#fun fact about me: my favorite tv channel from ages 9-12 was the science channel!
maddogmp3 · 1 year
nothing quite like a good video essay series to awaken the sleeper physics hyperfixation i had as a kid
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Are we alike? So True or False, Yes or No. Explain if you'd like. You are 16 years old. 16+6. You are a junior in high school. Graduating college senior. Math and Science aren't your best subjects. I was definitely more of an arts student. I only did great in math and science when I liked the topics we were learning, but otherwise I never felt like exerting as much effort for them as I did for classes like history. Your dog is really little. He’s medium-sized. He’s a really weird size actually hahaha and I guess it’s because he’s mixed. He’s too big to be classified as a small dog and too small to be grouped with the larger dogs. You love being tan. I mean I obviously don’t go advertising how much I love it, but it’s definitely nothing to complain about.
You think you are pretty for the most part. I have my days. You love making other people smile. Getting people’s approval is always a nice achievement. You love bracelets or just wearing jewelry in general. I think jewelry’s pretty but I’m particular about them – I prefer them to be silver and for them to have subtle designs, never explosive as I think that’s a tad bit tacky. Also I prefer necklaces to bracelets. TLC is one of your favorite channels on TV. It certainly would be if I still regularly watched television. I know for a fact Gab and I will tune in to TLC when I crash at her place. You have been in three different countries. Six, so far. You have ridden in a plane. Yeah well I live in an archipelago, so we’re separated from all the countries near us and have had to ride planes to get to them. You’re learning how to drive a car. I already did. I’ve had my license for four years. You have had 3 serious boyfriends. You believe you can only have 1 true love. As a demi this is typically how I think, but I like keeping my mind open. I know this is certainly not how it works for a lot of people, and that’s valid. You have a job. You have been to Aruba. No but if anything this reminded me of Friends because this was where Rachel was supposed to have her honeymoon before she ran out of her wedding hah. That contributed absolutely nothing to the conversation but yep. You love little babies or children :) Yes, and it increases as I get older. I have to practice for when it’s my turn, lol. You can't wait to get married one day. You always try to have a smile on your face. Not always. I allow myself to be sad or cranky if I want to. Your emotions change very easily. Sometimes. It’s not a dominant trait of mine though; I can typically keep my emotions consistent and it’s only volatile if I’m under a lot of pressure or stress. You cry very easily. Yep, I’m very sensitive. Earlier today I cried over a girl’s Tiktok about her dog with diabetes and the adjustments that had to be made for him, like how he stopped going down the stairs or sleeps a lot more these days. You cry a lot. Yes, because I cry easily. You have a boyfriend you have been with for a while. Girlfriend. You hate when people say 'I love you' too quickly. Idk, I haven’t had to deal with this.  The hair on your legs grow very quickly. Not very quickly but yeah it does grow back after a certain amount of time. I shave every one or two weeks. You always feel like your back needs cracked. It’s definitely not in the best shape, coupled with the fact that I already have scoliosis to begin with. You’re still trying to determine what you want to do after high school. I have career fields in mind but as for exact jobs, no. You love fashion. I like keeping up with what’s trending within my age group but I’m not obsessed with fashion at all, like I don’t know the fashion week schedules or who the biggest models are these days, and I still think some fashion trends don’t make sense. You love shopping for school dance dresses. You think decorating is very cool. It’s okay. I wouldn’t do it myself but I have friends who are great at decorating, like Laurice, and I think it’s a good and a pretty cool skill to have. You always seem to be cold. Not always, but I do feel cold more easily than the people I know. I’m always the first one to grab a jacket, a blanket, or to move further away from the AC. Still, I prefer being cold than hot. You love hot weather. Oh my god fuck no. 22 years of living in a tropical country and I’ve had just about enough of the sun which is all we get all year round. I can’t wait to live somewhere with a lot of rain and with snow. You have tanned in a tanning bed. I don’t have to; plus aren’t those really unhealthy to stay in? You aren't a very good cook. I can’t even call myself a cook. You aren't an independent person. Hah, no sir. I find comfort in doing almost everything with at least one person with me, even if it’s just grabbing a snack or having something photocopied in school. I went to UPTC alone ONCE just to try having dinner all by myself cause everyone seemed to have great experiences of it, but I hated every second of being alone. You like any type of food, you aren't picky. The only foods I’ll refuse are fruit and anything with raisins on them, but generally I’m not hard to feed.
