#furthering my elezen agenda
necromeowncy · 1 year
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Urianger pin-up °✩ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎ
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nyxnephilim · 1 year
Time for a bit of FFXIV speculation :
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I realize that a bulk of FFXIV players have already completed the whole of the story arc ( probably more than one time ) so please don't hold it against this 🌱 while I think-out-loud about my feelings towards the story so far even if I'm still experiencing ARR.
( also pls no spoilers, but I appreciate encouragement and assurance my questions will get answered. Lol )
Somethings have been picking at my brain since I encountered them. One of which is when the Amal'Jaa are surprised we do not fall to tempering stating our "soul must belong to another" and then Ifrit himself says that while he can see we do not already serve a primal that the paragons warned the Primals about the godless-blessed one's aborrent existence. Does that mean that while we may or may not be tempered by a primal we are controlled/ guided by some 'other' thing outside the paragons or the 12. If we are being Guided/controlled by what we don't quite understand but is big enough or strong enough for the paragons & primals to worry about —- should we be worried about its overall motive & can it truly be benevolent and omniscient with that much power? Does it seek to follow through with its own agenda regardless of the plight of others.
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The reason I say this is because of another encounter that seems to stick in my mind. A point in which Y'stola chastises Merlwyb for breaking the treaty with the Kolbolds. She basically says and has a solid point (that I had already thought of before this scene) when she tells Merlwyb that this constant war with the Kobolds was of her own doing in letting Lominsans break the treaty. The kolbolds are just defending themselves. Or course there is an a back and forth that ensues but the point being both Merlwyb and the Kobolds are doing what they believe to be right for justice sake and for the sake & safety of their people.
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I extrapolated this further. What makes us, the scions, so sure that what WE are doing is right? Because a giant crystal says so? We kill gods/primals and move against another society that perhaps (outside of their military) could possibly be wanting freedom and peace like those of Eorzea do. What of the Garlemald society? They can't be all military. Its not hard to believe that there are some suffering at our hands because of what their military decided to do, not them. I guess essentially what I'm saying is, how are we so certain we are not falsely lead to believe what we do is just and right when what we do is kill gods/primals, murder tribes on sight because of who they are and pushing our agenda on them. There is point where there is a kobold says that those of their community at war with us do not represent the whole of their society. … and I hear that the crafting questline with the different tribes show us that not all of the their race want to fight. So is it hard to reason that perhaps not all Ishgardians hate dragons? That not all dragons hate the elezen. That not all Garleans follow their military and that perhaps what we perceive as right may only be a perspective of one cosmologic being with enough power to have us believe in what they want?
on top of the fact that the Ascians say ' if we knew more, that we wouldn't be fighting with them.... that we would basically understand’ ... leaves me feeling 🤯
What the hell is going on? I know mother crystal is our main guide... but tbh I'm feeling pretty sus about things and honestly the motives of Hydaelyn. I realize they are presenting her as a mothering ‘goddess’ but I’ve always been the type of kid to ask “why”
The answer of ‘just because’ … ‘because I said so’….. ‘because this is how it’s always been done’ ….. ‘because I’m the boss’…..
Has NEVER sat well with me. As a kid or now. With my parents, with teachers, with management or upper level bosses. I need to know the why, the motives, the implications or consequences, the benefits. I need this information because the end does not always justify the means. Especially if on a core level I disagree with it and feel there is an alternate route.
That probably says more about me then I intended but yeah… lol
... anyhow.... thank you for letting me just babble on about the beginning of this ( I'm sure to be ) wild ride we all know and love called FFXIV.
:::: Newbie rant over ::::
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Wolianger Day 1: 7 Moments in Heaven
“Thou wished to meet?” Urianger said, ducking his head as he walked through the doorway to Brychar’s lodging. Brychar suppressed a laugh at the tall Elezen having to lower his head, having equally been unaccustomed to the Hyur construction, namely its height limitations.
“I did… there are some things which I wish to discuss ,” Brychar said, flashing a devilish grin.
At this Urianger let go of an audible sigh, clearly anticipating some tomfoolery with the Au Ra before him. Little did he know.
“Come, take a seat,” Brychar said, eyeing the space next to him on the bed; no other seats were available in the modest room. 
With calculated steps, Urianger made his way towards the sage, his mischievous comrade, and politely took a seat next to him, careful to allow for enough space between the two. Urianger had to accept that he’d long pined for the tall Au Ra, having found his exotic nature near impossible to dismiss, even amongst the largest of crowds. Initially he’d shaped it to be curiosity naturally from a born scholar. However, as time progressed, he could no longer insult the pursuit of knowledge with the carnal desires which led him towards wishing to further investigate his comrade. 
“So chaste,” Brychar softly mused, bringing a blush to the scholar’s face.
