#full gallery on deviant art!
th3-0bjectivist · 1 month
MAY 24’ PAGE UPDATE: We’re on Deviant Art now + EPIC INSTAGRAM RANT w/ Springin’ Chip!
Heya folks! It’s your new page mascot, Springin’ Chip, with a page update and this adorable pic of me growling at the camera.
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I seem to have a natural penchant for making disturbing and unnatural faces for the camera, so we’re just going to roll with it for this post until the magic runs out! If you wanna know how things are going for me, eh, y’know, I’m fine I suppose. I’m sniffin’ lots of ass n’ crotch these days! I’m also trying to grab food off the kitchen table and counter if I can reach it (I have VERY long legs and I’m a food-aggressive A-hole), and I’m putting every possible thing that’s on the ground directly into my mouth! Being a puppy is awesome, it’s almost like you don’t have to be responsible for anything and everyone just cleans all your messes for you! Carpe diem, folks!
Firstly, thanks for all the likes and reposts out there, this page is officially full steam ahead! It’s beyond full steam ahead; it’s a rusty freight train operated by a perma-drunken operator at breakneck speeds over a shallow ravine!!! One of our paintings (that we thought was a real piece of shit) ended up getting nearly 500 hits within a few weeks! And just a few little house cleaning items; the next few weeks will be SPACE ART WEEK 24’ on this page, meaning everything we post will be space-themed. We do it every year on this blog, sometimes twice a year, and we mostly use it to bridge periods of slow art generation. We’ve got new art coming in about three weeks, for now enjoy the space art gifs and cosmic images.
***** And now for the primary page update: I wanted to draw your attention to the fact that th3-0bjectivist is on Deviant Art now. Earlier this year, we shut down our art store on Poshmark (it was simply not a great place to sell art, good overall site for more practical sales though). We also shut down our gallery page on Instagram. So, if you’re looking for a place to view a full gallery of, AND perhaps purchase th3-0bjectivist’s original art, please check out our Deviant Art page. If you would consider a purchase that would certainly be appreciated, money is TIGHT for us these days, my friends! For a pissed-off but comprehensive rant of Instagram from me, please click just below. *****
I suppose you guys want my review of Instagram in proper English now, then? Y’know, folks…. I busted my dog-ass to learn English for my contributions to this blog. The LEAST you could do for me is go out and learn just a little bit of canine for my sake. But, okay humans, without further ado, here’s the expletive-laden top five reasons th3-0bjectivist left Instagram in GLORIOUS ENGLISH!
1- Instagrams’ UI/UX eats ass with bare hands. I’m a dog, folks. I like ass. I like ass A LOT. You know what I DON’T like!? Having my nose forcibly buried deep inside IG’s plastic, ugly, squarish, basic-bitch design sphincter. I mean, seriously, who came up with this design ethos!? Josef Mengele? Text that you have to squint to see!??? The fact that I have to click on things several times because your wonky-ass click-targets are so small you gotta break out a lens magnifier to see where the hell they begin and end!?? Reminders to follow blogs that you purposefully unfollowed months ago?? Fuck that noise! This isn’t a website, merely looking at Instagram is torture under Geneva statutes and I would seriously advise anyone out there reading this to avoid IG’s horrendous site design at ALL FUCKING COSTS! You’d think over time Instagram would get better at this shit! Nope!! Same bullshit on Instagram, somehow gets WORSE every year. EAT ME, IG!!!
2- Instagram is simply NOT a friendly place for artists anymore. Never really was! Looking to promote your art on our platform!? Too bad, bitch! Sit your ass down and watch the SHITTIEST of shitty videos that our algorithm prioritizes over promoting an actual resurgence of grass-roots American culture because we are desperately trying to keep up with TikTok. Great initiative, IG! Hey next year, why don’t you try to bring EVEN MORE shitty videos of white pre-teen girls trying to dance in sync with Lady Gaga classics! WOOF! WOOF with a burning, acidic bark you clueless dipshits!
