#fun fact I looked at mma fighters for reference for her build
avemstella · 2 years
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I'm sorry I forgot to post this here, Itotia I missed yooooouuuuuu.
This art cracks me up because the left half is confusing to those who only read main fic and right half is confusing to those who only read Venti fic pfft.
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safetywizard · 7 years
Remember when the Williams sisters were both beaten in one afternoon by a guy ranked 203 in the world? Remember last year when asked if Serena could beat the ranked 200 male she said that while she is dominate in the women's tours she is pretty much out of the men's league. That's why they don't play together. Go look up Fallon Fox and see why men who transition shouldn't fight actual women. Go look at transgender athletes and how they destroy women's records. There are biological differences.
I’m fairly convinced this is the same anon who bitched at me a little while ago, saying I wasn’t allowed to complain about white people being racist because there are other race problems too. If so, you need to get a fucking life, are you just scrolling through my blog waiting to critize? Pathetic. However, fuck it, I’ll bite:
Okay, so you’re saying back in 1998 when both sisters hadn’t won any major tournement yet, therefore not at the top of their game?https://www.theguardian.com/observer/osm/story/0,,543962,00.html
And you mean 5 years ago when she said (in reference to Andy Murray ONLY) "He wants to play me? Is he sure? That would be fun."He's probably one of the top three people I definitely don't want to play. But yeah, maybe we can have a little bit of a showdown. That would be fine."
Then the rest of the article is a MALE tennis player saying she couldn’t take on people in the 300s, NOT Serena herself. (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/tennis/wimbledon/10148431/Wimbledon-2013-Serena-Williams-could-only-beat-men-ranked-in-the-300s-not-Andy-Murray-says-Jeff-Tarango.html)
I’ve looked up Fallon Fox, there is a lot of contraversy around them fighting women, cause you’re right male puberty is different to female puberty that is a fact. However, MMA fighters can drop out of fights, no one forces them to fight her. Depsite Tammika Brent complaining how it’s unfair after she’d fought Fox (http://womensmma.com/editorial/tamikka-brents-criticizes-fallon-fox-exploiting-trans-status-exploits-foxs-trans-status/) Plus, she doesn’t have an advantage, she’s not even in the top 100 female MMA fighters in the world! (https://www.tapology.com/rankings/33-current-best-pound-for-pound-female-mma-fighters?ranking=33) She’s a good MMA fighter, but she loses matches just like everyone else.  “Male to female transsexuals have significantly less muscle strength and bone density, and higher fat mass, than males,” says Dr. Eric Vilain, director of the Institute For Society And Genetics at UCLA (http://keepingscore.blogs.time.com/2013/05/24/should-a-former-man-be-able-to-fight-women/). So she’s not even fighting ‘as a man’. Also, she’s ex US Navy, if you don’t believe that teaches you how to train hard, efficently and fight clever you’re ignorant as all heck (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallon_Fox#Mixed_martial_arts_record).This entire arguement implies that there is just one way to be a woman and one way to be a man. All men are super tough, strong, well built and althetic and all women are petite, less physically able and less strong, when you cannot generalise. Would I win a race against Usian Bolt? Would I fuck. Would I win an MMA match against Ronda Rousey? Again, fuck no. Some people just are better at various sports than others, their gender and biology aren’t a factor, I could probably train all day everyday forever and still not be a better swimmer than Katie Ledecky. Also, why don’t we trial it? What harm would that cause? No more gendered sports and see what happens, people will win stuff based off their skill, not their sex. People will realise there is more to sports and athletic achievement than just psyhical power and build alone. 
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