#fun‬ ‪
island6artscenter · 2 years
"Fermi for the Fighter" (为了战斗者)
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Enrico Fermi famously suggested in what is now known as “The Fermi Paradox” that we really should’ve been visited by extraterrestrials by now. The general idea of it is this: where the hell is everybody? There’s so much out there and everything is so old that probability would suggest a visit or two ought have graced up. Well maybe, maybe not. There are three logical explanations (aside from the obvious ones that they already have visited, or that aliens don’t exist, and never have). The first is that they accidentally blew themselves up while learning to make weapons. Any advanced civilization will, at some point, figure out how to split an atom. Where and why they decide to split one though is totally up to them. The second is that their civilization already ran its course and eventually died off long before we were around to notice. Maybe they ruled the universe for millions of years...three billion years ago. The third option... they see us, they’ve been watching us, and it is only a matter of time before they strike. Let’s hope it’s not the third.
RGB LED display, acrylic painting, Vietnamese linen, teakwood
Art for sale : [email protected] 
Follow us on Instagram: island6_gallery
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pengillys · 5 years
‪It's a cute bop and if you don't like the song, i'm convinced that you hate fun‬
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clarithmoved · 6 years
‪I don’t play kingdom hearts but I hope my followers that do have fun‬
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shawnshuttlesworth · 3 years
random lyrics i thought of
‪they go as quickly as they come ‬
‪dont think about later, ‬
‪nah, you’ll miss the fun‬
‪be present now, ‬
‪ow baby show me somethin‬
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island6artscenter · 2 years
"Kingdom of Dust" (粉尘王国)
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Everybody claims that they wanna move on. That they can’t wait until the day comes when they can leave rubber on the pavement and spit that that’s all they’re leaving behind in their dusty hometowns. No, I’ve never seen this land in my rearview mirror and I ain’t planning on seeing it from the other side until kingdom come. See, I’m the ruler of this little zip code and if you can think of one good reason I should give that up, then I’ll be breaking your jaw for having the gall to even think such blasphemous thoughts. Nobody plans to be this way. Nobody lulls themselves to sleep with dreams of stills winding up wooded hills and knuckles crusted over from the cold. It happens to you, maybe. You fight for it, maybe. In any case, it’s me and I’m here and this is just the way it’s gotta be.
RGB LED display, acrylic painting, Vietnamese linen, teakwood
Art for sale : [email protected] 
Follow us on Instagram: island6_gallery
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island6artscenter · 2 years
"Sunny Day, Sudden Rain" (晴天, 骤雨)
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Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, 'You owe me.' Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky. - Hāfiz
How long must you stare at the heavens before you start asking why the sky is blue during the day but red at sunset? In fact, this is the most common scientific question asked by children, “Why is the sky blue?”. The curious Irishman John Tyndall, a physicist from the 19th century is known for decoding the enigma of the blue sky... well partly. You see in the 1860s Tyndall started experimenting with light by shining beams through various gases and liquids. He soon realized that the varying color of the sky was the result of sunlight scattering around particles in the atmosphere. However, in 1910 Einstein settled the case by looking into the scattering of light by individual molecules. As it turns out blue light is scattered more than red light. So, in the end it seems the answer is not as simple as we had hoped for but maybe we never really needed an answer to begin with. Next time you look out the window, regardless of rain or shine, keep in mind that’s probably not the whole story. In Shanghai it’s always wise to carry an umbrella anyways, don’t believe me? Why don’t you step forward and see for yourself?
RGB LED display, Chinese papercut, paper collage, IR sensor, teakwood
Art for sale : [email protected] 
Follow us on Instagram: island6_gallery
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island6artscenter · 2 years
"Sanlunche" (三轮车)
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As the Chengyu suggests, “a fur coat can be made of scraps” (集腋成裘). A man steering a sanlunche (tricycle) sees everything while constantly acclimatising to new surroundings. But don’t expect any deep and meaningful words from him. His wheels keep on turning. What about you? Would you rather see change approaching slowly in the distance or have a head-on collision with it in the moment? Maybe it doesn’t matter, we all read the signs differently. A simple fact of life is that change is inevitable and it continues to happen at a rapid rate in Shanghai. The city’s physical appearance is ever-evolving with an endless amount of buildings being erected to accommodate growth. But it’s not like that would impress William Shakespeare or anything. “No! Time, thou shalt not boast that I do change,” wrote the poet in 1609. “Thy pyramids built up with newer might. To me are nothing novel, nothing strange; They are but dressings of a former sight.” He’d have hated the Chinese character Chai (拆), meaning to demolish, then. When it gets painted on houses and tower blocks in the country today it means the buildings’ days are numbered. People have protested against these land seizures but for most, the generous payoff that comes with such an order far outweighs sentimental value. Old hats might say unsettling demolition jobs symbolise an erosion of cultural heritage and that new paths are being laid at the expense of the past. Suzhou creek riverbank has seen its fair share of change over the years. If the sanlunche could talk, it would tell a thousand stories. But take it with a pinch of salt, as it’s probably just a load of old rubbish.
