anarchotolkienist · 1 month
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D. -Ach ciamar chaidh dhaibh nuair ràinig am feachd Pholiceman iad A. -'S e 'th' air sin naidheachd. Chaidh na mnathan gu treuntas anabarach. D. -Càite air an t-saoghal an robh na fir nuair 's e na mnathan a thionndaidh a-mach? A. -Bha iad aig an taigh a' toirt an àire air na pàistean 's a bhruich [sic] bhuntata 's sgadain. D. -Dè dhèanadh na mnathan feadh na bha siud de Pholiceman? A. -Nach gòrach thu a Dhòmhnaill! Nuair chaidh na mhathan an tarraing, chan fhaicheadh tu cùlaibh spailpein caola Ghlaschu le stùr a' fàgail a' ghlinne. (Litreachadh an là an-diugh)
Tìm an Òbain, 17mh den Mhàirt 1883- tha an Còmhradh seo a' dèanamh iomradh air Blàr a' Chumhaing anns an Eilean Sgìtheanach, nuair a chuir muinntir a' Bhràighe - is gu seachd àraid na boireannaich - an ruaig air feachd phoileis a bha air tighinn suas bho Ghlaschu gus daoine fhuadachadh.
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w0e-t0-th3-r3public · 10 months
//Gaelposting via screenshots cause Tumblr search does not work.
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anarchotolkienist · 3 months
The committment and pride of Gaels to being miserable bastards never fails to make me laugh. The Gaelic congregation was debating something after the service (in Gaelic) and one of the old islanders paused for a while, thinking and then said (translated) "...What's the Gaelic for Optimist?", to which an old lady from Lewis replied, quick as a whip, "There's no word for it. We've never needed it." I love this people so much.
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anarchotolkienist · 2 years
Notorious D.M.N.C.
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anarchotolkienist · 4 years
The Highlands is the kind of ecological desert you get after genociding an indigenous people and replacing their multifaceted economic activity with a fucking monoproduce headed exclusively by the interests of capital. Stop romanticising it, it's not supposed to be the way it is.
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anarchotolkienist · 2 years
Is e an-diugh an 140mh ceann-là de Bhlàr a' Chumhaing, no Battle of the Braes sa chànain eile, ann an sgìre a' Bhràighe san Eilean Sgitheanach. B' ann eadar poilis Ghlaschu agus croitearan is cotairean an eilein a bha am blàr seo, is na Gàidheil a' strì son còirichean talmhainn a chaidh a ghoid orra leis na h-uachdarain mhòra - gu sònraichte cead-ionaltraidh Bheinn Lì a bh' aca air chleachdadh cho fada is a bha Gàidheil san eilean - fhaighinn air ais. Bha an gall mòr seo air an robh 'Sherriff Ivory' ann an Port Rìgh os cionn poileas Gallta a bha feuchainn ri croitearan a dhliùilt aontachadh air cìsean gun chead-ionaltraidh fhaighinn an greim sa Bhaile Mheadhanach, ach chruinnich muinntir na sgìre aig a' Chumhang - 'dorast' na sgìre mar gum biodh - gus blàr is amhreit a chumail riutha, le badain is maide is clachan. Fhuair na croitearan saorsa, is phiobraich am blàr soirbheachail seo Gàidheil eile, air Gàidhealtachd is air fhògradh, gus ceartas a sheasamh ann an 'cogadh nan Croitearan'. Is iad as adhbhar a fhuair sinn Achd na Croitearachd, a chuir crìoch air linn nam fuadaichean, agus is iad as adhbhar a mhair a' Ghàidhlig idir beò dar linn fhèin. Cuireamaid clach air an càrn, is sìos leis a' phoileas, cho fìor an-diugh is a bha e nan là-san.
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[Dealbh: an càrn-cuimhne faisg air Camas Dìonabhaig san Eilean Sgìtheanach, air an urrainnear na leanas a leughadh: Faisg air a' Chàrn seo, air an 9mh là deug den Ghiblean 1882, chrìochnaich an cath a chuir muinntir a' Bhràighe air sgàth tuath na Gàidhealtachd]
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anarchotolkienist · 3 years
A few Sgitheanach comrades of mine are invovled with Iomairt an Eilein, trying to protect their own community, their own language and culture, from rural gentrification, which is driving all but the wealthiest out of their communities, out of the villages where they were born and raised, by incoming buyers of holiday homes. A signature is almost nothing, but there are good people involve, clever people, who will be able to do something with the energy unleashed by a significant campaign. So if you care about Gaelic language and culture, about rural peoples rights, about gentrification and fighting increasing centralisation, put a name to it, or share around what's happening. I'm sure that people in other parts of the Highlands, or diasporic Gaels looking to return, will be able to sympathise - it's a region-wide problem. I hope that other organisations of young people might be able to come together and co-operate, because you're going to need to struggle on a broad front, just like during the last clearances. A petition is a baby step, but it is a step, and it might help unite more people behind these demands for further campaigning. (Also, purely on a personal level, I'd appreciate it, as a Gaelic-speaker trying desperately to find a place where I could live full-time in a Gaelic community)
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anarchotolkienist · 2 years
That's the last speaker of Braes Gaelic dead, and the culture death marching ever west- and Northwards. How long untill we will need to bury the last elder? Solas ur Dè dhur n-anam, tha a' Ghàidhealtachd a' sìor-fhàs nas bochd' is nas bochd às aonais ur leithid.
