#full body laser hair removal in the colony
sffgtrhyjhmnzdt · 1 year
Achieve Smooth, Hair-Free Skin with Permanent Laser Hair Removal
Are you tired of the constant struggle with unwanted body hair? Shaving, waxing, and plucking can be time-consuming, painful, and often result in temporary solutions for spa laser hair removal in texas, the colony. Fortunately, advancements in cosmetic technology have brought us the revolutionary solution of permanent laser hair removal. In this Specialty Medspa, we will explore the benefits of full body laser hair removal and introduce you to a reputable laser hair removal center that can help you achieve the smooth, hair-free skin you desire.
Understanding Permanent Laser Hair Removal
Permanent laser hair removal in the colony, plano is a safe and effective method for removing unwanted hair from various parts of the body. Unlike traditional hair removal techniques, such as shaving or waxing, which only provide temporary results, laser hair removal offers a long-lasting solution. It works by targeting the hair follicles with concentrated laser beams, effectively damaging them to inhibit future hair growth. This treatment is suitable for both men and women and can be used on various areas, including the face, legs, arms, bikini line, and more.
Benefits of Full Body Laser Hair Removal
Time-Saving: Imagine the hours you can save by eliminating the need for daily shaving or monthly waxing appointments. Full body laser hair removal allows you to enjoy long-lasting hair reduction, freeing up your time for more important activities.
Permanent Results: Over time, as you undergo a series of laser hair removal sessions, you will notice a significant reduction in hair growth. Many people experience permanent hair loss after completing their treatments, which means no more worrying about unsightly stubble.
Smooth, Silky Skin: Laser hair removal not only removes hair but also leaves your skin feeling smooth and rejuvenated. Say goodbye to razor burns, ingrown hairs, and the discomfort associated with traditional hair removal methods.
Precision: Laser technology is highly precise, allowing for the selective targeting of hair follicles without affecting the surrounding skin. This minimizes the risk of skin irritation or damage.
Choosing the Right Laser Hair Removal Center
To experience the benefits of permanent laser hair removal, it's essential to select a reputable and qualified laser hair removal center  in kings ridge.
Advanced Equipment: Look for a center that uses state-of-the-art laser technology to deliver the best results with minimal discomfort.
Customized Treatment Plans: Every individual is unique, and your laser hair removal plan should be tailored to your specific needs and skin type.
Safety Measures: Verify that the center follows strict safety protocols to protect your skin during and after the procedure
permanent laser hair removal is a game-changer in the world of hair removal. Say goodbye to the hassle of temporary solutions and hello to smooth, hair-free skin. To embark on your journey toward permanent hair reduction, consult a trusted laser hair removal center in plano, texas. With their expertise and advanced technology, you can achieve the results you've always wanted and enjoy the confidence that comes with a hair-free body. 
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isis-astarte-diana · 4 years
But None, I Think, Do There Embrace (Part 2)
Part 1 ‖ Part 2
Summary:  “The sight of Missy, conscious and walking, shakes loose a deep breath you didn’t realise you were holding.” The conflict isn’t over when the gun goes off.
Warnings: None? Unresolved tension, mostly!
Word Count: 1815
NB: The promised continuation of “The Grave’s A Fine And Private Place”!
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“Please, please work!”
The TARDIS hums softly in an inarticulate but clear expression of disagreement. The screen you clutch at with shaking hands remains a blurry mess of jumping pixels, the sound a warbled static hiss. You have no insight into what’s happening on the bridge.
Before you’d even glimpsed the creatures in the lifts, the ship had slammed her doors so hard that you were knocked backwards and off your feet, landing painfully on the metal floor. When you’d scrambled back up and tried to open them again, they wouldn’t budge. You still know precious little about how she functions, but it’s apparent that she’s determined to keep her human cargo safe from whatever wants to take them away.
“Siege mode,” Nardole points out unhelpfully, still fiddling with the console. “Hostile life forms detected on the bridge. No communications in or out. Your life signs are shielded, at least.”
White-knuckled on the handrail, you glance around desperately for inspiration. “We can’t just wait here!”
“I know,” Bill groans, head bowed and cradled in her hands. She sits on the stairs, catching her breath, steadying her racing heart. “I know, but what can we do? The TARDIS won’t let us outside and even if she would I don’t think we could help, I mean - we’re human! Whatever these things are, we can’t fight them.”
