#full house then bmw then gmw
For some reason this Taylor situation has thrown me back into a Grey's mood???? I've been resisting so far tho 🙏🙏
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marchiingon-blog · 7 years
consider this a STARTER CALL for one of my FULL HOUSE / FULLER HOUSE muses ( dj tanner, michelle tanner & stephanie tanner  ) please state which muse you’d like the starter from or it will be chosen at random! also, multi-muse blogs please state which muse you’d like the starter for.
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dashingmoonlight · 5 years
Lizzie Mcguire reboot
I'm so excited at one point I am nervous because of how GMW ended up watered down however Ravens home did a lot better splitting the time between the adults and the kids but one thing that is interesting is its on Disney yet Lizzie does not have any kids
Even though the mid 20 to early 30s are gonna be the age range that will watch the new Lizzie Series they want a way to bring kids in to watch the show and the only way would be for Lizzie to have kids and they watch their stories
I already accept it will not be the same vibe even Raven as good as Ravens home is it does not have the spark that that's so raven did same with Fuller House vs Full House or GMW to BMW you can't recreate that spark
But I do like that Hilary is having Lizzie focus on her career this could be a lesson for kids you don't have to have kids to have a fulfilling life and I believe kids need to see that some people go the getting married and starting a family route and that's perfectly fine another direction you can go is focusing on a career and herself and that's perfectly fine too kids need to see more of that and Lizzie would be good for that
I'd would think it would succeed more on say free form
But I hope for the best it's never gonna shine like the original the same way Ravens home wasn't the same and Fuller house don't get me wrong they were great but the 90s early to mid 2000s shows just had that shine that can't be recreated
I am excited I want to watch it see what direction it takes I trust Hilary Duff I trust Terri McKinsey that it will go in a good direction with andi mack bending the standards I could see the same for the new Lizzie Mcguire
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myfandomrambles · 7 years
You know I watched girl meets world first. But boy meets world still is like the better one to me. Like even though I’m only one year older than Maya & Riley the original group is more relatable.
Some of the problems are.
Maya is supposed to be Shawn? This doesn’t work for me because she doesn’t go through as extreme things She has one trauma (her dad leaving). Then her mom is set up to be like Chet (in girl meets Maya’s mom) But they don’t follow through. She gets the job at Topanga’s and is actively a good mother after that point.The show also makes it so she was always a good mother (The storm scene). I don’t Chet or Verna would ever sit with him. Katy was absent but never abusive. Shawns parents were. So the parallel is there however it feels weak. However, The depression storyline parallel is strong. The lack of hope, lack of self-esteem, and destructive tendencies. 
Is Maya Riley’s Shawn or Topanga? They start with very obvious Maya&rRley are the 21st-century female reboot of Shawn&Cory. But as the show goes on they seem to relate their relationship more with Cory/Topanga (See “extraordinary relationship”).  I think this comes from maybe the writers wanted to go full gay but were stopped (Rowan supports Maya/Reilly). This gives a frustrating feeling to what Maya and Riley are to each other. I see Maya’s wanting to be Riley and get in between her and Lucas is much more about wanting Riley as well as wanting her life.
Cory tells them what to think not how to think. Cory outright states the message of each episode/lesson not letting them think for themselves ever. It’s patronizing in the highest order. It’s reductive to the spirit of the original story. It’s not like Feeney or Mr Turner who gave advice but didn’t give the answer. Cory also made the class about the kids versus in boy meets world it’s more of a coincidence that things line up. Cory literally tells them the meaning of life. Which is so conceded and heavy-handed. Feeny’s relationship to the kids as grandfather/teacher versus bio dad also let then learn from more people in the show instead of it being the same person all the time.
 The Love Triangle. The love triangle is annoying as fuck. Now I know BMW did it with Eric/Jack/Rachel. But it was more of a side plot and was resolved faster than gmw. It wasn’t their main character arc either. The gmw love triangle became all-consuming. It also became a major factor in who Riley and Maya were. It was a key part in Riley “growing up” and Maya’s identity crisis. Lucas also suffered by “dateable dude ” being 80% of his character.
No sex. Okay, i know this is by virtue of it being a Disney channel show. But bud I lost my virginity in eighth grade. And by the time they are sophomores they are defiantly having sex. BMW included this and the more general dating game. Shawn had sex and Cory didn’t. One wasn’t better but it was there. They missed a big aspect of growing up when that is the main motif of the show. they vaguely alluded to the perilous of boys but its all in a very innocent way. The couples in the show are all adorkable and not very romantic even when they are the centre of the show.