Country is your favorite kind of music. You quit watching American Idol. I quit when I realized all the wrong people kept winning. If I remember right, the last straw for me was Scotty McCreery over Lauren Alaina. You like the show 'Big Brother'. I never did get into it, but everyone did. I used to think something was wrong with me for not enjoying any season of the show, but eventually I stopped caring. You used to like Jersey Shore. I was only interested in it because it felt edgy to watch as a 12 year old lmao, but I was never obsessed. You think tye dye is super cool. It’s definitely cool and fun to make, but it’s not the first, fifth, or thirtieth thing I’d wear. You love glitter. Your nails are almost always painted. Total opposite. You have had sex before. You have a best friend of the opposite sex. I have close friends, but no best friends. Andrew is the best closest guy friend I have, probs. You have been stabbed in the back a few times. You don't trust many people. Again, quite the opposite. I like to believe everyone deserves trust in the beginning, but I have a rule to cut anyone who breaks that trust out of my life. You don't have many close friends. I have a lot of friends but I like keeping my closest circle small. You’re normally nice to everyone. Duh? You like to meet new people. Egh, it depends on who it is. I can find other people exhausting to talk to from the get-go; or sometimes I’ll find them too different and I just know no friendship is gonna come out of it. Sometimes you can be pretty shy. I’ve learned to be a bit more extroverted through the years but I’ve never lost my trademark shyness hahaha. You don't have any secrets. This blog is a big glaring secret from everyone I know. Your boyfriend has supported you through your hardest times. Girlfriend. You have a scar from cutting your leg while shaving. Not right now, but it’s happened a few times. You think flowers are very pretty. They’re okay. I’m not crazy about them but I do like giving/receiving bouquets. You hate nature. I have no reason to; it’s peaceful and beautiful. You don't like animals very much. Love them. You like to eat meat, any kind. I wouldn’t try all kinds of meat. Like I wouldn’t eat cats, dogs, or anything that’s critically endangered. But I do tend to be adventurous with meat, much like with any other dish I try. You have eaten donkey before. You’re pretty close with your parents. Like I said in an old survey, we have a buddy-type of relationship. We don’t hate each other but we also wouldn’t have heart-to-heart talks with one another and we’re so not emotionally close. You are also very close with your sibling(s). My sister and I also tend to treat each other like friends, ^ just like that. We’re not emotionally close either; when my sister’s cat died last week I could only send her comforting messages on Messenger because we’re not the type to visit each other’s rooms and cry to each other. You don't mind being around your family. If there is anything I learned in the last two months, it’s that this exact fact holds true. You love summer. Only when there is a trip planned. Otherwise, I don’t enjoy the weather at all. You don't know how to swim. There were always a couple of months allotted for swimming PEs in all years in my old school, so I know basic swimming and treading. You like being a teenager. It was okay. It certainly got better when I finally fit in somewhere and got invited to teenager stuff. You thought you were depressed at some point in your life. I was, throughout my teenage years. These days I’ll occasionally have very low points, but I don’t think it’s severe depression anymore. You feel like someone is growing apart from you. No, not at this point in my life. You like to take walks. With this climate, I always bitch about walking haha. When school was still ongoing I would typically drive everywhere, no matter how near my destination was.   You aren't very good at buying gifts for people. I wouldn’t say this. I pride myself on being a good listener and by extension, being a good gift-giver. I’ve often made Gab cry with my gifts. You love seeing couples in love. Sure but tbh I’m partial to same-sex couples because I see them a lot less. When I see one in public I always make sure to give them a kind smile. You love weddings :) I haven’t been to one since I was 9, but sure. You are addicted to sweets. You get scared very easily. Only at night. You don't like to be alone. If I’m doing stuff outside, then yes this is the case. Otherwise I don’t mind having alone time at home. Many people have asked if you were black, but really you're white. I’m neither of these. You could do without the TV. Have been for a few years now. You text a lotttt. Back when everything was normal and I had load on my phone every week, yep. I don’t really need to text anyone these days, though. You tend to make extra letters on your words. Only occasionally. You hate when people use bad grammar. It only bugs me when I expect them to know better, like if an American is being cocky or racist but still fucks up basic grammar; or if a Filipino wants to act like a know-it-all and obviously has poor command of English, but still forces themselves to speak it when they could very well speak Filipino in this hugely bilingual country lmao. You have a little bit of chub on you but you aren't fat. Not really. I only get bloated after I eat but my metabolism is very quick and it disappears relatively quickly. You are pretty good at rollerblading. I was never good at it even though I practiced a lot. I generally have bad balance. You wish you were a good gymnast. Sure, I feel that this is a very cool skill to have. I remember being fascinated by the gymnasts from Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo and how prettily they spun their ribbons. You are a competitive cheerleader. I am not, but it was one of my dreams. You are very uncoordinated. I wouldn’t say very. I’m not very physical these days and I can be clumsy, but my hand-eye coordination has stayed sharp all these years from playing table tennis; and I was good at futsal and had good reflexes when we had to play it for PE. You aren't good at making decisions, but you try your best. You love God very much :) This is such a hard pass it deserves a strikethrough.
