irontreeforge · 2 years
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Beautiful quillwork hatband by Steph of Iron Tree Forge. Hand quilled natural and hand dyed porcupine quills with center woven pattern. Wrapped on rawhide with buffalo ties. Quilled section 20", ties 12" each. https://www.irontreeforge.com/post/quilled-hatband-by-stephanie #handcrafted #quillwork #rawhide #western #wildwest #cowboyhat #buckskin #cowboyart #cowboy #horserider #stetson #beaverhat #furtader #chic #womanartist #womanswork #contemporymakers #hatband https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm-DHuYv4jY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nctrnm · 1 year
NctrnmFM(nctrnm.com): "Eat Your Man (with Nelly Furtado)" by Dom Dolla, Nelly Furtado.
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patachula · 8 months
La Guerra Digital
Li diem "Guerra Digital" a un conflicte que pren el ciberespai i les tecnologies de la informació com a camp d'operacions. Encara que aquesta és la definició que millor ho definix, també podem afirmar que es tracta d'un conjunt d'accions portades per un Estat per penetrar en els sistemes informàtics d'un altre país.
Com ja he dit abans, aquests països i estats al intentar controlar o ficar-se dins de certes aparells tecnològics o webs el que intenten és hackejar o treure informació de l'altre estat atacat per així fer-se amb dades o diferent maquinària tecnològica, coses importants per a comprendre millor les intencions de l'altre país o simplement obtindre dades importants.
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En aquests enllaços podreu visualitzar dos articles relacionats amb aquest tema, si hi voleu profunditzar.
En la meua opinió, aquest mètode de "declarar" la guerra a algun país o Estat contrari em pareix una millor forma de fer-ho, ja que d'aquest mode no es malgasten vides humanes en massa com a les anteriors guerres mundials i civils que han afectat al nostre país i, en general, a països de tot el món.
En una època on el control de les dades és tan important, aquestes guerres digitals arriben a ser primordials, molt més que formar un exèrcit i lluitar amb armes i soldats, com als anys anteriors. Aquestes dades s'utilitzen per a hackejar distintes webs, sistemes informàtics i altres que, al igual que en una guerra, serveix per a "enfastidir" al país atacat. A més, com ara quasi totes les estructures internes d'un país han de veure amb la nova tecnologia, es poden desestructurar països sencers amb només infiltrar-se en el seu sistema. És per això que crec que els estats haurien de ser més dependents de les tecnologies i de la digitalització.
El problema que trobe amb la Guerra Digital és el següent:
Per començar, també les vides dels ciutadans estan bastant relacionades amb la tecnologia. Per tant, qualsevol pàgina, servidor o distints sistemes informàtics d'un país al qual un Estat ataca a part de ser manipulat per a l'Estat del país atacat, també afectarà la població d'aquesta part del món. Amb això vull dir que no només l'Estat o companyia formarà part de la guerra sinó també persones innocents sense res a veure. A més, dades personals o col·lectives d'aquestes persones també poden ser furtades i utilitzades pel país atacant, sense tindre en compte la seua privacitat.
En conclusió, sí que em pareix una millor forma de formar una guerra abans que lluitar com tantes vegades ho hem fet en segles anteriors o actualment, però no deixa de ser una guerra en la qual no es tenen en compte milions de persones involucrades que es consideren innocents.
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jmvidal-illanes · 2 years
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De vegades tornem a ser infants per recordar que la nostra imaginació creava espais on refugiar-se, senzills, de paper, amb imatges furtades de llibres il·lustrats trenades amb la precarietat dels anys foscos d’una dictadura. Ara ja passem la seixantena i l’infant segueix adherit a l’ànima i s’emociona en veure i viure espais com aquest. #records #llibres #llibreries #onallibres #infantesa #futur (at Llibreria Ona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CisgGbjDraU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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borboletasnegras · 3 years
Tô bem, na medida do possível. Fui furtad e estou passando por uma fase difícil.
