#fun fact! these are lyrics from the credits song used for Pride Parade
killthekilljoy · 1 year
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Cursed to love you 'til the end of time. 🦇
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loving-jack-kelly · 7 years
Newsies Boyband AU!
Now first of all I would call them the Newsboys but like...that’s a real band that exists so idk what their name would be
But anyway! Boybands! Fun and cute and lots of wiggle room!
lead singer
beloved by his bandmates and by most fans but every once in awhile there’s that one fan
Idk I just think Charlie is overrated....he can’t sing that well, Jack has a nicer voice, and I think he only gets to sing lead because of his leg :/ I’m not ableist or anything, I just don’t like him
Mostly Crutchie ignores things like that but once in awhile he wonders if they’re true
lead guitar/harmonies
very much the Hot Onetm but people tend to overlook his talents
designed the logo and does all of the shirts and album covers but doesn’t make that public knowledge
the Crutchie Bashers usually use Jack as an excuse and Jack is having none of it he’s a master vague tweeter
I love all my bandmates and everyone is perfectly suited to what they do, from lights to vocals!
I feel like people forget Crutch and I have been best friends since fifth grade and I have videos like this cause if they didn’t they’d ask for more [video of Crutchie singing The Wizard and I at a middle school talent show]
he loves singing harmony, and only sings lead if somebody makes him. two songs in their repertoire include him on melody
the drummer
(haha guess who still likes EYDW with all his heart?)
he’s the Wild Onetm but everyone adores him because he’s cute and funny
Racetrack Higgins Highlights:
“So I was like, fuck it-wait shit I can’t swear in interviews-fuck! Dammit, sorry, I-” “Race just stop talking”
he broke a snare during a concert once and put it on his head like a hat
pictures of him kissing everyone in the band, on crew, and even fans on the cheek but it’s because that’s what he does. In Italy. That’s how you greet people. and it just carried over
always wears a necklace with a shark tooth. gazes into the distance when asked where it was from and responds with, “I’ll never forget her.” Actually bought it Wings on a day off in North Carolina
changes hair colors every other week. fans go to two concerts in two days. first one he has bright red hair. next day it’s bright blue.
slowly acquiring more piercing until one day they’re all gone.
“Lmao you though those were real? I cried when I got a single ear piercing.”
then people think his tattoo is fake and it isn’t but it’s ridiculous. like literally the word “THOT” on the back of his neck. Spot dared him to.
so people love him even though he’s wild
designs sound for recordings and live shows
most fans only know him as the one goading Race on
but once in a while somebody recognizes him in the sound booth and is like “ahh, that’s who he is”
also secretly write lyrics sometimes but asks to be credited as “Sam Carlson” so his poetic writing doesn’t ruin his tough guy image
which makes people think of all these crazy theories as to who Sam Carlson is and why he writes songs randomly for the band
is the only reason Race hasn’t gotten lost on tour in a gas station
is the one who set up the Walkie Talkie system that keeps everyone organized
the star of Jack’s snapchat story half the time but never caught doing anything strange? people just know he’s awesome and says funny things
is the one who adopted the cat and resulted in him being named Asshole but it was an accident
Katherine and Sarah
managers and lighting designers
really cool and really gay
every time they’re doing a show around a Pride parade time or during Pride month there are rainbows and other flags everywhere
Sarah is also in charge of PR after the Incident of Race accidentally DMing a fan who’s username included Jack’s name something along the lines of “sup fuckface where are you everyone else is here and you’re the one who said he was bringing the good stuff”
by good stuff he’d simply meant the Purple Doritos but the fan didn’t know that and it took a while for people to let that go
People think Jack and Kat are dating for a long time because they’re always together
it literally took like fifty pictures of Kat and Saz kissing before people stopped denying how gay she was
plays bass but also violin and other related string instruments
sometimes sings a third part but not usually
people don’t give him much credit until there’s a new song
which starts out really slow and is only Jack singing and Davey playing cello but mid song it picks up and Dave changes instruments really fast like in the space of one beat to violin and goes really hard and the song tops the charts for weeks because it’s like crazy good
“yeah I’m a classically trained violinist, I just usually have more fun on bass” “...” “but i like that song a lot, most times I’m on violin it’s slow and boring”
that song is also when most of the Crutchie Bashing started because it was the first really popular one that featured Jack on melody since only Jack sang
Their shows are legendary for being good like the vocals the instrumentals everything is always good
they got their start in college where Crutchie got them into one of the theatres and it was just for fun
but Race, the wild one even in the very beginning, realized that they were actually really good and signed them up for some show like America’s Got Talent or something like that