“I don’t think we need to.”
You scowl at Nardole. “What do you mean?”
“If they really are only interested in you two, then presumably, once they realise you’re no longer on the ship, they’ll just... wander off, I suppose.”
“Yeah.” Bill sounds quite convinced. “I mean, that blue guy was there for, what? Days?”
At the mention of the armed alien, you wince. You’ve been trying to distract yourself from the image of Missy’s limp body, slumped in the navigator’s chair. “Days,” you agree flatly.
“Exactly. Just try and keep calm, and I’m sure they’ll be back very-”
The doors tear open, flooding the room with the colony ship’s bright fluorescent lights.
“Chair! Now!”
Any relief you might have felt is drained immediately by the sound of the Doctor’s voice, sharp and furious and full of pain. He has one arm around Missy, supporting her weight, half-dragging her alongside him as he staggers through the doors. Even from across the console you can see the smouldering burn mark on her coat. It’s bigger than your hand and still smoking.
The sight of her, astonishingly still conscious and walking, shakes loose a deep breath you didn’t realise you were holding. You’ve grown to quite like Missy; her quick mind and deadpan black humour had endeared you to her when you visited the vault, and she’s proven herself a useful ally more than once with her effortless navigation of the TARDIS. In truth, despite Bill’s understandable trepidation, you’d been excited to see her at the helm of a new adventure.
Be careful what you wish for.
He drops her unceremoniously in the nearest seat and she lets out a heavy, pained noise at the impact. It makes you wince in sympathy. “Watch it! I’ve just been shot, or hadn’t you noticed?” She falls just short of her usual sardonic wit, too much strain seeping into the words.
“Shut up.” There’s no kindness in it. He works urgently at the buttons of her coat, pulling it open to expose her blouse and the wound left by the laser-barrelled weapon. He’s muttering angrily under his breath. “Missed all the vital organs.”
“Yes, well, if you want something done properly,” she mutters. Then, so sharply that you jump, “oi! What the hell are you doing, man?”
The Doctor has both hands poised over the injury on her side. At first you think it’s a trick of the light, an optical illusion triggered by stress and exhaustion, but as you watch they begin to glow in a vibrant, sickly shade of orange. Light pours from his palms and drenches her abdomen until the scene burns your eyes. It feels like staring into the sun.
“Be quiet,” he says calmly, ignoring her protests. “You’ll take weeks to heal on your own. You’re no use to anyone in this state. I’m just speeding things up a bit.”
You’ve heard of regeneration, of course, but this is the first time you’ve witnessed it. Despite the blinding intensity of it you can’t seem to look away. You move around the console as if in a trance, seeking out a better view. It is, at once, the most beautiful and most frightening thing you’ve ever seen, and you know with every fibre of your being that it is wrong, a violation of physical laws that you take for granted. What unfolds between the Time Lords in front of you spits in the face of everything you know about the universe.
Your normal Saturday has been resumed.
“Oh, for- get your hands off me!” She reaches down to knock him away but he’s already moving, stumbling slightly and bracing his hands on the back of the chair to steady himself. It’s clear that he’s expended some energy.
“Not quite good as new,” he observes. “You may actually have a scar.”
“I always fancied one of those.” She twists experimentally in her seat, testing the extent of her recovery. The only evidence of what should, by all rights, have been a mortal wound is a single low hiss through her teeth. “Consider it a touching memento of my full rehabilitation.”
“Rehabilitation?” He scoffs, cold and bitter. “Do you think this was a success?”
“I saved the humans, didn’t I? At tremendous personal cost, might I add.” She gestures to her side. “This is my favourite blouse, as well you know, and now it’s ruined.”
Provoked by her arch lack of repentance, he raises his voice. “You tried to kill a man! A frightened man, who asked us for help!”
“A stupid man, with a gun,” she bites back. Her hands are tight on the arms of the chair.
“I had the situation under control until you-”
“No you didn’t!”
You almost leap out of your skin when Bill interjects, her voice whip-thin and deafening even from across the room. All eyes turn to her. She’s a beacon of rage, practically vibrating, still fuelled by mortal peril and righteous fury.
