#gager gfl x reader
Pick your favorite robo girls/Angelina! I’d love to see an imagine of them reacting to their S/O falling asleep on the transport back home, and what they do from there.
I can see the more… caring? Motherly? Girls picking their S/O up like a child who fell asleep in the car and bring them in, lul.
(GFL) S/O falling asleep on the way back
RO635, ST-AR 15, M4 SOPMOD II, AK-15, RPK-16, Angelia, HK416, G11, SPAS-12, WA2000, Gager, Hunter, Architect, and Scarecrow
Not as much as my favorites, but the gals who need more love this time around! Might do more if asked again for the others.
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RO felt her core start to heat up when S/O leaned into her shoulder, clearly exhausted from the operation.
S/O and some other human personnel were required to go out, and Anti-Rain had successfully escorted them, thankfully being an uneventful patrol.
Regardless, they humans were required to do lots of repairs and physical labor to get it working and most were tired like S/O.
Though she was embarrassed since S/O was getting too comfortable in front of her squad, RO still smiled and gently put one hand on their head.
Her good mood quickly vanished when she saw M16, her eyebrows going up and down with a smirk growing. RO frowned at her squadmate, her voice barely going above a whisper as to not wake S/O up.
(RO635) "Wipe that smirk off!"
(M16A1) "What, you gonna make me with S/O on your lap?"
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STAR started to fidget when S/O's weight started to increase on her shoulder, not really knowing what to do.
Should she wake them up? But then again they looked so...peaceful.
A small smile forming, she instead just holds their hand but remains awake and quiet, waiting for the Black Hawk to get back to base.
(ST AR-15) "You look cute when you're sleeping."
STAR quietly commented to herself, making her own head lean onto them, but not feeling too tired. She wouldn't rest just yet.
At least not until they were back in their own dorm.
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SOPMOD pouts when she realizes S/O fell asleep when she was in the middle of talking.
She was just about to show them some really cool souvenirs she found on the field too!
Sighing a little too loudly, SOPMOD's head bangs against the Black Hawk as her lips flutter in bordeom.
Now she had to wait until they woke up, which was gonna be HOURS from now!
(M4 SOPMOD II) "Hmph! Fine, I guess I'll wait..."
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15 knew S/O was fatigued the moment they got onto the Black Hawk.
15 didn't blame them, even she was feeling a bit drained, and she didn't even need to sleep.
Her voice is quiet enough for only S/O to hear, but she knew they weren't awake.
(AK-15) "Good work today, S/O."
With one hand gently brushing against theirs, she makes sure they're fastened in their seat so they won't lean out.
After doing so, she quickly enters into a sleeping mode herself, joining S/O in getting some peace and quiet.
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(RPK-16) "Aw, how cute."
16 chuckles when she sees S/O sleeping next to her.
Well, at least they were comfortable enough to do so around her and DEFY.
That, or they were too exhausted to care, which was fair enough.
Part of her wants to poke them awake or tease them, but decides to do that later.
They at least earned a little bit of a break, but she certainly wasn't going to wake them up when they got back. She wanted to see AK-15 or AN-94 do that.
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Angelia had gone out into the field, accompanied by S/O.
She rarely needs to follow her own squad out, but since this specific patrol required a human, it'd better for her to do so than the Commander.
But it was annoyingly long and uneventful.
So when S/O fell asleep, she didn't chastise them for it.
What she did mind was the fact their head found its way onto her shoulder, making her sigh.
(Angelia) "Couldn't even wait 'till we got back home, could you?"
She was going to have words with S/O for doing this in front of DEFY.
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416 rolls her eyes and groans when S/O is asleep.
She moves to wake them up, but stops at the last second as her hand grabs their arms.
Blushing slightly, she saw just how at ease S/O was. Doubly so when they were sitting closer to her than needed.
(UMP9) "Aw, how cute!-"
(HK416) "Shut your trap, not a word."
(G11) "...How come you let them sleep-"
(HK416) "Because S/O doesn't sleep nearly 24/7."
(UMP45) "Psh, talk about boyfriend/girlfriend privelege.-"
(HK416) "Quiet you little shits."
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G11 is not far behind in joining S/O in sleeping.
(G11) "Hm...comfy."
She quickly falls asleep herself, resting on S/O's lap, leaving no one in 404 surprised.
HK416 moved to yank her off S/O, but UMP45 stopped her.
(UMP45) "Let the love birds be, HK. They've earned the rest."
(HK416) "My ass. G11 is always asleep."
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SPAS panics a little when S/O starts leaning towards her as they're asleep.