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3- There is no sense of community on Instagram. We sign on to Deviant Art, for the first full day we are inundated with messages from absolutely everyone that notices we’re new… and they welcome us to the community. We sign on to IG, everyone ignores our profile in unison. Why? Because community is NOT prioritized on Instagram, the INDIVIDUAL is. This is the primary reason why it’s so common to see selfies on IG that depict a veritable slideshow of a ‘perfect life’. We know the whole ‘perfect life’ shtick is an act, folks. Again, I’m a spaniel dog, and even I can recognize you shouldn’t be smiling that much in all your pics… that’s not natural! But then again, if it weren’t for the ’perfect life’ selfie and couples shot, why would Instagram even fucking exist in the first place? Am I right folks!?
4- Too many scammers on Instagram. It’s amazing how, every time we post a painting to IG, we get a message from another motherfucker who wants to purchase our art NFT! WOW! What a deal! So, let me get this straight… I sell my digital art to you at NO COST for our work, and I get… nothing in return! Fuckin’ nothing. No money. No digital rights. No citation for intellectual property. No respect. No nothing. Hey NFT scammers!! Here’s the deal from here on out. You want our art NFT!? We want 10,000 dollars, per piece, up front. We’ll give you our Zelle account, send us 10,000 dollars, up front. No more bullshit. Send us money, send us money now. You want the intellectual property to own!? We’ll trade it for cold, hard, dirty, fatass dollar bills!!! You pay, we provide. You could just buy the physical canvas art and do whatever you want with it afterward! We’ll ship the damn thing to you for a pittance. JUST GIVE US THE LITTLE BIT OF MONEY WE’RE ASKING FOR YOU PEDANTIC, CLUELESS, INTERNET NFT SCAMMER-BITCH!!!
5- Instagram is a property of Meta. Failbook sucks. Instafail sucks. Even Zuckerberg doesn’t have faith in his own properties, to the point where he has cashed out to the tune of hundreds of millions and is actively seeking to hide away, underground, once the economic shit hits the fan in the United States. What a stand-up guy! All of you who are on Facebook and Instagram might want to start jumping ship while it’s still first-and-fashionable to do so.
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As bad as Tumblr can be sometimes, at least there’s a community here. At least we have something of a megaphone here. And yes, we have our beloved pornbots, but the artistic community here still has standards, which is why we push for tasteful nudes over full on penetration. Check out th3-0's page on Deviant Art and enjoy SPACE ART WEEK 24' folks!
Thanks for joining me, until the next page update/rant! Springin’ Chip
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numba1hateer · 6 months
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✅️Goofy ahh outfit that she traced.
✅️Minors pedo creepy fantasies.
✅️throwing a bitch fit at a grown age.
✅️membership on deviant art, possibly the reason they won't ban her.
✅️Blowing all money and time on twst instead of deleting her account full of stolen art.
✅️ Possibly got a whole gallery of unreleased stolen art.
✅️Extremely delusional and problematic n a theif.
✅️Stealing art from others of a different language and artists who have deactivated.
✅️Saying transphobic things.
✅️White washing.
✅️Racial slurs and support of imperialist Japan.
✅️Calling Ruggie who is Kenyan and Italian a slave and justified it by saying everyone is ''happy''
✅️No apologies just excuses.
What did I miss? 🥱
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thejagged1 · 2 months
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More AMA with Jag & Jimmy~
Got some more question via deviant art & such~ Several people asked what Jag's tentacle space is like, and in short, tentacle space is weird. The surface quality is soft and squishy, but whether it feels "good" or horrifying to stay there, can differ from person to person. (Jimmy doesn't seem to mind, probably because Jag likes Jimmy, so the tentacles are full of positive vibes towards him.) Since you essentially become a part of Jag, you sorta experience his sensations too. So it can feel different depending on Jag's mood & condition. And once you're cut off, the connection poofs, and the sensations with it. It's not a one-to-one transmission of emotions, however. Tentacle space is dependent on Jag's willpower, when Jag goes through strong emotions, it rattles his insides, literally. Makes his inner space contort and shift. You would certainly feel pretty uncomfortable when reality is unraveling around you, getting attacked by hostile vibes from the thing that consumed you. It's also what causes people to go insane if locked too long in there. It's not healthy for a human mind to be surrounded by unstable magic space/time like that.
My Socials/Galleries - See new art early on Patreon! - Leave a tip via Ko-Fi!
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cyan-orange-studio · 10 months
Hi! I'm so sorry if this is a personal question but I am thinking of doing art for commission myself and I'd like to know how you do advertising/how many commissions you tend to get in a month? Please don't answer if you feel uncomfy!!
Hello! Well that is a tricky question to answer tbh.
