#g'raha finds himself a fwb
artisticflutter · 2 years
AU August - Day Twenty-Seven: University
Probably won’t post thirty today, but wanted to get these two caught up before gaming.
Series: Final Fantasy XIV Rating: T Genre: General, Romance Pairing(s): G’raha x Alisaie Summary: After that night, G’raha didn’t expect anything. However, it seems Miss Alisaie Leveilleur is not finished with him. Warning: Not beta’d. Continued from Day Combo 23 & 24.
She was in the library again.
Or had she always frequented the library before and he hadn’t paid much attention? 
G’raha wasn’t certain, but he saw her browsing one of the shelves, her brows furrowed and eyes narrowed in concentration as she scanned either the filing numbers or the author names… or mayhap the titles. She was looking at something - looking for something, and she could ask; it was his job after all, but she didn’t. Moving on down the row, he frowned. Should he offer to help? Would that be alright? Gods this felt awkward.
“You know she’s studying aetherical manipulation and reconstituting form.”
Back stiff, G’raha’s fur was standing as his head snapped to the side, and a breath escaped him as he noticed Alphinaud. Now when did he get here?
“Gods, you scared me. Why would she be studying that?” It sounded like the concepts behind Aetherytes and teleportation magicks which was already documented and cataloged upstairs and several shelves over. Also, why did that sound familiar? Could they have had that discussion? Trying to think harder about it, he felt his face begin to burn remembering those single night’s events instead. He swears, if they talked for bells about it at a party and then slipped away for - of all things. Was he that terrible at facilitating a conversation that wasn’t related to work?
“Let’s just say someone’s historical lecture regarding Tempering and creation magicks may have struck a chord. She’s always been exceptional manipulating her own aether, but she oft prefers it for combative needs. I’m not sure what brought this on.”
“Lecture…? Wait, my theoretical lecture?” He knew the professors had paid attention, but he hadn’t remembered seeing any students engaged in the audience - or hadn’t thought. Honestly, from an outsider’s perspective, understanding the rise of Tempering in ancient civilizations probably didn’t sound that interesting, or how the use of those victim’s aether recreated a crude use of creation magicks known only to their original ancestors. He only picked the subject because of the recent rise in illegal practices, mainly within cults. Yes, none of that sounded inspiring… “... I feel like I’m missing something.”
“I would advise asking her, but Alisaie’s one who rarely divulges her intentions. Not for the lack of trying, but we couldn’t both be gifted with certain social graces.”
“Just as we couldn’t all be gifted with certain physical aptitudes.”
A stack of books was set hard upon the counter, making both Alphinaud and G’raha jump. Slitted red eyes met equally fiery blue gaze, Alisaie Leveilleur standing there with both hands pressed on the counter and practically towering over G’raha. Yes, right, twins - she was the same height as Alphinaud and while she had more delicate features, she was far more physically imposing. And that should not arouse him, but…
“Now, if you’re done discussing what I’m doing, I’d like to check out,” she said, pushing the small stack forward. “And, dear brother, if you want to know, perhaps take more vested interest in my subjects than your next debate. Besides, wouldn’t you like to know how you can use it for your own goals just as you do with people? You and the rest of your insufferable group.”
G’raha’s ears flattened and he looked between them, noting Alphinaud’s indifference to Alisaie’s glare. If he recalled a passing rumor correctly, the two had long since had a strained relationship, but the reasons behind it were unknown. Before him, that rumor seemed true - and he didn’t like being present to witness it.
The group she was referring to, was it the Braves?
He scanned each book for checkout and informed her they were due in three weeks, breaking the tension between them. That was, until he found she’d slipped a paper into his hands. She was walking away before he could ask, but he heard her brother scoff.
“So, she’s picked you next.” G’raha tilted his head, not understanding. Alphinaud smirked, “Don’t think too hard about it. You’ll be gone like the others before soon enough.”
With that, the older twin took his leave, leaving G’raha at the counter, still bewildered as to what he might be involved in should he call the number in his hand.
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