She frantically moves her equipment out the way so S/O's head didn't collide into armor plates.
Barely getting it out of the way in time, she breathes a sigh of relief when S/O is resting comfortably on her chest.
...Wait, her chest?
Now she's panicking for a very different reason, all the while trying to stay quiet for their sake.
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WA mumbles something under her breath about S/O being a blockhead, but not loud enough to wake them.
Instead, she just blushes and continues her line of "insults" in her head, wrapping both arms around S/O's and holding them close.
(WA2000) ...Idiot. You should have gotten better rest.
It was only the two of them in the Black Hawk since this was just an excursion into Griffin Territory, which she didn't mind letting her guard down a bit more than usual.
Something she quickly regretted when the doors opened and Kalina, the Commander, and G36 all saw her asleep with S/O.
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Gager didn't know how to feel, seeing S/O asleep on her shoulder.
On one hand, it made her proud that they felt that safe around her. Of course they'd feel safe, she was superior to any Griffin Doll.
But at the same time, were they an idiot? Here was a former enemy, and they were literally just on her, without a care in the world.
Gager's fingers intertwine with S/O's thinking to herself.
(Gager) I wonder...what do you see in me?
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Hunter quietly chuckles to herself, slightly tilting S/O's head off her gently.
She was a T-Doll, they really shouldn't be sleeping on them. Plus if something were to happen, Hunter would be ready to spring into action.
She couldn't do that if her lover was occupying half her space.
(Hunter) "Hm, maybe later, S/O."
She at the very least makes sure they're comfortable on the ride back, thoughtfully glancing at their sleeping expression with a soft smile.
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Architect groans at S/O falling asleep, knowing she'd have no one to talk to on the way back.
...Granted, the other Coalition Forces with her were there, but they could only make beep-boop noises, or speak binary.
Sure she could translate that instantly, but that was too much work!
(Architect) "Come ooooon, we still got another hour! It's too quiet without you speaking!"
She shakes them awake, though being careful enough not to hurt them.
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Scarecrow's eyes shift to the right, seeing S/O fall asleep.
She simply hums audibly as she doesn't move an inch, much like her namesake, remaining still.
Were humans always this trusting of former enemies?
Whatever, it made no difference to her.
...Is what she told herself, yet her "emotions" from the Protocol Assimilation were going haywire, unsure if she would wake them or leave them be.
(Scarecrow) "You remain constantly to be illogical, S/O..."
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I’m simple Sangvis t-dolls first kiss with there S/0
(GFL) Scarecrow, Architect, Gager, and Hunter's first kiss
So, I actually went completely overboard on Scarecrow's part originally before remembering what the prompt even was, so that's going to turn into a short fic now! Also I feel like Sangvis names will be far easier to remember for those struggling with the weapon names of the Griffin T-Dolls.
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Scarecrow's mask was gently taken off by S/O, as she watched, her face unmoving the entire duration.
In her head, she knew how stupid this whole affair was.
A human falling in love with an android made no logical sense. And yet...she made no effort to resist.
Scarecrow's eyes did not close as they leaned into her face, gently pressing their lips against hers.
When they pulled away, S/O seemed worried that they had offended her given that she didn't even blink.
(Scarecrow) "I sense an increase in your heartrate, as well as your mouth creasing into a frown. You did not make me mad. I simply lack the facial systems to portray any emotion."
(S/O) "Ah...right. I honestly forgot about that."
(Scarecrow) "You forgot I was a T-Doll?"
(S/O) "...Y-Yes."
Scarecrow's eyes focused on S/O before turning away, her hand hesitating for a moment as it wrapped around their hand..
Was she...flustered?
(Scarecrow) "It is foolish of you to forget that fact so easily."
She didn't know how to feel being mistaken for a human, considering the fact she couldn't even emote.
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Architect was practically bouncing up and down with energy as she snuggled up into S/O.
She was busy telling them about her very explosive day, before she felt S/O's weight lean into her head.
And she felt their lips on her forehead. That enough got her to stop her completely, and almost short circuit something in her digimind.
She turned towards S/O with a smile that was growing bigger than ever.
(Architect) "That...That felt really nice! How did you do it? Like this?"
Without warning, she almost slammed her head into S/O, crashing her lips with energy matching her enthusiasm, giving a cheeky smile.
(Architect) "That's called a...H-Hang on I got it...um..."
(S/O) "Hah, a 'kiss', Architect."
(Architect) "HEY! I said I had it!"
She began pouting as S/O laughed at her cute reaction.
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Gager's thoughts completely halted upon feeling S/O's lips upon hers, her hand quickly reaching for her own lips.