Caramba, anony. Que tenso. Mas, saiba que isso que vc está passando é só uma fase difícil. Em breve as coisas vão melhorar ♡
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mosolyogjmegkerlek · 6 years
Egésznap azon gondolkodtam vajon megtudom e találni a pontot ahol beléd szerettem, vagy megtudom e fogalmazni miért is történt mind ez. Arra jutottam hogy a beteges játékunk ott, gólyatábor első napján kezdődött mikor a mellettünk lévő szobába költöztettek és én képes voltam elteveszteni a szobaszámot. Hozzátok nyitottam be, és szó szerint beléd botlottam. Mikor folneztem rád szélesen mosolyogtal, türelmesen várva vajon mit akarok és mikor hagyom el a szobát. Talán itt estem beled,csak nem vettem észre. Akkor más kötötte le, és nem te kaptad minden figyelmem, de alattomosan az elmembe furtad magad és már nem tudtalak onnan kiszedni.
Ugye azon is elmerendtem mit szerethetek ennyire nagyon benned,mikor egy kicsit gyerekes, semmivel nem törődő, játékos fiú vagy. Tanárnőm szavaival élve olyan kis holdról pontjant. Próbáltam belèd magyarázni milyen elmelkedos és zárt vagy, de hamar rá kellett jönnöm hogy igazi ened nagyon nem ez. És mivel nem ez, én ezért szeretlek. Azért amiért felrohogsz egy ritka szar poénon,azért mert minden helyzetbe képes vagy eltolni egy perverz beszólást, azért amiért van véleményed, és érdekelnek a körülötted élők, azért hogy szereted a családod. Azért is mert kedves vagy, főleg akkor mikor én egy koparaszt bunkó. Azért amiért hangod megtalál bármerre is jársz az épületben,azért mert segítesz ha kell, mert jó veled nevetni, osszenezni, erintkezni, jó veled lenni. Mert te vagy napocska, és ezt mindenki tudja mégsem érti. Nem is kell hogy értsék. Mert te az vagy.
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radiopredication · 5 years
Le Patriarche - En Marche (Clip officiel)
Nouvel album « En Marche » disponible ici : 👇👇👇 https://modulor.lnk.to/LePatriarche 
 Découvrez le nouveau clip « En Marche » du Patriarche extrait du 1er volet de la trilogie « Terre Promise » dont voici les dates de sortie : 
29.11.19 En Marche 
28.02.20 Terre Promise 
15.05.20 Résurrection  
Réalisation : ID Box Pictures Texte : François Furtade Musique : Grégory Lerigab Label : Melchisedek Inc & Modulor #EnMarche #NouvelAlbum #DisponiblePartout
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deereporters · 6 years
Celebrity Plastic Surgeon, Dr Bumbum Arrested After Death Of Patient
Celebrity Plastic Surgeon, Dr Bumbum Arrested After Death Of Patient
A celebrity Brazilian plastic surgeon Denis Furtad, known as Dr Bumbum has been arrested, four days after he has been on the run following the death of one of his patients.
Police say Dr Bumbum was detained in Rio de Janeiro thanks to an anonymous tip. (more…)
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photographicbloguk · 6 years
25 Powerfull Black & White Portrait Photos
A great portrait photo will show emotion in the subject’s face and convey a message to the viewer, I find black and white adds an extra dramatic dimension to a portrait photo. In today’s roundup post I will be taking a look at 25 powerfull examples found on Flickr that have been licensed under a creative commons license, so many thanks to all the photographers here. Click through to see the full size photo and the photographers other photos.
an old lady with an umbrella in Ravangla market!
an old lady with an umbrella in Ravangla market! by Sukanto Debnath
A Woman’s Face in B&W
A Woman’s Face in B&W by Sailing “Footprints: Real to Reel” (Ronn ashore)
A little boy from Yuksum
A little boy from Yuksum by Sukanto Debnath
old man grumbling …
old man grumbling … by * hiro008
selfportrait by Proyecto Eden
old lady from Patan(Nepal), smoking
old lady from Patan(Nepal), smoking by Sukanto Debnath
james (and me)
james (and me) by stephcarter
leaving it behind..
leaving it behind.. by drukaman *andré ferreira*
For my good friend
For my good friend by Slaff
Emrah by carmonamedina
Portrait from the market
Portrait from the market by Sukanto Debnath
Whitebeard by Jerolek
Mad world
Mad world by alles-schlumpf
A Limbu Lady in front of a temple
A Limbu Lady in front of a temple by Sukanto Debnath
Visione by Astragony
the professor
the professor by Angelo González
James by stephcarter
Anabel ma Belle
Anabel ma Belle by ZOBEL *
Talli & Adam | Those Eyes!