“You had no idea what you were doing,” she seethes, pointing an accusatory finger at the Doctor. “You were just chatting away like an idiot, like you always do, thinking you’re so clever, and it nearly got us killed!”
He doesn’t take it well. “I was defusing the situation! It was a negotiation. I knew that-”
“Just shut up! You were negotiating for our lives!” At her side, one hand clenches into a tight fist. You can hear the angry tears making her voice waver as the adrenaline rush begins to fail. “D’you know what, Doctor? You made the wrong call. I never thought I’d say it but Missy was better than you today.”
She turns on her heels and heads deeper into the TARDIS, leaving her scathing words to hang heavily in the air. Shrinking in the face of conflict, you stand stock still, mouth agape, staring at the space she’s just vacated; Nardole makes an apologetic face and hurries after her. For a moment, you consider following, but think better of it. If it were you, you would want to be alone.
Face thunderous, the Doctor moves over to the console, manipulating switches and levers too forcefully until the ship dematerialises with a familiar mechanical screech.
“I think there was a compliment in there, somewhere.” 
Missy stretches out in the chair, apparently unfazed, folding her arms behind her head. You don’t miss the slight flinch as the change in position tugs at her newly-healed wound. He ignores her, working his jaw in silent fury. “Oh, do try and cheer up, Doctor. I’m sorry that your softly-softly approach wasn’t up to scratch today but if you’re waiting for me to apologise for saving-”
“Don’t.” His voice is low and dangerous. “Don’t pretend to care about my friends.” His eyes dart over to you for a moment and you look away, removing your earpiece and inspecting it as if it’s the most interesting thing you’ve ever seen. “You’ve never cared about anyone but yourself. You haven’t changed at all.”
Not waiting for a response, he stalks out of the console room, brushing past you on the way. One hand skims lightly over your shoulder as if to make sure that you’re really there. You allow it. After the day’s events you’re drained, eager for peace and reconciliation that seems far out of reach. Even this gentle touch is almost enough to bring tears to your eyes.
“Well?” Missy fixes you with her gaze and you blush, setting down the earpiece you’ve been fidgeting with. “Aren’t you going to run off, too?”
“I can if you want.” You’re aiming for jovial, but the words come out small and you wince. She raises an expectant eyebrow and doesn’t speak. “Actually, I wanted to say thank you. For saving us.”
“No need. It was all part of my devious plan.” She adjusts a stray lock of hair. Despite the flippancy in her voice it’s clear that his words have wounded her. You frown.
“He’s an idiot. Time Lord or not, I know a man with a bruised ego when I see one.” She chuckles wryly, looking down at the ruins of her blouse. Her hand uselessly attempts to smooth the fabric out. You move closer. Your pulse races when you reach out to touch her; she doesn’t pull away, watching from the corner of her eye as you rest your palm gently on her forearm.
Something changes in her posture. You think of the Doctor, of Bill’s hand crushing yours as you both waited to die, of how every living thing needs to be touched sometimes and your fingers wrap around her slender arm, the slightest pressure, your thumb sweeping back and forth over the thin cotton of her sleeve. She draws a sharp breath and turns to look at you again and you see a thin mist of tears glistening in her bright eyes. For the first time it occurs to you that she must feel as weary as you do.
“Thank you,” you say again, heavy with sincerity. “I’m pretty sure we would have died if you weren’t there. He’ll come around.”
Her face hardens almost imperceptibly and she clears her throat, blinking away the vulnerability with surprising ease. “The Doctor can do what he likes. I didn’t do it for him.”
“You didn’t?” Surprised, your fingers fall still. Her free hand leaves the armrest, coming to cover your own, and she looks up at you with something so akin to hope that your throat tightens.
“No,” she says softly. “I didn’t.”
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Dermatology Devices Market is Rapidly Growing Due to Growing USD 25.7 billion by 2025
Mar 17, 2021: Industry Insights
The global Dermatology Devices Market size is likely to reach USD 25.7 billion by 2025, registering at a 13.5% CAGR during the forecast period. Rising number of esthetic procedures and escalating prevalence of skin-related disorders are major factors contributing toward the growth of the market.
