoebox project is gripping, horrifying, and emotionally realistic. The audience is confronted with the paucity of Peter’s life in direct contrast to the happiness James, Lily, Lupin, and Sirius are experiencing. Peter has nothing, basically is nothing, and is rejected as an inconvenience by friends that have completely moved on from him. Peter suffers a crisis of identity — he doesn’t have passions, or preferences, or opinions, or any sort of personality. He’s just sort of alive and there, and in this final chapter he becomes aware of his own lack of identity. After trying to reach out, and failing, someone reaches out to him — a complete reversal of what Peter’s used to. He’s given time and space to express his feelings, and made to feel seen and (at least in some sense) valuable. Then, when the discussion turns political, Peter goes along with his companion’s blood supremacy becomes it is slowly revealed in pieces, and because at every step Peter just wants approval and to pay back the kindness he’s received. Peter just wants to follow, to be part of something, and to be given an identity rather than constructing his own. This means that, in a moment of crisis, he becomes willing to latch on to whatever identity is in the vicinity. It’s telling that Peter doesn’t really think about the implications of engaging in this blood supremacy until he’s already mostly sucked into it — and even then it’s halfhearted. Because as much as scapegoat theory is talked about, and is valid, in my experience (at least in today’s world) its much more about identity. The scapegoat tendency comes after the identity is in place, and while it’s convenient and comforting for those people, it isn’t the impetus. It’s the feeling of being part of something, being handed an identity, a set of slogans that, if repeated blindly, will turn you into a real person, that drives recruitment numbers.
[Side note: It’s interesting that Pettigrew here is sort of the inverted double of Snape. Pettigrew hates Lily, because she represents the end of childhood and the forces that have pushed Peter out of the Marauders. It’s this hatred, despite his admiration for James, that leads Pettigrew down a dark path. This is a really cool parallel, and it makes sense how Peter’s identity issues could lead to radicalization — his anger simply has to be focused on Lily’s blood status specifically.]
This is a real story about how radicalization really happens, and about how people are lead down dark paths in general. It’s a coherent arc for Peter, makes sense with his character, and reflects broader societal trends. Basically this is really good socially aware fiction writing. It’s really too bad that this isn’t the social commentary set in the Harry Potter universe most people are getting right now.
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lalka-laski · 4 years
If money was no object, would you change your wardrobe? No doubt about it. I actually have a keen eye for style & can coordinate outfits really well. I used to do it for houuuurs on Polyvore (is that still a site?). But alas, I don’t have the money to dress to my heart’s desire. 
How do you/did you get to school? From elementary school through high school, I rode the bus, Then in college, I walked.
Have you ever been in trouble for something you honestly didn’t do? I’m sure at some point. I grew up with two sisters so that’s bound to happen. 
Is the idea of having a secret admirer creepy or romantic? I’m more inclined to say it’s creepy however, Glenn actually was admiring me for years before I even knew who he was. But he never acted on that attraction so does that count as a secret admirer? 
What was the last song you sung out loud? One’s not coming to mind
Have you ever had to have a pet put down? UGH WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME THINK ABOUT THIS
Were you excited to learn to drive, or scared? I still haven’t learned because I’m too scared.
What was the last book you read? I’m in the middle of Daisy Jones & The Six right now and I’m completely hooked! Tons of people have recommended it to me & I’m beating myself up that it took me this long. 
Did you enjoy it, or were you glad to be finished? Oh I’m loving every minute of it. I even brought it with me to work today hoping I could sneak a few pages, maybe a few chapters in.
Do you ever wonder what other people are thinking when they stare at you? Those are the thoughts that constantly torture me. 
Have you ever gone out of your way to get someone’s attention? I was a teenage girl at one point. Let’s be real.
When was the last time you felt incredibly tired? Yesterday was BRUTAL. I only got 3-4 hours sleep tops and I am absolutely not the type of person who can function without rest. Last night I got a little more sleep but I’m hyped on caffeine so I hardly notice. 
What candy cane flavor is your favorite? I’ve never put much thought into it. The fruity ones like Starburst & Jolly Rancher are really good, I gotta admit.
In your opinion, who doesn’t deserve to be famous? A huge majority of Hollywood. Too many to list.
Do you get angry when fast food restaurants mess up your order? I get a little bummed but ONLY because it seems like *I* am the only person whose order gets messed up or forgotten. Even my sister has noticed that it seems to always happen to me. And I don’t have complicated orders by any means! So it bums me out but it doesn’t actually make me angry. And I would NEVER stage a complaint. I’d go hungry before I go Karen. 
Have you ever had a ridiculous hair cut? Yeah. After my last breakup I cut my hair collarbone length hoping I’d give off some Jennifer Lawrence vibes. I was not Jennifer Lawrence. I was fucking Lord Farquaad. 
What was your favorite elective class in high school? High school was too long ago for me to remember but my guess is it was some type of creative writing. 
Did you ever wish you could be homeschooled? Uh, no.  Was it hard for you to get up this morning? I moaned & groaned like usual but it surprisingly wasn’t as hard as most mornings. 
Have you ever had a dream so realistic you could’ve sworn it happened? Those terrify me. It’s extra unnerving because I have a hard time distinguishing between real and imagined memories as it is. 
When was the last time you colored with crayons or colored pencils? I did a lot of coloring at the beginning of quarantine. None since though. 
Can you remember the first survey you filled out? Oh God, no clue. It was back in the Myspace days, I know that much... 