Talli & Adam | Those Eyes! by Sean Molin Photography
Lines of living – Lebenslinien
Lines of living – Lebenslinien by alles-schlumpf
Mike in B&W
Mike in B&W by wd9hot
Mirades furtades…
Mirades furtades… by dp Chaigneau fotos
anziani by mbeo
Isa by Fortimbras
Iman by NeilsPhotography
The post 25 Powerfull Black & White Portrait Photos appeared first on Photographic Blog.
from Photographic Blog http://photographicblog.com/25-powerfull-black-white-portrait-photos/
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santanicomx · 7 years
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Priscila Furtado
La obra de Priscila Furtado parece inspirarse de del naif característico de Roussaeu, pero se transforma en símbolos minimalistas de coloraciones características del arte y el diseño actual. Los elementos metálicos y las texturas térreas son un común denominador, pues en su trabajo de cerámica, que llevar por nombre Uinverso Ceramics que desarrolla en conjunto con su hermana gemela Nadiuska Furtad, hace uso de los materiales que se originan de ella. 
La figura femenina de mujeres que contemplan un futuro incierto o se contemplan a si mismas son los retratos que hacen presencia en sus diseños, que pueden ser adquiridos en su tienda en linea, y creemos que serán una inversión única para tu colección de arte y diseño.
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lyrics-code · 7 years
Corcovado - Quite Nights Of Quiet Stars Lyrics - Andrea Bocelli duet with Nelly Furtad
Corcovado – Quite Nights Of Quiet Stars Lyrics – Andrea Bocelli duet with Nelly Furtad
[Lui:] Um cantinho, um violao Este amor, uma cançao Pra fazer feliz a quem se ama Muita calma pra pensar E ter tempo pra sonhar Da janela ve-se o Corcovado O Redentor, que lindo!
[Lei:] Quero a vida sempre assim Com voce perto de mim Atè o apagar de velha chama
[Entrambi:] E eu que era triste Descrente deste mundo Ao encontrar voce eu conheci O que è felicidade meu amor
Feliz assim (Muita) a calma…
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photographicbloguk · 7 years
25 Powerfull Black & White Portrait Photos
A great portrait photo will show emotion in the subject’s face and convey a message to the viewer, I find black and white adds an extra dramatic dimension to a portrait photo. In today’s roundup post I will be taking a look at 25 powerfull examples found on Flickr that have been licensed under a creative commons license, so many thanks to all the photographers here. Click through to see the full size photo and the photographers other photos.
an old lady with an umbrella in Ravangla market!
an old lady with an umbrella in Ravangla market! by Sukanto Debnath
A Woman’s Face in B&W
A Woman’s Face in B&W by Sailing “Footprints: Real to Reel” (Ronn ashore)
A little boy from Yuksum
A little boy from Yuksum by Sukanto Debnath
old man grumbling …
old man grumbling … by * hiro008
selfportrait by Proyecto Eden
old lady from Patan(Nepal), smoking
old lady from Patan(Nepal), smoking by Sukanto Debnath
james (and me)
james (and me) by stephcarter
leaving it behind..
leaving it behind.. by drukaman *andré ferreira*
For my good friend
For my good friend by Slaff
Emrah by carmonamedina
Portrait from the market
Portrait from the market by Sukanto Debnath
Whitebeard by Jerolek
Mad world
Mad world by alles-schlumpf
A Limbu Lady in front of a temple
A Limbu Lady in front of a temple by Sukanto Debnath
Visione by Astragony
the professor
the professor by Angelo González
James by stephcarter
Anabel ma Belle
Anabel ma Belle by ZOBEL *
Talli & Adam | Those Eyes!