At first I advertised a lot my commissions since back then Cyan Orange was relatively very new, people didn't know me well to commission me. I started getting my first commissions at Deviant Art and so. Nowadays I prefer to just use social media since Art Galleries went full AI and are hard to trust. The first way to get commissioned is by showing your art. It will be slow at first unless you already have an audience, ppl that follow u n like ur stuff in other words. Then the next step is to be COMMITED and deliver on time and always give updates to your clients. I've unfortunately have commissioned artists who are very bad with their communication tools and never give updates. Also be clear when you will aprox deliver the order, slow deliveries that are clear from the start are better than empty promises. And well that's it! You might struggle at first to fill ur slots (I sure did back then) and then ppl will commission you without having the need to advertise a lot IF YOU treat your customers with care.
So have patience, best of luck! - Sonya
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nintendonut1 · 1 year
I may be mistaking you but did you have a very active deviant art full of SMRPG fanart like over 10 years ago???? I just saw you around here after the SMRPG remake announcement and I feel like the style is familiar
It should all still be there in my gallery, at the very least the old comics are still up!
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thetenen · 9 months
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Things Change 78
Read full comic on: canterlot Comics: https://canterlotcomics.com/chap/en/things_change/pages_1_12-7008………… (Recommended) Deviant Art: https://deviantart.com/tenenbris/gallery/69334981/things-change………… (If prefered)
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ajramseyart · 1 year
I’m back!
Happy 2023 everyone! I am back from an almost full year break from social media. It was the best thing I could do for my mental health. I feel refreshed and ready to show new art. 
A lot has happened while I was away. I don’t want to talk about it because we all know what it is it. I am no longer on Deviant art and artstation. I am going back to instagram as a second portfolio (rip) and tiktok to share process videos. I’m pausing my patreon and will be trying out ko-fi this year. I need to update it because I haven’t in sooo long lol. 
Here are those links if you want to follow me else where and offer support.
my website the home base: https://ajramseyart.com/
print shop: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/ajramseyart/
twitter: https://twitter.com/ajramseyart
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ajramseyart/
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ajramseyart
ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/ajramseyart
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the-mschristine · 2 years
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Some Halloween themed coloring pages I made - some for kids, some for adults! If the file size is too small, the original sizes are posted on my Deviant Art. Please enjoy!
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secondspast12 · 2 months
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⭐⭐ This image can be purchased on Deviant Art. It will come without a watermark and will be full size. Thanks for checking out my Ai assisted work, I also do oil painting and digital drawing ⭐⭐
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hydrus · 9 months
Version 545
I had a good week. I did some small things, and a user contributed some cool things!
full changelog
tl;dr: we have some special blurry thumbnails now, but you won't see them much yet.
Thanks to a user who did a bunch of research and work to get this going, the client now generates the 'blurhash' of all files that have a thumbnail. This hash is essentially a micro-thumbnail, only about 34 bytes, that shows a very blurry coloured impression of the general shape of the image or video. They are usually used as placeholders when it may take time to load something--you have probably seen something similar on slower news websites.
You won't see these in hydrus itself much, since thumbnails load fast enough that we don't have to worry about placeholders. In the advanced ways of seeing files you don't actually own, however, I will now show you any file's known blurhash rather than the default 'hydrus' thumb. Same deal for damaged/missing files--if I can't fetch a thumb, I'll now fall back to the blurhash.
The more important thing is these hashes are now available on the Client API, under the normal 'file_metadata' call. If you are implementing a browser or similar and have access to a fast blurhash library, try them out! I've scheduled all users to generate the blurhashes for their existing files in the background, which will take a few weeks/months for users with hundreds of thousands of files (although, if you are working with this and want to hurry it along, remember the queue is manageable under database->file maintenance.
other highlights
The file history chart (help->view file history) now has a search panel, just like Mr Bones! You can search your import, archive, and delete history for creator x, filetype y, or any other query you can think of. Some of the math here got a bit weird, and I am sure I have missed out several 'cannot provide good numbers for this domain' situations, so let me know if you get any really stupid results or outright errors. There's more work to do here, like a button to hide the search panel, which I hope to push on in the near future.
Thanks to the same user above, we also have epub support! No 'num_words' yet, but it turns out epubs are just zip files with some html, so I think it'll be doable in future. Also, some rare incorrect jpeg rotations (for 'MPO' jpeg files) are fixed.