(Gager) "I...T-That...Why did you...?"
S/O simply smiled in response, making her sigh.
Gager could handle the battlefield no problem as an elite T-Doll.
But this field of expertise was beyond her understanding.
Let alone trying to gather the reason a human was even infatuated with her in this way.
(Gager) "I cannot process why you feel the need to kiss a T-Doll..."
(S/O) "How about kissing someone I love?"
Gager's eyes widened at that, failing to produce any other sound other than more stutters.
Her shoulders slumped, instead just smiling in response, albeit bashfully.
(Gager) "I...promise in the future I will be more reciproactive to your affection.
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Hunter is momentarily stunned when S/O suddenly leans into her lips and gives it a kiss.
She quickly backs off, before realizing it looked like she hated the feeling.
(Hunter) "A-Ah, sorry. Next time just warn me, I was just unprepared for it."
Hunter relaxes and smiles back at S/O, chuckling.
(Hunter) "Though, the hunter should prepared for its prey at any time, wouldn't you agree?"
Her bravado is quickly demolished the moment she feels S/O's hands on her rapidly warming cheek.
(Hunter) "A-Alright, now hold on! Now you're just getting greedy!"
...Wait, her frame could blush?
Since when?!
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I have returned to the best blog on Tumblr. Can I get some raifus of your choice with a pure ray of sunshine S/O who is just a "medic" (mechanic)
PS: youre the reason I got into girlsfrontline thank you.
(GFL) Scarecrow, Gager, M4A1, M16A1, WA2000, G11, HK416, Angelia, AK-15, and RPK-16 with a loving S/O
Welcome back, and thanks for the kind words! Also, welcome to the Frontline. Enjoy your raifus and depression.
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Scarecrow is eternally confused by S/O's behavior.
They always seemed so happy, especially around her.
Considering she was a combat android, there should be no reason S/O should be excited enough to hug her upon her return.
(S/O) "Thank goodness you're okay! I heard the Logistics mission got dicey! Here, let's get you back to the repair bay and I can-"
Scarecrow gently shoves S/O off, her eyes simply staring at S/O unblinking while her monotone voice was muffled by the mask.
(Scarecrow) "It is nothing to be concerned about S/O."
S/O cutely pouted, the only change in Scarecrow's expression was her irises focusing on their mouth.
(S/O) "I'll always be concerned for you, Scarecrow!"
The empathy module that Griffin and the Assimilation Protocol installed in her makes the info S/O gives with their affection go absolutely haywire.
And it wasn't their tinkering on her limbs that made that happen, either.
Their smile makes her feel things she has no words or any prior experience to compare it to.
It was honestly frustrating. But, this was far more care than anyone had ever given her, besides the Commander.
(Scarecrow) "I will never understand human attraction towards objects that aren't alive."
S/O's smile bounced her harsh words off.
(S/O) "I think the fact I can annoy you like this means you are alive, Scarecrow!"
If Scarecrow could sigh, she would.
But then again...Their personality wasn't entirely insufferable.
The care S/O put in repairing her delicate systems was certainly a plus as well.
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Gager almost leans back in surprise as S/O almost leapt onto her, smiling so widely at her return.
(S/O) "Welcome back!"
(Gager) "...T-Thank you, S/O."
Their smile vanishes just as quickly as it appeared when they notice some of the damage on her chassis.
(S/O) "You're hurt! Let's get you to the repair bay and get that fixed ASAP!"
S/O grabs Gager's hand and gently tugs it, letting them drag her along.
Truth be told, if she wanted to, she could just refuse to budge and S/O couldn't do a single thing to stop her.
But Gager was just so shocked by S/O's affection that she forgot.
She's grateful to S/O for always being the one to repair her, despite the fact she had been a former enemy.
And for that same reason, their love was almost an enigma to her.
(Gager) "S/O, if there's anything I can do for you, please let me know."
(S/O) "Hm...How about staying as yourself? Does that work?"
Gager's eyes widen in surprise as she feels her digimind failing to come up with a response.
(Gager) "Uh...Y-Yes, that...works." ahem
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M4 lovingly returns the embrace that S/O gives her, being careful to not let her equipment get in the way.
(M4A1) "Hello, S/O. I see you've missed me."
(S/O) "Who wouldn't miss your beautiful smile?"
A giggle escapes her lips as she walks alongside S/O, limping slightly due to the damages suffered from the operation.
(S/O) "I see your leg got hit. How bad is it?"
(M4A1) "Ah...I-It's not great, to be honest."
