#funnily enough in order his venus/mars/jupiter are all at 6 degrees making 666
murdoc astrological analysis
one day i decided to enter murdoc's birth data to see if his chart would be accurate. to my surprise everything shown fit him like a glove.
here is his chart:
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there is the sun's square within minutes to the uranus-pluto conjunction in the 10th house which sticks out immediately. first of all, it should be noted that the sun square pluto aspect, especially with pluto in the 10th house which typically represents the father on the parental axis, is a strong signature of issues with the father, especially one that is disempowering in some way. this aspect rules the 1st, 4th and 10th houses, so it impacts the way he presents himself, his home life and his career. chiron is conjunct saturn in the 4th house which indicates a wound related to authority in the home life, most likely the father, and black moon lilith is in the 4th house as well which indicates some kind of uncertainty about the mother or home life or a mother who was absent in some way, which the most extreme manifestation of would be maternal abandonment.
one thing of note is that his chart is completely fire void. with elemental voids the person is lacking the quality of that element but often times there is some kind of extreme overcompensation for it. with fire, he has a lack of self confidence that he overcompensates for in an extreme way. his mc is in leo though, so he maintains a public image of self confidence and egoism. neptune is in the 1st house, and being 10 degrees away from the ascendant it could be viewed as in a wide conjunction, and this indicates deception in the way of self-presentation. being unaspected it's an unconscious but strong influence, and it rules the 5th house, so there is deception in self-presentation in the realm of creativity (includes artistic expression and sex/sexual identity). neptune in the 1st house not only indicates deception to others but also self-deception. his moon is in capricorn which indicates ambition and a need to be some kind of authority, although being in an earth sign it is a more slow and steady, saturnian kind of ambition rather than passionate and fiery.
with the ascendant in self-protective scorpio and the moon in emotionally guarded capricorn, this is the chart of someone who is guarded and secretive. the moon is in the 3rd house of communication and thinking and there is a stellium including the sun and mercury at home in loquacious and heady gemini, so this is clearly someone who is sociable and/or has a lot of scattered mental energy. but mercury which is the disposer of that gemini stellium forms an exact square with saturn. this aspect can indicate someone who is careful about how they communicate and what they reveal to others, or someone who often kicks themselves after conversations because they said something they regretted, revealed too much. mercury also forms a quincunx to the moon, which indicates a compartmentalization of feeling and communication; lack of communication of emotional states. and then you have the north node in the 7th house in taurus which means this person's soul mission is to learn to trust other people in relationships. basically, talk about your feelings, goddammit!!!
sun square uranus/pluto along with father issues also indicates someone who is very independent, possibly pathologically. this is someone who does what they want without regards for what others will think and doesn't like to submit to the will of anyone or anything else. since the uranus/pluto conjunction is in the 10th house this is most evident in the career realm, with a propensity for power (pluto) and innovation (uranus). the moon is out of bounds which indicates an inclination for breaking off from society in some way. clearly this is not someone who is by-the-book or colors within the lines, although this type of person would be quite difficult for others to deal with. mars is unaspected in the 7th house, so there is a strong need for constant action and aggression that manifests in the realm of relationships, but since it is unconscious the person feels that it is never really fulfilled despite being obvious to others. it rules the 6th house of work and cooperation. and going back to that north node in the 7th in taurus, all of this indicates someone who needs to learn to cooperate with others.
as there is a lot of information in a horoscope this does not cover everything, but it is the parts that stuck out to me the most. i might do a follow-up on the other members or even transits and progressions. i think it is fascinating how this works for a fictional character. it makes me wonder what the mechanisms behind astrology really are.
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