If you right-click on a selection of files, the 'open->similar files' menu now has a 'in a new duplicate filter page' command. This will initialise the filter page just looking at those files, hopefully making it simple to clear out the potential duplicates in any particular selection.
Unfortunately, I am retiring the Deviant Art artist search and login script. DA have been slowly killing their nice old API, and the artist search just went. Individual page URLs still seem to work, but I suspect they will be gone soon. Gallery-dl have a nice DA solution that works with the new API, so if you can't find the same content on a more open booru, that's my best recommendation for now.
next week
I want to take a very simple cleanup week. Nothing too exciting on the changelog front, but I'll refactor some of the worst code into something nicer to work with.
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rivalsrapture · 2 years
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If y'all want the full images from this set, head on over to the deviant art gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/rivals-rapture/gallery/83251073/the-billiard-hall
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triplexmile · 2 years
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Progression Series! This is a cropped version. I thought the full version was a little too spicy for Tumblr so I didn't post it here. It's in my Deviant Art gallery though!
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in-the-dollpalace · 2 years
a roundup of all known “x character is related to x character” theories
So I’ve been thinking lately about all the thoeries of this kind that we on AG tumblr like to make up, so I thought I would round up the ones I know of in one post.
Marie-Grace is Grandmary (Samantha’s grandma): This is one of the most well known and well supported theories in this genra. So this one, as i said, is really well thought out and supported. I believe @desertdollranch originally came up with it, and here is thier post explaing it more in depth: https://desertdollranch.tumblr.com/post/171140134160/i-have-a-wild-theory-hear-me-out-marie-grace   But a TD;LR of it is basically that Marie Grace moved back to her home state after the civil war, since the south was in shambles (which is an unknown state in the north east, for this theories sake we put her in NY) and changed her name from “marie” to “mary” to avoid discrimination after attitudes tword the french fell out of favor. Samantha’s Uncle is also named “Gardener” and it was semi common to name your son after your maiden name back then. There is a whole lot more to that theory, so make sure to read the full thing if you want.
Maryellen is Courtney’s mom: I don’t remember who exactly started this one, and i actually think it was started as a joke to make fun of AG recycling the same doll designs again and again. But it does kinds make sense if you think about it. The time distance between the two is about right, and they look similar. I could also totaly see Maryellen grow up and try to be the first women mayor in her town. I imagine she would be excited about the challenger too (before what happened of course) I havn’t read courtney’s books yet so i don’t know if her mom makes a comment on it or not. The only thing that debunks it is that her moms name was revealed to be “Maureen” But I think that it looks similar enough to “Maryellen” that it could possibly be a nickname if you want to keep running with this.
Julie is Kailey’s mom: This is one I received in my inbox. Idk if the anon came up with it or if they got it somewhere else. But the basis of this theory is that they are a good time distance apart, look really similar, and both live in california. there is not really anything to support or debunk this theory other than that, so take it as you will.
those are the 3 main ones i know of, but some people make whole family tree trying to connect every character into one big family, like this user on deviant art: https://www.deviantart.com/ag-beforever/gallery/73547725/the-american-girl-family but some of those really strike me as grasping at straws, with little to no evidence for most of them, so take them as you want as well.
If you guys have any more good ones, then reblog this and add on!
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screwpinecaprice · 3 years
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“On three! 1.... 2....”
I was commissioned to do one of the variant covers for @alexdti​ 's mlp comic Quest for Friendship! You can follow this story too at @alexdti​'s blog! If you have a Deviant Art account, it's also available there!: https://www.deviantart.com/alexdti/gallery/75722673/comic-quest-for-friendship
Oh my gosh, this is the most background I've done in... I think anything that I've done so far! Doing the tiny houses was my favorite part. You know that kind of fun where it's painful but enjoyable? I don't upload the full image size of a commissioned work myself, so I'm just going to upload the cropped town under the cut for better view.
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mangosimoothie · 2 years
The Bachelorette: Episode 10 - Atticus
Aja lives out her Breaking Dawn fantasies on her date with Atticus, but his vampire charm may be too effective for his own good. Meanwhile, Zeke offers Darion some words of wisdom. Find out what went down!