(S/O) "Don't worry, I can carry you to my station and-"
S/O immediately moves to carry her bridal style-
...Only to struggle even lifting her to begin with, making M4 now laugh.
(M4A1) "Appreciated dear, but I can still walk."
(S/O) "...P-Please don't mention that to anyone."
The palm of her hand rubs against their cheek lovingly, closing her eyes as she smiled, and then continuing her walk back to the repair bay.
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(M16A1) "S/O, I'm hurt!"
M16 counts the seconds as S/O rushes to her side, struggling to contain a snicker at their expression.
(S/O) "SIXTEE-...You...!"
(M16A1) "New record, that was six seconds!"
M16 gives them a cheeky grin as she sees their pout, lovingly wrapping an arm around their neck.
(S/O) "Come on, that's not funny!"
(M16A1) "Sorry, sorry. I can't resist. It's just so cute to see your face, y'know?"
They averted their gaze, trying to remain angry. Only to fail as their cheeks became crimson at her compliment.
(M16A1) "But hey, if it's any consolation I mean it this time. My arm's got a bit dinged up in the field-"
S/O immediately grabbed her hand and realized it was facing the complete wrong direction.
(S/O) "What in the- You should've just led up with that!"
(M16A1) "Where's the fun in that?"
Before S/O can pout again she gives them a kiss on the nose.
(M16A1) "I know you love me, S/O!"
(S/O) sigh "I do, Sixteen. And for that reason, you're not drinking tonight so your diagnostics can run smoothly!"
(M16A1) "...I take it back, you hate me."
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WA's tsundere reactions seem to melt at seeing S/O's warm smile towards her.
She wants to say how they're always smiling like an idiot, or how they shouldn't be that affectionate with a T-Doll.
Yet whenever S/O gives her such a loving hug, her sentences get caught in her throat.
(S/O) "WA, welcome back! Anything got damaged?"
(WA2000) "...N-No, I'm fine."
(S/O) "Alright, good! I'd offer to tune up your weapon, but I know how you feel about me touching it. See me when you're done, okay?"
(WA2000) "...Idiot. You don't have to say it like that..."
(S/O) "Huh?"
(WA2000) "Nothing." sigh "I don't get how you can always be so bubbly. Isn't that tiring?"
(S/O) "Maybe sometimes, but you're all I need to get me running back up to 100%!...Are you blush-"
(WA2000) "I-I'm not blushing, blockhead! It was just hot as hell out there, that's all..."
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WAY too much energy for G11 to deal with.
She groans as S/O gives her a tight hug, lifting her off the floor.
(S/O) "Welcome back, G11!"
(G11) "Loud..."
S/O chuckles and sets her back down.
(S/O) "Sorry. It's just been such a long time!"
Fighting off a yawn, G11 rubs her eyes as she groggily examines S/O's face.
(G11) "It's not been that long."
(S/O) "It's been two weeks! It probably didn't feel that long because you were asleep!"
G11 didn't even bother fighting back on that point. They were right.
(G11) "After you look at me, I can sleep on your bed right?"
(S/O) "After dinner!"
(G11) "Alright..."
G11 loves her sleep, but obviously S/O loved her more. Maybe she should return that affection.
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416's foul-mouthed and standoffish attitude is completely contrasted by S/O's loving nature.
No matter the insult she throws, they always have that stupid, adorable smile on them.
(S/O) "Ah, you're back!"
(HK416) "Obviously. You better not have been worried about me, I'm not just some run of the mill T-Doll-"
(S/O) "I know, but I still can't help but be relieved everytime I see you!"
416's eyes narrow, seemingly in anger, but the blush creeping up on her cheeks dispel that notion.
(HK416) "...Whatever. Get these damn bullets out of me and quit standing there smiling."
S/O slightly adjusts her hat to be out of the way as they kiss her forehead, making her leap back.
(S/O) "Now I will!"
(HK416) "You little shit...!"
416 pouts and lets S/O take her hand when no one is looking, gripping it tightly.
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Angelia has a smile of her own, seeing S/O waiting for her outside the briefing room.
She lets S/O give her a warm hug, one she returns with an arm on their head, patting it.
(S/O) "Hey, Ange! Briefing over?"
(Angelia) "Mhm. Some more stuff I need to do, but you're welcome to tag along. How's the rest of DEFY?"
(S/O) "All fixed up, as usual."
Angelia nodded and walked back to her quarters, S/O tagging along with their expression seemingly brightened by her mere presence.
It was some kind of miracle for S/O to remain that positive despite the things Griffin has been through.
And she hopes that they never lose that outlook on life.