“Though it pleaseth thee so to incriminate thyself with crass humor, I plead that thee omit mine name from such folly,” Urianger eloquently said, attempting to stifle the reaction Brychar’s teasing nature attempted to elicit. 
“Oh, Uri…”
“Please…” Urianger interrupted, “”Twas in confidence I did share the origin of that name , with utmost expectation that thou would refrain from twisting it to stroke thine sense of humor.”
Brychar ignored the scholar’s protest, continuing on, “and it was in honest response that I promised no such thing.” In a slow motion, Brychar brought his hand to rest just above the scholar’s knee, the action appearing almost natural despite the awkward distance Urianger had assured remained between the two. 
The warmth of the sage’s hand through his robe resulted in an unavoidable shudder as Urianger became more fully aware of just how small the room was, especially for two grown men. He shifted uneasily, remembering the last time he had been trapped in such a compromising situation, Brychar’s carnal eagerness threatening to step over the boundary the scholar had felt necessary to set. 
“Brychar… though knoweth my position on what is conspicuously evident upon thy lips,” Urianger said.
“Aye, and thy position was only surpassed in explanation by your admission of longing,” Brychar responded, continuing to push at the scholar’s resolve. 
“‘Tis truly in thy nature to subjugate any knowledge which doeth not suit thy agenda,” Urianger said. The tone almost sounded teasing to the Au Ra, hope urging him to continue his pursuit.
“Prioritization of pertinent knowledge, a skill taught by a very wise scholar… what was his name? Uri?” Brychar teased.
Urianger hated having his own words used against him, as it typically resulted in a loss of words on his part. He knew he was caught in some regard, unable to refute the thread of logic Brychar was using to worm his way into dangerous territory. 
“Thou learned with utmost efficiency,” Urianger mused, hiding his face in his hands.
“Truly, though hardly unexpected with such an unprecedented subject of research,” Brychar flirted. 
“Stop,” Urianger said, quite resolved. “‘Mine concerns were expressed in clear fashion, thou lacking self-governance compounded with mine own concerns of improperly checked desires leaves minuit room for error.”
“Perhaps it is through error that the most rewarding lessons are learned, would you not agree?” Brychar said, eyeing Urianger’s silhouette as the scholar went rigid. 
“Please,” Urianger pleaded.
“As I asked before, give this a chance… give us a chance. We’ve both proven sufficient restraint and control to keep any happenings from creating lasting conflict or change in our duty as Scions,” Brychar explained. 
“B… but should thou find thyself as infatuated as I find mineself, ‘tis most probable that irrevocable damage would commence,” Urianger rebutted. 
“Aye, but is it not with such infatuation and desire that compatibility and commitment is found?” Brychar argued.
“‘Tis hard to debate thy logic… no less monumental in comparison to debating matters of the heart,” Urianger sighed.
“Aye… the heart,” Brychar said suggestively, winking at the scholar. 
“Brychar…” Urianger said with a warning undertone.
“My apologies.”
Both sat for what felt an eon as Brychar silently celebrated in what seemed to be a likely victory - if not one which resulted in immediate action, one which at least had provided reason for his scholarly comrade to revisit forbidden ideations. He knew he was unfair in pushing his friend to such levels of discomfort, but previous regrets in terms of lost relationships had spurred him on in initiating conversation over such matters another time. He knew Urianger’s patience was unrivaled amongst their congregation, which had given him further confidence in being able to push his agenda. 
Urianger’s own mind was equally busy as he sifted through the known information presented through new logic. There was never a moment before when he could recount the balance between his own logic and reason and his carnal wishes being so challenged. He’d always prided himself in making decisions based on reason and for the betterment of the future for many others, never interpersonal decisions and especially those which came with such risks. Yet, despite his earlier resolve, he could feel himself slowly giving into long held curiosity. While he had never admitted to the other healer, he’d never engaged another in any form of intimacy, aside from a friendly hug. The lack of practice and lack of research on such matters left him feeling suddenly inadequate and entirely unprepared should things move forward. 
“Tell me what you’re thinking,” Brychar said, startling Urianger from his thoughts.
In a sudden fit of foolishness, Urianger lunged forward, closing the space between him and Brychar as he brought his lips to connect to the sage’s. The Au Ra’s lips were deliciously soft, despite initially being pulled taught in surprise. While he had no idea what he was doing, the connection immediately felt natural and with no thought his hands came to cradle Brychar’s head in his hand, urging him for a deeper kiss. 
Brychar’s own surprise melted into ecstasy as he allowed himself to be pulled into a more meaningful kiss. He could tell Urianger was unpracticed, but like most things, was quickly learning the ropes. Urianger’s thinner lips voraciously combatted his own for dominance, eventually a tongue darting out to part Brychar’s lips, requesting access. Brychar had never expected the scholar to answer without words, yet now lost himself in the silence aside from the rushing sound in his ears. 
