#funfact: bleach burnssss
thechocoboos · 6 years
HC: Dying Your Hair (Ft. Cor)
Sidenote: I dye my hair dark blue and these were born out of me waiting for my damn dye to sit for two hours. Enjoy.
He paid no mind the one time you mentioned you wanted to dye your hair, just shrugged it off and never gave it a second thought
When you came home with a small container of hair dye, he was a little concerned but once again shrugged it off
Now, when he saw you standing in the bathroom with a towel around your shoulders, vinyl gloves on, hair prelightened, and dipping a paint brush into the same container of hair dye from earlier, he found it a little difficult to simply shrug it off as he had done before
Instead, he blankly stared at you while you started to cover your hair with the funny smelling goop
After a minute of staring in confusion, he walked off (yes, he did so tall), spending no more than five minutes wondering about it
In the end, he was slightly surprised, but he thought it was damn cool
He also loved the fuck out of it, even tho he never said anything beyond “Yeah, it’s cool, I like it”
Behind your back, he would rub it in the other bro’s faces and talk about how awesome it was
It would make part of him want to dye his own hair for a solid 27 seconds before he dismissed the idea as too much effort
He pays for the rest of your hair dye btw and never says a word of it
Whenever there’s a big official, formal thing he has to go to, he’ll take you as his date and match his tie to your hair (he never says a word about it either)
And whenever you dye your hair a new color, it starts a new hair color trend in Insomnia
In case you were dyeing your hair before you guys were together/knew each other: he thought it was cool but didn’t care too much tbh, he just goes with the flow (although he sometimes thinks about it for a solid like five mins)
The second you said you wanted to dye your hair, Prompto was bouncing in his seat and throwing colors at you faster than you could say “Ardyn’s a Fuckwad”
He would talk about it to the other bros nonstop, “omg guys, Y/N is dyeing their hair omg did i tell you that”
When you finally got around to doing it, he would insist on helping only to get hair dye everywhere (including on himself)
When he got hair dye in his own bangs by accident, you had to dismiss him with a kiss on his cheek and remind him that you love him but he has to wait outside
The dye stained his hair btw. You guys have matching hair now. Well, your hair and part of his at least
Sometimes, during training with Cor or Gladio, he’ll just gush about how cool you are and how much the color suits you
Cor kept trying to remind him to keep his head straight and finally had to dismiss sparring early cause Prompto nearly took his own head off
Gladio usually just yells at Prompto instead though and threatens to cut the accidentally-dyed part of Prompto’s hair off if he doesn’t focus (it works like a charm)
In summary, Prompto thinks it’s the coolest thing in the world and he loves you even more for it, also he’s probably more excited than you are
Sometimes he runs up to you with an eager, “Babe! Babe! BAbe!!!” only to show you cool hair colors and styles that he found (that he also wants you to do on your own hair, bless)
In the event that you were already dyeing your hair before you guys were a thing: he thinks it makes you the coolest person in the world and he excitedly asks you like 50 questions about dyeing hair (it is so fucking cute, god bless)
Oh, he loves watching you put dye in your hair btw
When he finds out that the bleaching process is a lil bit painful, he actually started begging for you to stop doing it (it was super heartwarming but a tad bit annoying)
He didn’t think you’d actually dye your hair, but he didn’t care too much in the first place
But when you actually do it…
He thinks it’s the hottest thing ever
Like, he loved you to begin with of course, and he thought you were wonderfully hot and gorgeous but, you dying your hair was like a new pokemon evolution
He didn’t think you could get hotter, then you dyed your hair
He likes to run his hands through the unnatural colored strands of hair
I will tell you one thing: it’s a good thing the chemical smell wears off tho, ‘cause he fucking hates it
He once said it smelled like it could give you cancer
Much like Noctis, he loves it more than he realized he would and silently prays that you’ll keep dyeing it
When he told Iris, she actually started to help you dye your hair (it was so much easier when she started helping too, bless)
Sometimes, you’d find him zoned out and just staring at your hair in the evenings with an odd look on his face
It was pretty cute, so you never said anything