You love lotion and perfume. I love the variety that’s available out there, but I don’t splurge. You wish you could own everything in Victoria's Secret. You wish you could be a model. You hate when girls are sluts. Even the word ‘slut’ isn’t gonna fly by in 2020, much less this entire statement. You hate when people act dumb on purpose. Don’t we all? You don't care what other people think of you. Depends on who it is. Some opinions will matter, and some won’t. You love to cuddle. You wish you could bake. I wish I can be good at the kitchen in general but tbh I always let my fear of fire and knives take over and I’m always left too scared to learn. You would like to own a pool. When I’m richer, sure. You kind of regret a few things... You want a little tattoo that no one can see. I kind of want my tattoos to be personal to me, yes.
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marcusssanderson · 6 years
50 Inspirational Neil Degrasse Tyson Quotes About Endless Life
Looking for the best Neil deGrasse Tyson quotes?
Neil deGrasse Tyson is a known American astrophysicist and science communicator who’s also the director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.
Tyson, who earned a bachelor’s degree from Harvard and a Ph.D. from Columbia,  is a popular TV science expert today with a fanbase of more than 12 million followers on Twitter. Over the years, he has written columns for popular magazines, published his own books, hosted podcasts and served in government commissions.
Tyson discovered his love for the stars at an early age and has made it his mission to encourage science and space exploration. In 2015, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences awarded the Public Welfare Medal for his “extraordinary role in exciting the public about the wonders of science”.
A cheerful and vibrant character who loves to share his knowledge and enthusiasm for astronomy, Tyson has clearly managed to tap into his Everyday Power. In that respect, here are some beautiful Neil deGrasse Tyson quotes that will inspire, entertain and teach at the same time.
  Inspirational neil degrasse tyson quotes about endless life
  1.) “The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  2.) “Curious that we spend more time congratulating people who have succeeded than encouraging people who have not.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  3.) “For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You’d be surprised how far that gets you.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  4.) “Rational thoughts never drive people’s creativity the way emotions do.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
    5.) “The only way you can invent tomorrow is if you break out of the enclosure that the school system has provided for you by the exams written by people who are trained in another generation.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  6.) “If you want to assert a truth, first make sure it’s not just an opinion that you desperately want to be true.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  7.) “No one is dumb who is curious. The people who don’t ask questions remain clueless throughout their lives.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  8.) “Passion is what gets you through the hardest times that might otherwise make strong men weak, or make you give up.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  9.) “Knowing how to think empowers you far beyond those who know only what to think.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  10.) “We are stardust brought to life, then empowered by the universe to figure itself out—and we have only just begun.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  Neil Degrasse Tyson quotes to inspire and motivate
  11.) “Where ignorance lurks, so too do the frontiers of discovery and imagination” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  12.) “There is no greater education than one that is self-driven.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
    13.) “During our brief stay on planet Earth, we owe ourselves and our descendants the opportunity to explore — in part because it’s fun to do. But there’s a far nobler reason. The day our knowledge of the cosmos ceases to expand, we risk regressing to the childish view that the universe figuratively and literally revolves around us.”  – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  14.) “It’s the inspired student that continues to learn on their own. That’s what separates the real achievers in the world from those who pedal along, finishing assignments.”  – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  15.) “Creativity is seeing what everyone else sees, but then thinking a new thought that has never been thought of before and expressing it somehow.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  16.) “The more I learn about the universe, the less convinced I am that there’s any sort of benevolent force that has anything to do with it, at all.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  17.) “Ignorance is a virus. Once it starts spreading, it can only be cured by reason. For the sake of humanity, we must be that cure.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  18.) “Even with all our technology and the inventions that make modern life so much easier than it once was, it takes just one big natural disaster to wipe all that away and remind us that, here on Earth, we’re still at the mercy of nature.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  19.) “Sometimes I wonder if we’d have flying cars by now had civilization spent a little less brain energy contemplating Football.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  20.) “Everyone should have their mind blown once a day.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  Neil Degrasse Tyson quotes about science and the universe
  21.) “The very nature of science is discoveries, and the best of those discoveries are the ones you don’t expect.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  22.) “Perhaps we’ve never been visited by aliens because they have looked upon Earth and decided there’s no sign of intelligent life.”  ― Neil deGrasse Tysonnature