With a regrettable sigh, he who initiated the response, brought it to a close. As Urianger pulled away, both struggled to catch their breath, a sudden awkwardness setting among the room as realization set in. Urianger was fully unprepared for how effective the kiss had been at awakening future questions , becoming fully aware of having passed the point of no return in his inquiry. 
“That was… a most unexpected answer,” Brychar finally said, breath laden with desire.
“Aye, ‘twas with uncertainty which words failed to caress mine tongue,” Urianger responded.
“So you decided to caress mine instead,” Brychar teased, noting the blush in Urianger’s face.
“Must thou be so cruel in thy jests?” Urianger responded, once again hiding his face in his hands. 
“Was it not with such cruelty that such wondrous research has now been unlocked?” Brychar continued. 
Urianger paused for a moment, once again left with the decision to proceed with seriousness or with jovial intentions. “‘Again, thy logic remaineth unwavering,” he finally responded, utterly failing at his attempt to wink at the sage. 
Both men broke out into a genuine laugh as some of the earlier tension began to melt away.
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fantasy-so-far · 2 years
Day 11 - Tepid (Make-up Day)
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It was a tepid reception at best, but tension rippled out from the clasped hands at the center of the room. With all eyes on his ears, Holly knew that he was still not welcome to make waves in the social pools in which he had inserted himself. Still, his concerns didn’t make it past his artfully crafted mask.
“I am so sorry to interrupt Ser Lacroix,” Holly stated loudly enough to address the scorn of the other men offhandedly.
“Not at all,” the knight stated sincerely. “You are promptly on time for our meeting. I appreciate that.”
The other men started to realize that their disdainful gazes and murmuring were not welcomed, nor supported, by their host, so they started to make excuses to take their leave. Some looked at the nearby chronometers and made simultaneous excuses about dreaded tardiness. Others simply thanked Evant for the chat and left. Two men lingered until the knight looked at them pointedly, and then they also filed out.
One man, though, a much older elezen, refused to adhere to such niceties. He sat firmly and plumply in his chair and sipped his brandy without so much as looking at Holly.
“Father. I need to talk to Holly alone,” Evant pressed more directly.
“I don’t see why,” the man responded in a gruff tone. “I had given you a perfectly good list of local contacts and I have heard from them that you haven’t enlisted the aid of a single one of them.”
“That is why I haven’t enlisted their help,” the knight sighed irritably. “This is meant to be a surprise, and you hate surprises so much that you want to spoil it for yourself, and potentially others. Please, father, I will come find you when I am finished here.”
The old man peered at his son in disquieted silence for a moment before finishing his brandy in a gulp and pushing himself from his chair. He hobbled out grumbling about surprises and outsiders, but Holly pretended not to hear him.
“I do apologize for any discomfort my company may have caused you. My impending wedding is a political affair and most of the people involved are adherent to old politics, which did not include people from outside our lands,” Evant admitted while gesturing to empty seats and pouring each of them a brandy.
“I knew what I was getting myself into, honestly,” Holly chuckled good-naturedly. “I just hope my presence does not mar your reputation.”
Ser Lacroix paused and shook his head before handing over Holly’s glass.
“Your status as an outsider will prove to be a boon to me in time,” he explained. “You see, I am marrying a Garlean woman, and I have fought tooth and nail to draw acceptance from my father and the House to which I am sworn. Surprisingly, I found it. My fiancée is beloved member of our social circles now, and so, she is assimilated. When you contacted me about answering my advertisement for aid, I see in you and your company an opportunity to continue to further my progressive agenda.”
Holly sipped his drink and listened. Evant’s admission raised a red flag, but Holly didn’t betray any concern.
“How’s that?” He asked casually.
“My future wife and I will have children one day, and though my wife is assimilated in the circles because she adheres to a role that inspires tolerance, I find that children, especially those who are different, are treated with less tolerance as they age and explore their identities. Before that day comes, I hope to weed out the influences in my life that will treat my family as lesser because of heritage. You mentioned in our correspondences that the company you represent is entirely comprised of outsiders who now own property in Ishgard?”
Holly could follow the logic and nodded at the question. “That is correct. The leader is an auri warrior and his leadership team is primarily made up of Viera and Au Ra.”
“Well, if they own property, they are landed, meaning that many of our laws and bylaws will favor them. Their races, however, will cause there to always be question about their citizenship and loyalty, even as our own loyalties are injured by generations of lies,” Evant went on. “I see an opportunity to align myself with the welcoming of a new era for Ishgard. While some will do similar by way of trade and direct politics, I want to do so by supporting the new citizens of Ishgard, in hopes that the generation in which my children grow up will be more than tolerant of outsiders.”