and while they didn’t win overall, they did get enough attention to get a record deal
and then they just EXPLODED and became the new big thing
which kind of freaked all of them out a little bit because what has started as fun music with friends was suddenly paparazzi and crazy fans and people wanting to know “when is it what is it where is it how are you will you” about their songs
but they mostly acclimated pretty fast
Crutchie had the hardest time because while he’s friendly he’s also a but of an introvert and needs his privacy which was suddenly a lot harder to find
like most boybands, instantly there were Those Fans who shipped people
the most common one became Jack and Race because they seemed like the ones most likely to like each other
really though it was Spot and Race, who balanced each other out, and Jack and Crutchie, who’d been in love for years and only figure it out when people started trying to ship Jack and Race which made Crutchie really jealous, and the people who nobody knew as well like Specs and Romeo, Kat and Saz (at first they became better known later), etc
they get a really good rep with people because they’re always willing to take a selfie or like fanart as long as it isn’t creepy, or answer questions
Jack hosts monthly Q&A sessions on his snapchat and each time it’s somebody new
so like the first one is Crutchie, then Davey, then Race, then Katherine, then Sarah, the Romeo, etc
They don’t come out for a long time but one day they’re performing in a town where there's this big news story about a gay kid getting harassed at school and they know the kid is there because it was the only positive thing they found on his twitter, so they all come out together like the entire band and crew
“So we’ve heard about some of the stuff that’s been going on here, and we want everyone to know that we don’t agree with it, at all. In fact, things like that effect us, too. I’m not the most eloquent speaker, but if you’re hurting today because of who you are, of how you’re born, know that you’ll always have support with us.”
And Jack kisses Crutchie in public for the first time which leads to Race stealing Crutchie’s mic and yelling something about “get up here asshat we can’t let him show us up!” and then suddenly every single couple involved in the band is on stage being proud of who they are
the kid who was getting bullied cried and then they invited him backstage and he cried more and it was really sweet and they stayed in touch
After that the Discoursetm is horrible around them for like, months
“reminder that Jack is dating Crutchie and shipping him with Race is not cool”
“reminder that we can ship whoever we want with whoever we want and it doesn’t cause harm”
“stop calling Jack bi when he’s gay, don’t erase his identity” (jack retweets it with the added caption “I’m bi as heck actually everyone is pretty and it’s not fair :)”
“they’re just faking it for attention!!!1!!1″
after a few years they announce it’s their last tour and people are like “oh no, what happened, did people start fighting?”
and their answer is “no but we’re like twenty eight now and honestly just want to get married and settle down”
except for Spot and Race who plan on going around the world in eighty days and then getting a dog and doing it again with the dog
or at least, that Race’s plan, Spot just honestly wants to stop moving around and settle down a bit, but maybe not get married yet
So the band breaks up and people are kinda sad but every time they’re all in one place, which is pretty often since they’re all best friends, somebody snapchat/instagram/twitter/youtube gets a new video of them messing around
Jack and Davey out out a solo album and it’s really good
Crutchie gets coerced into releasing a Christmas album and it’s funny
and Davey makes a Hanukkah album that’s him playing and singing traditional songs that he sang growing up and it’s gorgeous
Bonus: Red Carpet Tidbits
because I have a lot of feelings about Crutchie’s style
Crutchie gets known for never wearing a normal tux like it’s always custom done and never just black or navy
also his makeup is always On Point like crazy good and people are like “tell us your secrets” and he’s like “lol cvs and years of practice and makeup tutorials from YouTube”
Jack wears normal suites but there’s always a twist
the first was the time he actually just spilled paint on himself in the suit bc he’s an idiot but there wasn’t time for a new one so they ended up just going with it and it looked pretty okay
and after that he get’s suites from like Macy’s modified to look better on him and to add cool things
also his hat game is pretty terrific
he’s also a total hipster and people know it
Davey wears totally normal red carpet men’s attire but lets Crutchie do his makeup and look absolutely gorgeous
Race wears crazy stuff
like you know the Great Comet ensemble costume design? probably things like that. formal wear turned into punk style things and he pulls it off and lets Crutchie do his makeup too
the best picture of the band is from like, the Grammys or some award show like that where Crutchie is in a purple suit, Jack is wearing a beanie and a jackson pollock styled color splashed suit, dave is looking fine in a perfectly normal suit and SUPER Extra but good makeup, and Race is like barely clothed but still obviously supposed to be wearing a suit like thing and like a foot shorter than everyone
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
Has anyone ever told you that you looked like a celebrity? >> Yeah, a couple of times.