TFT displays, CCD cameras, acrylic painting, teakwood
Art for sale : [email protected] 
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island6artscenter · 2 years
"Red, Green, Blue, Fares" (红绿蓝车费)
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I see a red taxi approaching and wave him down. The leather seat cracks as I hurriedly climb in. It’s a hot day, I’m thankful for the blast of cool air. Almost without warning the car comes to life, carefully yet expertly maneuvering the narrow streets of Tsim Sha Tsui. And not only are these streets narrow, they’re also packed with hurried pedestrians, rushing cyclists and motorists skillfully avoiding collisions, buses and trams speeding by in all directions, oh my! like Vivaldi’s Summer, it’s a beautiful chaotic blur. And in that blur my mind starts to wander, “how did I end up in Kowloon?”. The notion of predestination is quite interesting. I guess sometimes it’s easier to believe there’s a specific road for each of us. Trusting in our own freewill can seem like a burden. With no one right path, the possibilities are endless! Can you imagine no such thing as taking a wrong turn? My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the taxi coming to a full stop. I pull my octopus card, pay my fare and step outside. Standing at the corner of Jordan road, I look right, then left, then right again and start walking.
TFT display, CCD camera, acrylic painting, teakwood
Art for sale : [email protected]
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island6artscenter · 2 years
"When The Flamingo Dreams" (当火烈鸟做梦时)
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I got colors in my head, man, a lucid dream of dream addicts chasing the life of others. At the place where we are, there is no space to stretch and the time is too short to live. Isn’t that what you want? Just go, it’s mating time, I’ll wait. This time, the cage we live in seems infinite. I can’t get out. It’s autumn, your monochrome eyes are getting less and less bright, but wait, is what you are chasing not the one you could never live? I’ve got all the things you left behind, the great plan, the fallen heroes, and I’ve got her, somewhere here, where you’ve never searched. Keep moving, because we are reborn each and every minute. You have never been and you will never be, yet you seem the same to me. I got idea I want to tell you, but I never know if I’m left behind or I’ve already outrun the ones that forgot how to wake.
RGB LED display, sand & resin coating, teakwood 
Art for sale : [email protected] 
Follow us on Instagram: island6_gallery
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island6artscenter · 2 years
"Rum Pump Pump" (叮叮咚)
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The girl with the enamel eyes sits motionless on a balcony surrounded by plum blossoms and peonies. From time to time her head is buried in a small book. Other days, she stares at passersby making the daily commute, delivery drivers, and the occasional dog walker. Her lovely gaze relentlessly searches for a mate, her other half. The beautiful doll who’s always dreaming of a pas de deux. Below on the sidewalk I observe her, from time to time. But our eyes never meet!  In a series of unfortunate events and completely unbeknownst to our darling dolly I find myself completely and utterly heartbroken. Alas my friends, don’t be alarmed for this is no reason to act somber. Not at all! True love stories never have endings! I will continue to survey the skies for those enchanting brown eyes like Claudius Ptolemy searched for the sun, planets, and stars. You may call it madness, I call it love!
RGB LED display, polarized tempered glass, teakwood
Art for sale : [email protected] 
Follow us on Instagram: island6_gallery
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island6artscenter · 2 years
"Paw Me Up" (喵喵爪)
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Physics is the study of the universe, from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest galaxies. It can also explain luck, since all of life is a matter of cause and effect. While it seems arbitrary and without method there is a very calculated system behind it all. The difference lies in how we perceive opportunities or mischances. UCLA Professor Maia Young finds that personality and attitude play into luck more than we realize. Being optimistic about life may just influence you to try harder. It’s this persistence that has a self-reinforcing effect, resulting in a “good luck cycle”. Believe and you will be rewarded! Luck and our behavior are very much intertwined and connected at the hip. The jīnmāo (招财猫) or Chinese lucky golden cat, is a symbol of wealth and prosperity ubiquitous in Asian cultures. Adorning businesses, homes, and windows of all kinds, author Katherine M. Ball describes it as “a simple and popular form of magic”. A magic trick that’s sure to sweep you off your feet and never let go.