“That is an awfully noble cause,” Holly admitted, trying to disguise some of his skepticism. It was all so idealistic that even the bard wasn’t sure it was grounded in reality. “I find myself grateful that you have these aspirations, since it will help the Graveyard Company flourish in this new place. Speaking of which, as we discuss the job proper, I would like to negotiate some public relations rewards into the payment.”
Evant looked confused but did not voice it, allowing Holly to go on without interruption.
“Since you want to be seen aligning yourself with the new blood in Ishgard, I would propose invitations for the company to your wedding,” Holly said bluntly. “And, if possible, any pre-wedding festivities as well.”
The wince that Evant tried to disguise behind his brandy glass spoke volumes of his dedication to his vision. The full minute of silence that followed even more so. Holly was about to press the man for a response when Evant nodded hesitantly.
“I believe that can be arranged. It may even be appropriate since this job pertains to the wedding,” he admitted, though he sounded as though he doubted himself. “Are they…how do I put this politely…you said they are mercenaries? Are the familiar with social protocol?”
Holly wanted to howl with laughter at the hypocrisy he was party to. However, he pasted on his most charming smile and nodded reassuringly.
“Yes. I assure you that their occupation has no impact on their manners,” he pointed out. Holly wasn’t satisfied, though. Instead, he hummed a tune, feining thoughtfulness. The melody was magic that would make the knight more susceptible to suggestion. When the spell was woven, he lifted a hand and snapped, activating it.
“Oh! Do you know what,” he exclaimed, burying the strange gesture beneath an excited expression. “This is actually perfect. Having them at all social occasions pertaining to the wedding will perfectly illustrate how important unity is for you. Unity of the new and old citizens of Ishgard. Isn’t that a lovely future?”
The spell caused Ser Lacroix to lag a bit, but he, very suddenly, nodded emphatically after a moment.
“Yes! That is a most beneficial suggestion. Yes. I will pay the promised coin, but I will also get them invitations to social events. You really are godsent in these times,” he cheered. “Now then, there is just the details of the job to discuss. Shall we?”
Holly hid his smirk with another sip of brandy, taking the time to trade it out for a faint smile. When he nodded is affirmation, the knight hopped up to get a map. He would spend the rest of their meeting remembering his promise, but not acknowledging it further.
Bardic manipulation at its finest.
Master Post || Prompt Source || Challenge Carrd
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allycryz · 3 years
Nsfw prompt: “Oh my god. Did we just break the bed?” for the ot6 :3
Alright, here it folks. Urianger gets spoiled, six people are very cute, a bed gets broken. Also pushed myself to write this in past tense since I haven’t done it in a while.
Rated E for Eggsplicit, is honestly pretty PWP but there’s feelings and fluff in there
“I beg thy forgiveness.” Urianger frowned at the piles of books crowding his room. His hands stroked light upon the spines, tracing letters, "I am certain thy book was here but it seems not."
“It’s alright.” Nerys said from her perch on his bed. The thin mattress creaked beneath her weight, swaying with each minute gesture. "I know you'll find it. Come sit with me."
He looked up with a hand caught in his silver locks and mouth curled into a frown. Twas not often he wore his consternation so openly and it was...quite charming. Not least of which because of the subtle pouting of his full lips. (She hoped he was not so upset as to halt her plans.)
“Nay, I shall keep searching.”
“Uri.” She patted the space beside her. “Please?”  
"I am unable to refuse such an invitation twice." Urianger moved like a dancer, once explaining that his poise and posture came from learning at the elbow of Louisoix Leveilleur. Nerys mostly believed it, seeing all the similarities in how he and the twins held themselves. And yet–she was convinced it was not the whole of the story.
He sank to his knees before her, rather than where she indicated. “It has been some time since I relaxed by thy side.”
Nerys stroked over his noble brow, nails scratching light into his scalp. “Far too long. Though this is not by my side.”
“But how else shall I do this?” He brought her hand up, leaving reverent kisses upon her fingertips. As always it made her breath catch, whether alone or in the company of their lovers.
They were not often alone, just the two of them. (And with what she planned, it would not be this way long.) There was so much she had yet to discover about him, the newest of her lovers. The sinuous sway of his hips was but one coin from a well-buried, well-protected treasure chest of knowledge. 
But there were facets of him that were extensions of the relationship they already had; as her comrade, her friend, partner of her partners. He was always kind and respectful, as willing to listen as to teach. That impish sense of humor he kept beneath it all–she had found that long before she took him as hers.
Here was one discovery that still made her tremble: the way he looked at her as if she was a treasure worth worshipping.
Another: the secretive smile upon his lips before he struck. Nerys was a moment forewarned by it before he rose to kiss her. 