There has been a rise in incidences of poor skin conditions which lead to increasing number of the skin treatments performed where dermatology devices are needed. According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, around 20,236 thousand aesthetic procedures were performed globally. Thus, this large number of plastic and aesthetic surgeries performed worldwide is also expected to augment the dermatology devices market. Moreover, the increasing aesthetic concern among the population has led to the increased demand for the dermatology procedures ultimately leading to the dermatology devices market growth. In addition, the hair related problems are also expected to boost the growth of the market.
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Growing prevalence of skin cancer is another major factor contributing toward market growth. For instance, according to American Cancer Society, about 10,130 people die due to melanoma each year in the U.S. Thus, there is rising demand for dermatology products for the diagnosis of the skin cancer which can help the prevention of cancer at an early stage. For instance, dermatoscopes are used for the detection of skin cancer by the evaluation of pigmented lesions. Moreover, the growing technological advancements in the dermatology devices has led to the increased demand for these products. Furthermore, the increased incidence of the obese population has further led to increased demand for the liposuction procedures, where dermatology products are used, ultimately boost the market growth.
Product Insights
Based on the products, the dermatology devices market is classified into treatment and diagnostic devices. The dermatology treatment segment is estimated to dominate the market due to increasing population adopting newer dermatological or aesthetic procedures for the treatment of skin disorders and enhancement of the skin. Also, the acne-related problems are growing, which is attributed to increased demand for these products for acne treatment. This increase in the demand for the acne removal procedures has attributed to the growth of the market.
View Full Report with TOC @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/dermatology-devices-market
The diagnostic segment is expected to grow at a significant rate over the forecast period. This is due to the increased incidence of the skin disorders and skin cancer globally, which has created an awareness among the people for early stage diagnosis of cancer.
Type Insights
There are different types of diagnostics products including dermatoscopes, imaging devices, and microscopes available for the diseases diagnosis. Among them, the imaging segment accounted for the largest revenue share in 2015 due to the increasing prevalence of skin cancer and other skin disorders. The imaging devices are widely used for the early diagnosis of the skin cancer. Based on the treatment market is classified into light therapy devices, lasers, electrosurgical equipment, liposuction devices, microdermabrasion devices, and cryotherapy devices. Amongst them, light therapy accounted for the largest market share in 2015 owing to its large usage in the acne treatment.
Liposuction devices are expected to showcase significant growth rate due to increase in the number of obese people globally and rising concern about fat removal and body contouring amongst people with obesity. Moreover, the weight management can be done by liposuction products helping in the prevention the other chronic conditions such as heart diseases and diabetes.
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Your skin reflects everything it undergoes! So, don't rush to any decision without being sured! Keep in mind that you go to the doctors having a vast experience in providing successful full body laser hair removal treatment.  We provide best laser hair removal treatments in Delhi NCR which are most recent, effective, painless technology without any potential for side effects..
DermaClinix is the best laser hair removal clinic in Delhi NCR with head branch in Defence Colony (South Delhi) and many other locations of India, so as to make it is easy for you to reach us!
Adress: E-13, Defence Colony, Main Ring Road, New Delhi, Delhi 110024
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illskeleton-blog · 8 years
Alien Fan Fiction
-The void was silence, darkness, and death. As the cold, unforgiving, vacuum continued it's cosmic ballet; an interloper moved through it as a dead, steel, coffin. Within this giant coffin slept the crew of the U.S.C.S. Musashi. A refitted military ship, it was equipped with a second generation FTL drive (faster than light). As they slept the powerful artificial intelligence systems kept most systems on standby or even shut down. Unlike most military vessels, the dropships and apv bay was filled with survey equipment. Within the armory lay their mining and demolition gear; explosives, laser cutters, plasma torches, and small arms munitions for the occasional indigenous creatures. Approximately moving 1.75 times light speed, the sleepers dreamt as their cold, calculated, and logical pilot guided them to their destination. Suddenly, as if the overture of the dead arising, terminals