When was the last time you got something done to your hair? >> I buzz my hair every couple/few weeks or so, and that’s all that ever gets done to it aside from washing.
Do you have any change on you right now? >> No.
What color is the pillowcase(s) on your bed? >> One is dark grey and the other is light grey.
Do you have a favorite day of the week? >> No.
Cutting your hair extremely short, would you do it? >> My hair is cut extremely short.
Have you ever been in an art show? >> Yes. I used to attend an art-based summer camp for homeless LGBTQ youth, and one year we got to have our art shown in a gallery in SoHo. My piece was a collage. I know I have a photo of it somewhere but I have no idea where that photo’s gone. Maybe it got deleted forever when I deleted all my old facebooks (I realised after the fact that I should have gone through them for stuff I wanted to save, but it was too late).
Would you considered yourself to be well-exposed to life or sheltered? >> I would consider myself to be well-exposed to certain facets of life. There will always be parts of life I have no experience with.
How high is your pain tolerance? >> It depends on the type of pain and the duration. Tattoos? Fine. Lacerations? Fine. Burns? Mostly fine. Cramps? Please fucking kill me.
If you're in a relationship, how long have you been dating? >> By Sparrow’s reckoning, we’ve been together for eight years.
Have you ever played the game Halo? >> No.
Are you wearing any jewellry at the moment? >> Just piercing jewelry.
Is there a sport that you love to play? >> No.
Has anything made you sad in the past 48 hours? >> Yes.
Have you ever had to learn lines for a play/skit/movie? >> A few lines, as an extra in a summer production of Annie when I was in middle school. Having nothing to do for most of the time, I somehow managed to memorise the entire play and would recite it to myself at night for, idk, fun.
Do you like your nose? >> I don’t have any thoughts about it. I like my nose piercing, though.
Is there a hair color you prefer on the opposite sex? >> No.
Kissing someone with facial hair, do you mind? >> The only place I really kiss anyone is Inworld and it really doesn’t matter there.
Would you ever like to be a stunt person? >> No.
Are you a pyromaniac? >> No.
How soon is your birthday? >> It’s in a little over two months.
Are you one of those people who listen to songs on repeat? >> Not really. It’s a rare song that makes me want to do that.
Can any of your friends sing very well? >> Probably. I wouldn’t know, they haven’t sung around me.
Would you ever enter any kind of pageant? >> No.
Do you have piano fingers? >> I was told I did when I was a child. I don’t know about now. I have Guitar Hero fingers, hah.
What is your preferred curse word? >> Fuck is pretty versatile.
When someone's drunk, the truth comes spilling out, correct? >> Not necessarily. Alcohol isn’t a truth serum, it’s just another way of temporarily changing the way the brain works. That change isn’t always for the better, and sometimes it messes with people’s thoughts and interpretations of what’s going on around them, and heightens their emotional response to things, and makes them less likely to respond with what might be their customary grace or tact. That doesn’t mean they were a rude, angry bitch all along, it means their brain functions have been tampered with.
Have you ever shouted something random at someone out a car window? >> No.
Have you ever slept on a beach? >> No.
Would you like to be taller? >> My height is the least of my concerns.
Are you a fan of piercings on the opposite sex? >> I’m a fan of piercings.
Have you ever listened to Celtic music? >> Sure.
Do you enjoy making up words? >> I haven’t really given it a shot.
Have you ever been attacked by an animal? >> No.
Do you have sympathy for hobos? >> I don’t really know how to answer this.
Who did you dance with last? >> Can Calah.
When holding hands, do you intertwine fingers? >> ---
Do you have an old pair of pyjamas that you just can't throw away? >> No.
Is there a movie that makes you cry every single time you watch it? >> There might be. I have a pretty strong track record of crying every time I watch The Fountain and Interstellar.
Do you ever talk to the TV? >> Sure.
What's your opinion on Johnny Depp? >> I don’t have an opinion on him anymore. I used to really enjoy watching movies with him in them, but now JD movies can be vastly hit-or-miss for me. Sweeney Todd? Hit. Alice in Wonderland? Eh...... Mortdecai? What the fuck.