Still another: how good a kisser he was. She was overwhelmed enough that one moment his lips were on hers, the next she was beneath him. The bed groaned and swayed with their movements, an anchor in the swirling sea of his presence.
Besides being noisy, the bed was on the small side. Not really what she expected. Urianger could live like a monk, subsisting on water and archon loaf with naught but a candle for luxury. But with the way he luxuriated in Haurche’s sumptuous bed or the raptures on his face when he shopped for fine clothes…
Nerys had assumed he was only a hermit when his studies called, not as a matter of course.
“We need to get you a new bed.” She murmured as he unfastened her already half-open shirt. His eyes had gone to the partly revealed breastband since her arrival. “You’ve barely any room for yourself.”
"No need, my lady. I seldom sleep here--indeed, I have moved most of my possessions to Haurchefant's and Thancred's rooms."
“Yes but-” Nerys unclasped the golden torque about his neck.  "You have been in the Sands for a week now. And I'm sure this won't be the last time you have to stay here."
"Would it comfort thee…" His words became a moan as her hands worked into his taut shoulders and nape. Were he able to, he might purr under her ministrations.
"I often avail myself...of the cot in the archives."
“Uri.” She clucked her tongue. As if he and their lovers didn’t admonish her for various bad habits ranging from overextending herself to less-than-prudent jumps down cliffsides. 
Today is not about me though.
“Once again, I must beg thy gracious pardon.” He lowered his cheek to her chest, nuzzling against the swell of breast even as his hands eased down the breastband. His long fingers kneaded the sides of her chest slow and gentle. “In penance, I shall serve thee faithfully all afternoon and into the evening.”
Desire coiled in her belly. One word from her and Urianger would worship her from the crown of her head to the tips of her toes. Even now, his practiced healer’s touch found her pains and soothed them away. But she came here with an agenda and she must not forget it, even-
Her mouth fell open with a moan as he took handfuls of her chest, squeezing with gentle strength. That impish gleam was in his eyes when he looked down. 
“Will you…” She swallowed. “Lie on your back for me?”
“If that is thy wish…” He flipped them easily, settling her atop him. Hands slid over her bottom and squeezed. “Dost thou wish for control today?”
“Just a shred.”
His lips caught hers as she slithered down, meeting the barest resistance before he let go with a chuckle. Nerys gave him a look and received only a smile in reply.
According to Haurche, the chiton was far easier to deal with than his scholar’s robes. She never had the pleasure of unwrapping him from his old mode of dress. Piece by piece, I took him apart like a present before taking him apart as a lover might do. There is nothing quite like a reveal, my heart.
That conversation ended with Haurche performing his own slow striptease. Nerys drifted from the fond memory to the present, to the bunch of fabric now at Urianger’s waist and the silken black smalls she unveiled beneath. His cock strained against the taut fabric, twitching at the glide of her hand.
"Wilt thou let me return whatever favors thou dispenses?" His voice dropped to low and rumbly and then to a groan as she rubbed her cheek upon his clothed cock. 
“I’ll think about it...You certainly proved your tongue’s prowess when we were last together.”
Urianger sighed, either from her touches or the memory of nine days ago–him and her and Y’shtola between them. “I-I didst not sup upon thy nectar then…”
She squeezed his thigh. “No but I saw you send ‘Shtola into the heavens.”
“Where she doth belong, crowned in stars and cloaked in moonlight.” His words then turned to garbles and gasps as she mouthed against the fabric. Traced her tongue over the solid outline of his shaft and inhaled his musk.
“And what shall be her throne?” Nerys hummed against him. His hand found purchase in her hair and tugged. Heat kindled between her legs at the touch, more when he did it again. Sitting up so she could see the intent in his eyes.
“Thy visage is the most glorious sight of all…” He groaned, digging filed-down nails into her scalp until she trembled. “What better seat for our beloved than that?”
“Oh,” she breathed. It had taken him no time to master her needs and wants. Had he not watched her plenty, with a lover or two or three between them? And you really are that easy. 
Nerys would not be the only one losing sense and control. Her thumbs hooked beneath his smalls to ease them down, freeing his erect length from their confines. She squeezed his thighs as her tongue dragged up his shaft, finding the sensitive ridge under his head. 
“N-nerys-” he gasps, reaching for the white cotton sheets and grabbing them by the fistful. “I-I should have better control, than to be driven so wild so quickly.”
She pulled off of him with a soft pop of sound. "You've been locked away in here for a week with only your hand to relieve you. No wonder you're sensitive."
“I shall...endeavor to satisfy thee. Thou need not worry-”
The door opening startled her, even though it was Phase Two of her plan coming to fruition. Urianger froze beneath her before he chuckled, the sound as much sigh as it was mirthful. “My lady, didst thou invite them and not tell me?”