began to light up and display vital functions. "Destination Threshold...Destination Threshold...Destination Threshold" a robotic voice called over the intercoms as the artificial gravity began to overcompensate for the rapid declination in velocity. Cups, bottles, canisters, and anything not tied down; shofted from the release of inertia. Now, as if one glorious lotus bloomed, the freezers began to open. One by one, the dead sleepers awoke with the ship. "Jesus Muthr, why can't these company pricks remember it's cold as fuck after a freeze. At least warm up the bedroom." Griffin was the engineering technician, not a position of authority but, he did carry nearly 10 years of experience. His coal black hair was matted to the side of his head after 2 years in the freezer. As he sat up he was greeted only by the fuzzy glaze of what he called "human antifreeze" a viscous fluid at room temperature, it became more like petroleum jelly when one was in the freezers. It held a small amount of body heat within the sleepers to prevent cryothermia and frostbite. Wiping away the goo, Griffin slowly blinked as the mucus membranes all flooded his sinuses and tear ducts. Typical symptoms from hypersleep he carefully stood up and almost screamed as his bare feet met the cold, plasteel floor. The next to awaken was Gorman, her strawberry blonde hair looked like something out of a Lovecraftian horror as she sat up "Because the company cuts every corner it can unless it's a high level exec. And we, Griffin, aren't even minnows in their sea of sharks." She too hated the long hauls but loved the money. Paid a salary of credits along with backpay for transit, bonuses for salvage, and full health benefits; she could at least live comfortably. As she left her frozen sarcophagus of a bed, she yelled out "The least they could do is provide footwear." "Quit griping you two, it's not like it'll make a difference." Came the annoyed first words from Schumacher, the liason Marine Sergeant. He was hired on this mission to make sure everyone survived the oncoming year and a half it would take to 'Turn the lights back on' as most survey colonists called it. "At least you're alive, I read the first colonists died from a meltdown in the atmospheric processor's core." Schumacher was a by the book marine, his second however, was not. "I heard there was an infection or something, led them all to go 'off the reservation ' or at least that's one of the rumors." Smalley was exactly like his namesake, small. Standing 213 centimeters he barely weighed in at 65 kilograms. As small as his frame was, he was accepted into the USCMC for his eyes. Scores on sharpshooting from recruits never surpassed 600 out of 1000, his beat the records at 925 his first test and 950 his second. "Can we all just shut the fuck up until we've had some coffee and breakfast? " came the girlish voice of Braxton, the crew's lead communication officer. Her red hair in disarray as she too got up, wiped herself off, and showered. Braxton was in her mid thirties, cute, and stubborn as a mule. She had a scar on her left shoulder where she had her 'Bug Stomper' tattoo removed. Smalley and Schumacher knew this, which is why when they were asked about her they both replied 'yes' to her assignment aboard the Musashi. "Only if we get to look at your pretty face, Braxton." Smalley joked. There was a gentle, harmless laugh in his voice. "Don't flatter yourself Smalley, nobody likes a suckup." Braxton retorted "Who's sucking up? I'd sleep in primary quarters if it meant being greeted by a brainy redhead with an affiliation towards knives." As the hours passed, the typical, ship wide scrambling took place. Shuttles and civilian dropships were outfitted, atvs were fueled, weapons prepped, comms calibrated, and survey gear stowed. "Hudson, do you think we'll find anything of value?" Smalley asked as they worked on calibrating the ctv or 'Civi twat vessels' as marines called them. Similar to an APV, these had light to no armor, plexiglass windows, and no weaponry on board. As Schumacher described them 'canned meat on wheels' after the events of Shaw's Harvest. A group of PITs or, planetary independence terrorists, had infiltrated the primary mining colony on LV 613 and began sabotaging equipment. Eventually it led to guerrilla warfare and the need of USCMC escorts with each convoy. Without armor or on-board weapony, the convoys were sitting ducks for the insurgents to turn the convoy's occupants into shredded meat. The P.I.T. had been quiet for years though, he knew that. He just didn't trust that fact. "Honestly, the only thing of value on this rock is the ore and what Wey-Yu tech we can salvage. I doubt anything else survived the blast." Hudson was adjusting the suspension system from beneath the ctv as he spoke. He grunted before "There, she's ready for all terrain. Thank god we got Wey-Yu to jump for the new transaxle systems. The old ones burnt out on rough terrain. In the communications 'bucket' as most called it. A small ten meter by fifteen meter pod that sat adjacent to the hangar bay with an array of instrument panels. Braxton sipped her coffee with a content sigh. She was reading over the past communication records of Hadley's Hope when