#fucking radfem you should understand more than anyone where they're coming from
femmesandhoney · 2 years
i'm so glad i left radtwt when i did (i just follow a few of my favs on main) and i'm seeing the dumbest fucking drama over there. they're really on the end of their ropes about letting women shave and wear makeup. and while i get their general argument of "let's not keep dividing ourselves as women over relatively small things like if a woman shaves or not!" they're all starting to sound a bit too libfem to the radfems who do have stricter beliefs and stances on aesthetic things like that for obviously good reasons. they're really like "but it's my choice wah focus on the bigger issues" like is all you really have to back up why you wear makeup a "it's my choice" argument babe? that's...laughable really. even then, deciding not to shave or wear makeup to gain more body positivity for yourself that then can inspire women around you is actually a deeply foundational action that if you can't do something as simple as that how can i trust you can pull any harder punches ngl.
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