“Surprise.” She grinned and turned her head. Y’shtola and Thancred watched them with twin expressions of pleasure. “I hope this is alright?”
Urianger groaned. "I wouldst never turn away those I love so dearly. And they look upon me as if I am a feast laid out for their sampling."
“Ha,” Thancred snorted. "Seems like Nerys has the feasting part well in hand."
Y’shtola smiled, turning her back towards Thancred while keeping her eyes upon them. He dutifully took care of the hooks at her nape, easing the scarlet and gray dress down her shoulders. She arched an eyebrow at the pair on the bed. “Well? Don’t stop on our account.”
Nerys gave the slightest hint of her intentions–a little secret smirk she’d learned at his feet–before swallowing him down. Breathing with purpose through her nose to take him deep, deeper, deeper still. Gods but Elezen were thick, and the reduced air goaded her as much as the eyes upon her. 
The gaze of the world was ever upon her in ways that made her anxious, embarrassed, fearful. But to simply put on a show for others, to stir their passion? That was something Nerys loved. No one expected too much of her besides the occasional fling, and those were more and more rare these days. There was no time to adventure in Eorzea’s bedrooms as she once had.
How lucky, that her lovers liked to watch as much as she liked to perform, while duty kept her from the dark corners of taverns and rolls in the hay.
Urianger laid back, forearm pressed against his brow. Lowered it so he might press his fist to his mouth. Nerys hummed around him, sinking further onto him until she could take no more. It was not enough, not yet, but he moaned all the same.
The heat of Thancred’s bare skin pressed against her back and his palms curled over her breasts. Toyed with them as his lips trailed over her spine. “You need a bigger bed, Uri.”
His response was a muffled groan about clenched knuckles. Y’shtola crawled onto the bed, over him with teasing touches, and stretched her small frame between him and the wall. She seized his wrist, dragging it to lips. “Ah ah. How will she know she’s doing a good job? Let her hear you.”
“Sh-shtola-” Urianger shuddered with the full force of his body as Thancred’s hand slipped down his stomach, fondling his sack. Nerys began to lift her head, found Thancred pressing her back down.
“Good,” said Y’shtola with an approving nod. “Keep her there a moment, Thancred. Urianger–there is no one to overhear you. So I had best hear your response.”
They watched as Urianger opened his mouth, his wordless cries filling the room with their sweet, penitent notes. His reward was another fondle, another suck; Y’shtola petting his hair.
“Nerys is far too overdressed for this.” Thancred said, drawing her up at last.
“And so is he,” Y’shtola agreed before she caught Urianger’s chin and kissed him. The man made a desperate noise before giving himself over to his passion. Nine days ago, Nerys watched him do the same as he filled Y’shtola, as Nerys held her close. Then he’d had the presence of mind to extol her virtues between breathless kisses. 
The same passion is clear in his half-lidded eyes and fervent mouth. Even if he is now in a place beyond poetry.
“You should have a taste too,” Nerys gasped, writhing against Thancred’s purposeful touch over her trousers. For his complaint about her state of dress, he was taking advantage of the friction of cloth against her skin. 
“Do you think so? I think that if we both suck him, he’s liable to pop.”
“What about all his rings?”
“They’re in my quarters,” Thancred laughed against her ear. “Besides, that’s not a guarantee he’ll be able to hold off-”
“I swear to thee.” Urianger licked his lips, eyes flickering from Nerys’ mouth to Y’shtola’s hands kneading his chest to whatever expression Thancred made. "If thou drives me to completion, I shall return the favor in kind. Thou...thou should not go unsatisfied because of my folly."
“Yes, definitely folly to show us how bad you want us.” Thancred snorted. “Uri, it’s okay to come. We’re not going anywhere.”
“True enough.” Y’shtola nipped at his jaw when he tried to rise. “I was going to make him hold off but that might be cruel…”
“I’m disappointed, darling.” The new voice sent shivers through Nerys. Thancred’s steady grip kept her from turning to greet him. “It’s ever so entertaining when you’re cruel to our lovers.”
He is not due quite yet… Not that she minded. Hopefully, in his impatience he remembered to bring-
“Surely,” Haurchefant said with a laugh. “You might magick up a way to help him hold back? As all his rings are in Mor Dhona, and not always reliable.”
“That will cost you, my Lord Emissary.”
“Tell me then, O Great and Powerful Sorcerer: how much for such a device, snapping away everyone’s clothes, and your cock in my mouth later?”
Hades’ laugh was a clear ringing sound that warmed Nerys’ already heated flesh. He was often playful, this ancient lover of theirs. Seldom was he so open as she heard in the notes of his mirth, playing in harmony with Haurchefant’s chuckles. Urianger met her gaze, his smile softening even more the warm mush her heart turned into. And then he gasped as Thancred ran a teasing hand up his length and Y’shtola bit down on his shoulder. 