Do you have any mental disorders? WHERE. DO. I. BEGIN. 
Do you feel comfortable talking about these disorders, if you have them? Well anyone who’s spent 15 seconds with me knows I have anxiety, so I can’t even hide that if I tried. And I’m pretty open about my other diagnoses if/when they come up in conversation.
Where did you go on your last field trip? I guess Senior Trip my senior year of high school? I don’t recall taking any field trips in college. 
Are you able to agree to disagree? Or do you have to have the last word? I don’t like confrontation so I try to shut things down as quickly as possible. I’m ok with someone having the last word. But that likely stems from my lack of confidence. I tend to second-guess myself in arguments, even if I’m well-versed on the topic at hand. 
Do you think you make a good first impression? I make great first, even second, impressions. I think it’s when people start to truly know me that things unravel. 
Do other people’s first impressions stick with you? OH YES. I should be more understanding and forgiving but if someone rubs me the wrong way right off the bat, I can’t shake it. Bad energy is bad energy! 
Are your friends who you thought they were when you first met? Not all of them. Some for the better, some for worse. 
How have you changed in the past year? If we examine where I was this day last year, I’ve made considerable progress with my mental and physical health. But that progress took a nosedive during quarantine. Ok, maybe not a nosedive. I’m still an improved version of myself from last year and I should celebrate that. 
How about in the past five years? 2020 Elizabeth is living 2015 Elizabeth’s wildest dreams!!!! I am leagues ahead of where I was then. 
What do you do when you feel like giving up on something? I hate to say it but I usually just give up. I’m not much of a fighter. 
Have you ever had to give up on someone? Many a time. 
Would you rather break up with someone, or them break up with you? Um well, my self-esteem is easily shattered enough as it is so I do NOT handle breakups well. But breaking someone’s heart is an equally awful feeling so
Is there a cover song you like better than the original version? Blackbird by David Gray. 
Do you think it’s okay to like a cover more than an original? Of course it is. It’s a commonly accepted opinion that Johnny Cash’s cover of “Hurt” is better than the original. There are plenty other examples I’m sure but that came to mind first.
Do you still watch any cartoons? You mean from childhood? I honestly don’t but I should. That could be really soothing. 
Are you just too lazy to recycle? Guilty as charged
Think of the last person you talked to–do you love him/her? In person? No. Via text? Yes. 
Do you fit your zodiac sign? I’m a Cancer to a fault. 
What is one of your weak points? Hyper-sensitivity (see above^) 
What is one of your strong points? Empathy 
Are you calm in emergency situations? FAR FAR FROM IT. 
When was the last time you cursed at someone? As far as cursing directly AT somebody out of anger or something, I don’t remember. 
Are you afraid of losing someone you love? That’s my biggest fear
Who are you most attached to? Glenn
What do you depend on other people for? Providing a rational response to my irrational emotions, calming me down, soothing my anxiety. 
Are you good at reading other people’s body language? I don’t know actually? 
Do you like facial hair? How about chest hair? I love both. Glenn doesn’t believe that I’m attracted to his chest hair (actually, all his body hair) but I find it incredibly sexy. 
If you have a favorite number, how did you choose it? I don’t really have one. I guess either 7 or 13 because those are my birthdate numbers? 
What goes through your mind when someone breaks up with you? Well I have an inferiority complex so breakups just confirm all the pre-existing thoughts I have about myself. 
What goes through your mind when someone asks you out? This is gonna sound funny considering my previous response but my usual reaction to getting asked out is fear. Ever since the first time a boy asked me out, I found it more scary and nerve-wracking than flattering. 
Do you match your shoes with your outfit? Sort of? 
Do you style your hair daily? Hell nope
Who was the last person to compliment your appearance? What’d they say? Glenn called me pretty last night but I’m not sure that really counts because he’s my boyfriend and isn’t that his job? Is there any movie you just can’t stand to watch? Most movies. They’re just not my thing.
What do you think of pornography? Most porn I watch isn’t actual intercourse. But I love bondage so I like roleplay vids and stuff like that. 
What hair products do you use regularly? Daily I just use shampoo and conditioner, and then purple toning shampoo once-twice a week and hairspray on days I curl my hair. Lately I’ve been trying out a texturizing/volumizing spray but most of the time I forget ‘till it’s too late. 
Does it bother you when people use extremely bad grammar? Nah. Language skills vary wildly and are often informed by a person’s culture, family, or socioeconomic background. It’s classist & racist to judge a person’s intelligence or abilities on his/her grammar.  Do you have a hard time talking about sex with the opposite gender? Not at all. I might even be TOO comfortable with it. 
Do you feel more comfortable with a male or female doctor/nurse? Female, for sure. My pediatrician was a male & he was wonderful but I prefer only females for any type of medical situation now. Oh, except for my dentist. But that’s only because I think he’s hot :P
Have you ever had major surgery? Not really. I had my tonsils out when I was a kid but that’s pretty run-of-the-mill I think? 
Could you go a month without speaking? Uh maybe?
Is there any food you don’t like that a lot of others do? Well I don’t eat any type of meat or fish so, I guess that. 
Have you ever followed a trend? If so, what was it? Lots of them as a tween/teen. It’s par for the course at that age. 
Have you ever started a trend, even a small one? Likely not. I hold no sway anywhere lol
What was the last thing you bragged about? I’m not much of a bragger. At least I don’t think?
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