RGB LED display, acrylic painting, Vietnamese linen, teakwood
Art for sale : [email protected] 
Follow us on Instagram: island6_gallery
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island6artscenter · 2 years
"Eye Of Providence" (明眸​​​​​​​​​​​​​​)
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Some people think that if everyone went around doing whatever they wanted, the world would be pure unadulterated chaos. Just imagine giving in to any and every desire, want, or need. What kind of world would that be? Aleister Crowley believes that one should “do what thou wilt”. In other words, go ahead and chase whatever your heart desires. Determine your own true will and follow it! It is worth pursuing whatever you are willing to do. In Greek mythology Hedone is an important philosophical concept, personified as the goddess of pleasure and enjoyment. According to Aristotelian ethics, pleasure will reveal a person’s true character, and therefore is worth exploring. An example of this concept is “oikeia hedone” or proper pleasure. Similarly, German philosopher Martin Heidegger’s interpretation is that enjoyment is a movement of the soul which results in tranquility and peace. Following this line of logic, one must definitely “do what thou wilt”. And yes, someone will always be watching, but don’t you think that just makes it more fun?
Hand-design carpet
Art for sale : [email protected] 
Follow us on Instagram: island6_gallery
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island6artscenter · 2 years
"Spring Zephyr" (春风和煦)
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Greek god of the west wind Zephyrus blows his sweet breath across the land creating a soft gentle breeze. Vivid butterflies do their sparkling dance, bringing with them the promise of spring and shine. In Chinese thought, spring is associated with growth, wind, patience, and altruism. In fact, there is a Chinese system known as “wuxing” (五行) or the five phases, that is used to explain a variety of phenomena, for example the seasons. Spring is a period of growth and movement, summer is a period of blooming, late summer is associated with stability, autumn is a period of harvesting, and winter is a period of rest and stillness. Those who are watchful and vigilant will soon realize these five elements cycle in and around everything. Which is why this philosophy is so engrained in Chinese culture. Think about it, all things sprout and grow and eventually wither away. The wuxing are thought to be cosmic agents which describe the transformations of nature and are widely used in Chinese philosophy, as well as disparate fields like astrology, martial arts, and even the art of catching butterflies! Spring is the easiest of seasons, just watch our winged friends ride the winds nonchalantly and without resistance. Remember spring is just the beginning!
RGB LED display, acrylic painting, Vietnamese linen, teakwood
Art for sale : [email protected] 
Follow us on Instagram: island6_gallery 
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island6artscenter · 2 years
"Nanke Dream" (南柯一梦)
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“The Governor of Nanke” (南柯太守传) is a Tang dynasty short story about a man living an entire generation in the great kingdom of Ashendon, only to suddenly wake up and realize it was all a dream. Despite the vividness of that world, and the seeming passing of time, only a few hours had gone by. This legend is curiously similar to “Alice in Wonderland”, where the main protagonist travels to a fantasy world of her own in the hopes of finding herself. Clearly, the subject of dreams has been embedded into the very fabric of our being. While some theories suggest dreams are due to random brain activation, most agree with the Freudian theory which claims that they can reveal hidden emotions and desires. A royal road to the unconscious if you will! In ancient Rome and Greece, people believed dreams were messages sent directly from the gods that could predict the future. Whether we’re talking about interpreting the past or the time ahead it’s clear there is hidden meaning in our reveries. I wonder what secrets we’ll uncover when the lights turn off.
RGB LED display, acrylic painting, Vietnamese linen, teakwood
Art for sale : [email protected] 
Follow us on Instagram: island6_gallery 
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island6artscenter · 2 years
"To the Moon and Back" (月亮在家迎你)
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I’m cleaning this entryway for you to come through and I’m really counting on you to take me to the moon and back. Halfway won’t do. I want the ride, sure, but that’s not my only hope with this exchange. The amount of upkeep and diligent attention to detail I’ve invested just to make sure you notice when you come through…that deserves the hard promise of a full round trip. That deserves taking me up to the highest mountain and carrying me all the way back down, even if you break your back doing it. I don’t care about the amount of time it takes, I don’t care about the effort or the words or the intention. I only care that you take me somewhere I’ve never been and bring me back in one piece. Until then I’ll just sort of putz around and keep making sure everything looks tip-top.
RGB LED display, Chinese papercut, Vietnamese linen, teakwood
Art for sale : [email protected] 
Follow us on Instagram: island6_gallery 
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island6artscenter · 2 years
"Měinǚ Maniac" (美女疯子)
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Do you find difficulties blending in to the seemingly cheerful Asian culture? Do you sometimes find yourself lost in a busy crowd you just can’t relate to? Even after years and years living on the oriental land do you still feel alienated? If you’re not enjoying your life here, look away please. But if you are, please do allow me to share something with you here - my favorite thing to do living here is to watch the Měinǚ Maniacs. The selfie ladies you see on the street know precisely how to fully realize their desires and to be desired publicly. They know how to pose cute, pretending not to give a shit about their larger audience that’s living in the moment with them and watching the whole spectacle. Me, I just shift my gaze a little bit to see the longer view of things… a picture much larger than any of the ones being taken by the beautiful maniacs I live amongst.
RGB LED display, acrylic painting, Vietnamese linen, teakwood
Art for sale : [email protected] 
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