A snap and her clothes disappeared, along with the bunched up chiton and the black smalls shoved about Urianger’s knees. Thancred’s warm skin pressed against hers–chest to her spine, thighs to the backs of her legs, his unclothed cock hard against her rear. Before them, a ring of black and purple aether pulsed at the base of Urianger’s cock.
She put a hand to it. It felt solid but as it shimmered, she saw flashes of the skin beneath. Hades had all manner of aether tricks to aid in the bedroom. This was one she hadn’t seen before.
He knelt on the floor beside the bed as bare as everyone else. His hand slid past her a moment, she caught the motion of him patting Thancred’s cheek. Then his fingers were on her chin, tilting it up for him to brush lips against lips. She moved to deepen the contact and he pulled back, clucking his tongue. “Ah ah, your mouth is destined elsewhere.”
“One kiss won’t hurt.” Nerys squirmed against Thancred’s hold but today, he was willing to cooperate with Hades. He held her fast and pressed light kisses down the line of her neck. 
“I wonder. Now, my dear–how long should we make our scholar squirm?”
“Oh not too long. Remember why we’re here after all.” Urianger looked up at that with raw curiosity in his gaze. 
“Please, the man loves when we deny him.” Hades rose then to perch on the edge of the bed with his torso turned towards Urianger’s face. His bare fingers ran over his chest till they found the gold hoops in his nipples. A small tug set Urianger’s face and neck red with pleasure. “Does that feel good then?”
"L-lovely,” groaned Urianger. "My lady Nerys...didst thou c-conspire against me?"
She laughed. Haurchefant made himself known then with his fingers guiding her limbs, positioning Thancred alongside her. He caressed them both while they obeyed onto their hands and knees, arms and shoulders against each other. "You've been holed up here for days. I thought you were due a respite."
"And I thought you deserved a little punishment as well." Hades added, thumb circling the stiffening nipple. "Depriving us for days."
"H-ha." Urianger quirked a brow. "Couldst thou not visit me whenever thou desires, Hades? I did not bar my door to thee."
"Impudent man." Hades leaned forward to kiss him as Y’shtola tugged at his silver locks.
A hand pressed against her nape as she saw another do the same to Thancred. Haurchefant must have removed his rings prior to his arrival. She could not feel the familiar press of metal or see his signet contrasted with Thancred’s white locks. Even with his fingers bare, with him standing behind them, she would have known his touch without ever having to see them.
It was that way with all of them now. Even Urianger. She had learned the feel of him that first night with Thancred between them and his touch reaching behind her for Haurchefant, caressing her arm lightly as she shook with the overwhelming pleasure of that moment. 
“Ladies first,” Thancred purred when their eyes were level with the ring. 
Nerys laughed, from the remark, from the surge of joy rushing through her. She licked a stripe up the thick shaft. Thancred did the same, meeting her with an open-mouth kiss that had the benefit of teasing against Urianger. They pushed each other–matching every swirl, lick, and suck; triumphant when one coaxed a loud moan or gasp. It was a heady competition, egged on by Haurchefant stroking her spine and praising them both. 
“You two are exquisite,” Haurchefant sighed as his hands drew away. Fingertips dragged over her skin until she felt them dip between her thighs, heard Thancred groan aloud. Nerys half-expected the mattress to dip with Haurchefant’s weight but instead he drew her back. She had to stretch her long torso to keep her mouth against Urianger.
He accommodated and leaned forward, bracing hands on either side of her. “Dearest Thancred, you will help her for this next part? She is radiant when she takes a cock completely.”
“Hmm…” A raised eyebrow. “Alright Haurche. Long as you promise to give me something nice later. No fair if only Hades gets your mouth tonight.”
“My darling boy…” Hades raised his head and Urianger whimpered at the loss. “Since when are you the arbiter of what is fair or not?”
“You hush.”
“If you want to stop my mouth, you need to be far more creative.”
“Both of you hush,” said Y’shtola. Her voice trembled as Urianger suckled at her chest but still resounded with the underlying core of iron. “You’ll get your turns later, if you’re good.”
“Yes ‘Shtola,” said Thancred with a laugh. He curled a hand over Nerys’ nape and helped her ease back onto Urianger. Behind them Haurchefant praised their obedience while the head of his cock notched against her folds. 
Urianger was a writhing mess beneath them and it was beautiful. The disheveled state of his hair; the blossom of red suffusing his upper body; the sighs they pulled from him; the pattern of bites on his neck from Y’shtola and on his torso from Hades. And him, impossibly hard and impossibly large in her mouth as Thancred dragged her up and down and Haurchefant sank into her. 