He’d also give you nicknames on the colors that you’d use
My personal favorites are, “Spitfire” for that bright red you used, “Lemon” for the one time you were blonde for a week, and “Ariel” for that mermaid blue he loved so much
And if you dyed your hair regularly before you guys even met: your hair stuck out to him for a solid second before he got used to it and treated you the exact same as anyone else, and yes, he did think it was hot
Also, sometimes he goes with you when you go to get your roots redone, and when he realizes that the bleach actually stings (and makes your eyes burn a lil bit), he’s lowkey horrified but impressed
You mentioned it in passing, which made him a tad bit concerned
When you actually went out to purchase the dye and started looking for someone to lighten your hair first, he realized you were gonna go through with it
He respected your desire to dye your hair, but he didn’t agree with it (he thought it was too unprofessional)
Still tho, he loved and respected you, and as a result, he didn’t want you to do something you’d regret or damage your hair in any way
So, of course, he looked into it
He did research on brands, salons, coloring styles, which colors last longer, etc
Basically, you didn’t have to lift a finger
Hell, when you decided to put the legit dye in at home, he pulled on a pair of gloves and an apron, sat you down in a chair, and applied the dye himself (he did a fantastic job btw)
He made himself your personal hair colorer, and hot damn he was good (plus whenever he rinsed the dye out, he gave you a mini scalp massage so that alone made it the best thing ever)
Just like the others, he realized he really fuckin liked your new hair color. Then again, it’s Iggy, so he’d probs like your new hair if you shaved it all off, just ‘cause he loved every you look you get
He made sure to give you deep conditioning treatments and such so the bleach didn’t ruin your hair completely, and whenever your hair dye started fading, he would jump right on redyeing it
The man took better care of your hair than his own, hell, he even loved to just brush it and run his fingers through the newly dyed locks (his newfound obsession with your hair was surprising to everyone, including himself)
And if you were dyeing your hair before you guys met: when he first met you, he thought it was odd and he had some questions, so as you guys got to know each other he would politely ask questions about your hair (not before doing a lot of research tho)
Bonus! Cor
He brushed off your comment when you talked about dyeing your hair cause… to put it bluntly, Cor doesn’t care much. He’s a firm believer of “your life, your decisions”
Still, he is curious
He wondered what made you want to dye your hair, and he wondered what color 
Still, his life doesn’t have surprises too often, so he doesn’t ask about the color (your relationship with him was probably the first surprise he’d had in years)
So imagine his surprise when he comes home after a long day only to see you with bright, light blue hair
You claimed it was to match his eyes (it was btw. Partly cause you couldn’t decide on a color, but he doesn’t need to know that)
It made him blush a lil bit (he loves it btw)
He didn’t think someone changing their hair color would be a big deal, but to him it kinda was, just ‘cause he’s Cor, and for the most part, his life is pretty static at his age
But honestly, the only way you could tell he even noticed was the very slight widening of his eyes and the dumb, cute smile he wore when he walked past you
The day after, he totally tells Clarus alllll about it
The next day, the recruits he’s training are lucky, ‘cause you bet your ass he’s gonna be thinking about you and your new hair the entire time, so he’s just a bit lax on them
I will tell you tho, he’s slightly annoyed at the blue strands of hair that start popping up
Like before, he could ignore your strands of hair that appear around the apartment, but now, they’re bright blue and impossible to ignore
He still loves you tho, and your new hair
At night when you guys are going to sleep, he likes to stare at your bright blue hair in the dark and just think about how much he loves you
Whenever he has some free time in his office, he likes to think about what you would look like with different hair dyes  (he doesn’t get very much free time tho)
Even when you switch your hair dye colors, you always keep one section of your hair that same, bright, light blue, just so you can match his eyes (the first time you did that, he almost cried)
It makes him smile every time he looks at it and he can’t help but give you a soft, loving kiss as he reminds himself of how lucky he is to have a SO who’s that precious and loving
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