  23.) “Science literacy is the artery through which the solutions of tomorrow’s problems flow.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  24.) “Math is the language of the universe. So the more equations you know, the more you can converse with the cosmos.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  25.) “Science is a cooperative enterprise, spanning the generations. It’s the passing of a torch from teacher, to student, to teacher. A community of minds reaching back to antiquity and forward to the stars.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  26.) “We are part of this universe; we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts, is that the universe is in us.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  27.) “I am trying to convince people — not only the public, but lawmakers and people in power — that investing in the frontier of science, however remote it may seem in its relevance to what you’re doing today, is a way of stockpiling the seed corns of future harvests of this nation.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  28.) “The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
    29.) “We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.” ― Neil DeGrasse Tyson
  30.) “Whenever people have used religious documents to make accurate predictions about our base knowledge of the physical world, they have been famously wrong.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  Thought-provoking Neil Degrasse Tyson quotes that will make your day
  31.) “Principles of modern law assert that you’re innocent until proven guilty. Yet airport security is the exact opposite of this.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  32.) “If each dead person became a ghost, there’d be more than 100-billion of them haunting us all. Creepy, but cool.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  33.) “Geek e-mail signoff: No trees were killed to send this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  34.) “Without physics there’d be no Fashion Channel — there’d be no TV. But w/o fashion, physicists might just be naked. Not good.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  35.) “Dreams about the future are always filled with gadgets.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
    36.) “I never want you to quote me citing my authority as a scientist for your knowing something. If that’s what you have to resort to I have failed as an educator.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  37.) “A bullet fired level from a gun will hit ground at same time as a bullet dropped from the same height. Do the Physics.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  38.) “Just an FYI: If scientists invented the legal system, eye witness testimony would be inadmissible evidence.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
  39.) “We spend the first year of a child’s life teaching it to walk and talk and the rest of its life to shut up and sit down. There’s something wrong there.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  40.) “We all want to Make America Great Again. But that won’t happen until we first Make America Smart Again.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  Other inspirational Neil Degrasse Tyson quotes
  41.) “If the surviving miners are heroes (rather than victims) then what do you call the NASA & Chilean Engineers who saved them?” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  42.) “We think scientific literacy flows out of how many science facts can you recite rather than how was your brain wired for thinking. And it’s the brain wiring that I’m more interested in rather than the facts that come out of the curriculum or the lesson plan that’s been proposed.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
43.) “Not enough of us reflect on how modern civilization pivots on the discoveries of just a few intellectually restless people.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  44.) “Kids should be allowed to break stuff more often. That’s a consequence of exploration. Exploration is what you do when you don’t know what you’re doing.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  45.) “If your Personal Beliefs deny what’s objectively true about the world, then they’re more accurately called Personal Delusions.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  46.) “When students cheat on exams it’s because our school system values grades more than students value learning.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  47.) “Things you might say if you never took Physics: ‘I’m overweight even though I don’t overeat.'” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
    48.) “Every living thing is a masterpiece, written by nature and edited by evolution.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  49.) “Science needs the light of free expression to flourish. It depends on the fearless questioning of authority, and the open exchange of ideas.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  50.) “Just because you can’t figure out how ancient civilizations built stuff, doesn’t mean they got help from Aliens.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
  Which of these Neil deGrasse Tyson quotes was your favorite?
Tyson remains one of America’s best-known scientists. He has amassed a huge following thanks to his extraordinary ability to present complex cosmic concepts into ideas the layman understands and finds entertaining.
Known for his love of the universe and his cheerful and vibrant character, Tyson has spent much of his career sharing his knowledge with others. Hopefully, you have enjoyed reading and gained some interesting insights from these quotes just as much as we have.
Did you enjoy these Neil deGrasse Tyson quotes? Which of the quotes was your favorite? Tell us in the comment section below.
The post 50 Inspirational Neil Degrasse Tyson Quotes About Endless Life appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.
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