#full version on Ao3
ejunkiet · 2 years
let’s fuck up the friendship
post at a normal time? hell nah. there is one more part to this.
redacted asmr: davey/asher/babe. rated explicit, 18+ only. 2k wordcount.
The topic comes up with Babe about a third. Asher thinks about asking David.
They’ve kissed before. Not just as teens, young and drunk on both the moon and alcohol - but the other night, Babe’s hand on his thigh, his fingers in David’s hair, the long, dark strands tangled around his fingers as David’s hand had cupped his jaw, holding him close.
let’s fuck up the friendship.
The first night goes well.
David drives over to Babe’s place on Saturday evening, after dinner. He’s brought a bottle of wine - a cabernet sauvignon, a nice one, that Asher knows he’d have spent an hour deliberating on - and they talk.
Seated around the coffee table, and with the warm, comforting presence of his partner at his side - his mate, a realisation he’d made a few months ago, which still thrills him to the core - they explain what they’re looking for, what Asher had meant when he’d said, “we’re looking for a third.”
“We’re not looking for something long term. Just to try something new, with someone we trust.” Their posture had been relaxed, wine glass perched casually in their hands, and Asher will never get enough of how easily they take control of situations like this, calm and collected where he’d be a fumbling mess. 
David appreciates it too, if his measured, assessing glance was any indication. His dark eyes flicked back to Asher, waiting for his input, and he’d cracked a grin and made a smart comment, as of course he would. “And that’s you, buddy.”
The look David levels him with is flat and unimpressed. “I figured.”
But in spite of all his questions and general attitude, it’s clear to see that he’s taking this seriously.
“Just the one night.”
It’s more of a statement than a question, but Asher knows David, knows him better than he thinks he knows himself. The fact that he is asking... something twists inside his chest, a feeling of lightness settling there - and shit, he thinks, this might actually happen.
Still, he manages to keep his voice steady, his tone easy enough as he confirms, “Just the one night.”
David nods, his dark eyes serious and unwavering in their intensity as they flicker between the two of them.
“Tell me what you’re looking for.”
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