Their eyes met, his mouth worked. She reached forward though it could upset her balance. Brushed fingertips against his and then seized his hand. His hips canted upwards and it was almost too much with him so lost in sensation. Somehow, she managed to take him all the same. 
His trembling lips tried again before they managed a word in the babble of whimpers and sobs. “Please...please…”
Nerys answered with her eyes while her hand reached out again, brushing against Hades’ side. Haurchefant picked up her pace and she all but collapsed. It was then Hades turned his amused look at her and the hand desperately groping at his hip.
“May I help you?”
Her eyes swept downward. She could not see the ring just then–Thancred pressed her down so far that her eyes could see only golden skin and silver, curling hair. Haurchefant sighed behind her. “What a good girl, taking him all the way. You’re doing beautifully, my heart.”
“I wonder…” Hades voice floated above her. “What could she be trying to say? Have you any notion, ser?”
“I am not a betting man-” (Thancred’s derisive snort at that became a groan.) “But perhaps she would like to be dear Uri’s angel of mercy.”
“Certainly not. Our ferocious hero?”
“Our compassionate hero.” Haurchefant’s hand joined Thancred’s and brought her up. Hades met her pleading gaze with a sigh and an incongruously soft kiss to her forehead.
“If you insist, dear.” The ring disappeared and they were all lost.
Haurchefant and Thancred pushed her down, Urianger bucked upward. Hades leaned entirely on the bed, bare chest against their scholar as he kissed him with Y’shtola dragging her nails down his back. 
“That’s it,” Haurche panted in her ear. “Help him finish, beloved, dearest, our Nerys-”
Urianger cried out as his hand reached for her-
Haurchefant knelt on the bed and filled her-
And as Urianger spilled into her mouth, the chorus of their raptures was overwritten by an earsplitting crack! There was the sensation of falling, of balance going horribly wrong as she slid backwards into Haurchefant and Hades into both of them. A strange sound escaped her mouth when the momentum and impact both caused Haurchefant to fill her and not entirely pleasantly. 
She lifted her head and Urianger looked down at her. He had not sat up. His eyes were glazed with satisfaction even as realization pierced the fog of his climax.
“Oh my gods.” Nerys stared at the ramp they occupied. “Did we just break the bed?”
Shocked silence met her question. It was Urianger who broke it with low, barely concealed laughter. He slapped a hand over his mouth and his shoulders shook with the effort of not breaking. Behind her, Haurchefant chuckled into her ear as Hades scowled at them all.  Y’shtola stretched out where she was. Thancred roared with laughter behind them on the floor.
“Th-thou didst tell me…” Urianger said, fighting to control his mirth. “That I was in need of a bigger bed.”
“And I was right!” She watched Hades vacate the space between them before squeezing Urianger’s thigh. “Now what do you have to say for yourself?”
In answer, Urianger sat up with care and eased himself down. His warm hands cupped her cheeks, tilting her face up to receive the brush of his mouth against hers. “That I am glad we have a Sorcerer of Eld to set us to rights.”
“Hm.” Hades dusted off his arms with great exaggeration and wounded dignity. The gleam in his pale gold eyes was the only clue he was not so piqued as he pretended. “Give me a moment. As today we are demanding favors before we do anything, I needs must calculate the price.”
“Do make haste, lovely man.” Haurchefant adjusted Nerys in his lap and the friction sent her shivering. “I would like to finish what I started.”
“If I may offer a suggestion…” Y’shtola stretched herself upwards and Nerys could not help watching the curve and rise of her bosom, the marks of lips and teeth upon the teak skin. She wrapped her arms about Urianger from behind and propped her chin upon his shoulder. “You could ask to give Nerys proper thanks for arranging all this.”
That twitch at the corners of her mouth spelled Nerys’ salvation and destruction. “Now wait a minute-”
“Brilliant as always,” Hades smirked. “While the guest of honor recovers, I would like a sampling of our event planner in exchange for my great and powerful magicks.”
“Deal!” Haurchefant said, lifting her up while the bed repaired itself with a rush of aether. He had to withdraw from her to do so but from the looks around her...she would not be empty for long. “Have a care with her, lest we break it again.”
“I have ensured it won’t tonight.” Hades stepped over and gathered her into his arms. Laid her back upon the mattress, sprawled upon Urianger’s lap. “And tomorrow we purchase Urianger a bigger, sturdier bed.”
“There, my lady.” Urianger grinned above her. “Thou shalt get thy way after all.”
“I usually do,” she said before Hades moved to have his way with her.
Not that she was complaining.
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necromeowncy · 1 year
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Made an actual alt purely for role play purposes as I dust the decade-old dust off my RP muscles. His name is Laurent, he's a gladiator, he grows flowers, and he's helping me further the face 2 elezen agenda.
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