#fyi her Pokémon types would be flying/fighting /j
boilompiz · 9 months
Stupid dragon oc ramble time part 1
Do inform me if none of this shit makes sense <33
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Norva (garbage doodle of the girlie above <3)
Bisexual 💪💪
So,, Norva
She’s kinda like a uh,, warrior of this rebellion group of dragons who basically like fight back against these unicorns trying to take over the land or something blah blah it’s not important/j
Basically she’s out here trying to avenge her father who was actually killed in a fight with these unicorns,, he was in the rebellion too btw :3
Not so fun fact about Norva she has some brain damage,, after she gets caught flying in a rain/thunderstorm, falling and SLAMMING her face into a buncha rocks
She decided to wear the mask after this to hide the facial scarring going on there,, girlie is already ashamed of herself she doesn’t need other folks to ashamed as well </33
Her brain also got a little fucked up by this which is no surprise,, she’s got memory problems, impulsive behavior, NO filter etc etc (PLEASEE correct me if any of this is inaccurate I’m not an expert on brain injuries whatsoever </33)
So basically Norva is a messed up girl and I love her,,
Next one will be uhm!!! Krovin
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