Cut and paste scripts. You can extend a universe with the same characters without this. Todd Hunter is a good example. Heck, the cursed child (don’t get me started on that). The mountain & the “cool teacher” come to mind as examples of this. These moments don’t feel like a homage it feels cheap. Good version of this is somehow cory being their teacher every year, and three of the core characters meeting as kids.
Riley often coming across as too oblivious. She has some good moments. With the bullying, being kind to Maya, and her propensity to need to reinvent herself. But the latter is played for jokes and a lot of the meaning of that issue is glossed over and never addressed.
Cory being way too unobservant and oblivious. He doesn’t recognize in Maya’s behaviour that it is similar to Shawn’s for a long time. Until Mya flat out explains “dad is gone, mom uninvolved”. Also, how did he not know Maya’s dad left them like 9 years after the event? That I think was just bad writing and ended up being a plot whole considering it seems like he is more aware later on. 
Cory Matthew’s preachy but. 
Starting with “people change people”, okay wtf does that even really mean? They say it 100000x and it never even makes sense. like how is that the meaning of life? That’s a thing because your environment shapes who you are. but they say it like its so profound. A regular 30something yr o man knows the universal meaning of life not likely? It is a good idea that you can and are influenced by those around you, so be a nice person. 
 Then you have the “us & them”There is a fact that the USA is a richer country but cory has to know there are people living in poverty in his town. Shawn didn’t have food or new clothes as a kid? Also, how does he know none of the kids in his class isn't haven’t been homeless? maybe one of your kids came from a shelter. Also, Maya doesn’t have as much money as Riley does. Her house leaks and if her mom had to work a billion hours it’s probable they lived with less earlier on. We know she didn’t have a nice smartphone or art supplies so she wasn’t as much of an “us” as Riley. Also what about people who live in abusive households? Who goes home to being beat, who get plates thrown at their heads? What if one of them was chronically ill? What if they had cancer? Like he uses the idea that he is a white, straight, non abused, healthy, upper-middle-class man then all of them have that privilege? also, the message is a good one. Giving back to the community is a good thing to do. It absolutely is! But using a guilt trip to get the message across? BS. Telling a severely disabled kid that they are an “us” and shouldn’t feel bad about their position in life? that sucks. Telling a kid with no food that they are an us? THEY AREN’T!
Those are the top 9 issues.
Agree? Disagree? let me know
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bmgmw · 8 years
What about the TSR reboot?
I think it’s in early production maybe. I saw an article about casting calls last month so I think things are just getting up and running with it.
It sounds like Full House: Raven edition. Raven is a divorced mom of two preteens and Chelsea and her preteen son move in with Raven.
Honestly, I think Disney is trying to bank off of the nostalgia trend and retain the millennial audience it picked up from GMW….but I don’t think they’re gonna pull it off. TSR does not have the same nostalgia level or expanded fan base as BMW did. It’s only been off the air for ten years and it was a Disney show that only really aired repeats on Disney. BMW on the other hand was a primetime tv show on ABC, ran constantly in syndication on ABC Family and Disney for years after it ended, and had a pretty big following (and new followers from syndication).
I grew up watching TSR as well but I’m kinda eh about the sequel. Raven and Chelsea are only like 30 at most now….why do they have preteen kids already?? Like Cory and Topanga having a 12 year old made sense (pushing the timeline a little bit it still worked).
Idk I feel like with the way Disney mishandled GMW, people don’t really trust Disney with spinoffs.
I think Andi Mack is probably the best thing they have going for them potentially.
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bestweirdfish128 · 8 years
I got tagged by @princessplantasaurus Rules: Answer the questions and tag 9 people who you want to know better Relationship status: Single Lipstick or chapstick: neither really Last song I listen to: American pie Last movie I watched: Star Wars: Rogue One Top 3 shows: Um I going to go with BMW, Full house and BTR Top 3 characters: Logan Mitchell (BTR), Shawn Hunter (BMW) and DJ Tanner (full house) Top 3 ships: They're all from GMW. Rilaya, Corpanga, smarkle
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rigginsstreet · 8 years
Yeah, I feel like bmw is put on this pedestal for teaching these amazing lessons, when in all honesty they weren't much different to other shows at the time like full house, they were just executed better, they were funny and cute with a little underlying moral. But I feel like the writers got too full of themselves as if they'd written this self help guide that steered masses of teens on the right paths and started shoving these lessons down our throats in gmw bc people inflated their ego.
boy meets world was so natural and just let things flow. and then they had these episodes that had nothing to do with the plot but they were just fun, like there is genuinely not a single episode of boy meets world that i dont like. girl meets world was doing too much to try and live up to something that didnt exist. 
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