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anarchotolkienist · 4 years
For people wondering about concrete steps that can be taken in the Highlands to sabotage the profits and prestige that landlords get out of keeping the land a desert, bereft both of people and wildlife - break their feeding stations. They bait deer to be easy to kill, and artificially inflate the carrying capacity of the depleted area, which is both ecologically and economically a catastrophe for all involved except for those who stole the land. Map them out. Break them.
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anarchotolkienist · 3 years
'Writing a play in Gaelic about a courtship featuring Gaelic courtship traditions is parochial and limiting. Writing a play in English featuring the courtship traditions of the English upper class is brilliant and universal. If you disagree with this it's because of your stupid dumb peasant brain.'
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anarchotolkienist · 2 years
I'm not in favour of bilingualism. I am in favour of Gaelic, and I am bitterly opposed to English. I am very tired of defenses of Gaelic which are really just defenses of the economic benefits of speaking more than one language instead of actually defending the right of the continued existence of Gaels, which is what this whole thing is about.
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anarchotolkienist · 2 years
Himbo is clearly a masculine word in Gaelic, because it refers to a concept which describes masculine things in nature.
Counter-point being that it's a loan-word from English starting with H and a vowel, which usually indicates that it would wind up as a feminine, with the H chalked up to the genetive definite article.
Counter-counter-point being that 'Iombo' is just a silly word to use in everyday conversation
Counter-counter-counter-point being that the word itself is supposed to be silly and applying that amount of grammar to it just makes it funnier.
Conclusion being that I have no idea what to do with this word, and therefore dump the decision-making progress on you lot.
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anarchotolkienist · 2 years
Tha mi leughadh Crois-tàra le Dòmhnall Mac na Ceardaich, agus tha Alasdair Mac Mhaighstir Alasdair CHO intense! I mean cha robh mi an dùil gum biodh e àbhaisteach ach fhathast - seo blasad dha chainnt (às dèidh dha na Dòmhnallaich a thogail gu taobh nan Seumasach, is e bruidhinn ris a' Phrionnsa) -
"Mo Phrionnsa; chan fhuaraich gu bràth gaol a tha air a bheathachadh bho chìch dòchais, deoin-bhaidh agus ionndrainn, agus cha mhó na sin a bhàsaicheas cuimhne nan èirig le bhith gan sìor-fhadadh. Seadh! Cuimhne nan éirig, an d'thubhairt mi? Chan é ach guth guth taghraidh aicheamhalach nam marbh: stoirm-ghuth dìoghaltais nan aois a bh' ann. Crois-tàra! Crois-tàra! Crois-tàra mo shinnsir tha là t' èirig air tighinn! Mo Dhia agus Teàrlach! Tha - tha 'n uair air tighinn! A nis! A nis air neo gu bràth na breithnich! Ged dh'èireadh feachdan an domhain 'nan aon tonn cumhachd nar n-aghaidh; ged dh'èireadh mairbh nàimhdean mhìle bliadhna bhon leabannan-crionaidh; ged ghairmeadh rùn sgrios nan dùl gar slugadh suas. Seadh, - ged dh'fhosgladh Iutharna na mhìlte ceaos a leigeil às feachd a mhìltean deamhan nar n-aghaidh, cha ghèill, - cha trèig, - cha lasaich, - cha till, cha sguir sinn gus an dìoghail sinn làn an aicheamhail, gus an coilin sinn buileach an éirig! Tha! O, a Dhè Mhòir! Tha spiorad uabhasach a' Ghàidheil air a thogail; air a chorruchadh! Tha spiorad ana-cneasda an gnè air sgaoileadh: air bristeadh à greim-riaghalt an céille! Na fineachan! Na fineachan! Tha 'n gairm-chatha 'am chluais"
Às dèidh seo, labhraidh ceann-feadhna chloinn Raghnaill às ar leth uile is e ag ràdh "Alasdair! Glac ciall, a laochain!"
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anarchotolkienist · 3 years
Tha an duilleag-chàraicteir a dh'eadar-theangaich mi son D&D a-nise ri fhaotainn air loidhne (bun na duilleige) - bu chòir gu bheil e form-fillable agus a h-uile sìon sin. An dòchas gun cuir sibh gu feum i ma tha sibh am beachd D&D a chluich sa Ghàidhlig riamh :)
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anarchotolkienist · 2 years
"Is tha mo chrios-sa dol an àirde/chan ann o fhìdhleir no o thàilleir/ach o stiùramaich' a' bhàta/am fear a sgrìobhadh is a leughadh Gàidhlig" Sin agad marriage material
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anarchotolkienist · 3 years
This was quite a good summary of where we're at and where we might go from here. People who are interested in the potential survival of the language, and what can be done to help turn back the tide of colonialist language- and culture-death, look no further.
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