Have you ever watched the Tudors? >> No. I thought about watching it a few times. Vlad was obsessed with it. But historical dramas are also a thing that is vastly hit-or-miss for me.
Can you speak in different accents? >> No.
Who was the last person you mocked/mimicked? >> I don’t remember.
If you write, isn't writer's block the most horrible thing? >> Sure.
Can you sew or knit? >> I can perform the basics of both.
Do you have a favorite pair of jeans? >> I only have two pairs of jeans and they are equally okay. They’re basically the same pair, but one has ~ fashionable ~ rips in them.
What size shirt do you normally wear? >> Medium.
Are you good with money? >> Good enough, I guess. It’s not like I have a whole lot of it to manage.
Has anyone ever aimed a gun at you? >> No.
Do you think it's possible for a person to be fearless? >> Apparently there’s a woman who has this rare genetic thing with her endocannabinoid system that makes her remarkably impervious to pain and fear.
Do you know anyone who doesn't seem to have a conscience? >> Well, I know a few people with personality disorders that make them far less receptive to guilt.
What is the first letter of the person's name you last kissed? >> ---
Have you ever written a song? >> I used to rewrite songs I knew with different lyrics, when I was a kid. That’s the closest I ever came to writing songs.
Do you believe their is life on other planets? >> Sure.
If you think about the universe long enough, it's baffling isn't it? >> Yeah, a bit.
When was the last time you fell? >> I don’t remember. It’s been a long time. Sometimes I fall on purpose, though, to convey drama. Did that the other day when I was talking to Sparrow about something (forget what).
Would you consider yourself to be poor, middle class, or rich? >> Poor.
Are you a fan of Christian Bale? >> Not particularly, but I do really like some of the movies he’s starred in (like The Machinist and The Prestige).
Do you have any sort of debt? >> No. I can’t even accumulate debt, which is a good thing on one hand, but on the other hand is emphasis on exactly how poor I am -- credit isn’t even a thing I can gain.
Is there an accent you prefer? >> No.
Have you spoken to the person you love today? >> One of them.
Would you ever travel to Los Angeles? >> Sure. I’m very curious about LA.
Have you ever been through a natural disaster? >> Only the bit of Hurricane Sandy that came up to New York that time. It was a very interesting experience.
Is there a specific time period that interests you? >> No, most time periods interest me.
Do any of your friends own an expensive car? >> Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever been on a train? >> Many times.
Is there a memory that embarasses you to think about? >> Sure.
Have you ever used different colored paper clips? >> Yeah.
Where exactly are you right now? >> In my bed.
Don't you admire those people who know exactly what they want to do? >> I admire having passions and caring deeply about things.
Is there a guy you can talk to about anything? >> Sure, Can Calah.
Have you ever been in a parade? >> Yeah, I’ve been in NYC Pride a couple of times, and Sparrow and I led a second line after the wedding, which is basically a small parade.
Would you ever consider being a news reporter? >> No.
Are you, or anyone you know, an atheist? >> Several people I know are atheists.
Has anyone ever told you to "get a grip"? >> Probably. If anyone told me that now, I’d be tempted to get a grip on their throat.
Do people say you look your age? Or younger or older? >> People say I look younger than my age. I feel like I look tired these days, though, and looking tired makes one seem older, so maybe it evens out.
Have you ever sent a celebrity fan mail? >> No.
Are you ashamed of how you acted when you were younger? >> Yeah, but I’m also not going to feel too badly about it now. It happens. It’s part of being young. Ultimately, I did my best with what I had at the time, even if my best wasn’t that great.
Do you ever have those days where you feel you're the ugliest person ever? >> Absolutely.
Beauty is both external and internal, correct? >> It’s wherever you perceive it.
Have you ever been in a musical? >> The aforementioned Annie production, but only as an extra.
When was the last time you swam in a pool? >> The last time I was in a pool was probably at one of those aforementioned summer camps. Although I might not have gotten in the pool there, either. I don’t know. I tend to avoid pools, as a rule.
Is there a friend's family that makes you feel like you're family too? >> No.
How do you know someone is your best friend? >> I don’t know, how do you know that?
When was the last time you used a highlighter? >> I don’t remember.
Has a flashlight ever ran out batteries on you in the dark? >> No.
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