Talli & Adam | Those Eyes! by Sean Molin Photography
Lines of living – Lebenslinien
Lines of living – Lebenslinien by alles-schlumpf
Mike in B&W
Mike in B&W by wd9hot
Mirades furtades…
Mirades furtades… by dp Chaigneau fotos
anziani by mbeo
Isa by Fortimbras
Iman by NeilsPhotography
The post 25 Powerfull Black & White Portrait Photos appeared first on Photographic Blog.
from Photographic Blog http://photographicblog.com/25-powerfull-black-white-portrait-photos/
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photographicbloguk · 7 years
25 Powerfull Black & White Portrait Photos
A great portrait photo will show emotion in the subject’s face and convey a message to the viewer, I find black and white adds an extra dramatic dimension to a portrait photo. In today’s roundup post I will be taking a look at 25 powerfull examples found on Flickr that have been licensed under a creative commons license, so many thanks to all the photographers here. Click through to see the full size photo and the photographers other photos.
an old lady with an umbrella in Ravangla market!
an old lady with an umbrella in Ravangla market! by Sukanto Debnath
A Woman’s Face in B&W
A Woman’s Face in B&W by Sailing “Footprints: Real to Reel” (Ronn ashore)
A little boy from Yuksum
A little boy from Yuksum by Sukanto Debnath
old man grumbling …
old man grumbling … by * hiro008
selfportrait by Proyecto Eden
old lady from Patan(Nepal), smoking
old lady from Patan(Nepal), smoking by Sukanto Debnath
james (and me)
james (and me) by stephcarter
leaving it behind..
leaving it behind.. by drukaman *andré ferreira*
For my good friend
For my good friend by Slaff
Emrah by carmonamedina
Portrait from the market
Portrait from the market by Sukanto Debnath
Whitebeard by Jerolek
Mad world
Mad world by alles-schlumpf
A Limbu Lady in front of a temple
A Limbu Lady in front of a temple by Sukanto Debnath
Visione by Astragony
the professor
the professor by Angelo González
James by stephcarter
Anabel ma Belle
Anabel ma Belle by ZOBEL *
Talli & Adam | Those Eyes!
Talli & Adam | Those Eyes! by Sean Molin Photography
Lines of living – Lebenslinien
Lines of living – Lebenslinien by alles-schlumpf
Mike in B&W
Mike in B&W by wd9hot
Mirades furtades…
Mirades furtades… by dp Chaigneau fotos
anziani by mbeo
Isa by Fortimbras
Iman by NeilsPhotography
The post 25 Powerfull Black & White Portrait Photos appeared first on Photographic Blog.
from Photographic Blog http://photographicblog.com/25-powerfull-black-white-portrait-photos/
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photographicbloguk · 8 years
25 Powerfull Black & White Portrait Photos
A great portrait photo will show emotion in the subject’s face and convey a message to the viewer, I find black and white adds an extra dramatic dimension to a portrait photo. In today’s roundup post I will be taking a look at 25 powerfull examples found on Flickr that have been licensed under a creative commons license, so many thanks to all the photographers here. Click through to see the full size photo and the photographers other photos.
an old lady with an umbrella in Ravangla market!
an old lady with an umbrella in Ravangla market! by Sukanto Debnath
A Woman’s Face in B&W
A Woman’s Face in B&W by Sailing “Footprints: Real to Reel” (Ronn ashore)
A little boy from Yuksum
A little boy from Yuksum by Sukanto Debnath
old man grumbling …
old man grumbling … by * hiro008
selfportrait by Proyecto Eden
old lady from Patan(Nepal), smoking
old lady from Patan(Nepal), smoking by Sukanto Debnath
james (and me)
james (and me) by stephcarter
leaving it behind..
leaving it behind.. by drukaman *andré ferreira*
For my good friend
For my good friend by Slaff
Emrah by carmonamedina
Portrait from the market
Portrait from the market by Sukanto Debnath
Whitebeard by Jerolek
Mad world
Mad world by alles-schlumpf
A Limbu Lady in front of a temple
A Limbu Lady in front of a temple by Sukanto Debnath
Visione by Astragony
the professor
the professor by Angelo González
James by stephcarter
Anabel ma Belle
Anabel ma Belle by ZOBEL *
Talli & Adam | Those Eyes!
Talli & Adam | Those Eyes! by Sean Molin Photography
Lines of living – Lebenslinien
Lines of living – Lebenslinien by alles-schlumpf
Mike in B&W
Mike in B&W by wd9hot
Mirades furtades…
Mirades furtades… by dp Chaigneau fotos
anziani by mbeo
Isa by Fortimbras
Iman by NeilsPhotography
The post 25 Powerfull Black & White Portrait Photos appeared first on Photographic Blog.
from Photographic Blog http://photographicblog.com/25-powerfull-black-white-portrait-photos/
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