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Atticus takes Aja to Violet Varicose, the hottest vampire lounge in Forgotten Hollow. Usually humans are strictly forbidden from setting foot anywhere near a vampire lounge; even thralls aren't allowed. But Atticus is a Winthorpe, one of the oldest, most powerful, and most revered vampire lineages in the community. So, he can do whatever he wants.
"I gotta say, Atticus, I didn't take you for the partying type." "No? And what type did you take me for?" "Fancy, very prim proper, maybe a little bookish. I thought we'd like, go to an art gallery and drink wine and read each other poetry." "Then you will find that I'm full of surprises. However I do, in fact, write incredible poetry."
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As they dance, Aja gets up close (but not too close!) and personal with Atticus's fangs. "Is it weird that I kinda wanna poke one?" "Not entirely. I've learned that many humans are irresistibly drawn to danger."
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Throughout the night, Aja notices vampires disappearing through what looked like a bookcase towards the back of the club. But first of all, what's a bookcase doing in a club?
"Okay, I gotta ask, what's with the not-so-secret door?" "Oh...well. I kind of hoped you wouldn't ask. Vampires are hedonistic creatures. So, the great majority of our gathering spaces have a lower level that's...of a more deviant nature." "Omg, a VAMPIRE BDSM LAIR???" "I guess that's what you would call it, sure." "We are GOING." "I don't think it's appropriate for humans, or for a first date..." "So? Live a little! Hahah 'live' get it? Because you're undead?" After we made a quick call to get an okay from the network, Aja got a small taste of the underbelly of a vampire lounge.
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They kept things PG-13, and our crew wasn't allowed to film inside the dungeon, but we're pretty sure they enjoyed themselves.
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"Atticus is like something out of a romance novel. And he's a perfect gentleman." You weren't put off by the whole "freaky vampire kink dungeon" of it all? "Please. You should see some of the fanfiction I was writing in 2008."
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Meanwhile, Darion seeks some of Zeke's sage wisdom. "I'm just tired of being a fuckboy or whatever, you know? I came here with the intention of really finding something real, but I definitely fucked it up." "I know most people would expect me to say something like ~if you set your intentions in the right place, they'll lead you where you need to be~ but honestly? Intention doesn't mean shit. You gotta do the work to make those good intentions good actions."
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"Man, you think I don't know that? You know, I thought that when I transitioned I'd be a better person, because I'd be closer to my ~authentic self~ or whatever, but honestly? I feel like I just got WORSE." "Change happens gradually. It's not a ladder; it's a spiral staircase. So it can seem like you're walking in circles, but if you stop and look around you'll see you've been climbing upwards. You made a big change for yourself for the better. You're more capable of changing your actions and bettering yourself than you're giving yourself credit for."
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"Must be easy for you, ol' Guru Pathik ass." "See now, how you gonna come for me after I just gave you all that!!" "Nah, you're right. Thanks for letting me crash your sesh, Zeke."
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Meanwhile, there's another bro talk going on. Atticus goes to Ryan for a quick nightcap and to give the deets on his date with Aja. "They let you take her to a vampire lounge???!" "I was surprised too. I suppose my vampiric charm makes me very persuasive." "Yeah, sure, whatever."
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"You're being more ill-tempered than usual." "No I'm not. I just hope my time with Aja doesn't pale in comparison to yours, because this is a competition and obviously I wanna win." "Ok...then I'll let you get some rest."
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"Don't you need..." "I've lost my appetite. Goodnight."
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After his heart to heart with Zeke, Darion goes to Aja to make amends. "I wanted to apologize again for what went down on our date. It was disrespectful, and you are way too good to put up with that. I don't wanna be the type of guy who has a side chick and I'm working on not being that guy, but if you wanna cut me I understand."
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"I appreciate that, Darion. And I'm glad you're working on being a better person - most guys are nowhere near that self aware." "Sooo...I'm good?" "Hell no. You're still on sudden death mode."
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But it looks like even though Darion is "working" on it, he's still got a ways to go.
(Do yall like the inclusion of music? I always imagine the soundtrack when I’m writing - it’s fun!) 
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thetenen · 9 months
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Things Change 79 Read full comic at:
canterlot Comics: https://canterlotcomics.com/chap/en/things_change/pages_1_12-7008………… (Recommended)
Deviant Art: https://deviantart.com/tenenbris/gallery/69334981/things-change………… (If prefered)
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