#fun fact: everybody in my family likes chocolate croissants except me
quibbs126 · 2 years
Ummm, would it be possible to have a Financier x Crunchy Chip fankid?
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Here you go, this guy is Choco Bread Cookie
I think first in line before this was Madeleine/Espresso, but I couldn’t think of anything so I just went ahead
So he’s supposed to be based on pain au chocolat, aka chocolate croissants. I chose it because it’s a French food (like Financier), and it has chocolate (like Crunchy Chip). I tried to incorporate that into his topknot. I didn’t call him Choco Croissant because I thought the name didn’t really fit Financier or Crunchy, so I was looking at other names for it. I was going to go with Chocolatine Cookie originally, but I thought that that name, while it fits Financier, sounds a bit too fancy for Crunchy Chip. So I just went with the transliteration of pain au chocolat, which is just chocolate bread. Chocolate bread is technically something different, but I thought it worked
Chocolate croissants:
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So on to the character. So I know both Financier and Crunchy Chip are fiercely loyal to their countries, so I had trouble deciding where Choco Bread’s loyalties would lie, and eventually I just went with that he has no allegiance (granted with his design I made it more similar to the Dark Cacao Kingdom, but that’s because I know those designs better). He’s just a wandering warrior, with the principles of helping out any Cookie in need, regardless of who they are.
He has a bit of a temper when you make him mad, but generally he’s a relatively calm person. He enjoys tea
Also, he’s not short by any means, he is much taller than his father (and probably his mother, though not by nearly as much). I just think it’d be funny for Crunchy to have a kid that ends up bigger than him, making him still the shortest in the family
I haven’t figured out what he uses as a weapon, but it’s probably something with some weight to it
But yeah, this is this guy
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