#fuuuuuuck uuuuuu tumblr
sitabethel · 5 years
Don't have a lot of energy rn, but I had to write at least one prompt for @deathshippingweek so I picked the AU. Fluff below, but you can find the extended, spicy version on AO3 (ch60 in the Lemonade Stand)
Amir’s eyes rounded in delight and his mouth fell open as he stepped into the room where they created their set designs and props. Severed limbs heaped on top of the tables. Bones stuck out of each foot and hand, splintered and jagged as if split with a cleaver not sharp enough for bone. Buckets of blood sat near the tables, entrails slopping over the sides. Chains, shackles, and hooks rusted over with dry blood hung from the ceiling. They clinked as Amir walked past. A shiver shot through him. One table boasted an entire torso, ribcage exposed to the air and maggots stuffed between the bones. Amir leaned over, swearing he could see the grubs squirm.
“Don’t. Touch. Anything. I’ve hardly slept all week to prepare for this.” A voice warned from behind, adding as an afterthought, “Please.”  
Amir spun and saw Ryou standing behind him. His long hair was twisted into a sloppy bun, and shadows clung around his eyes. He held a cup of coffee in one hand and a bloodied hacksaw in the other.
“It’s gorgeous,” Amir blurted out.
Ryou raised an eyebrow. Amir’s face burned, and he started again—this time attempting to stay coherent. He gestured to the gore around them. “The props. I can almost smell the rot.”
“It’s possible you do. I’d created a demon heart for the final act by sewing together some chicken livers and pork belly, but the smell got a little rank, so they forced me to toss it.” Ryou sighed.
“Did you get a picture before it had to go?” Amir asked.
With a slight grin, Ryou pulled out his cellphone. Amir leaned close, catching the faint, spicy scent of old cologne clining to Ryou’s clothes as Ryou pulled up several photos.   
“Swipe right for gore.” Ryou laughed.
“Oh my god. Dude, that’s sick.” Amir stared at the six-chambered demon heart. “Can you make a fake one?”
“Yeah. I’m waiting until the end, though. It set me back on my schedule.”
“Do you need any help? You know I’m not squeamish.”
“Is that why you’re sneaking around?” Ryou smiled. “You wanted to get blood on your hands?”
“Of course.” Amir grinned. “And get a sneak peak before the dress rehearsal.”
“I saw your costume. You’ll make quite the horrifying killer.”
Amir licked his lips and winked at Ryou. He normally didn’t hang around the theater nerds, but when Ryou told him they were doing a horror production for Halloween, the temptation was too luscious for him to resist, and he’d been cast as the killer the day after his audition. Ryou always designed the props for the plays, but this time he hadn’t shown up for game nights the past two weeks, so Amir decided to seek him out.
“Actually, if you really want to help, I was about to add some clear coat to this crate of organs. They need multiple coats each so they look wet when the stage lights hit them.”
“I am at your service.” Amir bowed.
“Oh no, you’re starting to act like an actor,” Ryou teased.
“Nah. The theater nerds are way more dramatic than I am.” Amir laughed.
He pulled a chair up beside Ryou and grabbed a brush. They used a small fan to pull the fumes away and covered their mouths with paper masks. After painting one coat onto the organs, they splattered blood on a pile of old clothes. Then they added a second coat to the kidneys, hearts, and spleens before Ryou wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed.
“I think I’m done for the night. What time is it?”
“1 AM.”
“Oh no. I’ve kept you up more than half the night.”
“I wanted to help.”
“Well...I appreciate it.” Ryou’s cheeks tinted pink. They turned off the lights and walked out of the prop room together.
“Meet back here tomorrow after classes?” Amir grinned.
“I don’t want to take up all your free time.” Ryou shook his head.
“Are you kidding me? This is my idea of a dream date.”
“Oh? Was this a date?” Ryou twisted a loose strand of hair as he dug his toe into the linoleum of the hallway.
Amir’s palms grew clammy, but his mouth was dry. Hiding his nervousness behind a grin, Amir leaned close and lidded his eyes. “Do you want it to be?”
“Hmmm...tempting. I mean, not many guys would help me splatter blood all over clothing for a first date. You might be a keeper.”
“I also give amazing shoulder massages.”
“Is that an offer?” Ryou placed both hands on Amir’s chest, tilting his face and parting his lips.
“Yes.” He leaned in and brushed their lips together. A sigh escaped him because of how sweet Ryou’s mouth felt against his own.
“Then let’s stop and grab a bite to eat.” Ryou play-nipped the bottom of Amir’s lip. “And then we can finish this date by me inviting you into my dorm room for coffee—and shoulder rubs.”
They laced their fingers together and walked hand-in-hand toward the campus food court.
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