Schumacher announced his pressence. "Anything interesting out there?" "Jesus Christ sarge, can't you cough or something first? And oddly enough, yes." Braxton jumped a little as she exclaimed. "I've been going over the past records and found an anomaly, it could just be x-rays or radiation interference but, under all the original signals coming from the beacon there's this hidden signal. I've been isolating it but it's heavily encrypted. Way beyond military encryption." "Really? Any luck getting a portion of it decrypted? " Schumacher asked as he lit a narco stick "No sir, except for about 12 seconds of this." Braxton said as she punched a key on the terminal. "It's on speaker." The signal was heavily distorted as she adjusted the input, until both their eyes became as big as silver dollars. -Alpha Killo Two Four Niner! Alpha Killo Two Four Niner. This is A. Jorden, on company orders we've surveyed the site. We found some kind of alien ship. Upon investigating the hold...something attached itself to my husband's face. I repeat.....static- "This is classified information do you understand Braxton? " "Yes sir, I guess Smalley was close." Later, as the crew met in the hangar bay the officers stood, addressing the civilian and military crew members who counted thirty five civilians and twelve marines. Schumacher "Ok, here's your briefing. Twenty years ago, the atmospheric processor's core on LV 426 went critical, for those of you who don't know, this typically means total devastation. From long range scans they found the mai structure of Hadley's Hope, the colony on LV 426, was intact. Five years ago Wey-Yu received an automated communication from the AI that ran both the colony and the AP. We don't know how but, it seems the auxiliary power units had just enough stored to slowly bring the computer core back online. Our mission is to investigate what caused the initial meltdown and if possible, reinitiate the AP. There will be four teams, communications, led by officer Braxton. Engineering, led by Griffin . Survey, led by Gorman, and salvage, led by Hudson. Each team will have three USCMC escorts, armed and willing to help if need be. I'll let each officer give orders for your respective teams." "Sir, wouldn't the processor going critical lead to radiation patches?" One marine, Jasper, a stocky man with a broad face that seemed to be flattened by a frying pan. "Typically it takes ten to thirty years for the radiation to reach its half-life" A robotic voice said from the back. On the breast of his jacket said Bishop. "However, there could have been a catastrophic vent, that would only release vaporized nitrogen and hydrogen." "Jesus Bishop, don't you ever make any noise?" One marine joked, it was protocol to have a synthetic on any Wey-Yu assignment that enlisted the USCMC. "Bishop is correct, now get to your assigned posts, first team drops at 1300. Dismissed" Schumacher lit a cigarette as he dismissed the crew. Over by the equipment bay, Griffin was going over the schematics of the Atmospheric processor and colony with his team. "So, first off everyone links up with comms to establish clear communication with each other. Second, we set up the EM-Gens to power what's left of the colony. Third, we start the daunting task of salvaging the AP, if we can. If not we have a prefab on it's way with the eta of six weeks. " His team was a ragtag group of engineers and techs, all who seemed a little crazed or eccentric. Over by the communications pod, Braxton was addressing her team. "First order of business is establish site wide communications. I want sat-net up by 1600 and sat-com up by 1800. After that, we get to go over the primary drives of the AI and look for any communications we've not yet decrypted or logged with Wey-Yu. As we're doing this, we need to get communication with the Solomons and Gateway online." Smalley sat in with the Survey team as Gorman addressed them. "Ok our job is simple, log and assess the terrain and any mineral veins for the colonists and mining teams that will be here in six months. Once engineering is finished with their primary directive we will be working closely with them to establish a refinery once we've gotten the surrounding two hundred kilometers mapped. Stay in three man teams, two civi's and one marine." As 1300 approached, Schumacher was visited by Braxton in his quarters. "Braxton, having issues?" "No sir, the system finished decrypting a second transmission. Listen to this" She held out a comm pad as audio played. -Mayday mayday, this is Corporal Hicks of the Sulaco, my unit has experienced immense casualties after touch down on LV 426. The only survivors are two civilian females, a damaged android, and myself. All USCMC personel are KIA. I repeat, all colonial marines are KIA. Unknown alien life forms have infested the colony on LV 426 and in our subsequent dispatchment we were attacked.- "Jesus Christ, a whole platoon dead by alien lifeforms? The colony infested with these things, what are they?" "No clue sir, should we arm the civilians?" "No, just make sure no one hears about this. It could lead to a panic. I'll address my men to stay frosty and keep it under wraps."
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