Her hand seems to tighten around S/O's, making them look at her with a curious face she could pinch.
(S/O) "Ange?"
(Angelia) "Am I not allowed to be as annoyingly affectionate as you are?"
S/O smiles at her teasing, turning their attention back to the hallway.
(S/O) "Hah, fair enough."
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15 barely budges when S/O's arms wrap around her.
(AK-15) "S/O."
She nods at them respectfully, while S/O glances at her body.
(S/O) "...You're hurt!"
(AK-15) "The damage is superficial. No critical systems were compromised, but I will need to be repaired anyways. Thank you for your time, S/O."
(S/O) "Come on, helping someone I love? I'd spend all the time in the world for that."
15 can't help but be a little flustered from their statement, not knowing how to react.
(AK-15) "...I see."
S/O smiled at her confused expression, putting their arm around hers as an invitation. One she accepted after a few moments, and walked down the hall with them, arm in arm.
(AK-15) "...I would like to help you too as well, S/O."
(S/O) "You already do that by protecting me, you know!"
Finally, the corner of 15's lips grew into a smile.
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16 is always intrigued by S/O's bright outlook on life, doubly so by their relationship.
Would any human become this loving towards anything that would reciprocate, or was that solely S/O?
Regardless, it did feel nice to be appreciated in such a way only they could give, so she had no real complaints.
(S/O) "16, I'm glad you're okay!"
(RPK-16) "Hm~. I have to be. Otherwise your smile would quickly, like a flame in the wind."
(S/O) "...H-Hah, right..."
Even after all their time together, her strange metaphors never failed to make S/O's brain halt.
She laughed at their reaction and gently put a hand on their shoulder.
(RPK-16) "Surely you would be used to these kinds of statements from me by now?"
(S/O) "Hah, well not everyone's as strange as you, 16...E-Er, wait! No I didn't mean-"
16 laughed again, gently dragging along S/O.
(RPK-16) "And I thought I would be used to your reactions, but I'm glad I'm not either."
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OMG Sangvis! Ok ok!
The four Sangvis dolls getting protective over their S/O
(GFL) Scarecrow, Architect, Gager, and Hunter being protective of their S/O
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Scarecrow's eyes do not move, but her arms sure do.
She gently grabs S/O's arms and drags them closer to her, as her floating guns suddenly dash over to their side, aiming at whoever they're speaking to.
(Scarecrow) "What business do you have with S/O? They are on important business."
If it's a Griffin T-Doll they're speaking to, she just quietly walks over to their side, not saying anything, nor does she make any indication that she's getting protective.
Only that she's a lot closer to them normal.
(Scarecrow) "Am I not allowed to be close to you, S/O?"
(S/O) "N-No, that's not it but-"
(Scarecrow) "I detect a rise in heat on your cheeks. You are clearly embarrassed from me doing so."
S/O swears that her irises seem to shrink the slightest amount...Was she getting angry?!
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Architect starts pouting as she latches onto S/O's arms very openly.
She doesn't possess any kind of animosity towards humanity or Griffin's T-Dolls.
BUT that does not mean she'll let just anyone speak to her S/O!
(Architect) "HEY! You're not flirting with them are you?! I'LL BLOW YOU UP, DON'T TEST ME!"
(S/O) "A-Architect!"
She pulls out a rocket launcher that quickly unfolds itself to the massive cannon, aiming at whoever it is.
Of course she won't actually fire. It's mostly to impress S/O in that she's ready to fight for them.
But depending on how angry she it is, she might actually use it.
And before she can, she is bonked over the head by the Commander for misconduct.
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Gager tries to be as professional as she can, but her superiority complex over the Griffin T-Dolls still remains.
She'll cross her arms and glare at S/O until the other party backs off, or S/O notices.
Gager honestly has no idea what's getting into her, and it makes her sigh.
(Gager) "Sorry, I shouldn't be feeling this way...Actually, I shouldn't be feeling anything like this at all."
(S/O) "It's...kinda cute, honestly!"
Her eyes squint at S/O, and she starts unintentionally pouting.
(Gager) "Jealousy is not cute."
(S/O) "You're making it so!"
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Hunter boldly walks over to S/O and stands close to them, not really giving a damn about the other person's reaction to her presence.
As long as they know S/O is hers, then the message should get across.
(Hunter) "Getting a bit handsy aren't you? Interesting behavior from prey."
(S/O) "P-Prey?! Hey, calm down, Hunter!"
Hunter has one arm snake around her S/O's waist, glaring at the other T-Doll speaking to them.
Doubly so if it's another Sangvis Doll.
(Hunter) "Hands off."
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